Gay Erotic Stories

Wendigo, Part 2

by Doran Runninghawk

Note: Most of this story is historically correct. Some of the cultural practices have been altered to fit the tone of the story. The nature of the characters are for the most part, fictionalized and not intended to detract from the memories of any of any actual person living or dead. PART II: The young Cherokee warrior, kidnapped from his land, and far from his people, is now the slave of the high priest Chihualli in the City of Moctezuma. Wendigo II Conqueror I Conqueror As we rode into the City of the savage emperor, we were astounded at the liberal use of gold in the buildings and in the heathen statuary, even the clothing of the people was sewn with it. The City was a treasure trove of the precious metal we were soon going to open to fill our own coffers right down to the cobbled street our horses trotted on. My eyes were busy assessing the worth of anything or anyone we could pry loose and send back to our homeland when my glance fell on You. You do not even remotely resemble the others we encountered on our journey to plunder the City. You stood quietly magnificent by the steps of a hideously carved temple of the serpent, chained and collared and cuffed with gold, your black eyes flashing in wonder at the sight of us.. In my mind I could almost see you standing proudly atop some faraway rise, a long spear in your hand, your dark hair adorned with feathers, and blowing in the breeze, like some savage prince. I could in no way envision you here in this City, among the dark, flatnosed denizens crowding around our horses hooves. I catch my breath as the terrible Aztec sun strikes light from the golden collar encircling your throat. I smile. You are obviously a captive who has bewitched your captors with your youthful beauty. Now you have bewitched one of the conquorers of your captives....My smile then fades as I realize you could be tethered there, the next victim of crude ritual sacrifice. I would speak to my Lord General about the possibility of sampling the delight of your body before your young life is splashed into the drinking vessel of some ritually scarred old reprobate. The very thought of such a waste of young manhood made the blood turn to ice in my veins. The night we landed we had, as a conquering force, sampled the heated joys of many of the native warriors who dared attempt to stop us as we set foot on their pagan soil. They were quite choice, healthy and strong, and they put up a hell of an amusing fight. Even so, I hadn't found any worth sparing, but I had much enjoyed them while they lived. My own lover, the Great General, and myself, could never seem to get enough of those we captured, but found, that once broken, they were quite worthless and unamusing. Therefore, we were always on the lookout for new, fresh ways to pleasure ourselves after a hard, bloody day in the saddle and in the service of His Majesty, the King of Spain. "What see you, El Rubio?" The Great General grinned, almost in answer to my thoughts, his thick black goatee giving him a dark and devilish appearance. His penetrating dark stare followed my gaze, and I could see him react visibly to the sight of the beauteous captive. His grin widened a bit. His spanish blue eyes sparked with contained amusement at the expression on my face....apparently, my thoughts were transparent, and easily read by the man who knew me so well. The man who shared my pallet nearly every night. "You know I can deny you nothing.........." "My General, I have beheld a true vision." I said expansively, grinning back and winking at him wickedly. This left him no doubt where my thoughts were straying. " A blackeyed vision with hair the color of midnight, skin like the finest velvet, and a strong neck ringed with gold, whom I cannot possess soon enough." My hand indicated the huge bulge rhythmically rubbing against the tooled leather of my saddle. I was ready to leap from the saddle and forcibly rape the first hot piece of flesh that got in my way, male, female, or animal. "So soon, El Rubio? You have become a veritable insatiate since our landing. All this swart flesh must truly agree with you." His mailed hand swatted at one of the many irritating insects that plagued our existence, and then dropped to his crotch and rested there. His rakish laughter boomed. He was a conqueror chosen by his most Catholic Majesty, and he feared nothing from these savages.....none of us did. "My friend," He said. "You have your choice of anything you want here. All you have to do is remember where you saw it. Then, when it suits you, to....go back and get it. This very night we feast in the palace of Moctezuma. I hope he has fine nether mounds for the humping!" This comment drew raucous laughter from the men immediately within earshot, as well as a black look from a captured translator. I made a mental note to give the sourfaced creature a little 'extra attention' at the first opportunity. My own laughter rumbled as I reigned in my mount. "All I have to do is go back and get it........." No one had to tell me twice. I jerked the leather thongs sharply and my warhorse reared, ironshod feet quickly clearing a path before him as he lurched into the shrieking crowd of city dwellers. My hand encircled the ornate hilt of my sword and as I near the steps of the Temple, I see you straighten as if you know I am coming for you. You stretch that chain, and as my sword descends, you seem to open your arms to me. I am amazed at the solidity of your ritually scarred young body and the satin perfection of your flesh as I hoist you onto my saddle. This, I thought, is no little girl to be battered, torn or broken easily and then discarded like the others. II Slave I watch the alien conquerors of the City of the Serpent in fascination as they clatter through the streets astride their snorting beasts, their deformed scaled bodies glittering like giant fishes. Their beasts are called horses, and were not strange to me or to my people, though they did not look exactly like the ponies that ran free on our lands far to the north. I have