Gay Erotic Stories

Cross My Heart, Part 1

by Robby Sr.

Eric burst into his apartment and practically threw his briefcase across the room. "Fucking, lying, silicone slut cunt!" he yelled to no one in particular. Good thing - no one else was there. He tore off his suit coat and slammed it to the floor. "Stupid bitch can't even sign her own name unless someone shows her how!" His tie flew somewhere across the room; shoes sailing somewhere else. "If she'd use her fucking brain even half as much as she uses that stinking pussy she might be worth something!" He fixed himself a drink at his bar and gulped it down in one swallow, then poured another... "But I doubt it...SHIT!" he yelled as he yanked his shirt open, buttons bouncing on the floor. The shirt ended up across the bar - his t-shirt landed on the floor behind the bar. He kicked his pants off as he poured himself a third drink. He stomped across the room and almost threw himself on his sofa, now down to his underwear, and kicked the coffee table away.

Obviously Eric was a tad miffed. At 29, he was a middle manager in his company and was up for a promotion to senior management. Today he learned he'd lost the promotion to a co-worker (A co-worker whom one would think he didn't much care for). He gulped down his third straight drink and almost broke the glass slamming it down on the coffee table. He went to his treadmill and started it up at a full run. Soon the sweat was pouring off his body.

"Not one fucking brain cell in that head!" he told himself, "All the bitch did was fuck her way to the top! Fucking cunts always whining about equal rights. If things were equal I should be able to fuck MY way to the top, too!" He turned off the treadmill and headed into the bathroom. He stripped off his underwear, turned the shower on full blast and stepped under the spray. He started soaping himself down, and when he started to soap his dick, he thought of Trev.

Yeah! That's what he'd do! He'd go see his best fuck buddy, Trev. Trev always made him feel good. Not just for the moment, or just to bend over for him, but to take care of him and calm him down and make him feel good about himself and send his head up in the clouds.

Trevor was a year younger than Eric. They'd been best friends since elementary school. They grew up together and discovered together that they were gay, popped each other's cherries, and became fuck buddies 'til the end. One would think they would have ended up in an officially committed relationship, but things happen as they usually did. They didn't break up or anything, but they ended up going to different colleges after high school. Trevor graduated and came back home but Eric stayed in school to earn his masters, so they were apart for several years. When Eric did come home, he and Trevor got jobs in different parts of the city. They lived in a big city and wound up living at opposite ends of it, so going to see each other took a bit of planning and was at least an overnighter. They stayed best friends, and even though they both met and fucked around with other guys, they remained loyal fuck buddies.

Eric stepped out of the shower, toweled off quickly, stayed naked and went into his bedroom. He dialed Trevor's number and got his answering machine. No surprise there, but this time he decided against leaving a message, and chose to just drive on over to Trevor's house with a bottle of wine, a thong under his jeans, a smile, and surprise Trevor. Whether or not Trevor was home wasn't an issue as both had keys to each other's apartments. Eric figured he'd surprise Trevor by lying in his bed wearing just the thong and his smile.

During the drive through the city, Eric contemplated his situation. The senior partners in his firm were obviously straight as arrows, and it was well known around the executive washroom what went on in their offices with their girlfriends after hours. The office Christmas parties were legendary in hushed circles; especially since wives were never in attendance. Once someone tried to blow the whistle on the goings on there. That someone now lives in a different city and refuses to talk about it. Everything was legal and all, but all the employees knew who the bosses were, and knew better than to try to make waves. That was the wall Eric had to penetrate. He was sure the bitch that got promoted was a token. Someone to break the glass ceiling and be put on display. In an effort to prove that the firm practiced equal opportunity, more qualified applicants were passed over. Eric wasn't the only one passed over, but that cunt was the only female in the running, and another mystery was how she even got in the running in the first place. But then, maybe it was a mystery only to those who; unlike Eric, didn't work late hours trying to get ahead, and heard the noises coming from the top floor offices at night.

An hour later, Eric parked his car in the lot of Trevor's complex. He let himself in the entrance and buzzed Trevor's apartment. No answer except from Trevor's machine. Eric smiled and went on in and up to the 5th floor. At the door to Trevor's apartment, Eric rang the bell again in case Trevor was there after all. Still no answer, so Eric let himself in. He left his shoes and socks by the door. Then he left his jacket on the floor. A few feet more and his shirt hit the floor. Soon there was a trail of clothes on the floor leading to Trevor's bedroom for him to see when he got home. He'd know it was Eric, and that Eric would be waiting for him in the bedroom.

