Gay Erotic Stories

Suck Slave Superman, Part10a

by Hector Oppenheimer

The following story is the tenth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright of DC Comics.

Superman Suck Slave, Part 10 (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) As the laughing and joking voices of the five college males faded into the distance, the still erect Man of Steel remained lying on his back and began to rapidly stroke his turgid organ, which was still coated with the ejaculate of the physical education major. As his powerful fist flew and up and down the length of his magnificent penis, the debased Superman moved his free hand to his face, scraped off wads of the congealing semen left by the other males, and transferred the gooey slime to his mouth, where it was swiftly captured by his eagerly lapping tongue. Under such incredible stimulation it wasn't long before the great Kryptonian shaft spewed a generous load of nutsauce onto the abdomen and chest of the prostrate Man of Steel. Moments later, and in complete defiance of the screams of the Superhero's heterosexual psyche, the Superman's fingers dipped into the pool of his own ejaculate and began to transfer the vile substance into his mouth. If was almost as if a semen seeking autopilot had taken control of the fallen Superhero. The semen had to be consumed. Once he finished devouring his own sperm rich goo, the satiated Man of Steel slipped blissfully asleep, and remained that way until he was discovered by interstate waste haulers who had stopped by in order to empty the adult video store's dumpster.

"What the fuck happened to you?" asked one of the haulers as he stared down at the disheveled, cum-encrusted, piss-hard on sprouting male lying on his back with his trousers bunched up at his ankles, and his stained shorts stretched around his muscular thighs . "Hey Stan! Get over here. Check this out," continued the waste hauler as he edged next to Superman's semen matted hair. "You awake?" he asked as he tapped his shoe along the side of Superman's head.

A barely audible groan escaped from the filth-covered hunk.

A few seconds later the still groggy Man of Steel opened his eyes and looked upwards into the puzzled faces of the two waste haulers.

"I think our friend here partied a bit too much at the old video store," chuckled the first hauler as he surveyed the cum-encrusted and exposed male.

"Looks like he's getting ready to party again," interjected Stan as he pointed at Superman's fully erect penis.

"Yeah, well he ain't partying with us," replied the first hauler. "This fag shit turns me off. Look at him! Scum all over the place. What a fucking pig. It gives me the creeps looking at him. He's more disgusting than a dumpster full of shit. Oh man, you are one pathetic sight," be continued staring down with a look of pure revulsion. "Come on, Stan. Get back in the truck and leave this faggot where he is."

While the automatic scooping arm of the waste hauler was emptying the contents of the dumpster into the back of the truck, the confused Superhero, who still lay on his back half naked, sprouting a hard on, struggled to clear his mind. The events that transpired between the moment he knelt on the floor of the video booth and began to eat the congealed semen from the walls and floor, up to the time that he was awakened by the waste haulers; were a series of disjointed images which seemed to blur and mix together. He had flash memories of penises in his mouth; images of a disembodied erection looming out of a hole in the wall; recollections of semen raining down upon him in the dark; and fragments of male voices groaning with pleasure and exhorting him to suck. He also he kept remembering the sound of descending zippers over and over and over again.

While Superman's memories of the events of the evening itself were confused, his memories of earlier the previous day swiftly came into sharp focus. The Man of Steel vividly remembered how Collin had called him an obedient little cocksucker; how his lips, his testicles and even his semen were the property of Luthor; how Lex Luthor was earning huge sums of money by whoring him out to friends and associates; and of how Lex had decided to reward him for his complete submission by allowing him to wander the city unsupervised. The scum covered Man of Steel also remembered the stern warning, "Don't be late, faggot" that Mike had shouted as the muscular, 25 year old, hairy chested bouncer pulled away in the van.

"Oh, no" groaned the cum-grungy Superhero as he suddenly realized that he had missed Mike's 8:30 PM deadline. "I'm dead meat. I fucked up, big time. This was a test. I failed it! They're gonna be pissed. They'll never trust me. Why did I do this? I've got to get back. I've got to apologize. If I come in on my own, maybe they will understand. Maybe they'll give me a second chance," thought the increasingly desperate Kryptonian hunk as he struggled to his feet and steadied himself before flying off at breakneck speed for Luthor's headquarters, oblivious to the fact the his trousers were still wrapped around his ankles and his underwear stretched in between his powerful thighs.

Moments later the profoundly distressed hero to millions was desperately pushing the buzzer located next to the door of the elevator which had carried him to Luthor's underground medical lab where he had been so degraded and violated by Lex's team of doctors. "I hope they're not too upset. I hope I'm not too late," thought the Man of Steel as he continued to anxiously press on the button. "Why won't they answer?"

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity to the distressed Man of Steel, a voice responded from the speaker box above the buzzer. "Ahhhh, our little faggot has come home! How considerate of you," said the voice dripping with sarcasm. "You're in deep shit, bitch!" snarled the voice, which the Man of Steel recognized as belonging to Luthor's sadistic Brazilian physician, Doctor Paulo. "What the fuck happened to you?" asked the darked hair Brazilian member of Luthor's medical team, as he looked at the disheveled Man of Steel through the monitor in the medical facility two floors below. "Yeah, asshole. I can see you. It's called a hidden camera. Damn, you're not only a cocksucking fairy, but a stupid one at that!" declared the sadistic male as he watched the distraught Man of Steel. "Your pants, cocksucker, your pants. Where are your fucking pants? Are you trying to make some fashion statement? Is this the new dress code for faggots? Come on Tinkerbelle. It's a simple question. What happened to your fucking pants" he asked mockingly.

Looking downwards the confused Superhero noticed for the first time that he was not wearing any underwear; his left shoe was missing; and the shredded remnants of his trousers were wrapped around his right shoe. He then realized that he must have forgotten to pull his pants and underwear back on before taking off in a panic for Luthor's headquarters. The shorts must have been ripped in half by his powerful thighs when he leapt upwards. His left shoe was probably lost when his pants were blown off of his body in his hasty flight back. Only the torn, knotted remnants of his trousers, wrapped around his right shoe, had survived the flight.

As the humiliated Man of Steel bent down to untangle the remains of his pants, he was interrupted by the caustic voice of Dr. Paulo. "Just get in the fucking elevator, cocksucker. Leave that shit alone. I want everyone to see you just the way you are. You're a fucking disgrace."

"I said, leave it the fuck alone!" Dr. Paulo yelled as Superman's hand moved towards the torn remnant of his pants. "Get you pansy ass in the elevator! Now!!!!!!!"

Bowing his head in shame, the half naked Man of Steel shuffled meekly into the elevator. The door closed and Superman began his descent into Hell once again.

As the elevator doors closed, the Brazilian physician excitedly activated the intercom into Lex's inner office and blurted out: "I got the flying faggot. He's in the elevator now. Turn on your monitor. You can see him for yourself. You're not going to believe your eyes."

The chaos that had gripped Lex Luthor's inner circle came to an abrupt halt as all eyes turned to the monitor in the corner of the room as it flickered on.