kept this information to myself, though, enjoying the terror they inspired in the colorless eyes of the priests of Quetzacoatl at the sight of them. I found out sometime after the strangers' arrival that the unusual, grotesque shapes of their bodies and heads were skins of metal that could be removed. Protection that was impervious to the poison sting of spears and arrows flung at them by the fleeing Aztec soldiers. All of this information had come to my ears from a few of the ragged survivors who made their way back to the City after the landing of the conquerors. Those who now graced the feast tables of the High Priests. At first, I wanted to somehow warn these strange men of the danger they so confidently rode into, but I was more frightened by the unusual pale color of their skins and the brightness of their hair, than of Moctezuma or Chihualli, the High Priest who was my master. It was rumored through the City that the shining bearded leader could in fact be the reincarnation of the plumed serpent, Quetzacoatl and therefore, no attempt was made to stop his advance into the city. The plumed one had, in fact, with a force of less than 500, swept aside all resistence from the moment of his arrival from the big water, therefore it was widely believed he must be a god.....or a devil. Silently, I wonder if the white demons would add their evil to an already festering evil that was the Aztec Empire. I watch in awe and wonder as the sunlight glittered gold from the short point of facial hair on the strong chin of the one who rode alongside their leader and carried his banner so confidently in his huge, heavily scaled hand. I had never seen such a phenomenon in all my eighteen summers. Truly, they must be eaters of gold as was rumored. When your intensely blue eyes encountered mine as I stood at the Temple entrance, I felt my heart swell into life as it had not in the two moons I had been back in captivity. Truly, these were gods and the golden one was looking directly at me! I lower my eyes in submission. Not because the nature of my captivity demanded it, but because YOU had seen all the way through me and deep into my soul. Terror clutched at my pounding heart when you turned your monstrous black beast away from the precise formation making its way down the goldpaved stones of the Way of the Sun. I made no attempt to flee, though my strength had become prodigious and I could have easily broken the chains of gold that bound me to the pillar. I could have possibly used the tumult caused by the entrance of the demon army into the city to facilitate a short lived escape. I somehow knew you would come for me. I also knew I could not outrun the four legged creature that carried you, nor did I even desire to try. As your raging beast bore down upon me, I stretched the chain of gold to its limits, at the same time your terrible flashing blade clanged against it, severing it from the pillar. I was only half aware that you had leaned over and caught me around the waist, hoisting me to the back of your mount. When my naked man moons came to rest against your metal skin, my bare legs spread wide to accomodate the girth of the leather seat where you sit so easily balanced. I cling to it with all my strength. I could feel the unmistakable bulge of your huge mantool pushing against me, even through the metal scales that protected them. I savored the feel of your hot breath in my hair and at the nape of my collared neck. Where your metal skin touched, heated by the terrible Aztec sun, I burned. Your beast lurched forward, and the next moment brought chaos and anguished screams from those pedestrians not quick enough to scramble out of your way as you turned the rearing black demon with the flashing eyes back into the crowd, trampling them without remorse beneath the iron shod hooves. Your metal clad arms held me fast against you. The golden bristles of your chin tickle my throat and shoulder. The leader slowed as you drew up beside him, and turned to appraise my worth. Oddly, he seemed as interested in the gold on my body, which was to me only a symbol of my slavery, as he was my body itself. His dark eyes glimmered with appreciation at the sight of both. He reached over and captured my chin with his hand and smiled a smile that promised we would know one another much better by the end of the day, though, I understand none of what he was saying. III Conqueror We came finally to the Palace of Moctezuma and rode our horses right up the steep steps and into the main hall. Moctezuma himself walked out to meet us and was immediately forced to kneel, allowing his people to see him paying homage to the conquerors. He was then escorted back to his private chambers. My Lord General took his scepter from him, tossed it aside, and laughingly pushed him to his knees, opening his codpiece. You are sitting so quietly in my straddle that I wonder what you must be thinking, seeing the mighty Aztec leader so humbled. Every pendejo in the palace is quickly rounded up and locked away to be assessed later. My lord General, his huge, reeking tool finds its way to Moctezuma's unwilling mouth as he gives the order for all the gold in the palace to be gathered by his most trusted men. The stench of unwashed soldiers, as they stripped off armor that had been on for months, was overpowering in the cool, fragrant chamber. Someone was screaming for mercy in the corridor. I laugh out loud, doubting seriously they would receive much , if any, mercy at the rough hands of the conquistadors.. I dismount and you sink immediately to your knees as though expecting the same treatment being given the other pendejos. I bend down smiling and gently begin stripping you of the gold baubles in your pierced ears, nose, and nipples. I remove the cuffs from your hands, and the bands from your arms. I catch the gleam of gold buried in your silken bush of crotch hair and kneel before you to remove the tight ring from your impressive cock and balls and the jeweled pin which with you are infibulated. I notice your fine hands trembling at your sides and then you raise them, palms up, in