Gay Erotic Stories

The Yacht Race

by Mark McKenzie

I always loved to sail. It was something to do with the feeling of total freedom that I found in being powered along my nothing other than the wind. I learned properly in West Cork about four years ago, and since then I've loved every minute that I've spent in a boat. Two summers ago I joined the yacht club just outside Belfast on the banks of the Lough. After a year of cruising with some friends I began to race with one of the teams. I was out most weekends and two evenings a week - we began to work well together as a team. When this happens it always very good to try and keep the same team together, then when the big regatta's come along we have a better chance of winning some of the races. By the end of June last year, we were doing well and we managed to qualify for the "Coran Cup" which is held every year on the Isle of Wight. I was lucky enough to be picked for the team, and I was really excited, as this was my first really big regatta. The racing took place over the period of 3 days, so we left five days earlier - deciding to make a holiday out of it. This would give us time to sail down there, and have a little time to practice before the start of the competition. The sail down to the Isle of Wight was the best sail that I'd ever had in my life. It was also the first time that I'd ever sailed out of sight from land. In addition, the weather was really hot. Usually there is a cold breeze out on the sea, but this time the breeze was warm, and the sun shone from early morning until dusk. We all wore shorts and had our shirts off, just walking around the deck bare-foot. With the help of some oil I had turned from having a light tan to a deep golden brown. We even went for swims behind the yacht when we were becalmed. After two and half days we arrived in Cowes where the race was to start in two days time. I was just so excited to be there, and it was a dream come true to be at a real regatta for the first time. We were one of the first boats in Cowes, but within a few hours of our arrival a lot of other yachts started to arrive. I was quite tired on the night of our arrival, so I decided to stay on the boat while the others went of to the pub for a few drinks. I sat up on deck just soaking up the atmosphere and watched the crews on the other boats getting ready. There was quite a mixture of guys on the other boats; most of them were about the same age as me. They looked really smart in their team rugby shirts and shorts. On one boat close by there were a couple of young guys working g at the rigging. They were bare chested and only wearing very skimpy shorts. They were very muscular and looked very fit indeed. Their muscular legs looked great, with their blond hairy legs showing off their tans to great effect. I could feel myself starting to get hard very fast, so I went below, lay on my bunk and started to jack off. I knew that there would be some good-looking guys at the regatta, but I hadn't realised that the variety of guys would be so good. It had been a long time since my last wank, after all I had been on the boat with the other guys for almost a week and without any sexual release - I was really horny. I was just getting into it when I felt the boat rock to the side. "Damn!" the other guys were coming back to the boat a lot earlier than I had expected. I jumped off my bunk, stuffing my hard cock into my shorts, smearing my pre-cum into my stomach. I quickly climbed the ladder to the deck, hoping that my fellow crewmembers wouldn't smell the scent of sex in the cabin below. I felt very horny and extremely frustrated at their premature arrival! Later in the evening as it was beginning to get dark; I was sitting on the deck once again enjoying a mug of coffee. I looked around to see a yacht was about three miles away from the marina. As it grew closer I could see that it was from Italy, and that it was large and very powerful. I went below, got my coffee, the novel I was reading and came back on deck. About an hour later it entered the marina, and very smoothly and very professionally the crew brought her along side. The boat looked fantastic and very new - it was called Anitias. There must've been about fifteen of a crew onboard, and they appeared to be a similar age to myself. I settled back to enjoy my coffee, just watching the guys putting their sails away. A short time later they all went below, and I could hear laughter. Sometime after that some of the young Italian guys came on deck, before leaving the boat in small groups. They were obviously going for a meal, or perhaps to the pub. I admired the guys as they walked smartly along the pontoons towards the harbour, and the pubs beyond. Thinking that they had all gone, I started to climb down below, but turned around just as the hatchway opened. As I watched, one final late crewmember hurriedly scrambled out, adjusting his jeans as he climbed across the deck to the waiting gangway. I stopped moving down my ladder, watching as the guy moved closer along the pontoon in front of me. As he grew closer it became obvious that he was a real spunk. He was incredible! He had typical Italian looks. Jet black curly hair, brown eyes, a smooth complexion and a fantastic gym trained body that bulged in all the right places below his white polo shirt - a polo shirt that showed off his tan to