But at the door to Trevor's bedroom Eric heard a noise and stopped cold. The door was cracked open and Eric definitely heard a swishing kind of noise coming from the bedroom. 'Oh no!' Eric thought, 'He's got a guy in there! That's why he ignored the buzzer and the bell. He's probably on his back with some guy's cock stuffed up his ass. What the hell do I do now?'

Eric didn't care that Trevor had some other stud in his bed. They both knew that each other fucked around with different guys and were both cool with it. Hell, sometimes they'd managed a 3 and even a 4 way before, but it was always kind of planned. This time Trevor had no idea Eric was coming over, and Eric didn't feel comfortable at all just walking in on them.

Eric wondered how long it would take him to tip toe back through the apartment, put his clothes back on, and get the hell out of there. He could go back outside, use his cell phone, call Trevor again, and leave a message that he was in the neighborhood and wanted to come over. Trevor would hear that, and either pick up for sure or call him right back; especially to beg a rain check if he wanted to be alone with the guy. Yeah, that's what he'd do. That way Trevor would have the option to invite him over or not. But one more thing was nagging at the back of Eric's head - - - - who was the guy? What did he look like? Eric decided to sneak a peek into the bedroom. Should be safe. Unless Trevor re-arranged the furniture, all Eric would see would be Trevor's feet up in the air, and the guy's butt humping up and down anyway.

Knowing that most people who hear a noise at a door will instinctively look at the height they would expect to see a face, Eric got down on his hands and knees with his face near the floor. When he peeked around the door, his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. It was a girl! A GIRL!!! She had a pair of headphones on (which explained why the phone and door bell went unanswered), and was dancing around with her back to Eric: her dress swishing around.

Eric almost threw himself out of the way, spun around and wound up sitting with his back up against the wall, his knees practically framing his face, and the cock that was getting hard a moment ago hanging limp out the side of the thong. 'Omigod!' Eric thought, 'It's a girl! He's got a fucking girl in there! Then his expression changed to reflect his confusion. 'What'd he do THAT for?'

Eric brought his hands up to his face, his eyes wide as saucers, staring at nothing in particular. 'What the hell is going ON here?' he asked himself, 'Is Trev bi? No! Trev's not bi. If he was bi, I'd know and I know he's not bi! So what the fuck is he doing with a girl? Is he experimenting? Nah, he wouldn't go THAT far! I know he didn't go straight. Oh no! What if he joined one of those "We Can Change" brainwashing groups, and they told him to go fuck a girl?'

Finally it occurred to Eric that he was sitting on the floor next to his best friend's bedroom, who didn't know he was there, and he was almost naked except for a thong that wasn't covering a damn thing anymore, and there was a GIRL in his buddy's bedroom. Eric lunged forward and ended up crawling on his hands and knees towards the front door, snatching up articles of clothing along the way. His only thought at that point was just to get the fuck out of there before he got caught. He even had his hand on the door knob before it further occurred to him that he would fare much better out in the hallway if he put his clothes back on BEFORE he left the apartment.

So he ducked around the corner into the kitchen and kicked his legs into his pants. He stuffed his socks into his pocket and jammed his feet into his shoes. He stuffed his t-shirt into his jacket pocket, all the while glancing in the direction of the bedroom, trying to think of what he could possibly say if one of them came out and found him. After a second thought he decided to hell with the shirt and just put his jacket on over his bare chest and stuffed his shirt into the other jacket pocket. With one last look towards the bedroom, he tip toed some real fast steps to the door, wrenched it open, almost fell out into the hallway, shut the door behind him, and leaned against the wall gulping in air as if he'd just run a few miles.

"Are you all right, sir?" a voice asked. Eric looked to his side to see a couple of women who had stopped several feet away down the hallway and were eying him strangely. They'd obviously seen him explode out of Trevor's door, and he couldn't imagine what they must be thinking.

Eric nodded at them. "FINE!" he blurted out, "I'm, uh...I'm fine. Thanks. I'm fine, really." He could only think to keep nodding at them. They glanced at each other. "No no, I'm fine, really I am.... Thank you.... I’m just in a hurry, that's all," he said, and then thought to start walking down the hallway as though he really was in a hurry. When he passed them, they both instinctively moved against the far wall while keeping their eyes on him. Finally they both gave him a quick smile and nod, and continued on down the hallway - quickly. Eric kept walking to the elevator and pressed the button. He heard the ladies' keys rattle in their doorway. Then he heard them giggle and rolled his eyes.

