Gay Erotic Stories

X-tra Hairy

by Keegan

Hank McCoy stood over the bleeping green screen of one of the Shi'ar computer monitors. Dressed in his usual X-briefs and white doctor's coat, the blue furred mutant looked quite peculiar and handsome. Oddly enough for looking like a beast, Hank McCoy was so very masculine and human and deserving of love and attention as any "normal" human. He sat, or rather, was perched on his chair continuing his unending battle with the legacy virus left by the madman, Strife. Wrapped up in his work, Beast was unable to detect the stealthy Logan from entering the lab. Logan had just come from a training session in the danger room and was dressed in his wolverine tight bottoms and a white tank top drenched in sweat. Logan was told to come see Beast in his lab by the Professor for a new formula which McCoy had found in his research on the legacy virus that may be able to help Logan gain a better foot hold on his feral states."What's up Doc?" said Logan in his husky Canadian voice. "Ah, Logan you almost scared the gazooks out a me, luckily I am as quick as I am amazingly handsome." "Don't get too cocky, McCoy, I came here because Chuck said you had something for me." "Indeed I do, my furry compatriot." Beast picked up a vial filled with a bright pink liquid." This little surprise was a result of my attempt to match your healing powers with the strain of the Legacy virus." It was of course, not the best of results, but I believe the polyanim-" "in English Doc." "Well, Logan I think that it will give you more control over your animal instincts that you've been having so much trouble with of late." "Anything's worth a shot." "Yes, speaking of which I will have to administer the shot through the buttock, so if you would be so kind. Logan peeled off his tank top and lay on the bed rest face and stomach down. He then proceeded to push his tights down past his rear." I wonder Logan," said Beast in spectation "how many hairs are there that keep you from looking like me. "HA HAh HAh. " Very funny McCoy." and with that Beast shot Logan up with the vial. It was true, Logan was exceptionally hairy on his whole body, but not nearly as much as Beast who's hairs got a slight tingle at Logan's reaction." Awworr! Damn McCoy, that stuff feels like pure acid!" "odd, there should be some warmth but-" Logan started to convulse and twitch. Beast quickly sprang to hold him down but Logan was too quick and swiveled around so that Beast was now on top of his stomach, straddling him. Suddenly McCoy heard a "SCHLUCT!" and remembered it was the sound of Logan retracting his claws. "Logan. what's wrong?" "Nothin' bud, in fact, everything couldn't be better. Beast could feel Logan's hand on his thigh and saw that he had used his claw to effectively shred Beast's briefs off. Beast then looks below his sagging blue balls and also found an impressive 6.5" tall tent in Wolverine's shorts. "Man, and I thought Collosus had a whopper!" said Logan looking at Beast's now fully erect 13" penis with very short blue hair covering it with a Sea at the base. " You've seen Collosus'..MPPH" and with that Wolverine plunged his mouth into beast's, each biting the other softly so as to not hurt the other with fangs. They stayed like that for hours it seemed until, Beast made his way down to strip the little hairy man stacked before him. Administering his mouth to Logan's crotch made him wild, as apparent by his continuous bucking of his hips. Having fucked Beasts mouth, Logan shot off a hefty load, which McCoy took pleasingly. Now with Logan gasping for breath, Beast decided to take advantage, shoving his blue dick into Logan's mouth. Logan's whole throat started to expand and he felt suffocated by Hank's permeating, sweaty crotch with boundless hair. Logan began to enjoy and explored Hank's nether-region with a curious finger. The result was a fascinating thickness of intoxicating hair in Beast's butt crack. Pulling out, Beast thought Logan better serve him on his knees with his butt in full view. "No McCoy you'll tear me up!" shouted Logan but Beast paid no attention and rammed into Logan's ass. I was like being fucked by a wet dog's head as Logan heard the pop of his ass ring as it broke. "Arrggh!" shouted Logan but in a short while his healing factor kicked in and allowed for McCoy's big beast .As Beast began to climax he could hear Logan say, "tear me up, that's right tear me up, harder!" Beast shot a load that seemed to coat Logan's kidneys. Laying beside each other and smoking a stogie each, they agreed that the serum was a very good development in X-men history.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Keegan

X-tra Hairy

Hank McCoy stood over the bleeping green screen of one of the Shi'ar computer monitors. Dressed in his usual X-briefs and white doctor's coat, the blue furred mutant looked quite peculiar and handsome. Oddly enough for looking like a beast, Hank McCoy was so very masculine and human and deserving of love and attention as any "normal" human. He sat, or rather, was perched on his


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