perfection. As he drew level with our boat, he asked me if I had seen his friends. I told him that they had gone into the town, and I also told him about a few of the local pubs where he might be lucky enough to find them. As he smiled at me and said "Thanks," I could hardy contain my excitement. This was the best looking guy that I had ever seen in my life! The buttons of his polo shirt lay open, revealing a well-developed chest with a thick covering of black hair running across it. His unshaven face added to the picture of physical perfection that stood before me. There was something special about this guy. He was so good-looking, and yet he appeared to be shy and unassuming. I watched longingly after him as he walked along the wooden pontoon, his ass muscles flexing in his tight jeans as he did so. I almost feel down the ladder into my cabin, opening my crew bag to get something to wear. I changed into my shore clothes as fast as I could, finding it difficult to stuff my now half-hard cock into my jeans. I pulled my best Rugby shirt over my head before leaving the boat to run along the marina after my Italian stud. I searched quite a few pubs before I found the other crewmembers from my own yacht. They were all very pleased that I'd decided to join them, but my real reason was that I was wanted to see the Italian guy again. As I stood at the bar with the guys I noticed one of the other Italian guys was at the end of the bar. He had just ordered some beers, and was carrying a tray of drinks in the direction of the garden that was to the rear of the building. I followed him outside into the warm evening air, to find that all of the Italian crew was sitting around some tables at the back of the garden. Lights were strung on the tree branches, and the whole garden was bathed in a soft light. I looked around to find another smaller group of Italian guys sitting close by, and there in the centre of this group was my "friend." I looked across in the hope that he would see me, and after a few moments I caught his eye. He looked over, raising his glass to me and smiling. Just then my fellow crewmembers came outside to see where I was. They were going on to another bar, so I reluctantly went with them. When we got back to the boat at about 2.00 am, we all went straight to bed. I always shared a cabin with Rob, we knew each other very well, so we weren't at all embarrassed to sleep naked - it was just so hot. I usually went straight to sleep, but tonight I was so excited that I couldn't even think of sleeping. In the early hours of the morning as I lay on top of my bunk. I could remember every physical characteristic of the guy. Although I was sharing the cabin with Rob, I lay on top of my bunk gently stroking my hard-on. A couple of times I almost shot my load, but just before I came I slowed off a little, enjoying the feelings of pent-up sex in my cock and balls. Shortly afterwards I dozed off to sleep. A few hours later I woke to find the early morning sun shining through the open skylight on to my bunk; it was another glorious day. Racing was due to start the next day, so we all had a lot of work to do to ensure that we were as competitive as possible. We were going to be racing in Class Two, but since Anitias was a lot faster, it was going to be racing in the Premier Class. We all went up to the shower block to get washed, and soon after we had breakfast on the deck of our boat. Most of the other crews' were having talks, or getting their boat ready for sea. Any work that needed to be done would have to be completed today - there would be no time tomorrow. As soon after breakfast as possible we all gather around the boat to discuss our tactics for the day, and to talk about our choice of sails. I was really starting to get into the sailing when I happened to notice my Italian hunk jogging down the pontoon towards his boat. A few minutes later he excused himself as he passed us by. I thought that he looked hot the night before, but on this morning he looked awesome. He was wearing a running vest that showed of his chest, but best of all were the tight-fitting running shorts that he was also wearing. The material slung to his body like a second skin, and as he pushed past us I could plainly see the outline of his cock and balls. His large balls bulged under the material, but I could also make out the shape of this thick cock as it lay across the top of his thigh - I couldn't take my eyes off it. A few seconds later he disappeared around the corner to his own boat, but not before I got a good look at his fantastic tight ass. As he got closer to his own yacht I could hear his fellow crewmembers shouting to him. Although I cannot speak Italian, it was obvious that they wanted to get underway as soon as possible. For the first time I heard his name - it was Gino. At about 0930 we left the marina, and sailed our into Southampton Water for the first of our practice sessions. The wind was quite light but that would change as the day went on. By the middle of the afternoon we had a good wind, and we were able to fly all of the sails without any problems at all. In all, we sailed about 30 miles that day, and we were all pretty tired by the end of the day. We didn't want to stay out too late since we were going to need out energies for the following few days. I didn't see Gino that night, he must've gone to the pub