The Luthor organization's intense monitoring of police channels and media around the world, coupled with the intense search by its many informants throughout the city had failed to detect any trace of the Man of Steel. Luthor's vow to "make Superman pay" for disappearing, coupled with Luthor's annoyance at the small show of independence Superman had displayed when dispatched by Luthor on his world wide crusade against Luthor's criminal opponents, had triggered an intense debate within the upper circles of the Luthor organization as to how to deal with the Man of Steel if he was ever back in the custody of Luthor and his henchmen. This debate stopped as Luthor's henchmen stared in disbelief at the color images transmitted by the cameras in the elevator.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Tony, the 22-year-old Hispanic thug whose cock had been the first to ravage Superman's mouth in the basement vault of the New York City skyscraper. "What a mess! What happened to him?"

"What's with the bareassed routine?" asked Lois Lane's vile nephew, the lanky 19-year-old blond hunk, Gunnar.

"Looks like there are cum clusters in his air," observed the hairy chested ex-Navy SEAL who had played such a critical role in addicting the Man of Steel to semen. "What the fuck has he been up to?" Collin asked aloud.

"Enough of this!" snapped Luther, still seething with anger over the entire incident. "Find out what happened to that cocksucker. I want to know where he went; what he did; who he fucked with; and most of important of all, if his true identity was revealed to anyone. If his cover is blown and his dirty secret gets out, he will be useless to us and we will have to kill him. Damn, that asshole!" thundered Luthor as he stomped out of the room. "We'll continue this discussion tomorrow morning, after that fucking faggot has been thoroughly questioned. Dr. Reinhardt, make sure that you and doctors Paulo, Thomas and Naguib, extract the whole story out of that flying faggot. I want the whole truth," snarled Luthor as he slammed the door behind him.

Luthor's chief physician immediately entered a nearby elevator and headed towards Luthor's underground medical facility to join his three colleagues who were already clustered around the humiliated and frightened Man of Steel.

Dr. Reinhardt spoke first. "You know Superman, I was a bit shocked when you offered to fellate me the very first time we met. I had seen lots of those videos of you going down on Lex's friends, but it was still a surprise when you offered to suck me off. You see, I too had been misled by this straight stud myth you've so carefully nurtured over the years. Of course after watching your penis become erect while sucking off Collin, Wu, and Tom in your apartment, and then testing your physiological reactions to men down here in the laboratory, I came to understand how intensely you were driven to submit yourself to other men. The physical evidence is simply irrefutable -- the ultimate erotic act for you is to be on your knees in front of another male slavishly sucking on his cock. Your obsession with fellating men is simply amazing. I've studied, read about and examined hundreds of cocksuckers in my professional career, but none have been as committed and fixated on the act as you. It is almost as if you slip into some kind of delirium once the head of a dick touches your lips. Perhaps it has something to do with your alien physiology. But enough of this discussion about your obsession with the human male reproductive organ and ingesting human male reproductive fluid, it looks like you've deliberately disobeyed Mr. Luthor's explicit orders against unauthorized cocksucking. Mr. Luthor is really upset with you. First he went out of his way to recruit those nine handsome young studs for you to suck off as a way of thanking you for the way in which you carried out that worldwide crusade against his competitors. He didn't have to do that. He just wanted to show how much he appreciated what you did for the organization. Then to show you how much he trusted you, Lex gave you an unsupervised day off on your own as a thank you for the great job you had been doing as the organization's most successful whore," Reinhardt continued as the sullen Superhero winced at the word "whore."

"But, it appears that you abused that trust and had a night of unauthorized homosexual debauchery. Is that anyway to repay Lex for his kindness?"

"I, I, I, I'm sorry," stammered the obviously distressed and profoundly confused Man of Steel as lowered his head and tried to cover his genitals with his hand. "I'm not sure exactly what happened."

"Look at me, you ungrateful, self-centered faggot!" snapped the physician as he glared contemptuously at the disheveled Superhero. "And take your fucking hand away from that pathetic dick of yours. Everyone here's seen that useless thing. I don't even know why you were born with a cock. Talk about a waste! The only time that thing gets hard is when you're sucking some guy off. You should have been born with a cunt! At least then you'd have another hole for real men to use." continued Reinhardt as he stared contemptuously into the face of Luthor's dispirited foe.

"These are useless too, aren't they?" snappedReinhardt as he grabbed Superman's pendulous balls with his left hand while grasping a handful of Superman's hair with is right hand, yanking the Man of Steel's head upwards.

"I said, these are useless! Right faggot?" Reinhardt barked while staring directly into Superman's eyes. "Say it! Say it so that my colleagues can hear it. Look up at that camera" Reinhardt continued pointing to a video camera in the corner of the room, "And tell Mr. Luthor and the rest of the guys. Say it now fagot!"

"They're useless," whispered the broken Superhero.

"I can't hear you, faggot! What did you say?" Reinhardt yelled at the distraught son of Krypton.

"They're useless!" repeated Superman, his eyes welling with tears. "They're useless."

"Why?" Reinhardt demanded. "Why?"

"Because I'm a homosexual,” answered Superman, his voice beginning to break.

"What else?" Reinhardt barked. "What else are you?"

"A faggot; a queer; a pervert; a cocksucker; a whore" sobbed the shattered Man of Steel as his mighty frame shook uncontrollably.

"Whose whore?" snapped Reinhardt. "Who owns you, you miserable cocksucker?"

"Lex! Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor owns me. I am Lex Luthor's whore," moaned the staggeringly powerful yet psychologically shattered Superhero as he fell to his knees in front of the startled group of physicians. "I am Lex Luthor's whore."

"Why were you born?" asked the diabolical physician who immediately recognized the new opportunity that was before him. "Why were you sent to Earth?" he demanded as he looked down on the prostrate Man of Steel.

"I was born to suck cock," blubbered the debased hunk. "I was born to service males. I am nothing more than a cocksucker. I was sent to Earth to submit to the desires of real men; not faggots like myself; but real men. I am not a man. I just didn't understand," continued the disheveled, but still incredibly handsome Kryptonian stud as he was seized with an inexplicable catharsis. "I don't want to suck men's penises; I hate the taste of semen; but I can’t help it. Please forgive me Jorel. This is not what you meant for me; but it is what I am. Please help me," cried the Man of Steel as he flung his arms around the waist of Luthor's malevolent physician and buried his face into the crotch of the astonished doctor. "Please help me."

"Oh cut the fucking histrionics," snapped Reinhardt sarcastically as he broke free and roughly shoved the Man of Steel backwards onto the floor. "I hate it when you screeching queens get all blubbery and weepy. You betrayed a sacred trust and you're going to be punished for it. You've embarrassed and upset your owner. You took his gift of trust and threw it in his face. There aren't many other men in this world that would go to such lengths to protect your filthy little secret. Do you think for one moment that General Azikiwe would have treated you with such kindness if he had been the one who discovered your reprehensible secret? Of course not. By now the whole world would have known that the Man of Steel was nothing more than a despicable flying cum-pig. You are beneath contempt. Lex has gone out of his way to protect you, and this is the gratitude you show. You've dishonored him. You disgust me. Now, you miserable pervert, I want to know what happened to you. Where did you go yesterday? What did you do? Whose cock did you suck?" asked the physician as he looked down upon the Man of Steel with disdain. "Tell me, cocksucker! Now!"

