Gay Erotic Stories


by Max sprouse

“does he HAVE to be a virgin?” i wondered. adam looked at me. “if he does, we’re shit out of luck here.” i scanned the bar. “this is a pretty tacky bunch,” i agreed. “monsters everywhere, and very few gods.” “i haven’t seen a god in here for ages.” “for that matter, i haven’t seen god himself in here for a long time either.” “i see god when i’m dancing.” “yeah, well. that’s you.” “you should too.” “i don’t dance as well as you do.” “that’s true.” “bitch.” “you dance fine. in a kind of . . .” “what.” “straight boy kind of way.” “ARRGHHHH!” “i meant it as a compliment.” “did you, now.” “well, no, not really.” we both laughed. “how about him?” “derek?” “is that his name?” “derek, eric, something like that.” “he’s deeply sexy.” “and knows it. that’s not innocent. we need innocence.” “do we?” “what.” “‘innocence’?” “why DO they sacrifice virgins anyway. what’s so special about a virgin? what have they got that i don’t?” “a tight asshole?” “whoa now! if you want to play hardball, honey, just let me know.” “i’m not complaining. i like your ass very much.” “you certainly weren’t bitching LAST friday when that cock of yours was buried up there!” “i know, dear. i’m sorry.” “blow me.” “later, honey.” “of course, ‘honey’.” “give me a kiss.” we kissed. “okay, fine. now back to virgin-hunting.” “i mean, don’t you think that WE have power?” “what are you saying?” “i mean that after all these years we must have built up SOME kind of power. some kind of force. from knowing what we know and having been through what we’ve been through.” “maybe you have. i feel normal.” “i don’t.” “well, no. . . .” i gave him a look. “joe, sweetie,” he said, “i know what you mean. it’s like the quote on that site.” “what quote?” “the whitman.” “‘youth, large, lusty, loving—youth, full of grace, force, fascination—do you know that old age may come after you, with equal grace, force, fascination?’” “you memorized it?” “i might need to impress somebody with it someday. i’ve also memorized the beginning of keats’ ‘endymion’. ‘a thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases . . .’” “stop.” “‘it will never pass into nothingness, but still will keep . . .’” “stop.” “‘a bower quiet for us, and a sleep . . .’” adam put his hand over my mouth. “are you finished?” i looked at him with my big ‘i’m sorry’ expression and nodded. he took his hand away. i continued. “‘a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.’” he looked at me with amusement. “i don’t think i WILL suck your dick tonight.” i put my hand on the front of his crotch. “well, then, i guess i’ll just have to suck yours.” he pushed his crotch forward. “deal.” he moved closer—melting his big deep blue eyes—and pushed his tongue into my mouth. i could feel him getting hard as i massaged his box. “stop,” he mumbled. “we don’t want these people getting the wrong idea.” “what would that be?” i asked as i licked his cheek. “they might think we’re lovers.” “nah. they know we’re not.” “i know that and you know that, but they might not.” “so?” “the virgin, remember? it might scare him away.” “you think?” “maybe. right now i really don’t care. i have other thoughts on my mind.” “like what?” “you want to suck my cock?” “now?” “no. later.” “oh, yeah.” “you want to wrap your lips around that pretty dick of mine and suck on it?” “oh, yeah, baby.” “yeah, i know you do. you want to get down on your knees and take that big dick in your mouth and suck the hell out of it, don’t you.” “fuck, yeah.” adam stepped away. “then go buy me another beer, you fuckin’ whore.” i laughed. and bought him the beer. + + + we went back to his place that night. where i did suck the hell out of his cock. and where he sucked me off too. of course. didn’t you know he was kidding when he said he wouldn’t? afterwards, we were lying around in his bed before going to sleep. “i don’t know if we can find somebody else,” i said. he played with the hair on my chest. “i didn’t say it was going to be easy.” “no. it’s not going to be easy. but do you think it’ll be worth it?” “it’ll be hot.” “well, yeah, it would be hot. but do you think we’ll be able to . . .” “to what?” “i don’t know. to make something happen.” “what are you expecting? the stars to fall down? do you want the earth to split open and demons to appear?” “no, and don’t say things like that. it makes bad vibes.” “i know. i’m sorry.” he sighed. “i know what you mean. i don’t know how to put it either.” “i want SOMETHING to happen.” “something will happen.” “i know. but . . . it kind of bothers me that i don’t know what it will be. i mean, i know we can do it. but i want it to be all good, you know? i don’t want it to be any of this invocation-of-the-dark-force shit.” “maybe we shouldn’t do