Gay Erotic Stories

Dorm Shower

by Bruce555

I was 18 and living in the dorm on campus--as was required of all freshmen. I’d left home, my parents and the Midwest to go west--Los Angeles--not so much for the school, but for the promise of all it offered. High on my list of priorities was sleeping with as many men as I could without having to worry about being home by a certain time and/or accountable for my whereabouts. I’d quickly found he gay district, West Hollywood, and had been going to the clubs, with the help of a fake I.D., every weekend. This one Saturday night, I’d returned to campus, much to the surprise of my roommate and his girlfriend, (who were not used to me being there on the weekend) who were in the process of screwing when I walked into the room. While I let them get it together, (i.e. get her out of the room), I went down the hall to take a shower. Like most dorms, I guess, there was a gang shower, which I liked because I could check out what everybody else had going on. It also happened to be rush night for the Frats and must have just been winding down--it was about 2:30 in the morning--because there was a lot of activity around the sinks and lockers.

I was the only one though when I stepped into the shower, which was fine with me. I was a little disappointed that I hadn’t picked anybody up at the bars and just wanted to go to sleep--mostly to piss my roommate off. Then Gus came into the shower. Gus belonged to the most popular fraternity on campus. He was very good looking, blonde, blue, muscled, tall, and tan, and had a reputation for being a real ladies’ man. He liked the inexperienced freshman girls. I’d heard stories from some of his dates that he would tell them that if they didn’t let him fuck them, he would spread awful rumors about them on campus. Of course most of them complied whether they wanted to or not.

So, I was minding my own business soaping myself down when Gus, out of the 15 or so showerheads, took the one next to mine. Because of his reputation, I didn’t think anything of it. I just said, ‘hi’, asked how his night had been. He responded likewise. Then he touched my shoulder. A bit startled, I turned and our eyes locked. “May I use your soap? I forgot mine,” he said in a very low tone. “Oh, uh…of course,” I responded. When I handed him the soap, his fingers touched my hand just a little too long and gently not to have had an alternate meaning. I wasn’t sure and, not wanting to embarrass myself, ignored it. After a minute or so, he asked to borrow my shampoo and when I turned to give it to him, he looked down at his raging hard on and then back into my eyes. Not knowing what to do and thinking that perhaps this was a frat prank on the gay guy (me), I rinsed off and left the showers.

He returned my soap to me at my locker and said, “Why are you being such a dick about this?” As there were lots of other people around, I just said, “Not here”. He looked at me and walked out. I shut my locker and left the bathroom. As I knew he would be, he was standing in his robe just outside his bedroom door down the hall. Knowing that he had a private room, as seniors did, I walked over to him and without a word followed him into his room.

We both stood in the middle of the room staring into each other’s eyes, saying nothing, as we let the fronts of or robes hang open so our two hard cocks sprung up and touched each other. I reached down, held the two of them together and began messaging them slowly. Our cocks were almost identical. Guy smiled and said, ‘suck it’. I dropped down to my knees and began to work on his cock. I was able to take most of it in my mouth, moving back and forth quickly at first and then slowing down so I could do some more expert tongue work on the head and under shaft. He roughly held the back of my head and shoved his cock all the way in my mouth until I almost gagged repeatedly all the while moaning and telling me to eat his dick. I could feel his cock filling with more and more blood, the skin so tight it could burst and I knew he was close. But I had decided to play with him a little more. I had figured out this guy’s game, roughly screwing inexperienced freshman girls and then ignoring them, and wanted to give him an experience he would remember. I stood up and directed him to the bed, placed him in the middle on his back, his head propped up on pillows so he could get a good view of the scene. I had to admit; he was gorgeous laying there, legs spread with his deep purple 7” cock sticking straight up. I got into bed kneeling over him. When I moved to kiss him, he said, “ I don’t kiss guys.” So I moved down to his neck. He was a bit uncomfortable with that until the sensations got the better of him. Slowly, thoroughly and roughly I moved down his torso, licking, sucking and lightly biting his armpits, nipples and stomach. He was moaning and would let out a gasp of breath every time I nipped at a sensitive patch of skin, which I did a lot of. Slowly and methodically I worked my way down from his neck to the inner parts of his thigh and behind his knees and then I repeated the whole process. He kept saying, “suck it, suck it”, between moans and heavy breathing, but I avoided his rock hard cock with each amorous pass. On my third trip down his body, I stopped and worked on the head and shaft of his cock until he was about ready to explode, his hands pulling my head down on his cock until my nose smashed against his pubic hair. I quickly pulled away against his will. “Come on man, take my cum in your mouth. Don’t be like one of those little girls. Bring me off!” he protested.