For the next five hours doctorReinhardt and his colleagues listened intently as the most powerful man of Earth knelt naked, except for the shredded remnants of his trousers wrapped around his right shoe, and attempted to reconstruct the events of the past 24 hours, all under the watchful recording eyes of the lab's video cameras. The Man of Steel's memory of precisely what transpired between when he first entered the adult shop and when he woke up next to the dumpster was confused and disjointed, but nothing about the rambling recollection of the events by the formally confident and independent Kryptonian hunk appeared to be fabricated. Even doctor Paulo, the most cynical of Luthor’s henchmen, became a believer that Superman was attempting to tell them the truth, when in a moment of remorse triggered vulnerability, the despondent Superhero began to blurt out the mind boggling details of his forcible fellating of the 30 year old Polish machinist at sea on board of Star of Nyasa; his scuttling of the ship to cover up his crime; and his subsequent oral assault on the brawny, blond haired seaman in the Honolulu motel room.

Even the normally unflappable Dr. Reinhardt was speechless as the Man of Steel sobbingly confessed to his criminal sexual assaults on seaman Pilsudski; his theft from the ship's safe; and his deliberate destruction of a large section of the ship. Superman's interrogators just stood in silence as all of the sordid details of the Star of Nyasa incident poured out of the Man of Steel. They were simply too flabbergasted to speak.

Looking down on the emotionally exhausted and vanquished Superhero, Luthor's insidiously cunning physician finally spoke. "I don't know what to say. I have never met a more underhanded, deceitful ingrate in my life as you. I have never seen an act of betrayal such as the one that you have committed against the man who saved you from public disgrace and humiliation. I can't imagine how you can even live with yourself knowing how contemptuously you treated Lex Luthor's acts of kindness. You sicken me. Your fate is in Lex's hands now. Get him out of my sight," Rheinhardt continued as he turned and started to leave the laboratory.

As the diabolical physician left the room, his smirk unseen by the Man of Steel, the rest of Luthor's team of physicians -- doctors Thomas, Paulo, and Naguib--hauled the unresisting Superhero to his feet; led him over to the examining table; pushed him face up onto the table; clamped hollowed steel bindings around the completely docile Kryptonian hunk's wrists and ankles; and a hollowed steel collar around his neck.

Once doctor Naguib had finished bolting the collar around Superman's neck, he quietly nodded towards one of the surveillance camera. Moments later a small pump located underneath the laboratory floor came to life and began to fill the hollow channels within the bindings and collars with a green colored gel.

"Our flying faggot won't be going anywhere," said Reinhardt as he watched the magnificent body of the Man of Steel twitch, writhe and spasm before going limp as its powers were sapped by the Kryptonite tinged gel that now filled the collar and bindings. "You're fate truly is in the hands of Lex Luthor," Reinhardt observed as he entered the elevator on his way to Luthor's office.

"I knew we couldn't trust that flying faggot," thundered Luthor as he watched the video playback of Superman's interrogation. "The fucking cocksucker thinks he's a free agent. We're all ready to make millions from renting out that cocksucker's lips, and he's out there giving head for free!" bellowed the incredibly angry Luthor. "What an arrogant ingrate! And after all I've done for him. The shit with the seaman on the ship is unbelievable. I've fed that flying cocksucker enough dick to keep the whole fucking city of San Francisco happy for a year, and he still goes out cock hunting on his own? I knew we hadn't driven all the arrogance from that self-righteous bastard. Well, I won't make that mistake again!" Luthor vowed. "Collin, get on the fucking phone to our Hawaiian operatives. I told you to have them look into the Star of Nyasa incident when it happened. Find out why they fucked up. And I want somebody to track down that sailor our flying faggot attacked. Start with those assholes in Hawaii."

"Our little faggot friend is going to pay dearly for his little acts of defiance! We're going to put an end to that cocksucking freak's freelancing once and for all. He's only going to be sucking the cocks we tell him to suck, or else we will have to kill him. I'm sick and tired of that faggot's bullshit. He's either going to submit completely to my will, or die!"

"I want the guys back here at 7 o'clock tonight. "In the meantime tell everyone to hit the sack. We're going to deal with our little faggot's independence streak once and for all. But I want everyone to have a clear head while we decide what to do. Now, if no one has any objection, I'm going to get some sleep," said Luthor as he left the office and headed for a small bedroom in the heart of the facility

All day while Luthor and his chief lieutenants got some much needed sleep, the Man of Steel remained captive in the Kryptonite filled restraints. As the naked, cum-stained hunk lay on his back he was subjected to a seemingly endless torrent of verbal abuse and taunts as lower ranking members of the Luthor organization came to the lab to gloat over and mock their archenemy.

Most of them laughed and ridiculed the now powerless Kryptonian hunk. Several grabbed hold of his exposed cock and balls calling him pussy boy, and faggot. Other's exposed themselves and waved their engorged phalluses in front of his face and asked him if he wanted to suck them off. Even the toughest ones were caught off guard when the psychologically devastated Man of Steel sobbed and mumbled "yes." But not a single cock penetrated the lips of the Man of Steel. Luthor had issued strict orders on that subject, and his men were not about to disobey him.

Many of them who filed past the captive Superhero had been active participants in Luthor's first two oral rapes of the Man of Steel, before they had secretly abdicated him to human semen. They delighted in tormenting the bound hunk by recalling every sordid detail of each time that Superman's lips had been wrapped around their cocks.

"So this is what has become of the great Man of Steel,” laughed Ryan, the 38-year-old off-duty Irish cop on Luthor's payroll who had fed Superman a load of cum during the Man of Steel's gang rape in the cave. "And to think that my kid once had your picture on his wall," chuckled the cop as he stuck his finger inside of the helpless Superhero's mouth. "Bet you wish that was my cock in your mouth, huh faggot? Well, not today cocksucker. I might let you suck me off some other time," said the grinning Irishman as his finger explored Superman's mouth. "You do give one hell of a blowjob. Oh yeah, faggot," continued the smirking cop, "maybe when my kid gets to be a teenager, I'll bring him around and let you suck him off. I think he would get a real kick out of getting his first blowjob by his so-called hero. Can you imagine the look on his face when he watches Superman cop his joint? The Man of Steel swinging on my kid's cock! I can just picture it, but until he's old enough. You'll have to be satisfied with sucking off his old man," laughed the 38-year-old law enforcement hunk as he finally withdrew his finger from Superman's mouth.

And so the tormenting and humiliation continued all throughout the day while Lex and his key henchmen finally caught up on their lost sleep.