it in the forest.” “we have to do it in the forest. what, we’re going to do it here in this apartment? i don’t think so.” adam grinned. “so now you’re dissing my apartment?” i kissed him. “no, honey. i just mean that i think we can do it out in the woods and get better results there. all the stuff out there isn’t bad. there’s a lot of primal energy out there and we can tap into it easier than we can here.” “woooooooo, wooooooooo.” i lightly slapped him. “oh, baby,” he cooed. “do that again.” i slapped him harder. his eyes got steely. “harder.” i whalloped him. “fuck!” he spat out. he jumped down onto my cock and ate it. i grabbed his head and facefucked him until i came again. + + + “they never buy anything NEW!” i whined. “the jim dine was new.” “no, it wasn’t. i’ve seen it before. years ago, but i’ve seen it.” “did you come to the samaras show when it was here?” “yes. twice. it was a riot. all those straight people oohing and aahing over sequins and leftover dress pieces.” “now be nice.” “no, never.” “are we done then?” “almost. we have to go down to seven.” “sebastian.” “well, of course. i can’t leave here without looking at him.” as we waited for the elevator, adam considered me. “you know it’s not healthy.” “what?” i knew what was coming. we’d had this discussion before. “he’s so gay.” “and what’s wrong with that?” “no. i mean the martyrdom. he reminds me of those queens who wander down the street at three a.m. singing ‘the man that got away’.” “like me.” “in the first place, my dear, you are not a queen.” “thank you, i think.” he grinned slyly. “but you do sing.” “i sing ‘summertime’! that’s entirely different!” “right.” “anyway, don’t dish queens. if it wasn’t for queens you and i wouldn’t be where we are today.” “which is where?” “standing at an elevator holding hands.” he leaned over and kissed me. “god bless the queens.” “god bless the queens.” + + + on the seventh floor, i knew which room to head for. adam trailed behind, idly studying the altarpieces. “uh-oh,” i said. “what?” he peeked around my shoulder. “somebody’s already got your bench.” “it’s what’s-his-name.” “derek.” “eric.” “whatever. just go on in.” “mmm, not yet. let me just watch him.” “him? i thought you said you weren’t interested.” “i said i thought he was stuck on himself. i didn’t say i wasn’t interested.” “then here’s your chance.” “what?” adam nudged me. “go on.” “no. i can’t.” “why not?” “because.” “because you’re a pussy.” “no. i just can’t.” “pussy. pussssyyyyyyy.” “shhh!” “pooooooh-seeeeeeeee!” “STOP IT!” but he knew how to get me to do anything he wanted. “i dare you.” and that was how. “thank you, jeffrey.” “come on, man. i dare you to talk to him.” “stop.” he looked me straight in the eyes. “i dare you.” i kissed him and went into the room. + + + “hey.” “hello.” i glanced back through the doorway. adam raised his eyebrows. “you like this picture?” i asked. the guy on the bench studied me briefly, then took his gaze back to the item in question. “i don’t know,” he said. “it’s a bit much.” “well, yes. i think maybe one arrow would have done the job.” he laughed. “no, i was referring to the expression on his face. he’s supposed to be a saint. he’s in the grace of god. i think they have him looking like he’s . . . doomed. that’s not right at all.” “maybe the painter didn’t like gay saints.” he looked at me sharply. “i don’t think that’s it. it has to be a gay painter. who else would bother. and you know, all those arrows . . .” “yes.” “well, you know what they’re supposed to be.” i was surprised. i hadn’t expected him to be that bright. “yes.” he smiled. “i wouldn’t be too upset, would you?” “wait,” i said. “let me count them. seven, eight? i could handle that.” he winked at me. “i’m sure you could.” if i had ever wished i could make myself blush on cue, i wanted that ability then. i held out my hand instead. “my name’s joe.” “ethan.” “hi.” “hi.” he looked around. “where’s your boyfriend?” “my boyfriend?” “the blond guy.” “oh. adam. adam’s not my boyfriend.” “he isn’t?” “no. he’s my best friend.” “i thought . . .” “you thought what.” “well, the way you two carry on in the bar . . .” “that’s . . .uhh . . .” “you’re fuckbuddies.” “no, we’re not,” i said impatiently. “we’re best friends.” “ARE you fucking?” i can’t blush on cue, but i did feel my face heating up. “yeah, we do. sometimes.” ethan grinned slyly. “how often?” “a couple of times a week.” he laughed. “sounds like a boyfriend to me!” my face was on fire. “i can’t explain it any better than that,” i stammered. he looked at me. he stood up and kissed me very softly on the lips. “i don’t think you need to,” he whispered. “i’ve got your number.” i stared at him, astounded. i walked over to the door. “adam. come here. there’s someone i want