Gay Erotic Stories

Whom I Created? Part 1

by Mark Mears

Whom I Created? Part 1 One of the principle rules of modern witchcraft is, simply, "Be Careful What You Attract." It's applicable to ordinary life and should be easy to remember for that reason but, as with many lessons to be learned when one is young, as I was, this I had to discover from experience. Before I tell you about Elexi (and it's possible I may unleash something of him into your own world, merely by doing so), a little background about myself is appropriate. I am, by descent, a meld of Celtic, German---like many Americans, there is probably a smattering of other nationalities mixed in, uncharted, besides---and some Blackfoot Indian, in that order of blood percentages. I am blessed with the fairness of face, the coldness of wit and the connection to the Earth as befits this lineage, and mention it only because I don't know which, if any of these factors played the biggest part in achieving the thing I have; maybe somebody out there knows better than I... In my mind, it must have begun with a game, a long-term sort of trick I played on a friend of mine to whom I was attracted while still in grade school. I'll call him Don. The guy was, is, smart as hell but in those days pretty naive, liked girls but was still way too young to have had any, while I was eager to try out my taste in other boys my age. I came up with a way. My mother had moved us to Oregon from Los Angeles when I was in third grade, but we were still very close to my grandmother (I basically was raised by women, despite Mom's four marriages), who lived down south. I told Don of this guy named Elexi---to this day, I still don't know where that name came from, but the "I" is silent, pronounced, "El'-ex"---who had sort of a gang down in LA, who also, through hypnosis and brain-washing, made me and other of his club do certain things, follow his commands, engage in sexual acts. Don accepted the story, was into the idea of hypnosis, anyway, and couldn't help but get horny, since he was already an advanced case of male hormones at that age. While "under" hypnosis by Don, I would "recall" things that Elexi would have me and other guys do, like taking off our clothes and kissing each other's asses, sucking one another off and so on, the better to get my pal hot and enter into the next phase, which was to have me "believe" (with no guilty recollection afterwards)that I was some girl Don was attracted to, and then practice with me what he would later be doing with the girls and women in his life after he lost his virginity. It was a blast; we tried everything, just about, except for an aborted attempt at his fucking me in the ass, abandoned at that age because it frankly just about killed me, being speared that way before either of us had any knowledge how to pull it off. Maybe I should mention that Don was mainly of Celtic descent, also; in many ways, we were, and are, like family, both blue-eyed, with reddish brown hair; he's a little taller than I at six feet now, but we were often taken for fair-skinned, freckle-faced brothers at the time, and were obviously closer in many ways than most. Between his Scottish blood, and the Irish in my veins, there had to be some Druid/Pagan history unwritten between us which, again, I submit as a possible, partial explanation for what later came to pass... At some point, around junior high, I guess, I wanted to escalate the level of the game I'd not played with Don for a couple of years, so I feigned---as if I had to!---some mental disturbance, sleeplessness, bad dreams, that sort of thing, and asked him to "put me under" again, whereupon I'd say that Elexi was trying to get into my mind and that he was aware of Don and saw him as a potential threat to his power over me, etc.---and, of course, I'd continue to have hot and heavy sessions with Don's body, French-kissing, getting naked, being the "girl" again and sucking on that excellent cut cock of his for long stretches at a time---then, when finished, he'd have to replay back for me what was said or done while I'd been hypnotized---all but for the sex, of course. It was the perfect, guilt-free system for both of us...and, truth to tell, there were periods I couldn't really account for, which was cool, because I thought more clearly in school, performed better at certain exercises, etc., I thought, as a result of those sessions in particular. Some part of what we were doing, what I'd started, seemed to be working. Also in that time, to lend physical evidence and believability to Elexi, I would write a letter to my grandmother in LA, and enclose in it a smaller envelope a letter to Don "from" Elexi, in it stating that Don had best not interfere with my true master's control of me, or else. I used a different handwriting from my own, kept the text brief on 3 x 5 index cards, and always had Elexi remain cryptic as to his purpose and what "or else" might mean. My grandmother, as asked, would mail is, the LA postmark on the cancelled stamp making Elexi more real, in some way, if only that Don believed in him more. Even I had a pretty difficult time not thinking of Elexi from time to time as a separate entity from myself, which was ridiculous to any right-thinking person (whatever that means, at that age)... Still, what I think of now as the sex-magic part of the process continued. Just a year or so before he lost his virginity, Don and I had one encounter that was particularly memorable while my mom and her last husband were out of the house. Both of us were sort of hot for this one girl, whom I'll call Debbie (which was, in fact, her first name), and that was saying something, since my fantasies about girls in general were fairly limited; this girl definitely had it goin' on. On that one occasion, Don put some music on---a stack of LP's in those days---and came into my bedroom. The house was empty, but for us, and, like a Vulcan (we'd established through post-hypnotic suggestion that this would be our short-cut), he placed his large hands on either side of my head and told me I was going to sleep, a deep, deep sleep... I was lying down on my single bed already and complied, relaxing and enjoying Don's presence, his nearness and the feel of his possessive hands on my face and head, his actual intent to control me, my actual intention to submit to his control... I closed my eyes... The focus, the awareness in that state was incredible as he laid out a sort of script we'd "jokingly" tossed about, in which I would be Debbie, who'd secretly been burning for Don as he was for her, and that I'd steal into his house, get into his bed naked while he was in the shower and surprise him to find Debbie there, masturbating as he entered, himself undressed... For a straight guy---and he doesn't have anything to prove to me---it was more than excellent to see him come through the open bedroom door wearing nothing but a towel and seeing the huge, jutting tent in the terrycloth in front. Don's body developed before a lot of ours did, a nice patch of hair on his chest and groin, balls hanging lower than mine and his voice already quite a bit huskier. It was his fantasy, so he proceeded with all confidence; let's face it, from his viewpoint, he could change the rules any time he wanted something not ordered simply by a laying-on of hands to my head. Don came in, acted a little surprised at seeing me/Debbie on his bed, and smiled. I'm sure, knowing how I was, I said something sexy and inviting to him in a manner consistent with Debbie's charm, and the next thing I knew to towel was off and Don was lowering his naked, hard, junior-high physique upon mine, and exploring my mouth with his demanding tongue. I remember the good smell of him, the sensation of those now-married hands exploring my then- smooth chest, cupping and playing with my nipples, rubbing me all over as he would have her, and his firm weight upon me, the heat and heaviness of his dick against mine, grinding slowly, to total domination of me, literally, mind and body. What power, we both must have felt, to have and to be had in this way! He smiled down at me, face to face, gently at first wedging his thick, veiny cock between my legs, his arms cradling my back and shoulders, humping me/her/us in my parents home with all the raw drive of a man-to-be. This was Debbie for him now, receiving his gift while I, she, grasped the downy cheeks of his pumping, flexing ass; together, we literally released something primal between us, still years from my first real man-fuck, years before the momentum we started together would literally cause the earth to shake, and I knew that this is what Elexi would do to me---I'll call myself Mark, for now---if there really were an Elexi... (Just the beginning...)


