Gay Erotic Stories

Tony the Tiger


Many years ago, I shared a duplex building with Tony. The old house had been divided into an upstairs and downstairs units and I had the upper unit. Mostly, I stayed to myself and didn’t go out much and knew nobody in the town. I had seen my downstairs neighbor, Tony leaving in his truck and returning, but as of then, I didn't know him. Best I could tell, he was about 5 feet 9 inches tall and seemed to have a good build, but from the upper level and in his work clothes, I couldn't really see his body. One day, I happened to be unloading a heavy box when he arrived home and he offered to help me carry it up the flight of stairs in the rear. I gladly accepted because it was heavy and it gave me a chance to meet Tony. He was a friendly sort of guy.... seemed around 30 or so...had a captivating smile and was certainly helpful to me. We chatted a while and I discovered he was a fireman for the town and worked swing shifts (that explained why I saw him come and go at odd hours). Being the friendly type of soul and wanting to spend more time with Tony, I offered to cook him supper and to my surprise, he accepted. He said, he would go downstairs and clean up and then come back up for supper. I busied myself preparing the meal and before too long he returned and pecked on my screen door and I motioned him inside. "What smells so good, Dave?" he asked. I replied, "Lasagna.... something I cannot make in small quantities." He laughed and said, "Well, Dave.... there won't be much of that left after I leave... I love lasagna." I noticed that Tony had on a pair of cut-offs and a muscle tee and what the clothes had hidden was certainly beautiful.... a sculpted body.... perfectly tanned and a chest ornamented with a perfect hair pattern sneaking its way below the waist band of his cut-offs. Wow, he wasn't fibbing when he said he could hide some lasagna. He asked for seconds and thirds and even went home with a Tupperware bowlful for later. He thanked me profusely for the food and time and disappeared down the stairs. I had seen a few gals coming and going from his apartment and in old buildings.... not much insulation, so the moans and so on told me that Tony was a tiger. Well, mark that stud up to being straight and go on living. I did enjoy his company and he certainly never refused a hot meal since most guys who live alone rarely do more than punch in the time on a microwave oven. So, Tony would appear periodically and feed my fantasies while I fed his tummy. On of those rare moments of madness in which I clean windows, I was contorted trying to clean my bathroom window and looked down below. It seems that Tony had discovered a well-hidden spot in the yard below and was sunbathing nude, of course, totally unaware that he was being watched. I know knew why the tan was so perfect and also why the gals moaned so loudly from his bedroom below. Tony was half tiger and half he hung. In fact, with his eyes closed, he must have been dreaming of one of his gals since the elephant part of him was standing at full attention and saluting his belly button. Feeling a little guilty about watching Tony (not guilty enough to stop), I continued enjoying the scenery discovered by accident while doing a chore I hate. Well...needless to say, that window became the cleanest one in my place after that. I noticed he reached for the suntan oil and applied some to his bountiful cock and began stroking that slab slowly until he achieved a sizeable load, which generously coated his happy trail and furry tummy. Tony in his cutoffs and muscle tee had provided many great jerk-off fantasies, but now, I was set for at least six months. One evening around 9PM, he appeared at my screen door and tapped. I motioned him inside. He apologized for disturbing me and asked if I had any aspirin. He explained that they had done some training exercises that day and he must have pulled a back muscle. I fumbled around and found a bottle of ibuprofen and offered him that. Then a surge of boldness overcame me and I offered to rub his back fully expecting a refusal. To my shock, he said, "Sure, Dave...that ought to help it not hurt so much". I couldn't believe it was true as I applied lotion to his back and massaged it deep into his tanned skin feeling those muscles beneath my hands...I actually had Tony the tiger shirtless on my couch face-down and wearing his cutoffs. When he began relaxing and he told me it was lower down on his back...I looked heavenward and said a prayer of thanks. I did let my hands occasionally stray below the waistband a little (I am human ya know) and got no objections but in fact, got some nice soft moans and "that feels so good." Then even more boldness took over and I went for his feet and legs and worked my way up to the soft inner thighs where the hair was rubbed off and kept telling myself, "Dave, this is just a fantasy...before long you will hear the alarm go off and you will wake up. I noticed he was making soft, almost imperceptible humping motions and got even braver and suggested we remove his cut-offs and in a flash, they ended up on the floor beside the couch and my hands explored those firm butt cheeks completely and occasionally 'accidentally' ended up in his furry crack and brushed his pucker. His hips sort of kept rising up higher and higher and the elephant trunk was at full mast. I then told Tony to roll over and the massage covered a lot of territory with Tony ending up squirting a trunk full of warm hot cum all over his tummy. During the next four years until I moved to my house, Tony would appear and it became a big joke between us and ask if I had any aspirin (a code he used to say he was in the mood for one of my special massages). The girlfriends kept parading into his place and he would occasionally "need aspirin". It was a couple of months after the first episode he told me he planned it that night and was faking back pain. I moved away to my house and never saw Tony the tiger again.


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Tony the Tiger

Many years ago, I shared a duplex building with Tony. The old house had been divided into an upstairs and downstairs units and I had the upper unit. Mostly, I stayed to myself and didn’t go out much and knew nobody in the town. I had seen my downstairs neighbor, Tony leaving in his truck and returning, but as of then, I didn't know him. Best I could tell, he was about 5 feet 9


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