you to meet.” + + + we went back to my place. it was too too hot. maybe because it was our first time with the three of us together. or maybe not. all i know is that it balanced perfectly. of course, that first time we focused on ethan. he was the center of attention. both adam and i spent long minutes sucking on his dick, either separately or together. or one of us kissed him while the other worked his mouth over ethan’s tits. not that ethan didn’t do his share. he liked having two cocks in his mouth. and he liked watching me and adam together. which was the nice part. adam and i still related to each other as we always had. we had never done this kind of thing before, and i had always had it in the back of my mind that i might freak. but i didn’t. and adam didn’t either. i remember looking into his eyes and smiling and he smiled back. it was going to be o.k. we didn’t fuck, that first time. ethan and i beat off on adam’s face while we kissed. then i jerked adam off while he ate out ethan’s ass. + + + it didn’t get to be a frequent thing, not like me and adam, but it happened again. ethan caught on quickly to what my and adam’s relationship was. he understood. and so we understood him. + + + after one of our evenings together, he brought it right out. “you know, i love you two. and what we do here. so don’t be too hard on me with what i’m going to ask you.” we waited. “i’d like to do you separately sometimes.” adam and i looked at each other. he spoke first. “what do you think?” “i don’t know, what do YOU think?” ethan groaned. “oh, god. i’ve done it now!” i patted his head. “no, it’s alright.” i was laying against the headboard, cradling ethan’s body in my arms, and adam was lying with his head on ethan’s stomach. adam began, hesitantly. “you know, i think that as long as nobody hides anything from anybody else . . .” “and as long as you both promise to always tell me the truth . . .” i continued. adam looked at me. “isn’t that what i just said?” “not exactly.” “well, we mean the same thing.” “what i mean is that if i ask you if it’s time for me to go, you’ll tell me.” he looked at me sternly. i could tell ethan was holding his breath. “i will always . . .ALWAYS . . .want you,” he said. “thank you,” i said. “and i will always . . . always . . . love you.” he moved over ethan’s body and kissed me, deeply and passionately. this, of course, brought his cock right over ethan’s face. breaking away from the kiss, i gasped down at ethan. “our answer’s ‘yes’.” and i pushed adam’s butt down until his cock went into ethan’s mouth. + + + so maybe once a week, ethan slept with me, and once a week, ethan slept with adam. and adam and i slept with each other twice a week. the only awkwardness was the first time. not the first time i slept with ethan. but the first time i slept with adam after he and i had both slept with ethan separately. and that didn’t last long. he told me what they had done in bed together and i told him what we had done in bed together and that was that. and then we were all banging each other all together about every three weeks. god, i don’t think any of us even thought about fucking anybody else in the world. well, no, that’s not right, because ethan did. after one of our group sessions i asked him, and he said he still picked up other guys. which only seemed fair. although we were doing what we were doing, adam and i still were a pair of something, god knows what. until ethan made us say it. + + + “you know,” he said. “you two are so in denial.” “what?” “i deny everything,” adam said. “i wasn’t there, nobody saw me, and you can’t prove it anyway.” “what are you talking about?” i asked. “you two are boyfriends,” ethan said. we both groaned. “you ARE,” he insisted. “you just don’t like to admit it because you’re both so scared.” “i’m not scared,” i said. “i’m not scared of anything. oh, except a lighted match.” “and i don’t BLAME you,” adam chuckled. “but i’d face a whole box of them for the chance of getting some brains!” adam was laughing his ass off. “will you two stop!” ethan interjected. “see, you’re changing the subject.” “yeah, so what.” adam got out over his giggles. “suck my dick.” “just did, honey.” “i liked it. do it again.” “and a mighty fine job he did of it, too,” i added. “you boys must have been practicing on your own.” “from what I hear,” adam said, “you’ve been teaching this cheap piece of fuck how to eat ass.” “he’s coming along real nicely,” i leered. “roll over and let him have a shot at yours.” “nah,” adam grunted. “why don’t you do it instead.” about the time my tongue finished licking the butt around his hole and started to really get down to business, ethan got in the last word. “you are boyfriends.” + + + the next time adam and i spent