The last gang member filed past and abused the exposed and defenseless Superhero at 6:45 PM , only a few minutes before the fateful meeting was scheduled to begin.

As Lex, his top lieutenants and other select members of his organizations looked at a large monitor, the five-hour recording of Superman's interrogation began to play. It was close to one in the morning when the tape finally ended; its normal five hour viewing time extended by numerous requests to re-run segments of the video taped inquisition.

"Alright gentlemen," declared Luthor as the group began to deliberate Superman's fate, "What do we do with the cocksucker? How do we handle this situation?"

The group rapidly divided itself into two separate camps --- the hardliners, led by Wu, Gunnar and Dr. Reinhardt argued strenuously for a "no holds barred," merciless policy of punishment for dealing with debased the Man of Steel's latest transgression, while a much smaller, more moderate block, led chiefly by Collin with some support from Dr. Thomas, argued against a severe response.

"This cocksucker has to learn his place, once and for all," Wu thundered as he paced back and forth in front of Luthor. "He has to learn who's in charge. It's not like he's in any position to object, and given what we've done to him, I believe that complete submission is only a few steps away."

"Look how I made that miserable wimp crawl on his hands and knees across the floor and beg to suck my cock," Wu continued. "You were there Collin. I pushed the envelope that night. No one ever imagined that Superman would tell me how much he needed my cock, or beg me to stick it back in his mouth, or tell me how grateful he would be when I came in his mouth. Yet he said each and every one of those things. And then he crawled on all fours across the floor like some kind of pathetic cum pig. Hell, Collin, you're the one who made him lick his own cum off of my leg and the floor. If we took that faggot down that much that night, it won't take much more degradation before every spark of independence and individuality is burned out of him."

"Look," said Collin. "We have to place this incident in its proper perspective. When we planned that set up of Superman in the bank vault with Lois, our objectives were quite clear. We wanted to stop Superman from interfering in Lex's enterprises and those of his business associates. Our plan was to do this by debasing him; crippling him psychologically; photographing him performing sexual acts that would disgust the public; and then blackmailing him into becoming the world's most expensive whore. We have succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. We have enough pictures, videos and tape recordings of him on his knees, begging for cock and swallowing cum, to turn the entire world against him, except for parts of San Francisco and Greenwich Village," said the ex-SEAL as he walked towards the center of the room.

"The relentless mind-fucking, especially by Gunnar, Wu and me, has been devastatingly effective," continued Collin. "The psychological damage, especially to his ego and self-image, is irreparable. Not one of us in his wildest dreams could have ever imagined Superman so slavishly obeying those perverse and disgusting orders of Wu and Gunnar. Hell, even amongst homosexuals there are very few males who would surrender their virility they way that Superman did to Gunnar when that cocky Swede took over Superman's bed. Talk about emasculation! Gunnar turned a stallion into a gelding. If Superman had a pussy, not only would he have let Gunnar to fuck him, but also he would have allowed Gunnar to impregnate him!"

A ripple of laughter went through the group as they envisioned the Man of Steel waddling around the room with his belly bulging from Gunnar's child.

"But the fact remains," interjected Luthor's cold eyed physician, "even with all of that debasement, Superman still has a streak of independence in him. First he deviated from our explicit orders when we sent him on that crusade against our enemies, and then he went off on his own yesterday. These are two irrefutable signs that we have not mastered him completely. As long as there is a fragment of independence in him, he is a danger to our organization and us. He must be completely broken; incapable of independent action and absolutely obedient. He is much too powerful to be allowed out without being completely subject to our will."

"I'm still not convinced," countered Collin. "Not only have we succeeded in psychologically crippling Superman, but thanks to Lex's foresight and his biochemists, we've addicted the poor bastard to cum! This was never part of the original plan. By getting our hands on those loads of Kryptonian nut sauce, we hoped to gain insight into Superman's biology so that we might be able to fashion an effective weapon to injure or even kill him. Instead the research took us on a path we had never even contemplated. When Tony quietly slipped that Swiss concoction into Superman's mouth while Superman was swallowing my cum, we succeeded in permanently changing the very phsyiology of the Man of Steel. We made him a cum addict! We had always intended to whore the bastard out, but we always believed that the only way we could do that was through blackmail. None of us ever imagined that we could get him hooked on dick!"

"What happened the other night in that adult video store was not an act of independence or defiance by our cocksucking flying faggot," continued Collin. "Rather than look at that night of unauthorized cocksucking as an act of rebellion, we should understand it for what it truly represents--our complete triumph over the Man of Steel! While we know that Superman is not a homosexual, it doesn't matter. As far as our cum swallowing pet is concerned, he truly is a loathsome, beneath contempt faggot. He knows that he was completely on his own. He knows that no one forced him to suck cock. He knows that no one tricked him into sucking cock. He knows that he did it on his own! This is the final proof that we needed in order to completely break and subjugate Superman. He is ours, body and soul. We can have a field day with the knowledge of what happened in that adult store the other night. Can you imagine how that poor mind-fucked, cocksucker is going to react when we have to admonish him for not practicing self-restraint? It will blow his mind!

"What more proof do you need that we've broken him?" asked Collin. "Look at the damn tape! He was a babbling idiot! His mind is totally fucked! What about his attack on that seaman? Did any of you in your wildest dreams imagine that Superman would turn to male rape? He forcibly sucked a guy off! Don't you understand? He's gone over the edge. This paragon of virtue sexually assaulted a guy in order to satisfy his craving for cum. Do you understand how far this means he has gone? He's lost it!"

"We have to be extraordinarily cautious as we continue to manipulate and exploit our new asset. He is still the most powerful thing on this planet. Make no mistake about it. He could destroy organization and us in the blink of an eye if he chose to do so. He does not understand why he cannot resist being drawn to another male's cock. Even with his addiction to cum, our grip on him is still only psychological. He is deeply ashamed of what he has been doing. He completely hates being a cocksucker, in spite of the irresistible craving that he has for semen. Right now the only thing allowing us to control him is that he is absolutely terrified of having the public discover his terrible secret and turn against him. Rejection on a planetary scale, by his adopted family--mankind that is—is Superman's worst fear. Should he ever lose that fear, such as having him becoming convinced that Earth would accept him even if it knew he were gay; our psychological hold on him would be broken. Then we would really be fucked," continued Collin.

