Gay Erotic Stories

Sistine Chapel Fuck

by MascMM4u

In August of 2002, my wife and I had taken two a two-week vacation in Italy, visiting three main cities, Rome, Florence and Venice. While we were in Rome, I had an experience I will never forget.

We had left the kids at my best friends’ house. He also has two teenage boys of the same age and my wife and I were having a vacation to ourselves, so he was glad to take them.

Our first stop was Rome and my wife had every day planned out to what we would be doing up to the minute. There was no time to linger anywhere since we were on a “schedule”.

On our third day in Rome, we visited the Vatican, Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel.

The line into the Sistine Chapel was long and it really irked my wife that it was putting us off schedule to wait the estimated hour to enter and see the art, frescoes and especially Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Chapel.

The time went by slow as my wife read her guidebooks and I busied myself with people watching. There were quite a variety of people in the line that doubled back upon itself several times. People of all nationalities were represented and I got to listen to all different languages. Most of the tourists were old and not particularly interesting, but as I was scanning the crowd and listening to the voices, one stuck out among the masses. It was a deep base voice with a Jamaican accent.

My eyes searched the nearby crowd until they finally came to rest on the speaker. My mouth literally dropped open when I saw him, he was so stunning. He must have been six feet seven inches tall and built like a muscular gladiator. His head was shaved and had a soul patch, which came to a point on his chin. He was wearing a white tank top, which helped to further accentuate his deep, dark skin and muscular body. His wide chest tapered down to a very narrow waist where the white tank top was tucked into a pair of khaki walking shorts. He was wearing a wedding ring on his left ring finger and talking to a very beautiful white woman, whom I guessed was his wife.

Now at least my stand in line would be more interesting since I had something to look at. My wife continued to pour over her travel books and I took advantage of the dark sunglasses I was wearing to stare at this black god.

The line wound back and forth and I was looking forward to the next turn since we would get to pass him and I could see him up closer. As we got near where he and his wife were still talking I got a much better look at him. His steps clearly showed a huge snake of a cock tucked firmly down his left pant leg every time he brought that leg forward. His huge quads pushed that big cock up against the fabric of his shorts showing me a clear outline of at least seven or eight inches of flaccid dick.

As we got almost even with them, he looked directly at me. I didn’t think he could see me staring at him and looking his big dick up and down behind my dark sunglasses, but it suddenly made me feel like he could. I glanced back up to his eyes, and it seemed he did know where I had been looking, by the smirk on his face. I just shrugged my shoulders at him and gave him a smile and much to my surprise he flashed me a beautiful smile full of even, blinding-white teeth.

After he stunned me with his smile he shocked me even more by obviously glancing down at my crotch, which by the way, had gotten semi-hard by looking at his huge slab of black meat hidden in his shorts.

The line moved on and we passed each other still grinning and smiling.

We zigged and zagged back and forth getting closer to the entrance and three more times we came face to face, with the same little game going on – crotch staring, smiling and then passing each other again.

Finally we reached the entrance and my wife and I paid and went in. She was in a hurry and wanted to breeze past the sculptures, paintings and other art and head straight into the Chapel. I wanted to hang out and wait for the black god to enter the museum first before we moved on, so I pretended interest in a particular piece of art near the restroom.

After about 10 minutes the Jamaican guy and his wife came in, while my wife was standing beside me tapping her foot. When the other couple got near us I told my wife I needed to use the restroom before I we went into the Chapel. I hoped the guy had overheard me and would come in and join me, and maybe there would be a place for me to suck his big black dick.

Inside, the restrooms were not built for guy-sex, as there was only one stall and it was occupied. I opted for standing at the middle of three urinals so if he came in he would have to stand next to me. I was wearing a tee shirt and walking shorts with an elastic waistband, so I just pulled my shorts down and flopped out my half hard dick and let it get some air. I also had a sweatshirt wrapped around my waist since we had left early in the morning to start our site seeing and it was still a little chilly when we left.

