Gay Erotic Stories

Voyager - Welcome Home!

by Big Valley Dude

It was one month after Voyager’s dramatic entry back into the Alpha Quadrant via a Borg Sphere and it was now time to finally celebrate. All of the debriefings of every crewmember have taken place, Janeway was promoted to Admiral, Chakotay and Tuvok were promoted to Captains, the entire crew received various promotions and commendations and the data collected from Voyager’s time in the Alpha Quadrant would now be studied and shared within all of Starfleet. The celebration party would be aboard Voyager, which was now resting on the grounds Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco. She was all cleaned up, repaired and refurbished. Before Voyager would leave in three days for some deep space missions into the uncharted portions of the Delta Quadrant, as the new deep space flagship of the Federation, one more thing had to be done. A celebration would now take place aboard before the Voyager crew would go their separate ways. The entire crew assembled in the cargo bay for some speeches by some Starfleet admirals. After the pomp and circumstance was over only Voyager crewmembers stayed aboard, as it was a “Voyager family” celebration. The cargo bay was decorated. A holographic Jazz Band was playing music. At the command of Admiral Janeway and Captain Chakotay the food and drink tables materialized via transporters and holographic servers began serving. The alcohol was real. The spirits were high. The party was in high gear. Tom Paris, along with B'Elanna, were promoted and accepted positions within Starfleet Command: Starship Design Division. They would not be aboard Voyager when it would return to the Delta Quadrant. Harry Kim would be staying onboard for the new deep space missions as the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Kim. It was not long before Tom and Harry had a few drinks and then some. B’Elanna knew that Tom and Harry would miss one another. She kept her distance and mingled with the rest of the crew and gave Tom his space to spend time with his first friend made aboard Voyager. Tom and Harry reminisced. They were laughing, drinking and having a grand time. Crewmembers were standing around them as Tom and Harry laughed and shared funny and embarrassing anecdotes about one another. Conversations about their holodeck antics came up. Tom leaned over to Harry and whispered, “How about one last time for Captain Proton?” Harry did not skip a beat. Harry nodded for Tom to follow him. Tom followed Harry behind a decorative display of various pictures of family and friends of crewmembers. Harry said, “Computer - 2 to beam directly to holodeck one. Security code Kim: alpha 0488”. As Harry and Tom materialized it was obvious that someone beat them to it. There was a program running. It was a beach setting obviously portrayed on an M class planet. The water was crystal clear and the warm breeze was refreshing. There were many holographic representations of many different species enjoying this setting. Some were swimming and playing in the water. Some were playing in the hot sand. Many of them were on the sand making love. Many of them were naked. Harry seemed dismayed. Harry stated, “Computer: end pro ....” Before he could finish Tom said, “Wait Harry! Let’s have some fun!” Tom stated, “Computer: delete all holographic characters”. The swoosh sound came and went, all characters disappeared except for two male security officers. They were completely nude and engaged in oral sex. They stopped what they were doing, froze and stared at Kim and Paris. Tom said, “Sorry for barging in! We will leave you guys alone.” The officers got up, grabbed their clothes off the sand, quickly got dressed and one of the officers summoned the “exit” command and they quickly left. Harry remarked that he never knew they were a couple. Tom was amused. “Were you always this clueless?” Harry gave him a playful punch. Harry said, “Computer: end pro …” Again, Tom stopped him and suggested, “Hey, I could go for a swim and the party will be going on all night so let’s have some fun. Computer: reactivate holographic characters.” Since the entire day was filled with official functions all of Voyager’s crew were still in full uniforms. Tom took off his boots and began to unzip the front of his uniform. He pulled his uniform top off, pulled his pants down and he was wearing his “blues” (boxers and t-shirt). Harry asked if Tom was going to replicate swimming attire. Tom told Harry to relax and enjoy the moment. Tom took of his t-shirt and then removed his boxers. Tom’s body was well toned and tanned. Tom had a semi hard on. He had a devilish grin on his face and ran towards the water. Harry took his boots, uniform top and pants off. He pulled off his t-shirt. He realized that he was now hard - very hard. For seven years Harry hid his true feelings for Tom. He knew Tom loved B'Elanna. Harry knew there was no point in practicing his bi-sexuality aboard Voyager because the only man he was attracted to - the only man he loved on Voyager was Tom. Harry knew Tom had love for only one person. That person was B’Elanna. Was it the alcohol? Was it the setting? Was it the fact Harry would not see Tom for two years? Harry did not care. Harry took of his boxers sporting a huge hard on. Harry was also fit and he became more muscular during his 7 years on Voyager. He ran towards the water and his cock was smacking against his legs and abdomen region as he ran toward the water. Tom and Harry joined another group of nude swimmers playing sonic hydro volleyball. After