"What we have to do is to make this pathetic freak totally dependent upon Lex and ourselves. We have to inculcate the belief that we are the only ones who can protect Superman from the fate that he fears the most. We have already succeeded in isolating Superman from his friends and colleagues. He is so afraid of how they would react if they found out that he is a cocksucker, which he cannot go to them for advice, support or help. We are the only ones in his life. He has nowhere else to turn for any kind of psychological or emotional support. Look how he broke down on that film. All that we have to do is to perform a few insignificant acts of kindness for the poor bastard to fill that emotional void, and he will swiftly fall completely under our control. This approach has worked throughout history. Haven't any of your heard of the Stockholm syndrome? It works gentlemen! Once you've broken someone down and completely isolated him, you perform a few carefully planned acts of kindness. The guy that you've broken will immediately pick up on the change and welcome it. They then go about trying to figure out how to please you in order to get additional emotionally supportive strokes. They actually end up denying their own needs and identifying with yours! Can you imagine? Superman seeing the world through our eyes?" laughed Collin. "Collin," interrupted Wu, "I usually agree with you, but in this case I cannot disagree more strongly. That faggot still has a spark of independence in him. Who knows how many other secrets he's kept from us. Is he sucking someone off on the side? We have to make certain, once and for all. We have to make sure that he is totally broken, for if there is even the slightest chance that he may once again act on his own, we could lose everything. No, my friend," continued Wu, "He must be completely broken; crushed; and totally subjugated. Every bit of independence that may be lurking in that brain of his must be uncovered and annihilated. Even a modicum of free will is unacceptable. Nothing less than total subjugation; absolute capitulation; the complete and unconditional submission to our will is acceptable. The risks are too high. He must be psychologically gelded. Superman must be broken down to a point where it will become inconceivable to him to even think of using the word ‘no’ when he is told to do something by any one of us. Total, unquestioning obedience to Lex Luthor must become that cocksucker's reason for living. If we cannot reduce him to that point, then he must be killed."

That last comment by Luthor's liaison to the Far East criminal syndicates brought all conversation to an abrupt halt. Even some of the other hardliners were taken aback by what the former Chinese gymnast had said. Almost everyone, except Lex Luthor.

"Wu's right!" declared Luthor as he stood up from his seat.

"But, Lex .." interjected Collin.

"Stop! Don't say anything else," said Luthor cutting off the 34 year old, ex-Navy SEAL in mid sentence. "It's done. Collin, I've always relied on your advice. I usually go with it; but this time the stakes are too high. The discussion is over. This is nothing against you personally Collin. I trust you with my life. But Wu is right. Superman must be completely broken. It's the only way. Wu, Gunnar. I want you and doctor Naguib to take on this assignment. I want that flying cocksucker reduced to a sniveling worm. I want you to keep at him until he is totally subject to my will. But even more than that, I want him to want to obey me. When I am pissing down his throat, I want to look down into Superman's eyes and see nothing but joy, awe and reverence. Am I clear?"

"Absolutely Lex," chimed in Clark Kent's treacherous intern, Lois Lane's 19 year old cousin, Gunnar. "I've gotten that faggot to do some amazing things with this cock," continued the smug Swedish blond as he lewdly groped his crotch. Taking that pathetic cocksucker down to nothing will be a pleasure. Right guys?"

"Right!" exclaimed Naguib and Wu.

"When we finish with him, Superman will be nothing more than Lex Luthor's lap dog," exclaimed Naguib.

"Don't disappoint me guys," said Luthor as he turned to leave the room. "I don't want any interference with these guys and their work. Superman is off limits to everyone except Naguib, Wu and Gunnar. Wu, you take the lead. Now, get to work."

Wu, Gunnar and Naguib smiled at each other as they watched the rest of their colleagues file out of Luthor's conference room. They were the hardest of the hardline faction, and they had won. Superman was now theirs.

"I'd like to get a good night's sleep before we begin conditioning our cocksucking lab rat," said Wu when they were finally alone. "I have some very specific ideas on how to completely and permanently destroy those remaining vestiges of independence and free will; and I can't wait to hear your hellish ideas for turning Superman into Lex's trained monkey. Let's get together tomorrow morning around 10:00 AM to discuss Superman's course of treatment. I'd like to start working on him around noon if possible. But before we go I want to visit our little fag friend and help prepare him for his final conversion."

A few minutes later the door of the elevator opened, and Superman's three tormentors walked to towards their naked, immobilized prey.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't our favorite freelance cocksucker; the Great Flying Faggot of Metropolis; our bullet-proof sperm bank from another planet; the cum pirate of the seven seas; our ship sabotaging, sailor raping criminal, Superman! How ya doing faggot? Remember me?" asked the ex-gymnast from China who had played such a key role the night that Luthor's men had slipped the biochemical cum-addiction cocktail into Superman's mouth. "I'm sure you remember this," laughed Wu as he lewdly grabbed his crotch. "You crawled across the fucking floor and begged me to let you suck on it. You blew a fucking load all over the floor and my leg when I finally came in your mouth, faggot! Remember that? I sure do; and my dick sure does. You do suck one wicked cock!" Wu declared as he looked down on the captive and vulnerable Man of Steel.

"The only problem is that you've forgotten who owns you, " Wu continued. You've forgotten that you are Lex Luthor's property. You're only supposed to suck the cocks we want you to suck. But you've been giving head for free. That's not right. It's bad for business. Our organization has invested a lot of money in you. You are one high-priced whore. If we let you give it away for free; we're going to go out of business. That simply cannot be allowed to happen. Me, Gunnar and Dr. Naguib here will be talking to you about this nasty free cocksucking habit tomorrow. We're just stopping by tonight to make sure you get a good night's sleep."

"Doctor Naguib," said Wu, "Would you please bring the sleep assistance helmet. We have to make sure that our friend here doesn't have his sleep disturbed by any external noise or light."

Lying imprisoned in his Kryptonite restraints the Man of Steel groaned in despair as Naguib produced the fiendish, lead-line, sensory control contraption that Luthor's doctors' had so effectively used the day that they had ruthlessly milked him dry of semen.

"Please, not that," the helpless Man of Steel pleaded as he remembered the virtual world of homosexual horror he had been subjected to while imprisoned by the helmet. "Please. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Not that thing," he begged as he remembered how it had totally emptied his reproductive system of all semen as it stimulated him into orgasm after orgasm until he was completely dry. "Please don't."

"Don't worry about it Superman," said the smirking Chinese hunk as he slid the wicked device over Superman's powerless to resist head. "We ain't gonna milk that precious little dick of yours of its semen. You said you were sorry for what you did, and you said you'd never do it again. This will help you keep your promise. Relax." cooed the evil ex-gymnast as he strapped the helmet firmly onto Superman's head.

The shudder that went through the magnificent and exposed body of the captive Superhero told his three tormentors exactly what they wanted to know. Superman was afraid.

"Please turn on the grey sound, Doctor Naguib," said Wu as he finished fastening the virtual reality torture device to the Man of Steel's head.

Once he was certain that the monotonous gray sound was being broadcast into the helmet, and totally preventing Superman’s ultra sensitive hearing from hearing any conversation occurring outside of the helmet, Wu turned and addressed his colleagues. "Doctor Naguib and his colleagues used this virtual reality mind fucking device to mentally masturbate our flying faggot hear until those nuts of his were empty. I don't want to do that tonight. If this faggot does cum it doesn't matter. What's important is that we soften this cocksucker up psychologically as much as possible before we attempt to completely break him tomorrow."