with his mates, but I certainly thought about him while I tidied the boat, and for most of the evening. The next day we were once again out on the water very early in the morning. We sailed around looked for the best place to cross the start line. Although the Premier Class boats were going to start their race 30 minutes before us, it was still important to get a good starting position established. While we were sailing around the bay I spotted the Italian boat going through its paces. Their crew was certainly very good at sailing, and they all looked very professional in their team polo shirts and shorts. At one point they came very close to us and I could see Gino sitting on the forward rail, watching out for any advantage over the other boats. As the bow of their boat passed us I nodded to him and smiled in recognition. Although he was deep in concentration he managed to wave as he sailed by. With one tanned leg wrapped around the rail for support and the other resting on top of the rail he looked every bit the ocean sailor. We were able to get a great start and luck was with us for the entire day, we even managed a good spinnaker run to the finish line. By the end of the first day we were laying in first place in our class. After tidying the boat we all went to the clubhouse so see how the other boats had done. As I scanned the lists of competitors I saw that Anitias was also the overall leader in its class. It was a fine end to fantastic days racing - I'd even managed to get a little more sun on a couple of the downwind legs. That night I feel asleep content with my efforts, and I really looking forward to the following days' sailing. What I didn't know was that the next day was going to be a day that I would never forget for as long as I live. When I opened my eyes the next morning I knew that it was going to be even hotter than the previous two days. The inside of our yacht was really hot, and I had sheen of sweat all over me. Although it was only 7.00 am the temperature of the sailing club display read 22 Celsius. As soon as we all had breakfast we were on the water once more, making sure that we were as ready as possible for the second day's racing. Today we were going to have two races in the morning and two more after lunch. If we could do well in these four races, we had a good chance of wining our class overall. We were very lucky to get another good start to our first race, managing to get into the right position just before the gun fired. Up the first leg and on to the running leg we were still in first place. At the end of that race we had some very worrying moments, but we managed to hold our own and win the race. The race before lunch was a lot more difficult and we came in a very close second. By lunchtime the temperature and the sun had climbed even higher, but with the breeze out on the water it was just bearable. We just sat around on the deck having lunch or swimming. The next race was due to start in only an hour, and we had to sail for about twenty minutes to get to the start - lunch was a very hurried affair. We were quite lucky in that we were able to cross the start line in second place, and we thought that we would be able to move up a position as the race continued. This race was four legs long, and by the beginning of the third leg we were back in first place. The last leg consisted of a long run home with the wind behind us all the way, so naturally we decided to fly the largest sail on the boat - the spinnaker. This sail flies best if a long pole is attached at right angles to the mast, with the other end being attached to the sail. We had done this hundreds of times and it should have been a very easy thing to do. However as we passed the last mark the spinnaker pole broke free of the mast, and the other end tore the sail. Since the sail was full of wind at the time, the rip became larger and larger, and all we could hear was a tearing sound as the rip extended from the bottom to the top of the sail -disaster! Every boat in the fleet sailed past us while we cut the spinnaker free from the boat. By the time we limped back to the marina we had gone from being first in our class to third over all. Not only that, but the race rules dictated that we could only sail with a full suit of sails, so that was effectively the end of our regatta. We were all so disappointed at not being able to compete in the finals the next day that we were silent as we had our evening meal on the boat. We had come so close to wining only to have the success snatched away at the last moment. After dinner the other guys on our boat went off to the pub to drown their sorrows, and to think about what might have been. I didn't really feel like being with other people, so I decided to say onboard the boat for a while. I lay in the cabin for a while and read a little, before deciding to walk down towards the old harbour at the end of the village. After that I climbed back on to the boat for some coffee and then bed. At almost midnight the guys' hadn't arrived back, so I thought about going to bed. I still didn't feel like talking to the others' so I thought that I would go for a good run along the beach. It would take about an hour, but I thought that it would tire me enough to help me sleep. I changed into my running gear, putting a back-pack on I left the boat. As I passed the sailing club, I