Gay Erotic Stories

Wayne And Kent

by Navar

“Sir, a reporter from the Daily Planet is here to interview you.” “Thanks, Alfred, show him in.” “Yes sir.” Clark Kent entered the spacious office. There wasn’t much furniture in it. It was mainly for visiting businessmen, as was Mr. Bruce Wayne. Wayne Enterprises is going to help finance a monorail link between Metropolis and Gotham City. Daily Planet editor Perry White sent Kent to get a few comments from Mr. Wayne. News of the monorail has been known for months, but this is the first visit to Metropolis by Mr. Wayne regarding the project. “Hello, Mr. Wayne. I’m Clark Kent.” Kent reached out his hand, and Wayne shook it. Wayne gestured to a chair. “Please sit down, Mr. Kent. I have a meeting to get to, but I can spare a few minutes.” “Thank you. Details of the monorail have been known for months. Some railroad companies have protested claiming it redundant. Cargo lines are boycotting Wayne Enterprise shipments. Any comment about that?” Wayne answered smoothly. “The boycott has been an inconvenience, but there are alternative means of transporting equipment. However, the fears of the railroad industry are not necessary. It is true the monorail will be competitive in transporting passengers, but that’s all it will do. Though monorail cars are faster than conventional trains, they are much smaller. It would be inefficient for companies to use the monorail to transport their equipment. I have already publicly stated that the monorail would only be used by people.” “However, Mr. Wayne, the fear is that passenger service is just the first step. They acknowledge the magnetic technology involved is better than wood and steel. They predict that demand will come for the monorail system to be upgraded to allow for shipments of cargo.” “No one can predict the future, Mr. Kent. If the railroads find the magnet to be superior technology, they are more than welcome to upgrade their own tracks. It’s all part of capitalism. To stay in business, businesses have to improve. They benefit with greater profits, and consumers benefit with greater products.” Alfred entered the room. “Sorry, sir, but your limo is waiting.” Wayne got up. “My apologies, Mr. Kent, I have to go. However, I’d be willing to continue this interview later tonight. Can you come back, say, 7 o’clock?” “Yes.” “Good. We can talk over a bite to eat. See you then.” Bruce Wayne walked with Kent out the door. With his super hearing, Kent heard cries of help. Not bothering to wait by the elevator with Wayne, he took the stairs. When out of Wayne’s sight he quickly took off his clothes, exposing his costume and jumped out a window to fly to where he heard trouble. Bruce Wayne, meanwhile, decided that it might make for good publicity, especially to ease the fears of the railroad industries, for Kent to accompany him to his meeting. He rushed to the stairs to catch Kent, but all he saw was his clothes on the floor and an open window. He looked outside. Kent wasn’t on a ledge. He looked below but saw nothing interesting. There was obviously something strange about Mr. Clark Kent, Wayne thought. Wayne picked up Kent’s clothes. He would ask later that night. Alfred was driving Wayne back to his temporary office. “Will you be needing your evening clothes, sir?” “This is Superman’s town. He’s doing all right by himself, but I’m prepared just in case. Right now I have an interview with Mr. Kent.” “Very well, sir. By the way, Master Grayson called. He wanted you to know he’s having a grand old time keeping watch by himself, and that you are not to hurry back.” Wayne didn’t respond. Kent was waiting in the lobby. Wayne noticed, obviously, that he wasn’t wearing the same clothes he had on earlier but made no mention of it. He escorted Kent back to the limo, and Alfred drove off. They continued the interview. Fifteen minutes later they stopped in front of a restaurant. Kent and Wayne got out, Wayne taking a briefcase with him. “Take the night off, Alfred. Enjoy yourself. I’ll find my own way back home.” “Very well, sir.” The limo drove away. Kent and Wayne ate and talked. “By the way, Kent, it’s too bad you took off in such a hurry. I had wanted to ask you if you’d like to come along to the meeting. Could have been informative. I rushed to the stairs to get you, but you were long gone.” Kent blinked. “My beeper went off. A large fire