the night together, it came up again. we had done the sex. we were lying together in the dark, his chest to my back, his arm around me. i was holding his hand to my lips when he spoke. “he’s right, you know.” “yeah, i know.” and that was that. + + + did it change things? no and yes. we didn’t make plans to move in together. we discussed it briefly, yes. but it wasn’t important somehow. everything was going so well as it was, that living together wasn’t a real consideration. and it didn’t change things as far as ethan was concerned. we actually discussed this more than our living arrangements. through talking it over we discovered that—surprising to both of us—ethan was not a threat to our relationship. if anything, he was the proof of it. what did worry us was that ethan might see a difference now and leave us. we would have been able to function without him—and at that point we might have seriously considered the living-together option—but the fact was that we were both in love with him. not in the same way we were in love with each other. but adam and i outright said to each other that we each loved ethan and didn’t want to give him up. “you know we have to tell him,” adam said one day. “yes, i know.” “tonight.” “o.k.” + + + we had sex with ethan that night. it took about two hours, like it usually did. i’m sure he sensed something was going on. i could sense something. it was there in the way adam was humping his ass, with hard deep thrusts, like he had never fucked ethan before. it was there in the way i kissed ethan, holding his face between my hands and devouring his mouth. like the first night, we both made him the center of attention. we worked his mouth, his tits, his cock and his ass until he was fucking shouting. and shooting long thick ropes of cum all the way across the bed. “goddamn!” he groaned, after we were done. “what the fuck was that all about!” we waited. until everybody had caught their breath. i just said it. “we’re boyfriends.” ethan rolled over and eyed us amusedly. “yeah, i told you that a month ago.” he lay back down with his arm behind his head. a minute passed. we weren’t above a little mental torture. “oh,” he said. adam and i looked at each other. “and we’re in love with you,” he said. another minute passed. then ethan sat up. there was a smile on his face. “you know, i think i understand. you don’t want me to go.” “NO!” “oh, GOD, no!” adam and i had blurted out our words at the same time. we all three burst out laughing. “fine, fine,” ethan chuckled. “i get it. you two are just going to keep me around as your little fuck toy while you go off to make housey together.” “don’t . . .” i said. “ethan . . .” adam warned. “you’re right, i’m sorry,” he said. “that wasn’t fair. i know what’s what. and i’m o.k., really. i just . . . don’t want to be left out.” so we kissed him, and held him, and then we all went to sleep. + + + i woke up before they did. and i lay there, looking at two men that i loved. and i knew what we should do. when adam woke up, i had my opening line all ready. “boyfriend . . .” “what, boyfriend?” i paused for dramatic effect. “i think we’ve found our virgin.” + + + when we had explained it to ethan, as best we could, he had gotten it right away. + + + we all took the next friday off from work. we figured there would be less people up in the mountains. we left town fairly early, but—by the time we got into the foothills—the morning’s coldness was already fading. adam and i had a fairly good idea of where we were going. we had found a couple of suitable places before, when we had been out hiking. i was the only one who brought anything with me. the cardboard box sat on the front seat between me and adam. although we hadn’t discussed what each of us would do or bring, he knew—i’m sure—what was inside. we were all fairly quiet, lost in our own thoughts. it must have been about ten-thirty or eleven when we pulled off the road and started walking. down over the hill, without paths mostly, but pretty sure what we would find at the bottom. and then there it was. a mountain stream, still being fed by the melting snows. i remembered when adam and i had been here before. he had brought a picnic lunch and we had run around the woods. i had fucked him up against a tree. we looked for a clearing near the stream. it didn’t take much time to find one. we stood there looking at each other. “who’s going to start?” ethan asked. “i am.” i sat the cardboard box on the grass and, kneeling down, took out what had been inside. it was a large cedar case. “hello, darren,” adam said. “what?” ethan asked. “he was my lover,” i said. “oh,” said ethan. i held it there on my lap for a second, feeling its weight. “what do you think? in the water or on the