A minute passed and I thought to myself that he wasn’t coming in and I had probably better get back out there since my wife was no doubt getting more pissed at me. Just then the door opened and in walked my black, Jamaican god. He glanced over at the occupied stall and frowned for a second before coming over to the urinal to my right and standing beside me.

He slowly unzipped his zipper, but didn’t unbutton the top button of his shorts. He reached into his shorts and it was obvious he wasn’t wearing any underwear. He fished around for a while before he got a hold of everything he wanted to pull out, which ended up making my mouth water and my ass twitch at the sight of it.

The cock he pulled out of his shorts was still mostly soft but must have been eight inches long and almost as thick as my wrist, with a thick foreskin covering the head. His balls, which he had also flopped out, looked as big as two lemons.

I moaned softly as my dick shot to full hardness. I have a big dick but his soft dick dwarfed my hard one. He looked me in the eyes and gave me that beautiful white smile again and I was mesmerized by him. He looked back down to his own dick, which made me look down at it also. He peeled back the foreskin and a huge stream of yellow piss came flooding out of the end of his cock splashing the white porcelain of the urinal.

I almost shot my load just watching his huge, black dick piss. After what seemed an eternity the stream of hot piss slowed to a trickle and he jerked the foreskin over the head several times to drain out the last drops.

I was literally drooling.

He looked back up into my eyes, smiled that smile again then started to slowly work the head of his cock with his foreskin. His cock started growing and thickening even more than I thought was humanly possible.

As I watched this I just had to lean down and taste it or I was going to go crazy.

I bent down over his dick as he pulled on that fleshy foreskin and breathed hot breath on his dick head as he uncovered it on one of the strokes. With is left hand he gently pushed my head down onto his cock as my mouth opened to engulf it.

His black fuck stick was so big I had to open my mouth and jaws as far as they would extend to take it even half way inside.

I started to build up a rhythm getting about half way down his dick with each stroke when his hand left the back of my head and he flipped my sweatshirt up off my ass where it was hanging down and stuck his hand down the back of my shorts.

I was so turned on I was about to pass out from the excitement of having this black, Jamaican stud pumping my face with his bat-sized cock and feeling my ass. His middle finger had just found my hole and was working its way inside when the guy in the stall, whom I had forgotten about until now, started rolling out some toilet paper from a squeaky dispenser.

That brought us both back to reality and he pulled his hand out of the back of my shorts and lifted my head off his huge, black cock. He pulled my head up to his face right as the guy flushed the toilet and kissed me quickly on the mouth. Then he stuffed his pecker back into his shorts and zipped back up, walking out the door.

I stood at the urinal in shock of what had just happened. I was amazed I had gotten so carried away that I had forgotten about the guy in the stall.

As I stood there in my stupor, the guy came out of the stall and I zipped up my pants and went over to the sink. He was an old guy with hearing aids in both ears and I could tell he didn’t even hear anything that had gone on, and for that I was relieved.

I finished washing my hands and went out to join my quite angry wife, who grabbed me by the hand and led me into the Sistine Chapel.

They let exactly 500 people into the Chapel at one time. You can stay as long as you want, but as people exit they let more people inside. It’s dark in the Chapel with the only lights coming from high above to softly show Michelangelo’s work. There is no photography and no speaking in the Chapel. It’s not huge and 500 people are basically all pressing up against one another while they all have their heads tilted upwards staring in wonder at what was painted so many years ago.

I was still so focused on the fact that I had been so close to tasting the black stallion’s cum, that I didn’t even see any of the work ole’ Mike had done on the ceilings. My wife led me over to an area that was just as crowded as the rest, with people pressing up against us on all sides. It was like riding a wave since the people were so tightly packed in there – you didn’t have to actually move the crowd moved you.