The elevator doors opened. The back wall of the elevator was mirrored, and suddenly Eric saw what scared the girls. Good thing no one else was in the elevator. Eric looked at himself in the mirror. His jacket was open showing his bare chest, while his shirt was hanging half out of one of his jacket pockets with his t-shirt sticking out of the other pocket, and his fly was open. 'Awww SHIT!' he thought. While he was zipping things up and stuffing the rest of other things into his pockets the elevator doors closed again and the elevator went down without him and he had to press the button again.

He looked down the hallway at Trevor's door again. 'Shit!', he thought, 'What am I so fucking scared about? Trev's my best friend. Hell, we just had a wild fuck last weekend! If anything was going on, he'd tell me. So what if he has a girl in there? He'd just introduce us, and give me some kind of signal if he wanted to be alone with her. But why would he want to do that?' So Eric walked back down the hallway.

He listened at Trevor's door and heard some dishes rattling in the kitchen. He pushed the button and rang the bell again. "Coming!" he heard Trevor's voice call. 'Good,' he thought, 'Trev will open the door himself.' But when the door opened, it wasn't Trevor - it was the girl. The first thought that flashed through Eric's head was that the girl looked a lot like Trevor's sister since the resemblance was striking, but it didn't occur to him that Trev's sister was several years older than Trevor and didn't look like this the last time Eric saw her. She looked at Eric, and shock swept over her face.

"Hi," Eric said quickly. He wondered why she looked upset. "I'm Eric, Trevor's friend. Is he here?" She only stood back while Eric entered. "Hey, Trev!" Eric called into the apartment, "Where are ya, buddy?"

The dejected sounding voice came from behind him, "I'm here, Eric." Eric stopped in mid stride. 'Wait,' he thought, 'How'd he get behind me?' He thought maybe Trevor was behind the girl and he just didn't notice him. But when he turned around, she was the only one there.

"Whaa...what?" Eric stammered.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked down. Then she sighed real deep and said without looking at Eric, "It's me, Eric."

Eric just stared. His mouth slowly dropped open as he realized he was talking to his best buddy, who he thought he knew inside and out. SHE was HIM! "Omigod!" was all Eric could mutter, "Oh my fucking God...Trev? Is that really you?"

Now Trevor turned his made up eyes to Eric. He just shrugged again, "Yeah, Eric. It's really me. I...I didn't know you were coming."

"Yeah," Eric said, "I guess you didn't." Eric didn't really look for a chair, but just leaned against the wall and slid down it until he was sitting on the floor. He didn't take his eyes off Trevor, "Trev.... you’re going to a masquerade party...aren't you?"

Trevor looked this way and that, as if he was trying to decide something, then took a deep breath and looked Eric in the eye, "I was going out, yeah."

"But not to a masquerade party," Eric asked without making it a question.

"No, not really."

"Then where?"

Another shrug, "A bar."

"A bar!" Eric's eyes widened, "A BAR? You mean you're going out to a drag bar?"

"Well, yeah," Trevor said, "that's usually where you go when you dress up in drag." He tried to sound confident - challenging even - but his voice still had a little quiver, his eyes desperately pleading, "I didn't KNOW you were coming, Eric."

Suddenly Eric's face broke into a smile. He let his head fall back until it touched the wall, "WOW!" he hollered, then started snickering.

Trevor shifted from one foot to the other, clearly uncomfortable as hell. "Look, Eric..." he stammered, "You weren't supposed to know...I mean.... I should have told you, but...."

"Heeeeey..." Eric said as he stood up. He walked up to Trevor, cupped his face in both hands and looked him in the eye, "Boyfriend! How could you keep secrets from your best buddy?"

That brought a smile to Trevor's face, but he still only shrugged. His eyes started to mist over, "I...well I...," a tear rolled down his cheek, "I didn't want you to get pissed and never talk to me again!" he cried, "You were my only friend. The only guy I could talk to, ever!" Now the tears were flowing freely. Eric took Trevor's hand and led him into the living room, sat him down on the sofa and sat down next to him, still holding his hand. Eric reached over and handed Trevor a Kleenex.