broke out a few blocks away. I wanted to get there as fast I could.” “Of course. However, you were so quick to get there, I believe you left something behind.” Wayne put his briefcase on his lap and opened it. Inside were Kent’s clothes. Kent was fidgety. “Is there something I should know about, Mr. Kent? Is there some danger to the monorail project.” “Uh, no. None. None that I’m aware of.” Kent was quite nervous. What does Wayne know? Does he know? Kent used his x-ray vision to scan Wayne. He wanted to check for wires, a tape recorder, a camera, something. He didn’t know what, exactly, but wanted to be sure that only Wayne would know what they were discussing. As he scanned Mr. Wayne, he saw he was wearing a gray undershirt. In the middle of his chest was a yellow ellipse. In the ellipse was a black bat. His eyes flinched. Wayne caught the flinch, noticing that Kent was staring at his chest. He looked at his own chest but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. His Batman costume was safely hidden. Kent was the first to speak. “We need to talk in a more private place. We should pay the bill and go.” Wayne was concerned and went slightly into Batman mode. “There is a danger.” “We can’t talk now. Let’s go.” Wayne called for the waiter to get the check. After paying they walked outside. Wayne looked at Kent, but nothing was said. Kent turned towards an alley. Wayne followed. They stopped in the middle. “Mr. Wayne, there is a reason why you saw my clothes on the stairwell.” Kent quickly grabbed Wayne’s hand and flew into the air. Bruce Wayne was startled by it, but not unaccustomed to feeling the acceleration of course. Kent, with his other hand, unbuttoned his shirt. Wayne saw the big “S” and understood. He also understood why Kent was earlier staring at his chest. Kent brought Wayne to his apartment. “We can talk here in private, Mr. Wayne. It’s obvious we both prefer privacy.” Wayne was in full Batman mode, speaking with his deep voice. “All right, what about the monorail?” “The monorail? Nothing. The railroad industry is concerned, of course, but I haven’t heard of any danger. I just brought you here to let you know I know about you. Also, as a detective, your curiosity about finding my street clothes would continue to gnaw at you until you learn the whole truth. I don’t know what you know, but you’d figure it out eventually.” “I had a suspicion. If you gave me some story about the clothes my next step would have been to put a tracer on you. So what now?” “Nothing, I guess. We’re both busy heroes, but maybe we could call on each other if either needs help.” “I already have partner.” “I don’t mean partners, exactly. I prefer working alone anyway. I just mean it would be nice to have someone as backup. ‘No one can predict the future.’” Wayne nodded. “It could work. Just one thing. In Gotham, I’m the boss.” Kent smiled. “And in Metropolis, I’m the boss.” They shook hands. They knew it was a special moment. For Kent, he no longer felt alone. For Wayne, he became a little less of a recluse. They stared at each other. They kept their hands clasped together, feeling the strength of each other’s grip (not too hard for Kent of course), feeling the bond between them. They were kinsmen. Later they would rationalize. Later they would think they got caught up in the moment. They were able to let their guard down. They both live in their own private world. They have friends. A few wanted more, but they couldn’t let anyone in. Here, at this moment, two lost souls found each other. Later, they wouldn’t care why. Wayne took off Kent’s glasses. Kent brushed his hand on Wayne’s left cheek. They leaned into each other and locked lips. With that first touch their passions took over. They grabbed each other. They pressed their bodies together - groin against groin, stomach against stomach, chest against chest. They wanted to be one. They slowly rose towards the ceiling. Wayne felt gravity pulling him, but Kent held him firmly. With his feet Wayne took off his dress shoes. He then wrapped his legs around Kent’s. His feet pushed on the heels of Kent’s shoes. The boots of Kent’s Superman costume were underneath. Wayne wasn’t able to take them off. He lifted his legs higher. He wrapped them around Kent’s ass and squeezed. Kent lowered his head and pressed it upon Wayne’s muscular chest. With his left hand he grabbed