slipped my security card into the lock so that I could leave my gear in the shower room for when I came back later. The club was very dark, and as it was a wooden building it retained a lot of heat - it was very warm inside. I left my gear in the shower room, noticing a black backpack hanging above one of the benches. As I walked along the first floor corridor I noticed an open door into the old part of the building. I opened the door wide to find a panelled room that was used to store sails. There were dozens of old sails lying all over the floor, and some old yacht mattresses lying against one wall. The roof and one of the walls was made of glass, so it must have been used to make sails many years ago. The room was old and full of character, with the smell of the old wood, and old sailing pictures on the walls. A few minutes later I left the room pulling the door closed behind me. Within minutes I had left the village and was running along the open road towards the beach. It was after midnight so the roads were quiet, which was exactly what I really wanted. Running along the beach I pulled off my shoes, enjoying the feeling of the sand under my feet. I ran out to the point, sprinting as hard as I could until I got the rocks at then end. Panting, I sat down on the rocks just looking out to sea. I was still very annoyed at how the race had ended, but without making any effort I found that I thoughts were starting to turn towards Gino. I sat there for ages, just thinking about him. His face, body and his smile. I started to get hard, it had been almost a week since I'd managed to cum, so I was as horny as fuck to say the least! I decided to run back to the sailing club where I wouldn't be disturbed at this hour of the night. I ran back to the clubhouse, and even though I'd taken my shirt off I was still sweating pretty hard. I let myself into the building and ran upstairs to the shower room. The moonlight was shining in the shower area making the white walls a strange shade of blue. I opened my back-pac getting my shower gel, before stripping off and going in to the shower; turning on several of the showerheads as I went. I turned on the taps and stood under the strong jet of warm water, letting the spray massage the tense muscles in my neck and back. I turned around to face the shower head and slowly my soaped myself, massaging by body from my neck down to my feet, holding my bottle of gel over my head, I allowed the liquid to flow freely all over my head and down the front of my chest. The sensation of the invigorating water spraying on me, and the sensuous feel of the shower gel, soon had my cock lengthening and thickening. I soaped my cock and stroked it until it was fully hard. My cock usually sticks straight up, throbbing gently, curving slightly, and tonight was no different. I turned around and leaned my head and shoulders against the wall with my legs spread and my cock and pelvis shoved forward, receiving the warm spray directly! So, there I was, alone in the shower, water flowing over my stiff rod, my balls in my hand, beating off thinking of Gino. I dropped to my knees, still jacking my cock, with my legs wide open. I smeared a little of my gel on to two of my fingers before inserting them into my ass - I just wanted to enjoy my moment as much as possible. As I finger-fucked my ass I jacked on my cock faster and faster, and within a few minutes I felt as though I was in heaven. It wasn't going to take long to shoot my week long load, but then.............................I slowly opened my eyes to see two my muscular calves standing before me, in the centre of spraying water. My eyes moved slowly up his hairy legs to the magnificent sight of his massive cock drooling pre-cum down his thick shaft, on to a large tight ball-sac hat was surrounded by thick, luxuriant curly hair. I momentarily stopped, taking in the magnificent sight before me, and then lifted my head further. There was a fine line of black hair, making its way up a tight torso ending at a belly button. The abdominal muscles wet from the shower were rigid and defined. Further up, the ridge of his deeply tanned pectorals stood out proudly. Coarse, wet hair spread over the pecs. The neck was muscular, the strong jaw jutting forward, the lips sensuous, spread in a wide smile displaying perfect white teeth. The eyes, also smiling, deep and brown, surrounded by the longest lashes I'd ever seen, and the most incredible eyebrows, long and dark. His head was crowned with a gorgeous mop of thick, black hair, wet from the shower. "Gino!" was all I managed to say. He stood there smiling gently rubbing his shaft. A shaft that was thicker and longer than mine. He reached forward and helped me to my feet. His strong arms made their way around my shoulders, bringing us closer together. Our open mouths made contact, our tongues slowly, tentatively rubbing over one another. Our bodies locked together, my arms around Gino's waist, his thick cock pressing against my stomach, his balls against my hard cock. Our first kiss was gentle. It sent an electric jolt all the way down my back into the depths of my ass and into my balls. It was almost physical, as if someone was tugging at my balls! After what seemed like ages of tongue- wrestling, Gino slowly made his way down the length of my body, kissing, nibbling, and gently biting my tits, pec's and