"I had the guys make several video tapes of that first night when we set up and ambushed Superman in the vault and fed him his first cock. More specifically I had our people make copies of just those portions of the tapes that night when Superman Superman blew Lex, and experienced his first orgasm, while swallowing Lex's cum," continued Wu. "I want that fucking faggot to re-live that moment over and over again all night. Lex really hammed it up that night while he was slipping Superman dick. The dialogue was great. The surround screen inside the helmet will guarantee that the only thing Superman sees all night will be him sucking away on Lex Luthor's cock. We shot video of Superman going down on Lex, and cumming with Lex's cock in his mouth, from quite a few different angles. Our little boy toy here is going to see himself for what he truly is-- Lex Luthor's cocksucking slave.

"Do you think it will work?" asked the lanky blond Swede as he started down at the spectacular but defenseless hunk.

"I think it will definitely soften him up for the coup d' grace against his psyche. You see," Wu explained, "our little cum addict here hasn't had a semen fix for over 48 hours. His physical craving for cum will only intensify exponentially. This increasingly powerful need for cum will wreck havoc with him mentally as well. He'll be willing to do almost anything just to be able wrap his lips around a nice fat cock! Hell, he's even committed criminal acts in order to get a load of dick snot! That only shows how far down we've taken our little cock whore. Did you ever see what happens to a junkie who can't get a fix? It ain't a pretty sight. Superman's head is pretty messed up as it is. Collin was right. His mind is totally fucked up. He sounded like a babbling idiot when Dr Reinhardt was interrogating him."

"After a night in that fucking helmet, especially when we pump in a steady flow of low level Red Kyrptonite gas to disorient him a bit, Superman will be putty in my hands. And with you two bastards at my side, we will create a new Superman, completely obedient to Lex Luthor and willing to commit whatever act of vile perversion we desire. This is definitely going to be fun," laughed Wu as he flipped several switches on the black electronic box, which controlled the helmet within which Superman's head was imprisoned.

"The program's running gentlemen. Let's get some sleep!"

Moments later the Omni vision-type, curved, surround screen attached to the inside of the helmet came to life. No matter where Superman looked the only thing he could see was a side view of him, naked, sprouting an erection, on his knees before Lex Luthor. A split second later Superman watched in shame as Lex Luthor stepped forward and inserted his erect penis into Superman's mouth. At the same time the surround sound system of the helmet carried the voice of Lex Luthor declaring "Suck on it baby, this is THE cock that will finally give you release! And this is the dick that you will have to suck from now on. Eat it! Cocksucker!"

The video editors had done an excellent job with the incredible amount of footage that Luthor's cameramen had taken that fateful night. Fantastic close-ups showed the bullet shaped head of Superman's arch nemesis’s cock zero in on the lips of the Kryptonian stud; effortlessly push them apart; and then plunge into the unresisting, almost welcoming, mouth of the Man of Steel. The degraded Superhero watched transfixed by despair as the rest of Luthor's reproductive organ invaded Superman's mouth. The camera didn't pull back until the forward thrust of Luthor's cock into Superman's mouth and down his throat was halted when Superman's lips crashed into Luthor's hair covered pubes.

The video not only reminded the vanquished Superhero of this terrible, humiliating defeat, but it also provided seemingly incontrovertible proof that Superman had been a participant in the act of fellatio. Both the video and the audio revealed that the symbol of heterosexual manhood had actively nursed on Lex Luthor's penis. Even worse, the damning video showed that Superman's magnificent cock was in full erection while he debased himself on Luthor's dick. And of course the nail in the coffin was the dramatic climax showing Superman's turgid organ spewing out a huge load of Kryptonian super spunk right after Lex's hard cock and dumped its wad of jizz into Superman's mouth. The only logical conclusion that anyone viewing the video could reach was that the Man of Steel truly was a committed cocksucker. This is the precise message that Wu wanted to send to the mind-fucked Superhero.

It was a message that was vividly repeated over and over again, from different angles, throughout the entire night.

When the videotape of Superman's night of hell in the virtue reality helmet was reviewed the next morning doctor Naguib, Gunnar and Wus could clearly see some of the effects of Wu's softening up treatment. The awesome body of the naked Kryptonian male, glistening with sweat, shook, shuddered and twisted as the Man of Steel re-lived his night of defeat and degradation. Superman's beautiful cock strained upwards as the over-stimulated, cum-addicted pleasure centers of his brain demanded semen. Copious amount of pre-cum dripped from Superman's urethra and flowed down into the dense, dark hair that enshrouded the base of his fully engorged sex organ. Yey not a single cum eruption came from Superman's cock since the sexually tormented, semen-craving stud had been denied the one thing that he craved above all else -- a load of human cum.

Each hellish minute on the table that night helped to further cement the link between Superman and Lex Luthor's cock. Each scene of Luthor's cock effortlessly penetrating Superman's lips only reinforced Luthor's solemn pronouncement that night to the Kyrptonian stud "that you will only find true happiness between the thighs of a man." It was as if Wu had succeeded in recruiting Superman's own body as an ally in the fight to not only totally conquer the Man of Steel, but to convert him into a willing, if not enthusiastic, cocksucking slave for the Luthor organization. The odds against the Superhero were overwhelming.

The unfortunate son of Kyrpton remained bound to the examing table and trapped in the hellish sensory control helmet throughout the entire evening and into early afternoon the next day. Robbed of his super powers by the Green Kryptonite bonds; wracked by the excruciating demands of his body for human semen; disoriented by the steady stream of Red Kryptonite gas; forced to constantly relive each sickening moment of his oral rape by his archenemy; and exhausted by the constantly recurring and seemingly insatiable need for sexual release, the Man of Steel was now the most vulnerable that he had ever been in his entire life when Wu, Gunnar and doctor Naguib finally entered the laboratory around 1:00 PM the next day.

"Whoa, looks like somebody didn't have a very restful night," observed the former gymnast pointing to the awesome sweat glistening body of Man of Steel as he removed the dreadful helmet from Superman's head. "Although from the looks of that pathetic thing you call a dick, you're ready to party some more," continued Wu pointing to the captive Superhero's turgid penis.

"Please, no more" slurred the numbed Kyrptonian hunk as the faces of his tormentors game into view. "I can't...any more…anything...please! I'm sorry. Don't. Please. Help. Anything."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Clark, Superman, or whatever you call yourself. We've heard it all before," snapped Gunnar the 19-year-old blond stud as he walked up to the prostrate Man of Steel and grabbed his chin. Coldly looking into the eyes of his exposed and vulnerable prey, Lois Lane's treacherous nephew viciously ripped into Luthor's defenseless foe. "You are a fucking liar. You fly around in your fucking fruitcake outfit telling the whole fucking world that you stand for truth, justice and the American way. You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass!" snarled the angry blond hunk.

"You gave me, Lex and our organization your solemn oath that you would obey the ten simple rules that we gave you in exchange for keeping your homosexuality secret. They weren't elaborate. They weren't complicated. You swore to obey them. And what happens? The first time that you were allowed to go out by Mr. Luthor without supervision as a sign of his trust in you; you betrayed him. Your word is worth a damn!"