ground?” “you’re the one that knew him best,” adam offered. “i think . . . on the ground. i can see him wanting to be in flowers more than i can see him wanting to rush off to the ocean.” they waited. as i turned away, adam asked, “do you want us to come with you?” “no, thanks. i’ll be back in a minute.” i walked about a hundred feet away. there i found someplace that felt right. it was cool and shady. the earth felt soft and rich beneath my feet. next to a tree there were some columbines growing. i put his ashes around the base of the tree, and around the flowers. it was funny that i was crying because i knew that he wasn’t in the ashes. i knew he was someplace else. i said “goodbye” out loud. halfway back to the others i realized i was still carrying the cedar case. i left it there on the forest floor and kept walking. they were softly talking as i came back into the clearing. i wiped off my face and looked at adam. “your turn,” i said. he waited a second, then took off the silver i.d. bracelet that he always wore. he laid it on the ground and then sat down. he took off his shoes and socks. his jacket, flannel shirt and tshirt followed. he unbuckled his belt and took his pants off. as he straightened up, naked, i could see the way the last remaining chill of the morning made the hairs on his body stand up. his body was long and lean and as pale as a pearl in the bright light of the day. he stood there and we looked at him. “this is it,” he said. “this is all i have.” we both smiled at him. ethan was next. he held out his hands toward each of us. after adam took his right hand and i took his left, adam and i held hands too. ethan closed his eyes for a moment. then he opened them and—raising his face to the sky—spoke. “credo in unum deum, patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium, et invisibilium. et in unum dominum jesum christum, filium dei unigenitum. et ex patre natum ante omnia saecula: deum de deo, lumen de lumine, deum verum de deo vero. genitum, non factum, consubstantialem patri: per quem omnia facta sunt. qui propter nos homines, et propter nostram salutem descendit de caelis. et incarnatus est de spiritu sancto ex maria virgine: et homo factus est. crucifixus etiam pro nobis: sub pontio pilato passus, et sepultus est. et resurrexit tertia die, secundum scripturas. et ascendit in caelum: sedet ad dexteram patris. et iterum venturus est cum gloria judicare vivos, et mortuos: cujus regni non erit finis. et in spiritum sanctum, dominum, et vivificantem: qui ex patre filioque procedit. qui cum patre et filio simul adoratur, et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per prophetas. et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam. confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum. et vitam venturi saeculi. amen. when he had finished, we were all looking up at the sky. we all saw the golden circle rise from us. it lifted slowly and hovered in the air. it stayed there, over our heads, in front of our eyes, long enough. and then it rushed outward in all directions. i never closed my eyes as i felt it flow through me. as my gaze came back down, i saw that adam had a hardon that stuck out like a baseball bat. ethan and i were cracking up, but adam just stood there lazily gazing out through his half-closed eyes. “you know,” he murmured. “you guys really should’ve had your clothes off for that one.” i took mine off then and got on my knees in front of him and sucked his cock. after ethan got his clothes off, i sucked on him too. + + + round and round and round. + + + after we all came, we were lying on the grass. “what was that?” i asked ethan. “what was what?” “what you said.” “the credo?” “i thought so. i recognized the beginning. nice. i hope we don’t all burn in hell now.” adam snuggled up against me. “that won’t happen. there is no hell,” he said. “i know,” i said. “it was a joke.” “hmmm. is this what we have to look forward to from you? bad jokes and early cumming?” “hey! i just came FIRST! somebody has to!” “yeah, well, i suppose.” “ethan?” “yes, joe?” “how about—next time—we make this son-of-a-bitch come first?” “and how are we going to do that, joe?” “i’m not sure. we’ll talk about it.” “okey dokey.” “this sounds fine to me. two men plotting about how they’re going to make me shoot my wad.” “we are going to work you over, man. we are going to tie you down and jerk your dick until you fuckin’ beg for us to let you come.” “ooh, daddy.” “daddies.” “growwllllllll. i can’t wait. look what you two are doing to me already.” “yeah, i can see. you want to take care of that, ethan?” “my pleasure. get ready, you big stud. i’m going to suck your cock.” i was holding adam tightly in my arms when he blew his load all over ethan’s face.