"Listen to me, babe," he said, "I'm NOT pisssed! At least I'm not pissed that you like to cross dress. I'm a little pissed that you think you can't talk to me and tell me stuff, though." Trevor wiped his eyes and blew his nose. He normally had long blonde hair, parted in the middle and combed back, but now it was fluffed out and flipped up and was falling in his face. Eric reached over and brushed it out of his eyes, "How long?" he asked Trevor.

Trevor sighed again, "Since I was 14," he said simply.

Eric almost laughed again, "You're shitin' me!!" he cried, "But how did you hide it? We did everything together, Trev! How the hell did you keep something like this from me? When the hell did you find time - shit! We spent all our time together, man!"

They sat and talked for a long time. Trevor told Eric about swiping his sister's clothes and underwear from the laundry and playing in them when he was alone. Then later when he was old enough to work, he bought some of his own stuff and hid it in the house. He took it to college with him and hooked up with some other cross dressers. He'd take everything to their houses and get made up and dressed up there and go out with them as a girl. Sometimes he would spend whole weekends with them and they all stayed dressed up and lived as women. After college he came back home and would still dress up and go out to drag bars. He had one set of friends as a guy, and a whole other set of friends as a girl. Very few guys regularly hung out in drag bars, and very few queens regularly hung out at regular gay bars, so the two groups' paths never crossed. Until tonight, that is.

Since they were both best friends, the talk got more and more comfortable, and soon Trevor was sitting wrapped up in Eric's arms, and they were both laughing at some of Trevor's stories about his antics as a girl. He let Eric get a close look at his false eyelashes and told him how he learned to fix his hair. He let Eric feel his "breasts" and told him how he did himself up. Eric had some good laughs and made sure he kept calling Trevor "boyfriend" to keep him relaxed. Eric ran his hand up and down Trevor's leg and felt his stockings and commented on his shoes.

"You know something?" Eric asked.


"You're actually.........pretty," Eric said.

Trevor smiled and looked at him, "You mean it?" he asked in a tiny voice.

"Yeah....I do," Eric answered, "I do. You really ARE pretty, Trev."

"So you're really not pissed?" Trevor asked hopefully.

"Oh HELL no!" Eric laughed. "Why should I be pissed, babe? Confused a little. Shocked, bewildered, dazed and amazed maybe, but no way I'm pissed! Don't worry about that! Hey," he said and leaned in so his mouth was right at Trevor's ear, "does this seem like I'm pissed?" he asked softly and slid his hand up Trevor's thigh and up under his dress. He clamped his hand around Trevor's cock inside his panties and squeezed. Trevor sucked in a breath...and Eric laughed.

"What's so fucking funny?" Trevor asked, mock anger in his voice.

"Oh, sorry," Eric laughed, "well, number one--I never thought I'd EVER slide my hand up a dress, any dress, and number two--I never thought I'd slide my hand up a dress.... and find a cock up there!"

Trevor was obviously relieved as they both fell against each other laughing. Eric kept his hand up Trevor's dress and Trevor slid his hand between Eric's legs and found a hard bulge to play with. Trevor started to lean into Eric, his mouth opening. Eric quickly brought his other hand up to Trevor and stopped him, "Just do me one favor, babe?" he asked

"What's that?" Trevor asked.

"Don't smear lipstick all over me?" Eric snickered, then put his hand on the back of Trevor's head, pulled him close and kissed him.

They kissed and made out for a long time, their hands between each other's legs, their cocks getting harder and harder. Trevor unzipped Eric's pants and reached inside. Eric reached inside Trevor's panties and both cocks were getting jacked. Their lips stayed together and Eric kicked his shoes off and heard Trevor do the same.

Trevor broke away and got on his knees in front of Eric. He grabbed Eric's pants and pulled them down and off. Eric pulled his thong down and his cock flopped up and slapped against his belly. Trevor pulled the thong off and pushed Eric's legs apart. Trevor flicked his hair off his face, then leaned over and swallowed Eric's cock and started giving him the best blowjob Eric could remember. Eric went nuts watching Trevor sucking his cock, watching Trevor's jewelry sparkle and flash and rattle together - his hair flowing like it never did before as Trevor sucked his cock and kissed his balls and licked his shaft and tongued his slit and sucked it all down over and over again until Eric was moaning and bucking his hips and fucking Trevor's face.