She managed to get us off to one side so we wouldn’t be taken out the exit with the flow heading that way. She stood me near a corner and whispered in my ear she was going to sit on a bench a few feet away against the wall near us so she could look up better. She said if she lost me she would meet me at the exit in 15 minutes. Someone shushed her. I think there were people hired just to say, “Shhhhhh” Since it was repeated every time someone talked.

As soon as she stepped away to sit down I lost her in the crowd of people.

Trying to take my mind (and cock and asshole) off the memory of the black guy with possibly the biggest cock I had ever touched, I looked up to the ceiling above to take in the work of Michelangelo.

As I was looking at the different scenes he had painted someone bumped my ass from behind. I didn’t pay too much attention to it since I was basically getting bumped from all sides anyway as the throng of people pressed to move toward the exit or get against a wall to stare upwards.

The bump came again on my ass and this time it felt like it was a hard cock, but I thought to myself I must have been imagining it since I was still reeling from the encounter I had in the bathroom.

The bump came a third time and I knew that it was definitely a hard dick bumping up against me. I leaned back a little bit and a deep Jamaican voice whispered in my ear, “Found you, mon.” Which of course resulted in a “Shhhhhh” from somewhere in the darkness, but I didn’t care.

In the darkness he reached around me and pulled me back into him. He lifted the sweatshirt tied at my waist up off my ass and pressed his dick up against the fabric of my shorts. He had already taken it out of his fly. He hooked his fingers under the waistband of my shorts and tugged them down in the back.

His hot breath was on my neck as I felt his huge, uncut cock head press up against my ass cheeks parting them like Moses parting the sea. When the tip hit my asshole I shivered and my knees buckled, but he had an arm around me just below my chest holding me up.

His other hand moved up and clamped tight over my mouth as his hips pushed forward and he pulled back with the arm around me. As his cock ripped through me I felt like fire was pushing into me instead of his big, black horse cock. I wanted to scream, but his hand over my mouth prevented it.

He pushed in all the way in until I felt his enormous nuts press against my ass. He withdrew all the way and pressed in again, slow and deliberate, making my legs turn to water. He pulled all the way out again and pressed his black, uncut ass-splitter into the hilt and began to shake.

All it took was those three strokes and his orgasm shot into me like someone had shoved a shotgun up my ass and pulled the trigger. He stood there, holding me, with that black bat up my ass shaking as his load filled my ass up.

When his cock stopped throbbing out jism in my butt, he gently kissed my neck and pulled out. After he left me I felt so empty, like I would never have enough to fill me like that again. He pulled up my shorts in the back and flipped my sweatshirt back down and released me. I almost fell, but the people all around me held me up.

I turned to get a look at him, possibly thank him for one of the most exciting fucks of my life, but he was gone.

I found the wall nearby and leaned up against it to catch my breath. I could still feel all that Jamaican sperm swirling around in my asshole and realized that the front of my shorts were also wet where I must have cum when he was fucking me those three, glorious strokes.

I adjusted the front arms of my sweatshirt so they tied and hung down to cover my mess and slowly made my way toward the exit to meet my wife.

This story is true. If you wish to make comments or contact me, email me at


2 Gay Erotic Stories from MascMM4u

Reggie, Part 3: Labor Day Weekend - Saturday

I awoke Saturday morning to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom attached to the master bedroom. “Shit,” I thought to myself, “Reggie woke up before I did!” I rolled over onto the side of the bed where Reggie had slept and turned onto my stomach. My morning piss hardon was pressing into the soft sheets as I inhaled the traces of Reggie’s manly scent, where he had recently vacated

Sistine Chapel Fuck

In August of 2002, my wife and I had taken two a two-week vacation in Italy, visiting three main cities, Rome, Florence and Venice. While we were in Rome, I had an experience I will never forget.We had left the kids at my best friends’ house. He also has two teenage boys of the same age and my wife and I were having a vacation to ourselves, so he was glad to take them. Our first stop was


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