“I will”, I told him; “There is no hurry”. I went to work on his balls. He had a great pair of fleshy, large low hanging balls that I sucked and rolled around in my mouth individually and gently at first, just to get him used to me being down there. When he started moaning, I took both of them in my mouth, (barely), and roughly tongued and sucked them, his breathing and short gasps letting me know he liked the rough play. Since we were both just out of the shower, I moved down and jabbed my tongue into his anus. “What the fu…” He said as his eyes shot open and his head jerked up. I didn’t look up, just gripped his thighs to my shoulders and began slowly rimming him. “Oh God, I never…”, he said as he relaxed and allowed me to spread his legs wider. I rimmed him, rolling my tongue around his anus, inner buttocks, the base of his balls, nipping here and there and shoving my tongue in an out of his ass, for a long time, until I knew he was good and relaxed.

During this time I’d managed to open a tube of tanning oil that was on the floor and had generously greased my own cock. His writhing and moaning had made me rock hard. I moved forward until I was looking down on him, his eyes still closed, his mouth open and his legs still on my shoulders and slid the head of my cock just inside his asshole. His eyes immediately opened and his hands gripped my shoulders. “What the fuck are you doing? You can’t fuck me. Get your cock out!”, he said.

As he tried to push me away, I leaned forward and shoved the full length of my cock up his ass. He cried out in pain and shock. “Shhhh…” I said. “You don’t want everyone else in the dorm to know what we’re doing, do you? Just relax!” After an uncertain moment on his part, he did. I began slowly moving in and out of him, savoring the smooth, hot feeling of his tight virgin ass moving along the length of my shaft. Slowly he relaxed. His face, which at first had born a look of shock, disbelief and discomfort gradually, took on a look of hesitant pleasure as he once again began murmuring and deeply breathing.

While I was thrusting into him, I looked down and wondered what it would feel like to be fucked by a cock that so closely resembled my own. I withdrew, I think to his relief, pushed his legs off my shoulders, straddled him and lubed his cock with the tanning oil. “Would it make you feel better if you fucked me?”,I asked him.

“Yeah. Let me fuck you man,” he said. I positioned his cock head against my ass and slid down on it. “Oh yeah, fuck it!”, he said, “Fuck it!”. I rode his cock hard, loving the feeling of the hard shaft plowing away in my hole, my ass rising until the tip of his cock was almost out and then slamming down until my balls smashed against his.

“This is a lot better than those sloppy, loose pussies you are used to, isn’t it?” I said as I slid up and down his cock and pinched his nipples.

“Oh God yes--yes!” he said. We were both gasping and could not hold back any longer. I could feel the shaft of his cock begin to twitch as he cried out, “I’m Cumming”. It was too much for me and I shot all over his stomach and chest. “Jesus, I can feel you coming”, he said as he grabbed my waist plowed his cock in up to the hilt and shot a huge load of cum up my ass. After I’d used his bath towel to wipe the oil off of me and clean up the cum that was dripping out of my ass, I left him sitting on the bed, his mouth open and with a very uncomprehending look on his face. “If you ever need to borrow anything else…”, I said, but stopped in mid sentence. He wasn’t in the receiving mood anymore. I shut the door behind me.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Bruce555

Dorm Shower

I was 18 and living in the dorm on campus--as was required of all freshmen. I’d left home, my parents and the Midwest to go west--Los Angeles--not so much for the school, but for the promise of all it offered. High on my list of priorities was sleeping with as many men as I could without having to worry about being home by a certain time and/or accountable for my whereabouts. I’d quickly found he


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