the manner of a slave who had no more to offer. Funny, I'm thinking.....I am the one on my knees before you. I grin, telling you with my eyes that this is not what I desire from you. I am on my feet instantly when some rough common soldier grabs you from behind and pulls your body to him in a lewd embrace. My blade flashes in the strong sunlight and I give him a damned good stick in the shoulder to remember me by."This is no public sporting ground." I snarl as he backs away. "Go wait your turn to fuck that boycunt king with the others and leave my loot in peace." Moctezuma was now screaming, lying thrown face down over a heavy table, with a huge hairy foot soldier riding his bleeding backside like it was his last battle. I can't resist a laugh as another foot soldier approaches, dangling an impressive, if unpleasant smelling, hunk of manmeat into Moctezuma's terrified face. "El Rubio, Sir....we have searched the palace from top to bottom. There are no WOMEN here......." Another footsoldier complained as he watched the commotion, and caressed his own massive tool. He certainly looked disappointed that most of the women and children had been evacuated to the relative safety of the forest beyond the gates of the City. We would search them all out eventually. The City itself, it's gold, and it's food supply was all we really wanted at the moment....not to mention the usual delights of subjugating the men of the city for our pleasure. "Well, Ramirez, I guess you better get in line then, and sample some hot, sweet boyflesh." I rumble. "But NOT here....... There's plenty of gold and boyhole for everybody." I grin broadly. " Only not this one." Mumbling, the stinking, hairy soldier left to join the crowd with a final longing glance in your direction. I pitch the sack of gold taken from your body to My Lord General to be added to that meant for the King of Spain, and watch with interest as you massage your long, thick cock, seemingly glad to be rid of the confining metal that kept your meat flaccid. I look up to see your clear black eyes staring at the crowd standing around Montezuma. You actually seem to have a satisfied smirk on your handsome face, and your cock is soon standing at full attention. It's not hard to imagine that since you are obviously a slave, you may have been mistreated at some point by the very ones being subjugated by the Spaniards. "You little devil," I whisper in your ear. "I do believe you are enjoying this." Your black eyes flash with wickedness as I pull you toward a couch now occupied by My Lord General. Your nakedness is already much appreciated, and My Lord General is raging hard again and stroking his hairy cock lazily, watching us approach. With a quick glance at me, you drop to your knees before him, and I feel honored that you would submit to me in this way, even though I know you are a slave. I loose the ties of my codpiece and allow my hard cock to spring free. I guide your head forward, ignoring your expression of disgust at its unwashed condition. There would be time for bathing and other niceties later. "Suck it." I whisper, as your lips encircle the foreskin covering the head." I bury both hands in your silken hair, reveling in the sensation your hot, smooth tongue creates beneath the foreskin. Your fine hands cup and caress my balls, and stretch my throbbing cock to its full length as your well educated mouth continues to pleasure me. My Lord General is behind you, whispering soft words as he tongues the cleft between your brown asscheeks, preparing it for the onslaught to come. You reach down with your fine hand and smoothly guide his engorged member to the entrance of your puckered boycunt. With a grunt of satisfaction he enters your sweet hole and I bend foreward to kiss his upraised mouth, savoring the flavor of you. IV Slave I kneel before the golden one, his big rough hands buried in my hair, guiding my head as his huge tool gags me. The other, the one reputed to be the reincarnation of the plumed serpent himself, is forcing his all too human cock between my manmoons. I groan in pain, and yet I am glad to comply with the humiliation by the two god-men. I feel freedom looming on the horizon for the first time since my return to the dreaded City of Moctezuma. I don't dare raise my eyes to meet the strange skyeyes of the conquerors, for to do so would melt my resolve to escape. The dark bearded one is deep inside me now, holding my hips with his hard hands, and pistoning deeper with each thrust into my bowel. I am aware that the two god-men are kissing one another as their tools work inside me. I realize that I want to taste their mouths. I am aware that a crowd of men has gathered around us and someone has reached under me to pull my mantool and manipulate my too full sac. I moan again as I feel the heat of a mouth beginning to engulf my pulsating spear, but I am unable to catch a glimpse of who it is. I feel my own pleasure building to the point of no return, and as I swallow the spurting godload, I have to release my own. The Great General soons shoots his into my body and we collapse in heap onto the stone floor. I lay there trembling, as the golden one raises me to my feet, kissing my mouth and murmering unintelligible endearments in my ear. As I look around the once royal chamber of Moctezuma, I realize that the era of his people has ended for all time. I realize that there is no turning back. The plumed one is shouting orders and forty or more new faces have come into the chamber to join in the festivities there. They have found the corn liquor and have begun to swill it like the swine they smell like. The Aztec king is once again on his knees paying oral homage to the conquerors of his people. I wish to warn you of the impending wrath of Chihualli and the priests of the temple of Quetzacoatl, but I have not the words. I smile at you instead, golden one. My eyes say, ' enjoy what you may now, because with the onset of night I will flee the City...... a free man at last! But I will always remember you.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Doran Runninghawk