35 Gay Erotic Stories from Max sprouse


ideas are nothing outside the system within which they derive their identity from their opposition to other ideas. anika lemaire : jacques lacan - q: what’s your name? a: (pause) you know my name. q: this is just for the tape. a: (pause) you’re not going to use it, are you? q: if i write about it i’ll change your name. a: [name]. q: age? a: thirty-two. q: occupation? a:


1107 knock knock knock. silence. knock knock knock. "what is it." "it's me. let me in." howie crawled out of bed and stumbled to the door. "what time is it, man." "i don't know. about one." "jesus, man. i've got to get up early tomorrow." "i do too." "what do you want." "can i stay here tonight." "what. you two fight


1108 bang bang bang. "A. J.!" Bang, bang, bang. "A. J.”! Open up!" A. J.. opened the door to his room. The sound of wu-tang jumped out into the hall. "Bri, my man. What the fuck." "Give me that." Brian grabbed the beer out of A. J.'s hand as he stomped into the room. "What is your problem, dude." "Nick." "Shit, man. I don't want you


1109 what the hell was that, kevin thought. i'm just getting back after looking for sex all night, and a.j.'s already done. i wonder what kind of trash bitch he found tonight. i don't know how he does it. he's not that good-looking. i'm better looking than he is. everybody says so. how come he gets all the action and i spend hours wandering the streets without so much


alley area. it was not a good neighborhood to be in. not if you were a nice person. about ten blocks away from downtown, it lay on both sides of a thoroughfare not known for high class. if you mentioned cabell street to someone, their first thought was of liquor stores and hookers. there were those. and on-their-way-to-derelict apartment

Ballad, Part 1

josh grew up in kansas. josh grew up gay in kansas and that meant that he grew up in his kansas, a kansas that he was different from the kansas seen by the people around him. as he grew up, he realized in what way his kansas was different. the people around him—he was sure—did not see the world and its inhabitants as he did. he believed they saw the guy who worked at the gas

Ballad, Part 2

kree . . . kree . . . kree . . . kree . . . josh heard the cricket chirping. it pulsed above the other noises. the steady low rush of the water. the occasional whisper of wind through the trees above him. josh couldn’t sleep. at first he blamed it on setting up his tent hurriedly. he should have searched out a different campsite. the ground was hard here. then he blamed it on


it burns. it burns my skin. how can water burn my skin? when i first turn on the water, it takes it about two minutes to get as hot as i know it can get. or as hot as i know i can bear. then i put the plug in. it takes another ten minutes for the bathtub to fill up to the level i need. enough time to figure out what music to play. usually i don’t take this kind of bath


it’s one of those stories that starts and ends in the bar. it was a saturday night and i was being my usual raunchy self. the single life appeals to me and i have learned how to do it well. so i was working the bar like a horny gay man. this performance—as such it is—consisted of posing suggestively, walking boldly, and drinking madly. the intention was to portray a

Blowing Stupid Boys

bow down before the one you serve :nine inch nails ‘head like a hole’ * * oh, i always recognize temptation. i don’t always resist it but i always recognize it just before i leap off the cliff. i can tell that it’s temptation by an inconvenient voice in my mind that says ‘you know, max, this might not really be the best idea in the world’. it’s a voice i usually ignore. *


helllllllloooooooooo :bobberrrrrrrrrrrrr? are you there? :whoooooooooo +yes cal im here +i wasnt sleeping :soory. i just got home +no problem :sorry :what time is it there :what time is it there :i didn’t want to call too late +no problem :were you asleep? +no, just resting :should i go +no +whats up? :nothing. just got home. told you id call so here iam +how was the