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Mark Mears

Whom I Created? Conclusion

I've gotten out of the business of demon summoning, and I'll tell you why: they come. It's as simple as that... Before moving into the Christian-owned "Transition House" for males in recovery from drugs or alcohol or whatever demons torment them, when I had nearly a year clean, I stood on the balcony of a self-proclaimed witch named Cindy and said aloud, into the cosmos, "I could

Whom I Created? Part 1

Whom I Created? Part 1 One of the principle rules of modern witchcraft is, simply, "Be Careful What You Attract." It's applicable to ordinary life and should be easy to remember for that reason but, as with many lessons to be learned when one is young, as I was, this I had to discover from experience. Before I tell you about Elexi (and it's possible I may unleash

Whom I Created? Part 2

Whom I Created? Part 2 A little more background. The dictionary defines an incubus as a male sexual spirit or demon which preys upon women at night as they sleep, or in their dreams. Forgive somebody at Webster's for the narrowness of that description; it's right, to a point, but not exactly complete... How did Elexi, with his penetratingly deep, dark brown eyes,

Whom I Created? Part 3

Whom I Created? Part 3 It's been more than a few years since Elexi, whom most "right-thinking" people among you will call my fantasy lover, and what a few out there may know to be something quite other than fantasy, came into being, enough time for me to gain a sense of his nature and, through him, a bit more about my own. I've been forced to consider it.... For one

Whom I Created? Part 4

“What the hell are you thinking..?” Cathy, a trusted friend and former counselor asked me. “You know it’s too early for you to even be thinking about building a relationship with someone. It hasn’t even been a year yet…” “I know, I know.” I looked past her, avoiding her eyes, possibly, out the window of the beading shop she owned and ran, onto the rainy Oregon street outside. She


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