stomach. He kissed my navel, his tongue slowly fucking it and then rimming it. His hard, pointed tongue left its moist trail on my lower torso, as he traced his way down the fine line of hair that led to my crotch. He arrived at my rigid cock, kissing both sides of my dick lightly, moving lower to my tight sac, taking one then the other ball into his warm, moist mouth. He played with my balls with his tongue, and slowly released them with a light pop, one at a time. His one hand moved up the back of my thighs, lightly touching me, softly tugging at my hair, slowly making its way to my muscular ass, and tight ass. His other hand encircled my thick cock, lowering my dripping head to his open mouth. He took my cock into his mouth slowly, savouring all of it. He sucked it all in, right down to my trimmed bush, keeping it buried in the warm depths of his mouth and throat, and then pulling slowly back, releasing its bulk inch by inch, his tongue fluttering over it like a million butterflies. All the while he stroked my ass, pinching, rubbing, and fingering it just with the tips of his fingers. "Fuck, Gino, Stop" This is just too much," I breathed, pulling him up by his hair. " I'm so fucking close, I don't want to cum yet!" We kissed again, and his hands made their way down my back to my cheeks, spreading them as wide as they would go, a finger fluttering over my tight hole. Yes, Yes, finger fuck me, please!" I shouted as he plunged a finger deep into my crack. He fingered my hot ass as far as his finger could go, and then inserted a second and then third finger. "I want to fuck you," Gino whispered. "I want to feel my cock buried deep up your ass". "Yes, yes!" I said, quite breathless. Right here in the shower?" Without saying a single word, Gino led me my the hand from the shower room, lifting his backpack as we went, across the corridor, and into the old sail store. The moonlight was streaming through the glass ceiling as he led over to the side of the room where the old mattresses were lying. I got down on all-fours, wanting Gino to take me doggy fashion. "No, I want to see your face," He said, as he lowered me unto my back, spreading my legs for him. He knelt between my legs, taking my cock in his mouth and lifting my legs over my shoulders. After a minute or two, he moved his hot mouth from my cock and kissed his way to my waiting butt, plunging his tongue deep into me! A few minutes later, my ass was well lubricated with his spit, so he started pushing his rigid cock to my hole. He took it in his hand and slowly stroked it, pulling the foreskin over the engorged head. The skin stretched so that it was shiny smooth! Great globs of clear pre-cum dribbled out of the head of his massive cock, Gino looked into my eyes and smiled. He moved closer to me, his condom stretched to the limit, directing his head directly at my waiting asshole! He dripped warm saliva down the crack of my ass, while he rubbed the tip of his prick up and down my ass. Once he had lubricated me like this a couple of times, he leaned forward over me, our lips meeting with voracious speed, and slowly penetrated my tight ass. On his entry, my head fell back, and my balls seemed to expand ever more, and I thought I had lost consciousness. He moved an arm around my shoulders, supporting me, kissing me all the time, my arms wrapped around him. He moved gently into me, inching his manhood deeper and deeper. It took a few moments, but eventually he pushed all the way in - right up to the hilt, till his bush and balls were pressed tightly against my cheeks! There he remained for a while, until I recovered. My stretched sphincter muscles slowly regained their feeling, and started their rhythmic milking of his thick shaft. At this it swelled and throbbed, filling me even more. He slowly pulled back, almost withdrawing totally, leaving only his massive head embedded in me, and then plunged into me, increasing his powerful strokes until he'd reached an almost frantic pace. We were moving against each other, his balls banging against my ass cheeks, out mouths locked together in passion, out tongues lashing against each other. I moved my left hand behind my butt and grabbed his tight ball-sac, massaging his big heavy balls, squeezing them, tugging them. After a few more minutes of this, he slipped out of my ass, leaving what felt like a gaping hole where he had been fucking me. He pulled to my feet and led me over closer to the window at the back of the building. There were two roof beams in the shape of an inverted "V" with a couple from ropes hanging from each beam. My eyes lit up when I realised what he wanted, so I stood spread-leg, taking hold of the ropes and wrapped them around my arms. Gino stood tight behind me, taking hold of his cock, as he once more slipped his massive rod inside me. He slipped in right up to the hilt, and within a few moments he was fucking the full length of his manhood into me, his hairy balls slapping against my ass. The water from the shower had now turned to sweat, as it ran down my face, across my chest and stomach, to drip off my balls on to the wooden floor. Gino's sweating chest pushed firmly against my back - soaking it. He reached around to kiss me, and I turned my head so that his mouth could meet mine. His hands grazed across my chest and stomach, while mine reached his ass to help him fuck me deeper. I