Trevor let Eric's cock fall out of his mouth with a popping sound. He stood up, grabbed Eric's hand, and pulled him up off the sofa. "Let's go in the bedroom," he whispered and led the way. Trevor lay back on the bed while Eric got rid of his jacket and stood naked and hard in front of Trevor. Trevor reached under his skirt and pulled his panties off, then spread his legs, "Come on, Eric!" Trevor said in a low, sexy voice, "Take me! Hike my skirt up over my waist and fuck my pussy, baby!" Eric fell on top of Trevor.

Eric didn't know what got into him. Maybe it was relief over the whole situation. Maybe it was the old idea of doing something taboo and getting away with it. Maybe it was the idea of his old buddy being a new guy. Whatever, he was suddenly damn horny, and he wanted to do what Trevor told him to do. He lay on top of Trevor and laid a lip lock on him and ground his cock hard into Trevor's. Trevor spread his legs and Eric kissed Trevor's mouth and eyes and nose and neck almost as if he had several mouths.

"Oh GOD, Eric!" Trevor moaned, "Oh yes!! Yes!! Do me baby! Do me good! Do me HARD! Do me Eric - do me NOW!" And he wrapped his legs around Eric and dug his fingers into Eric's back. Eric couldn't talk. His mouth was full of lips and tongue and nose and ear and all he could do was kiss and slurp and moan.

Then Eric's hands woke up and undid Trevor's blouse and almost ripped it when he yanked it open. Eric reached down and inside the skirt and grabbed Trevor's cock and jacked him hard a few strokes then slid down further and fingered his ass and his other hand slid up to Trevor's chest and found--a bra!

Eric slid his hand over the bra and pulled on it and stretched it and kneaded it. He worked his fingers up inside it and pinched Trevor's nipples. Trevor moaned and squirmed and grabbed Eric's fingers and sucked on them then pushed them back inside his bra. Eric rubbed the bra and slid his fingers up and down the strap and across the front. Suddenly Eric raised himself up like he was doing a push up and was panting. He looked down at Trevor and in a low, husky and horny voice he said between breaths, "How do you do it?"

"Do what, baby?"

Eric nodded to the bra, "How do you take one of these fuckin' things off?"

Trevor went nuts laughing, "You mean that's what's you've been trying to do all this time? I thought you were enjoying it!"

"God DAMN it, Trevor!" Eric said through a smile, "Tell me!" He rammed a couple fingers up Trevor's ass and wiggled them around, "Tell me, Trev! Tell me -tell meeeee!"

Trevor gasped and squirmed under Eric, "OK baby, OK! But you have to play with my pussy like that some more first! He hee!"

Eric slid his body up until his face was right over Trevor, keeping his fingers up Trevor's ass, "Oh you little BITCH!" he growled and shoved his tongue in Trevor's mouth. Trevor showed Eric how hungry he was.

Trevor reached down and jacked Eric's cock while they kissed. Eric took his free hand and pushed down on Trevor's forehead to hold him still and tongue fucked his mouth and finger fucked his ass. When he finally broke away, Trevor recognized that look in Eric's eyes and knew he was about to get royally fucked. Almost in a panic Trevor sat up and reached over to the night table for some lube. He knew he had to grab it himself unless he wanted Eric to shove his cock in dry.

Eric's fingers left Trevor's butt and while Trevor was sitting up Eric grabbed his bra and yanked it straight up. The bra came off Trevor like a t-shirt just as Trevor had a handful of lube. He barely laid back and got it smeared over his hole in time as Eric's cock threw itself right up Trevor's butt and Eric fell back on top of Trevor, and with his breath hissing through gritted teeth and his eyes squinted shut, Eric went wacko fucking Trevor's little hole. Trevor wrapped his legs around Eric's hips and his arms around Eric's neck and begged him not to stop. Eric had no intention of stopping and within a minute the mattress was rocking back and forth and the headboard was slamming up against the wall, rattling the pictures, and both of them were moaning and grunting and sweating and fucking and fucking and fucking.

Trevor reached down and dug his fingers into Eric's butt cheeks and used them and his own legs to push Eric's cock into his ass even harder. Eric fucked away and every now and then rose up a little, opened his eyes to bore into Trevor's, then let his eyes roll back in his head. The only other part of his body moving was his hips as he drilled his buddy's ass, with animal grunts escaping his mouth like puffs of smoke and all Trevor had to do was take it and love it. That, he did!