"We have dozens of real men who are ready to dump a cum wad down your cocksucking throat anytime you want to suck on a dick. We can satisfy your abominable homo desires any time, night or day. But what did you do? You went freelance on us. You fucking gave it away. A whore doesn't do her pimp any good if she gives it away. By your own words you've acknowledged that you are nothing more than Lex Luthor's whore. Some of us bring money into the Luthor organization through embezzlement; others commit fraud; while you bring in money by sucking cock. It's a disgusting, repugnant thing that you do, but it's it helps cover expenses."

"That day in your apartment when I finally allowed you to suck me off, you swore that the only cocks you would suck were cocks provided by Lex Luthor and our organization. Do you remember that?" screamed the 19-year-old Swede. "Answer me, faggot!"

"Please..." whispered the Man of Steel.

"I said, do you remember?" yelled Gunnar glaring contemptuously into the fear tinged eyes of the distraught Superhero.

"Yes, but...”

"Shut the fuck up, you lying cunt!" snapped the blue-eyed stud as he cut off the Man of Steel.

"We're going to get to the bottom of this once and for all. You aren't leaving this table until you've bared your soul; acknowledged your loathsome perversion; and truly accepted the fact that you will spend the rest of your life sucking cock for Lex Luthor. Let's get started gentlemen," said the smirking former intern of the Daily Planet.

Before the despondent Man of Steel could respond, an unseen hand draped a Green Kryptonite embedded cloth across his throat, with the part most saturated with Kyrptonite directly over the larynx of the Man of Steel.

"Bu..." was all that escape from the Man of Steel before his voice box was shut down by the debilitating radiation from the Green Kryptonite.

"That will keep him quiet," said doctor Naguib as he finished securing the cloth on the neck of the Kryptonian stud.

The disoriented and panic-stricken Superhero could only watch in mute helplessness as the smiling face of his sinister Chinese abuser came into view at the far end of the examining table, while from the corner of his eye the Kryptonian hunk could see the lanky 19 year old blond begin to remove his shoes and trousers. Superman's pathetic attempt to beg for forgiveness came to naught as his Kryptonite paralyzed larynx failed to produce his final plea.

As the eyes of the handsome Kryptonian stud frantically switched back and forth between Wu and Gunnar, a relentless stream of powerful and conflicting emotions assaulted the hapless Man of Steel’s brain. Each glance at the sadistic Chinese ex-gymnast triggered intense fear and revulsion as the defenseless Superhero remembered his earlier encounters with Luthor's cruel henchman, while each glance at the disrobing Swedish hunk simultaneously brought on intense waves of wanton lust and intense shame. The ambitious 19 year old had surpassed all of Luthor's associates in devising ways to humiliate and degrade Luthor's arch nemesis. Superman hated the young hunk for what he had done to him in his own bed and bathroom, but the Man of Steel also knew that he would do anything to be allowed the privilege of wrapping his lips around Gunnar's cock.

The Man of Steel's fixation on Gunnar's crotch was abruptly broken when he felt his legs being lifted upwards and apart by the two Kryptonite filled hollowed steel bindings.

"Time for a pussy probe," laughed the giddy Chinese stud as he activated a small hoist in the ceiling that began to slowly lift the powerfully built, yet powerless to resist, legs of the Man of Steel upwards and outwards, forming a magnificent "V" of awesome male flesh. As the hoist continue to work, more and more of the smooth, alabaster buttocks of the Man of Steel came into view, displaying more and more of Superman to the cold stare of Luthor's agent. Soon the legs of the captive Superhero were fully splayed; exposing his virtually impenetrable sphincter; and adding to Superman's increasing sense of vulnerability.

With his voice box muted by the lethal ray of Kyrptonite, the completely defenseless Kryptonian hunk shuddered and broke out in a cold, panic driven sweat as he stared into Wu's unfeeling eyes. He was truly terrified. The indescribable torment caused by the long hours of semen deprivation, coupled with the endless video reliving of Luthor's cock's defilement of his mouth, had completely shattered the Man of Steel's self-image; psyche and will. He would do anything they wanted just to relieve the insatiable hunger for cum that clawed at him. There was no act of degradation he wouldn't endure just to be allowed to suck on the penis of a human male. He would betray everything he stood for, and everyone he loved, for the ejaculate of one male. He would submit to any demand Wu, Gunnar, Dr. Naguib or Luthor made. He wanted to surrender to them unconditionally, but the Kryptonite lying on top of his larynx prevented him from doing so. Luthor and his henchman had finally won, but there was no way that Superman could tell them of their victory.

As tears of frustration began to stream from his eyes, Superman's view suddenly changed dramatically when the lithe body of the blond Swedish hunk suddenly plopped down on his chest. Superman's field of vision was instantly changed from his own legs framing Wu's smirking face to Gunnar's genitals framed by his blond hair flecked thighs. The 19 year old, who had stripped from the waist down, once again sat in a commanding position over the captive Superhero.

Grabbing a fistful of the handsome Kryptonian hunk's dark hair with his left hand, the triumphant Swedish stud yanked Superman's head forward, hefted his balls with his right and asked, "Remember these? Bet you'd like them to fill your mouth with my cum, wouldn't you cocksucker?"

The 19 year old was utterly astonished when the vanquished Man of Steel nodded, silently mouthed the word "yes,” and immediately extended his tongue in an attempt to lick Gunnar's ballsack. The Man of Steel's subservience so surprised the young stud that he was momentarily speechless. He just sat their bare-assed astride the powerful pectoral muscles of the Superhero watching Superman's tongue struggle in vain to lap his testicles. Superman had obeyed without hesitancy.

As he inched upwards on the Man of Steel's chest, so that his testicle sack was just beyond the reach of Superman's straining tongue, Gunnar looked over his shoulder at Wu and observed, "We may be making some progress here. Fag boy just tried to lick my balls. I'm serious. He looks like he's gonna give his tongue a hernia the way he's trying to get at ‘em. You want those nuts, don't ya faggot?" Gunnar asked as he turned back to stare at Superman's face.

Once again, the word "yes" was clearly mouthed by the captive Man of Steel.

"Good," interrupted Wu who was still positioned in between Superman's hoisted and splayed legs. "Maybe this won't take too long." continue the leering Chinese hunk as he dipped his right hand and arm into a container of green colored gel held by Dr. Naguib. It was the same mixture of finely pulverized Green Kryptonite and clear gel that Lex's doctors had used to open up Superman's sphincter when they were conducting their humiliating medical examination of the vanquished Superhero. It was all based on the same ass-cracking technique used by Lieutenant Bombata of the Nigerian Army, whose cock bore the honor of being the first to fuck the up to then never before penetrated sphincter of the Kryptonian hunk. Wu was determined to dramatically demonstrate to the Man of Steel just how vulnerable he had become. Only this time it would be something much larger than an erect penis or the sigmoidoscope that Wu was determined to shove into the bowels of the pitiful Superhero. Wu wanted Superman to finally understand that not only had Luthor's forces defeated him, but also that they held his very life in their hands.