Wayne’s ass to hold him. With his right hand he unbuttoned Wayne’s shirt, exposing his Batman costume. Kent rubbed his hand along Wayne’s chest. Wayne’s muscles flexed beneath it as he squeezed his legs and pushed his groin onto Kent. As Kent’s shirt was already open, Wayne pulled it off. He looked down Kent’s back but saw only his Superman cape. It was a simple matter to take it off. Once that was done, he rubbed his hands along Kent’s back. He pulled up on the shirt to expose Kent’s skin. When he put his hand upon Kent’s back, Kent hummed in appreciation. Kent then put his hand under Wayne’s costume. His fingers slowly walked up Wayne’s stomach onto his massive chest. Kent rubbed a finger around Wayne’s left nipple. It was Wayne’s turn to hum. Kent lifted the Batman shirt and sucked on Wayne’s other nipple. Wayne let out a moan. He stopped squeezing his legs to thrust his hips. His hard dick rubbed against Kent through his clothes. Kent’s left hand, which was holding Wayne by his ass, began to squeeze. Because Kent was busy sucking Wayne’s pecs, he wasn’t maintaining good control of himself. Wayne used it to his advantage. With each thrust of his dick onto Kent, momentum moved them. With accurate thrust, Wayne pushed them into Kent’s bedroom. When they were over the bed, Kent let go of Wayne. Wayne, in his surprise, couldn’t keep a good grip on Kent with his legs; thus, he fell onto the bed. Kent smirked. With super speed he took off all of Wayne’s clothes, including his Batman costume. Kent floated above to admire him. Wayne’s body mirrored his own. His legs were large as tree trunks. His biceps bulged out of his arms. His stomach was ripped, and his pecs were mountains. Wayne’s hard dick was like a log on his stomach; his balls hugged tight to his body. Again with super speed Kent took off his clothes and Superman costume. He floated down, his face to Wayne’s dick and vice versa. When he reached Wayne Kent licked his balls. Wayne meanwhile explored Kent’s ass. He rubbed his hands on Kent’s ass cheeks. He spread his fingers then closed them allowing Kent’s skin to rise in between them. He flicked his tongue between Kent’s balls and hole. Kent purred in response. Kent grabbed Wayne’s dick and put it in his mouth. Using his hand as a tunnel, he moved his head up and down. As he did so, his tongue would massage Wayne’s dick. “Aaaaahhhhhh,” Wayne groaned. Wayne reflexively humped. As he did so he spread Kent’s ass cheeks. He put his index finger into Kent’s hole. Kent winced but did not protest. Instead, he did the same to Wayne. Wayne then started to suck Kent’s dick. Kent began to hump to coincide with Wayne. Meanwhile, each continued to plug the other with their finger. They were both moaning now, getting louder and louder. However, as much as Kent wanted to continue, he was mindful of his strength. He couldn’t allow himself to cum into Wayne. He had something else in mind. First he stopped their suck machine. He got up and opened a window which viewed upon the river. He spread his legs apart and leaned his head out the window, causing his ass cheeks to part exposing his hole. Wayne was no dummy. He walked over to Kent and put his hands onto Kent’s waist. He stuck his dick into Kent and fucked him. Once Wayne was in full gear, Kent stood up but still allowing Wayne to fuck him. Kent turned his head so they could kiss. Kent then grabbed Wayne’s right hand and put it on his dick. Wayne jerked Kent in tune with each fuck. With each thrust Wayne grunted like an animal. Kent whimpered as he got closer to orgasm. He stopped kissing Wayne, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back. Wayne began to squeeze Kent’s nipples. Kent’s whimpers grew shorter in length but higher in octave. “Ah! Ah! Ah! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!”. Wayne felt the torrent in his hand as Kent shot his cum out the window in a long white arc. It shot out in tremendous speed splashing down into the river below. Wayne continued to fuck him, grunting. “Ar! Ar! Ar! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaar!” In quick thrusts Wayne squirted his cum into Kent. Kent milked Wayne’s dick with his ass. After one last grunting thrust, Wayne stopped. They both went back to the bed to lie down and cuddle and kiss. They became partners after all.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Navar