the game was over Tom and Harry went to the drink hut set up on the beech. Harry was now a bit more “relaxed” and felt comfortable to stand in front of Tom. Tom and ordered their drinks and began talking. Maybe being nude incited their constant manly competition. Topics such as who is the best hockey player, marathon runner and wrestler came up. Tom, being quite “buzzed” at this point, stated, “Come on Clarinet boy! Let’s settle this now!” Before Harry could respond or even put his drink down Tom rushed him and tackled him to the ground. Harry’s Strawberry Daiquiri spilled all over his face and neck. Harry was now on his back and Tom was sitting on Harry’s stomach and was holding Harry’s arms down on the ground. Harry automatically became hard as he felt Tom’s balls and cock on his bare stomach. Tom was laughing and said to Harry, “Now, who is the better wres ….” Before Tom could finish he froze and looked a little mad. He looked behind him to confirm what he felt on his ass - Harry’s raging hard cock. Tom looked at Harry and Harry turned red. Harry closed his eyes. Harry felt 7 years of friendship would now end. Since homosexuality and bi-sexuality were accepted in the future Harry knew Tom was not angry with that. Harry knew Tom would be mad for lying about his sexual orientation. Harry knew Tom now honored honesty, trust and friendship since 7 years on Voyager had changed Tom. Before Harry could open his eyes he felt Tom move down on his body, he felt Tom crab his cock and before Harry knew it he was now in Tom. Harry opened his eyes and now Tom’s eyes were closed. Tom began to ride Harry up and down. Tom’s ass took in all of Harry’s huge, uncut cock. Harry was in ecstasy. Tom was caressing Harry’s body. Tom started to lick the Strawberry Daiquiri off of Harry’s face and neck. Tom put his tongue in Harry’s mouth as Tom continued to be fucked by Harry. Harry knew he wanted to taste more than Tom’s tongue. With a champion-style wrestling move Harry, using his legs, grappled Tom and flipped him over to the ground. Harry felt a pleasurable shutter of pain has Tom’s body ripped of his hard cock. Tom was now on the ground and Harry pounced on him. Harry put his ass on Tom’s face. Harry could see Tom’s hard cock. Tom had huge balls and his cock was long, think and the veins were numerous. Harry was not sure if he could take it all in. He opened his mouth and tried. He actually choked at first. Tom said silently, “Harry - relax.” Tom then began to rim Harry. Harry quivered with delight. He went to Tom’s cock again. He gently licked the head and licked the sides. He then took in the entire cock. Harry could actually feel Tom’s cock get bigger. Before he knew it Harry felt his mouth fill with hot, salty and sweet fluid. Harry took in ever drop. None was wasted. Tom was moaning. Tom grabbed Harry’s waist wrestled him on to his back. Tom got up, walked around Harry and stood at his feet. Tom stared at Harry. Harry’s cock was pointing straight up. Tom said, “Get me!” And Tom began to run down the beech through the scantly clothed and nude holographic characters. Harry got up and ran after him. After 5 or 6 yards Harry jumped up and landed on Tom. Tom fell to the ground and looked like he was in actual pain. Harry stood up. When Tom stood up Harry pushed him down to his knees and said, “Suck me - NOW!” Tom grabbed Harry’s ass and took in every inch of Harry’s cock. It wasn’t long before Harry felt the explosion building. Harry pulled his cock out of Tom’s mouth and shot his load on Tom’s face. Tom closed his eyes and enjoyed every moment of the man explosion. Tom’s mouth was open allowing Harry’s cum to come in. Harry kissed Tom and enjoyed tasting himself. Both collapsed on the beech and laid in silence. Harry turned to Tom and said, “I am sorry I never told you how I felt about you.” Tom said, “I always knew. After all, it was not hard to override your security code and access your holodeck program ‘KIM-PARIS Key West Fantasy 01’. I knew you were developing some knew sports programs so I couldn’t wait and, well, I found that instead.” Harry was not mad. Harry was filled with pleasure. Most of all, Harry was filled with relief. Harry stood up and embraced Tom. They kissed one another with the passion and lust of 7 years of avoiding the fact they had a love for one another. Harry also knew this might be there last kiss ever. Harry wanted this to be the last kiss, as he wanted to remember this experience always and compare it to nothing. (I hope you liked my story! I would like to hear what you thought. Drop me an e-mail.) ** BigValleyDude@Hotmail.Com **


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Big Valley Dude

The First And Last Time Before College Begins

It was mid-August and it was hot. My name is Shaun. My three best friends and I were all getting ready to leave our small town and go to college. Jon, Vince, Trent and I were all going to different schools quite some distance away from one another. We were best of friends and did everything together from kindergarten to a combined high school graduation party just over a month ago.

Voyager - Welcome Home!

It was one month after Voyager’s dramatic entry back into the Alpha Quadrant via a Borg Sphere and it was now time to finally celebrate. All of the debriefings of every crewmember have taken place, Janeway was promoted to Admiral, Chakotay and Tuvok were promoted to Captains, the entire crew received various promotions and commendations and the data collected from Voyager’s time in


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