While the malevolent Wu went about preparing for his assault on the Man of Steel, the dethroned symbol of heterosexual masculinity was completely fixated on the delicious feast that lay just beyond the reach of his hungry for cum tongue. So intense was his need for the contents of Gunnar's testicles that he was simply incapable of focusing on Gunnar's conversation with Wu. The only thing that mattered to Superman right now was cum; human semen. He could feel the warm ball sack on his chest. His ultra sensitive nostrils flared as they sucked in the erotic vapors emitted from the Swedish stud's groin. Superman's eyes were locked onto the urethra at the end of the 19year-old's flaccid cock; a constant reminder of just how close he was to receiving the liquid he wanted more than life itself. It was as if the rest of the world had ceased to exist. The vanquished Superhero's universe consisted solely of the hair-enshrouded genitalia that lay just beyond his reach. The utterly mind fucked Kryptonian stud was completely unaware of the events that were transpiring at the other end of the table in between his legs.

After having coated his arm as far up as the top of his bicep with the light green gel, Luthor's Chinese henchman gathered a final large glob of the substance at the tips of the three fingers in the middle of his right hand. As Dr. Naguib removed the container of gel, the callous ex-gymnast thrust his hand forward until the fingers with the glob of green gel were just outside of Superman's fully exposed sphincter. This particular Kryptonian muscle was strong enough to stop a bullet, or a steel pipe, or even a diamond tipped drill bit, but as Lieutenant Bombata and Lex's doctors discovered, the hitherto impenetrable barrier could not resist the lethal rays of Green Kryptonite.

With a final push forward, Wu brought the glob of gel into direct contact with the powerful sphincter and immediately began massaging the deadly substance into the tight ring of Kryptonian flesh. Wu was in no hurry to break through this formidable line of defense. He was content to slowly work the strength sapping substance against the entire surface area of Superman's sphincter, knowing full well that the guardian of Superman's nether region would ultimately be defeated by the substance.

With all of his attention concentrated on Gunnar's cock, which the smug Swede had begun to stroke just before Wu's fingers came into contact with Superman's ass ring, the Man of Steel was oblivious to the softening up attack that was underway against his sphincter. It was as if an unseen enemy was secretly weakening the great door to a powerful castle. When the attack came, the door would be breached and the impregnable fortress would fall.

As the diabolical Chinese hunk continued his subtle undermining of Superman's lower defenses, he scoped additional quantities of the potent gel onto his massaging fingertips to maintain the intensity of the attack and to replace the gel that dripped down Superman’s crack. But not all of the loss of Kryptonite tainted gel was the result of surface run-off. As the Wu's fingers continued to rub, a hair line thin fissure, undetectable by the human eye, opened up at the very center of Superman's last line of defense as the powerful ass muscle gradually yielded to the inexorable force of the Kryptonite. As the fissure opened, microscopic amounts of the green gel slid inside.

As the diabolical Chinese hunk continued his subtle undermining of Superman's lower defenses, he scoped additional quantities of the potent gel onto his massaging fingertips to maintain the intensity of the attack and to replace the gel that dripped down Superman's crack. But not all of the loss of Kryptonite tainted gel was the result of surface run-off. As the Wu's fingers continued to rub, a hairline thin fissure, undetectable by the human eye, opened up at the very center of Superman's last line of defense as the powerful ass muscle gradually yielded to the inexorable force of the Kryptonite. As the fissure opened, microscopic amounts of the green gel slipped through the opening, entering Superman's rectum and accelerating the muscle weakening process. Once the first droplets of gel slipped by the Superhero's failing guardian, the fissure in its center began to widen. It was the case of the hole in the dike. Once the initial breach had occurred, the complete failure of the defensive system was inevitable.

Wu detected the weakening of the Superhero's portal, but did not press his advantage. As a matter of fact, he actually reduced the pressure he was applying to the Man of Steel's butt muscle lest one of his fingers slip inside prematurely. The patient Asian stud just smiled; nodded approvingly at Dr. Naguib, and added more and more of the potent gel to his finger tips. It was soon obvious to Wu that more of the potent substance was entering the rectum of the Man of Steel than was dripping down the crack of his magnificent buttocks. It wouldn't be much longer.

By this time Gunnar's cock had achieved complete erection. As the pale tower of man flesh towered over his face, the forlorn Kryptonian stud began to salivate copiously in response to his irresisible need to suck on the 19 year old's reproductive organ. From the side Dr. Naguib watched in utter amazement as the debased Man of Steel began to drool down the side of his face as his seemingly permanently extended tongue facilitated the escape of saliva from Superman's mouth.


13 Gay Erotic Stories from Hector Oppenheimer

Cock Crazy Cop Stole My Load (true)

PHILA. COP CHARGED WITH SEX ASSAULT ON MAN Victim Told Police He Was Forced Into Lewd Act March 28, 2000 PHILADELPHIA ( -- A city police officer was arrested for sexually assaulting a 29-year-old man while on duty, authorities said today. Officer Rafael Nieves-Concepcion, 27, a five-year veteran, was charged Monday with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, sexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part 1

Suck Slave Superman On the third day after Lois Lane had failed to show up for work at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent receives an envelope containing instructions for insuring the safe release of Lois. The message tells Clark to contact Superman and to have Superman appear at the entrance of a seldom used archival vault in the sub basement

Suck Slave Superman, Part 2

Summary: The following story is the second chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. It was almost dawn before Superman groggily awoke from his kryptonite

Suck Slave Superman, Part 3

The following story is the third chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.3) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Unlike his first gang rape at

Suck Slave Superman, Part 4

The following story is the fourth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.4)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 5

The following story is the fifth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Suck Slave Superman (Ch.5)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 6

The following story is the sixth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 7

The following story is the seventh chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 8

The following story is the eighth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave

Suck Slave Superman, Part 9

(Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.) Superman Suck Slave, Chapter 9 (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Collin let the satiated Man of Steel lie undisturbed on the floor of Lex's office until the ex-Navy man was absolutely certain that every one of the handsome exotic male dancers who had enticed Superman into being an active participant in a homosexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part10a

The following story is the tenth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright of DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave, Part 10 (MMMMM/M,

Suck Slave Superman, Part10b

"He's hungry for it, stud," observed the doctor as he caught Gunnar's eye and glanced towards the drooling Superhero. "If this isn't proof that Superman is a faggot, then nothing is," he continued as he watched Gunnar lower his hard cock so that it hovered even closer to the mouth of the cum crazed Superhunk. "You really need this baby, don't you?" asked the smug blond stud as stared

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11)

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11) It was a very different Man of Steel who followed several steps behind Wu Chao, Gunnar and Dr. Naguib as Luthor's three henchmen strode triumphantly into Lex's conference room. Even though he was once again clad in his universally recognized cape and outfit, the aura of self-confidence, righteous assertiveness and power that had always emanated from the


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