Sweaty bodies are slippery bodies and Eric used that fact to help him slide his whole body up and down on top of Trevor while his cock twitched and throbbed and Trevor knew he was gonna get it now! Trevor raised his feet up in the air while his hands caressed Eric's head and back, "Come on baby," he coaxed, "give it to me! Give it ALL to me...oooooooo yessss! Give me that spunk like you always do!" It had been a long time since Trevor needed to jack his cock while being fucked by Eric. So he used his hands to cheer Eric on; squeezing his pecs, his butt cheeks, mussing his hair, and cupping his face. Eric's grunts became more forceful and higher pitched. He suddenly leaned his head down and bit into Trevor's shoulder while he emptied his jizz into Trevor's waiting ass, and felt Trevor's own cum smearing both their bellies.

Afterglow is nice! Some guys shoot a load and a minute later they're putting their clothes back on and that's a mistake. Eric and Trevor learned a long time ago that the period right after a great load of cum is shot is when two guys feel the most relaxed and comfortable with each other, and they just laid together. They didn't kiss or talk, but only wrapped themselves around each other and simply enjoyed the feel of each other while they caught their breath. After a while with the same guy, the need to tell each other how great it was goes away, and the same message is conveyed completely with a simple touch. They slowly ran their hands up and down each other's bodies with a little squeeze here and there now and then and only after their breathing was back to normal did they open their eyes, smile, and finish off with a nice long, sensual, "I mean it!" kind of kiss.

Eric got up and ran into the bathroom. He didn't have to tell Trevor that he needed to piss; he just went and did it. Trevor knew, anyway. When Eric returned to the bedroom, Trevor was sitting on the edge of the bed, and even though nothing seemed to show outwardly, Eric knew his buddy. He sat down beside Trevor and put his arm around him, "What's wrong, babe?" he asked.

Trevor shrugged his shoulders and looked at Eric. "Well, now you know," he said.

"Yeah?" Eric asked.

"You still feel the same? Or now that you're empty, you sure you're not gonna change your mind about me?" Trevor looked away.

"You mean change my mind...and disappear from your life forever?" Eric asked with a smile.

"Well, you don't have to be so dramatic - but yeah - that's what I mean. If you're gonna, just do me one last favor and do it quick, OK?"

"Heyyyyy," Eric said again, "Boyfriend! I don't want to go away! And I don't want you to go away either. I want you to go to the bathroom."


Eric brushed Trevor's hair from his face, "I want you to go to the bathroom and get cleaned up, fix your make up and get yourself all dolled up while I take a shower and use your cologne."

Trevor was surprised, "Really?" he asked hopefully, "What for?"

"Because..." Eric leaned over and kissed Trevor, "I want to take my girl out!"

Trevor almost flew into the bathroom, a huge grin on his face. Eric jumped in the shower, and after a couple of minutes the door opened and Trevor - now completely naked with his hair tied back - stepped in. They still went out, they just got started a little late.


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Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Games People Play

BY ROBBY SR. Billy loved his morning routine. He woke up first as usual, and hurried naked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for his dad. When the water started to drip he ran back into the bedroom to wake up his dad. If dad was laying on his back or side, Billy would wake him up by sucking his cock. If dad was laying on his stomach, Billy would eat and finger his ass until he woke

Robby's First Was a Double

The following story is true except, of course, for the names. If the idea of reading gay sex stories offends you, you shouldn't have even come here in the first place, so get out! And you can't claim that you got here by "accident." You had to click your way around to get here, and you had to know exactly what you were clicking on, so don't try to weasel your way out of it. If you

Rule Of Thumb

I was a 19-year-old hippie then. My tiny little hometown was seven miles from a college town. The huge university had over 10,000 students so there was a lot of student-type traffic cruising back and forth between the two towns. A lot of students lived in my hometown because the rent was cheaper. A lot of them didn't have cars: there wasn't a bus service between the towns, and there

The Club

Most guys tell stories about helping other guys over their shyness. Thought I'd tell you one about other guys helping me, even though I was hot and horny and couldn't wait. Weird, huh? I lost my virginity at 18. Loved it, but couldn’t wait to get out of the dumpy, backwards, tiny little town I lived in. I didn't have any money, and was too scared to just get up and leave. The only sure


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