threw back my head, writhing in total ecstasy. My cock bouncing up and down, leaving a juicy web of pre-cum all over my stomach. Gino reached lower, taking hold of my cock before it burst. We had abandoned all sense of reality now, as he slammed into me with all his might. He would pull out almost all the way, before driving the full length of his cock into me once more. With a few more extra deep thrusts, he jerked my dripping cock until I just couldn't take anymore. With a loud groan and more than a few "Fuck's!" I shot the biggest load of my life to date. Thick ropes of spunk flew from the end of my cock. I looked down in disbelief as long bolts of cum jetted through the air to land on the glass window which was about a metre away. My hips rocked in spasm as more and more cum shot from my cock to land all over the wooden floor, and Gino's hand and wrist. I just collapsed on the floor, dripping in sweat! After a few minutes I lay on my back, my legs over my shoulders as Gino started to fuck me once again. He drove his cock into me like a guy possessed, his sweat dripping all over me. It didn't take long for him to shot his load, and of courses he did it in fine style. He screamed, as his heaving balls pumped a massive load in the condom. I felt his cock pump about six or seven times - spurt after spurt after magnificent spurt. At the same time, I shot another load of creamy cum all over chests and faces. Our mouths hungrily lapped at my juice, and then met, sharing my thick load. All the while Gino's body was racked by spasms, his back arched, his ass rock-hard as he continued to shot his load of creamy fuck-juice. We both collapsed in ecstasy, the full weight of his muscular frame covering mine, our mouths fighting for more of my cum, sweat pouring off our faces. He remained in me for about ten minutes He looked at me tenderly, and said, "That was fucking fantastic!" He lowered his lips to mine, and we kissed gently. Slowly, he pulled out of my ass, leaving me with a wonderful, warm tingling feeling all the way from the base of my cock to the tips of my fingers and toes. We showered together, soaping one another, exploring, touching and feeling our bodies. We were soon both very hard, and very ready. Looking into the deep pools of his brown eyes, I turned off the water, the lead him, still dripping with water, back into the sail store. I laid Gino gently on his back, spread his legs, ate his beautiful tight ass, lubing it with my warm saliva. preparing it for my entry. I lay on the floor under one of the iron beams. Gino straddled my chest, and very slowly sat on my prick. He was really tight, but the head of my cock was soon inside his ass. Gino slid down the full length of my cock, until I felt my balls pressing against his butt. I began to drive my cock into his ass, holding his butt in the palms of my hands. I fucked up into him as he drove his ass down again, and again. Gino gripped the iron bar that was above him, pulling himself up and down. His biceps flexed and the muscles in his chest became hard and defined. Gino's head rolled from side to side, as I fucked him for all I was worth. The veins stood out on his neck as sweat ran down his hairy torso. I reached up and grabbed his prick just in time to see him shot his load. He came all over me, shooting his cum everywhere. I scooped up as much as I could and rubbed it all over his torso, mixing it with his sweat. I pulled out of him, and took him doggy-style. Kneeling behind Gino, I held on to his hips and fucked him hard. We were both crying out with passion, and I pulled out ripping off the rubber. I shot spunk over his ass, balls and all over the backs of his hairy legs. Dropping down I licked my fresh cum from his balls. We lay there silent, our breath coming heavy, our chests heaving, totally at peace with a feeling that was totally out of this world. Before the dawn arrived we had fucked each other (doggy style) again, making love passionately over the rail at the top of the stairs. The feelings that I was having were fantastic and I just did not want them to end. We went back into the sail store, lying in each others arms as we tried to get a little sleep. As the sun came up, we walked back to our yachts, not really caring if we were discovered or not. What I didn't know was that we were able to race in the last race after all. One of the other yachts had become badly damaged in one of other races, and there was no way that it was going to be able to compete. They kindly lent us their own spinnaker, making it possible for us to compete. After the previous nights fucking I didn't really feel up to racing, but I couldn't let the other guys' down. By 9.30 am we were once more out on the water. Although we didn't win, we raced the race of our lives, and no one could have done more than we did. In the end we came in second, which wasn't bad considering that there were over fifty boats in our class. It was after all our first regatta together. We decided to sail straight home after the race, without going back into the marina. I sat on the deck resting watching Cowes fade into the distance. I thought about the sailing and how lucky we were with the weather. Most of all I thought about Gino. I wondered if I would ever see him again, what sort of life he was going back to in Italy - and then I thought about next year... Contact me at