“hey.” “hey.” “don’t get up.” “what time is it?” “about four.” “where have you been.” “brickport.” “brickport?” “yeah.” “oh . . . why?” “i went home with someone.” “oh.” “yeah . . . well.” “i see.” “go back to sleep.” “not yet . . . i was worried.” “i was o.k.” “i’m sure.” “hey.” “i know, i know.” “we said

Butt Fuck Nebraska

the letter gary walked in, sorting through the mail. “anything interesting?” “no. bill. bill. the ‘advocate’. junk. ‘you may already be a winner’ . . .” “i like to think so.” “a postcard from jim and tommy.” “bitches.” “the beach looks nice.” “tan bitches.” “oh, good. a letter from mom.” “b- . . . how nice.” “hey!” “she’s your mother but she’s my mother-in-law. she’s just


six months ago it was early morning and some of the company were outside the station. we were sitting around drinking our coffee, watching the steam rise as we warmed our hands on the cups. the sun had made an appearance shortly before, the morning fog was evaporating, and nobody was doing much talking. still waking up. jim broke the silence. “anybody know anything


When I showed you his picture in the paper, and I told you that I had met him, you wanted to know the circumstances. I didn't want to go into it then, because it was in the early stages of our relationship, and I didn't know how you would take it. Besides, when I said that he had been a trick, you didn't look like you believed me. He wasn't exactly a trick. I don't know

fight club--the missing scenes

SCENE ONE (exterior, the house on paper street. it is raining.) (interior, jack’s room. the sound of water dripping into coffee tins, washbasins, etc., but we can see that they are all full and the water is simply running off onto the floor. jack—wearing a dirty grey t-shirt, boxer shorts, and army boots—is hunched beneath a blanket reading a magazine. suddenly, he jumps

jail tale

“what happened to theseus and pirithous in the end?” “that was the end—their last adventure was down to hades and they were caught, bound in invisible chains. theseus was rescued finally but he had to leave his friend behind. in the chain the love of comrades cannot take away.” tom stoppard: the invention of love i was in the wrong bar. i was looking down at the fat pink cock of

Life In The Forest

i was not in a good mood when i got home. as i loosened my tie, robbie came out of the kitchen. “what’s up, babe?” “urgh,” i grunted. he chuckled. “oh, did him have a bad day at work?” i grunted again as i flopped down in my chair. he came over and stood behind me. he began massaging my shoulders. “yes him did. him is all tired and grumpy.” having my shoulders rubbed felt

memory : the van

memory : the van where and when this happened to me, i don't want to be too specific about. let's just say it was some place in the south, before. i would like one of the guys involved to see this. when i was in college i didn't have a car. so when there was a concert i wanted to go to, i had to hitch. that wasn't much of a problem. if it was a popular concert,


“how about you put a knife up my ass.” “i’d love to.” “no, i mean it.” | “that’s really sick.” “well, yes.” “and you could hurt yourself.” | “how about it.” “no, i told you.” | “how about now.” “what’s the matter with you.” | “you know what i’m thinking.” “no, what.” “about that knife.” “forget it.” | “i could do it myself, you know.” “what.” “the knife.” “jesus.”

mystery achievement

one i got the job because i was a gay man who knew how to keep his mouth shut. it’s a rarer quality in these days than some might think. that’s not the entire reason, but it’s a good place to start. the real beginning was with kevin. now, kevin did not show up at the bars all that much. i might see him there maybe once a month. but he always spoke to me, and i remembered him


i have always had a thing for dark-eyed men. i don’t mean italians or greeks or the others with mediterranean blood. i mean the ones with dark circles around their eyes, or eyes that are slightly sunken in their faces. the ones who look like they haven’t been sleeping well. the ones who have a haunted mournful look. even the ones who look like they’ve been in a fight. black eyes


i got off the chatroom because i’m not a fuckin’ whore, like those other guys. yeah, if your name is holepig, i’m talkin’ to you. yeah. right. if i stay in both friday and saturday night, it drives me crazy. i really only regretted friday night because that’s my dancing night. who was it? martha graham? “wherever a dancer stands ready, that spot is holy ground.” ----------- the