Gilded Iron, Part 1

* Blessed are the Peacemaker's for they shall be called the children of God. Gilded Iron chapter I Aristan, of the noble Peacemaker bloodline was wide awake. His round blue eyes with their strange starburst pupils, as always danced with mischief from the moment they opened until the moment he closed them finally in uneasy slumber at the end of the waking. He

Gilded Iron, Part 2

Re-entering his home, Ari hugged himself, still shivering from the delicious sensations stirred into being by his last release. He despised the human frailty of the rabble, but by the same token he also despised the strengths of his own kind. Too much of which, he reasoned, was in itself a weakness. His hand toyed ceaselessly with the chained crystal, lying in the hollow of his

Gilded Iron, Part 3

Just how damned bad can anybody's luck be, Ari, disgruntled, asked himself. He reckoned that it was as bad as anyone's luck COULD be at the moment. His blue gaze caught Scipi's for a split second and he whispered, "I wish I had brought my pistol." Scipi eyed him as though he had grown another head: it was unthinkable that he’d shot not just one Templar, but two! They would

My Brother, My Love.........

It was hot, the first part of August, and my companion, Jeff and I decided to head for my cabin on the outskirts of Fairdale Ky. Surrounded by woods and unspoiled hills and farmland, it was the perfect place to spend Jeff's birthday in peace and quiet away from the heat and the hustle and bustle of south Louisville, where we stayed most of the time. Jeff was lying on the bed

Wendigo, Part 1

Reprinted March 2000 for the erotic story archives. by Doran Runninghawk. Yes, I know the story is full of inaccuracies, (called writer's license). It was written for the pleasure of the readers only, not as an historical documentary. Any comments good or bad, that you may have about this work will be answered and appreciated. Flames will be read and deleted

Wendigo, Part 2

Note: Most of this story is historically correct. Some of the cultural practices have been altered to fit the tone of the story. The nature of the characters are for the most part, fictionalized and not intended to detract from the memories of any of any actual person living or dead. PART II: The young Cherokee warrior, kidnapped from his land, and far from his people, is now the

Wendigo, Part 3

Wendigo III I Conqueror: I lead you away from the hall and the festivities there, watching as you stop and begin to cleanse yourself in a cool splashing fountain. I am tempted to join you there, but I wish more to sleep off the effects of the heavy corn liquor I have consumed with the others, while breaking the spirit of young Moctezuma. I take you in my arms, finally beginning


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