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Mark McKenzie

Adam And Me

Adam and I had been friends for about a year, and we went through the final year of senior school together. We were both very keen cyclists at that time. One evening after he had arrived back from his family holiday in Greece, he turned up at my place asking for me to go for a cycle with him. He was really tanned and looked very cool. We cycled for a few hours, and coming back

Adam And Me Part 2

As with my last letter to you, I have kept the best to last. You said that you weren't able to get your dick out last time because of your house guest. Well Rob, this is your big chance now. This is the second part of my "Summer experience "with Adam. After that night at the boathouse things changed so much for me. Having sex with another guy was good, but having my first


The following story is true, and it is the tale of how I made one of my all time fantasies come true. - it all happened in Australia at the end of last year. It was a hot Saturday morning and my host decided to take me along to one of the most famous gay beaches in Australia. We arrived early in the morning, but the heat was still very high at 30 degrees. We lay down

My Brother Carl

Just after the Christmas holidays last year, Carl and I stayed on at home for a few weeks. Although we had different courses and lectures to attend, we decided that we could get along better with our studies if we worked at home for a while. I must say that we were both very dedicated, and didn't get distracted from our studies too often. In the evenings we went to the gym/sauna to

Shower Time!

About eighteen months ago when I was preparing for my second year college examinations, the days were getting hotter and hotter. The evenings weren't much better, making lying in bed at night almost unbearable. The stress was starting to get to me as well, and with just a little over 3 weeks to go until my examinations, it was difficult to getting any sleep. Lying in bed late

The Yacht Race

I always loved to sail. It was something to do with the feeling of total freedom that I found in being powered along my nothing other than the wind. I learned properly in West Cork about four years ago, and since then I've loved every minute that I've spent in a boat. Two summers ago I joined the yacht club just outside Belfast on the banks of the Lough. After a year of cruising


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