Gay Erotic Stories

Penis Man vs. Silverrod

by Cole1

Still weakened from the Twelfth Trial, I was relaxing in town enjoying a drink at the local pub when it hit. It was a strange feeling, as if an earthquake. Glasses shook, their contents vibrating. "So much for taking time for being mortal," I laughed to myself as I moved quickly to the exit to see what was wrong. I was disappointed at just how short a time I was able to pretend to be like everyone else - and not the mighty manly hero - Penis Man.

I heard a loud clap - louder than thunder - that shook the very foundation of the building. I looked from the window in the observation lounge and realized - to my horror - that a giant metal man - a robot perhaps - was standing at least 50 feet tall - tearing through town, knocking back skyscrapers and crushing whatever lay beneath his feet.

No rest for the weary - I thought to myself as I raced to the roof of the building, stripping off the clothes from my chiseled frame as I went. Emerging on the roof - my mighty manhood now stood fully erect. As I put on the Magical Belt and Ring - speaking the ancient phrase - I invoked the powers of Cosmic Manhood - growing to 50 feet tall becoming Penis Man - ready to battle the fiend as I stood squarely in the path of destruction.

"So we meet at last Penis Man… I've waited for this day for a long time - and for my revenge against those accursed Guardians of Manhood. Since the day they tried to deactivate me I swore revenge. Now I will show them - and YOU - the folly of their decision and that I am superior in EVERY way."

"Well you certainly can TALK more than me. Do you ever shut up… whoever you are?" I said taunting.

"I am called Silverrod - and my cybernetic cock is more than a match for your puny penis!" he said defiantly.

"We shall see," I scoffed. Who did the fool think he was? How dare he challenge me - the Master of Manhood. I was still feeling a little weak from my final trial - but still knew I could defeat this joker. I felt the cosmic power flowing in my mighty member, my body now glowing with manly power.

I moved cautiously toward the behemoth when he suddenly charged my position. Quickly I moved, engaging him, our hands interlocked now. I strained hard - sinew and muscle versus gear and pulley - my mighty chest heaving as I tried to push back my foe. I took flight - carrying Silverrod in tow, so as to move our battle away from the city - and its people.

Paying more attention to my flight than my foe - Silverrod took advantage as I felt my hands move through thin air - as he phase-shifted. Taking advantage of my confusion, he rephrased behind me - locking me into a full nelson, my body exposed and vulnerable as he forced me down hard to the canyon below- driving me deep into the ground - my steely shaft digging hard into the rocky soil as he towed my body across the canyon floor - digging a trench with my studmuscle.

Desperate now I managed to flip over - tossing Silverrod across the canyon and crashing into the canyon wall. As I stood slowly, I brushed debris from my well-muscled body, stroking my mighty cock, removing sediment from the slit.

Realizing Silverrod was badly shaken now, I took the opportunity to make my move. With lightning speed I flew to the Metal Monster, pummeling him, tossing his metal frame back and forth hard against the canyon walls, pounding his head into the rock.

"You…you…it can't…no…" Silverrod's cold red eyes flickered, as his power seemed to drain from him. I taunted him now confident in victory, "Fool - you dared challenge the might of Penis Man - now I will strip you of any semblance of manhood - piece by piece until you are nothing more than a heap of scrap metal." Standing before my beaten foe, I wondered where to begin my assault and then it hit - realizing his metallic chest was in fact bigger than my own chiseled form - I decided to relieve him of his armored pecs.

With that I summoned all my might - and applied a super pec claw - crushing the metal plates that made up his pecs - taunting as his hollow eyes looked down at my hands disassembling him - his own arms too damaged to fight back.

I ripped open his chest from the center - my own powerful pecs stretched taut from the effort as my arms extended outward. Just as the armor broke loose… UNGHHHHH…Wwwhhhhhaaaaaaaatttt… I moaned as some sort of unexpected defense mechanism engaged - and a strange mist sprayed out onto my rock hard man nips.

I felt my strength begin to leave me as my arms fell limp; I staggered back as Silverrod seemed to regain some of his powers. I tried to pull back only to have him grasp my arms - and again pull them hard upward - tensing my pecs as he sprayed my man nips again. "What's wrong Penis Man? Can't handle a little synthetic hormone?" As I stood helpless, he taunted, a horrid laugh as he sprayed again - now alternating with kneading my rocky nips causing me to moan in a mixture of pleasure and pain.



6 Gay Erotic Stories from Cole1

Penis Man Meets His Match

After dismantling Silverrod I was able to access his data banks to learn of his master, and his plans. I’d never heard of this villain called “Mightor” nor his planet – but knew that I must take the fight to him if I – and the earth – were to have piece. Summoning the Guardians, I used their power to transport to planet Mordru. A cold and desolate place, I set to work seeking the vile fiend

Penis Man meets his Match, Part 2

I don’t need my cum weapon to destroy the likes of you – I shout defiantly as I charge at my foe’s position, cautiously at first. As I moved ever closer, Mightor waved his arms, and a barrage of boulders hurled toward me. Laughing, I swatted them from the sky with firsts and chops, knocking each to the ground. Is that all you’ve got I taunted again, as I leapt to take flight – when in an

Penis Man vs. Silverrod

Still weakened from the Twelfth Trial, I was relaxing in town enjoying a drink at the local pub when it hit. It was a strange feeling, as if an earthquake. Glasses shook, their contents vibrating. "So much for taking time for being mortal," I laughed to myself as I moved quickly to the exit to see what was wrong. I was disappointed at just how short a time I was able to pretend to be like

Penis Man vs. Silverrod, Part 2

Fuuckkkkkkkkk! I moaned as my body bucked wildly, my rock hard nips softening as he continued to spray the vile fluids on them, working them deep into my flesh, now using his metal man nips as drill bits, my arms still bound. No villain had ever focused so much attention on my nipples, and so I was somewhat unprepared for the level of exhilaration his attention brought to my manly frame.

Penis Man vs. Silverrod, Part 3

I reached the Fortress of Manhood just in time, as I felt my strange power surge leaving my body. I landed, weak from the strain, entering my sanctuary. As I walked wearily down the long dark hallway toward my chambers, I couldn’t help but be worried about my next encounter with Silverrod and his mechanical manhood. He had managed to defeat me rather easily – no foe had ever focused so much

Penis Man vs. Silverrod, Part 4 (Conclusion)

“Unnngghhhh” I moaned, still groggy and unsure of my surroundings. I must have passed out I thought to myself, with only hazy memories of the battle with Silverrod. But what could have happened… As I tried to move, I heard that same maniacal metallic laugh from the shadows, as I realized my predicament. “Do you like my invention, Penis Man?” Silverrod asked, stroking a finger down the


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