Celebrity Auction

A very happy occurrence happened to me. I won the lottery. Naturally I splurged a little, ok a lot, but I soon regained my composure. I didn't want to spend my way back to the poorhouse. However, aside from material things, I wanted to go to places I never could afford before. I went to Broadway shows and fine diners. I had a great time at the infamous Russian Tea Room. There is a

Cruise To Heaven

A friend treated me to a cruise to get away from it all. I was a bit reluctant to go because I don't like just doing nothing. I'm sure there would be activities on a cruise ship but they would be lame. However, I was a little curious about the situation. I've never been on a cruise before so at least having a new experience would be exciting. Thoughts of the "Love Boat" appeared in

Hero Worship

Spiderman was depressed again. It's the same old story. He captures the bad guy to save the city, and he's a hero. Next day, people deride him as a vigilante, question his sanity, or just consider him a menace. People have short memories. He himself declares he would stop being a superhero from time to time, but he always goes back to it. This time though ... It would be nice if he

It's Just A Short Stop To Nirvana

It has been a while, but I return to J’s Hangout; a juice bar upstairs, a j/o club downstairs. All types of guys go downstairs, from the elderly gents to the scrawny twinks to muscle jocks. There are also various personalities like the slut who does anyone, the guy who just won’t shut up, and the mysterious short guy wearing a baseball cap. Perhaps the most frustrating personality is

My Favorite Yankee

In a way you can say I have a dream job. I’m not a CEO and am not a famous movie star. No, I’m a batboy for the New York Yankees. Now, I’m not a boy, but I would feel foolish if I called myself “batman”. Being a batboy is not a high paying job, but there are fringe benefits. For one thing, I attend all the home games for free. When the team’s not playing at home, they usually have

Prince Of A Trainer

I entered a raffle for charity. I didn’t expect to win anything, but it’s fun to play anyway. There were a number of large prizes such as a new car, five thousand dollars, and a family trip to Disney World. As I expected I didn’t win. However, there were a number of smaller prizes, one of which I did win. I won a year’s membership in a gym with trainer. I thought that was cool.

Save For Save

The fire was spreading as I headed out to the roof. The smoke was thick. I was trapped. I didn’t know if anyone saw me go this way. I couldn’t get to the exit doors like everyone else. Their backs were turned to me, and Batman was chasing the Joker. I heard sirens from the street below. I wanted to look over the side of the roof to wave to them so they would know where I was, but

Tarzan Origins

It must have been that last bullet. The jeep was leaking gasoline for the last five miles. I saw the gage on empty. The soldiers were bound to catch up to me. Staying on the road was too dangerous. Running into the jungle was not a good idea either, but there wasn’t much of a choice. I walked a half an hour before coming to a small river. I took the chance and walked upstream.

The Oilman

Times were tough. I needed to get a job, any job. I found work at Madison Square Garden as a janitor. Not a glamorous job, but work is work. I helped clean the arena after sporting events as well as maintain the general cleanliness of the entire building. Once in a while I would be asked to do odd jobs at various events, such as ushering. There was one sporting event that proved

The Photo Shoot

There was a small help wanted ad in the newspaper for an office assistant. I doubt it would pay much, but I needed the job so I had answered it. It was a Manhattan address. It wasn’t in a ritzy neighborhood. However, it wasn’t in a slum either, just a low rent area relatively speaking for Manhattan. I took the elevator to the 7th floor. It opened up into a reception area. I was

Wayne And Kent

“Sir, a reporter from the Daily Planet is here to interview you.” “Thanks, Alfred, show him in.” “Yes sir.” Clark Kent entered the spacious office. There wasn’t much furniture in it. It was mainly for visiting businessmen, as was Mr. Bruce Wayne. Wayne Enterprises is going to help finance a monorail link between Metropolis and Gotham City. Daily Planet editor Perry White sent Kent to

When Titus Was In Jail

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