Spider's House

do you know how to get to spider’s house? xxxxxxxx i do. xxxxxxxx does that make me special? not really. a lot of guys know how to get there. but then a lot more guys have heard about it—and want to go, badly—and don’t know where it is. xxxxxxxx if you’re really pestering someone, they’ll eventually get tired of you and give you the directions. but they know that you’ll never


“that’ll be $150 for two guys.” “fine.” “per hour.” “fine.” moving is such a bitch. you collect stuff. this lamp from your first apartment. this couch from your first lover. this bed from your third lover. these dishes, those cd’s. and it’s all important. when you move, you have to take it all with you. after a while i learned it was better not to bother

summer sun

i. by that august, i had been with doug for two years. not ‘with’ in the sense of living with him. but i had been his boy for two years. i had had one daddy before. but now i was with doug. ii. it was early august when he told me that we were going away for the weekend. so on friday afternoon i was packed and waiting for him when he drove up to my apartment building. we

the best years of our lives

he and i had been lovers for a while. i had left my first lover for him. there may have been some bad behavior on my part. my first lover was out of town and i had picked up the one who would be my next lover in a bar. we got it off and hit it off and started meeting on the sly. many lies and excuses for lateness to the first lover, of course, so that the new one and i could

the ghost of danny boyd

i open my eyes and look out into the dark of the bedroom. i don’t think i have been asleep. maybe i have been. i had been drifting, trying. as the few seconds pass i separate the blocks of black and grey, identifying them. those long lines are the curtains, that square is the chest, the silver whisper is the mirror. their blurred edges and indistinct borders blend the dark and

The Hold

i’m gonna quote a line like, like, from, from, uh, yeats i think it is, like from him, and that’s called the best lack all conviction while the best are filled, no, no, it’s the other way around, the best lack all conviction (laughs) and the worst are filled with a passion and intensity now you figure out where i am.” lou reed live—take no prisoners (1978) — my apartment was the

the quiet boy

“come here.” “what?” “come here.” “why?” “because i said so, you stupid fuck.” “oh.” “stand here.” “here?” “yes.” “ . . .” “ . . .” “now what?” “shut up.” “yes, sir.” “ . . . ” “ . . . ” “ . . . ” “ . . . ” “take off your pants.” “yes, sir.” he did. i got on my knees in front of him and began to suck his cock. it went from soft to hard right away. well, i’m a good

The Sound Of His Voice

one .. “you’re going to listen to me and do everything that i say.” his arms were stretched forward, palms flat against the wall on either side of my head. he leaned into me, emphasizing the words with his steady gaze. i kept looking into his eyes. .. maybe i should go back a bit. .. it had been a rough couple of months. i had been dating this one guy for a while—four dates,

this week

the complexity of the ngor mandalas mirrors the complexity of vajrayana ritual. the combination of the intricate image and the equally involved literary texts associated with the mandala, as for all vajrayana ritual, means that the task facing the devotee would be overwhelming without the direct involvement of the guru as a guide through these layers of religious worship. —robert e.


my friend john lived in a village west of oxford. every year or so, when i made a trip to london to visit my publisher, i would tear myself away from the museums and the theaters—and the bars and the british men with their sweet and sexy accents—to visit him for a few days. after several weeks in the city, it was nice to get away and savor some quiet country life. and i did


“does he HAVE to be a virgin?” i wondered. adam looked at me. “if he does, we’re shit out of luck here.” i scanned the bar. “this is a pretty tacky bunch,” i agreed. “monsters everywhere, and very few gods.” “i haven’t seen a god in here for ages.” “for that matter, i haven’t seen god himself in here for a long time either.” “i see god when i’m dancing.” “yeah, well. that’s

up against it 1999

“anything worth doing, is worth doing in public.” —joe orton: up against it (1967) (title and opening credits. music: the ad libs, “boy from new york city.) (scene: florida, summer.) (fade up to four young men in a convertible). nick: man, i can’t wait to get to the beach. jeff: yeah, it’s hot. drew: it’s too fuckin’ hot.


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