Gay Erotic Stories

The Wine Cupboard

by Echo

It had been two years that Lee and I had been working together now. Both of us worked in a local store on a Saturday and we also did some overtime during the college holidays. He had become a great friend of mine during the time we had known each other and we always used to chat when we saw each other around the store until our managers saw us. I hadn’t been able to tell Lee that I found him attractive because no one knew that I had these feelings and I didn’t want to spoil our friendship. Also the fact that he was so good looking made me feel a bit inadequate. The word demi-god comes to mind when I think of him. He has pale blue eyes with dark hair. Tall with a body that you would expect any gym bound eighteen year old to have but with a temperament that was far from arrogant. I was proud to be his friend and also got a kick when I was walking along with him from the looks that women gave him. I could see what they saw. I was just less likely to be able to do anything about it.

One particular holiday from college we were both working a shift that ended after the store had closed. I was working in the warehouse shifting stock about and Lee was working down the aisles filling the shelves as he always did. I had taken plenty of trips out to see him on the pretence of having a chat but really to watch his pert ass bobbing up and down as he bent to pick up stock and put it on the shelves. He also came out to see me on quite a number of occasions but I never caught the slightest glance at my ass.

“He’s just good at looking away” I tried to convince myself and went on daydreaming about going to the gym and having a nice hot shower with him, plenty of soap and a lot of vigorous exercise!

Lee was working in the beer aisle this night and he had the keys to the wine cupboard on him. This was a fairly small room that held all the expensive stock like whisky and champagne. We were both well trusted in the store so as it came to closing time our manager asked us if we would stay on and finish filling the rest of the store while he went off home. Both of us agreed, as the extra cash would come in useful. We knew how to set the alarms as we left and the door was on an automatic locking system when the alarm was turned on so this was not a problem.

After the manager had gone Lee said “Let’s get it all done quick then we can sit around for a while and be paid for doing nothing.”

I agreed and thought about Lee working up a sweat.

“Better than a work out.” I said.

“Yeah,” He replied with his sexy smile lighting up his face. “I’ll be finished before you so meet me in the wine cupboard when you’ve done and we’ll crack open a bottle.”

“Whatever.” I grinned trying to look as if I didn’t relish the chance of being in a small space with this sex god.

I got to work and within about twenty minutes I had finished putting out all the stuff that I had to. I had poked my head round to see how far Lee had got and nearly died when I saw that he had taken off his shirt while he was working. Jesus! My dick got a bit exited at that point and I thought it best not to strike up a conversation as he might see the bulge in my trousers.

After finishing I went out into the storeroom and could see the light on under the wine cupboard door so I went up to the door and opened it. There was Lee sitting on some boxes with his shirt still off holding a bottle of JD in his right hand.

“Wants some?” he asked.

“Of course.” I replied.

We started drinking and the whole time I was picturing Lee naked, his smooth body, tanned and lean just lying on a bed somewhere ready for me to touch. I felt an involuntary stirring in my trousers and tried not to think of him too much. Lee sensed my unease and asked me if I wanted to get out of the wine cupboard, as it was pretty small. I agreed and we went out into the storeroom.

Lee came out with a sentence that shocked me just as we got out of the cupboard.

“Have you ever just wanted to walk around this store naked?” he said.

I thought yes but would rather watch you do it.

“Yes,” I said “that would be cool, but I’d be a bit worried that it would turn me on and I’d get frost bite when I went near the freezers!”

He laughed and said, “but seriously, do you wanna try it? Even if you do get horny who’s gonna see you?”

“The security cameras?”

“No, he only has one down by the check-outs, the rest are fake.” Said Lee.

Lee was already taking off his shoes and socks and my mind started to race. I was actually going to get to see this guy that I had known so well with no clothes on. Well you can guess how my dick reacted to this but I managed to calm myself down while Lee was taking off his trousers so I began to take my shirt off. By the time I had got to taking off my shoes and socks Lee had pulled his boxers down and was standing totally naked saying, “Get a move on.” I could see he was pretty exited as his dick was semi erect. I had to take a quick glimpse at it; after all it was what the fantasies of the last two years were based around. I have to say I was impressed. His dick was nice and long, not massive but yes, a nice mouth full already and he was uncut like me. I loved the thought of playing with his foreskin, pulling it backwards and forwards. Licking it and teasing it with my tongue. As I was taking off my trousers he ran off out of the storeroom and out on to the shop floor. I took off my boxers and just stood there for a moment as I thought about this surreal situation. My cock was throbbing and I was apprehensive about him seeing me with a full-blown hard-on. Then I thought fuck it, you know, we were both naked, he instigated it so if I got horny it was his own fault.

As I came out of the storeroom I couldn’t see him anywhere but all of a sudden he jumped out from somewhere and jumped on my back. I thought don’t do this to me, I can feel your dick against my back and it is turning me on so much. He was just larking about. Pretending to be a fool and not even realizing that I fancied him so much. He ran off and I chased after him, watching his butt move rhythmically as he ran and every now and then getting a glimpse of that dick and those balls as they bounced along with him. Then he stopped, turned round and faced me. He didn’t have a hard on which was a shame but he certainly noticed mine.

“Have I exited you?” he said.

“Just a bit.” I replied. Both of us standing naked like a shoot out at the ok corral.

“Then what do you think of this?” he grinned. He moved his hand slowly down his chest, over those perfectly formed abs, down the line of hair that went from his stomach to the base of his dick. He then started to rub his dick up and down, and with the other hand he began to stroke his testicles right in front of me.

“Don’t tell me it’s not what you want to see.” He said, “I’ve seen you looking at my ass for a long time and I was just waiting for the right opportunity to get you alone.”

“Oh my God” I said, “you bastard!”

I decided that this merited immediate action so I walked up to him and went to kiss him. As he got ready to receive my kiss I pulled my lips back and just reached round and grabbed an ass cheek with each hand. He gasped.

“Jesus, what was that for.” He said.

“Just call it pent up aggression. Do you want me to do it again?”

“No, just blow me off, that will do fine.”

Fuck I thought the man I’ve been fantasizing about for so long is telling me to blow him off.

“It will be my pleasure.” I said and knelt in front of him and decided to have a close look at what I had wanted to touch for so long.

Lee’s dick was pulsing by now and starting to erect. I watched it as it went from soft and smooth to hard and upright, the foreskin clinging to the head of his dick all the time. His testicles hung there swinging gently and I wanted to take one in my mouth but I thought I would suck his dick first.

“What are you doing down there?” he asked.

“Just having a good look at something I’ve wanted for two years.”

“Well hurry up I’m dying to have your cock in my mouth.” He groaned.

I began to tongue the end of his dick and then let my tongue run down the side and under to where his testicles were. I let my tongue play with them for a while as Lee moaned up above. As I moved back up the side of his cock Lee pushed me backwards to the floor and then swung round so that his cock was hanging over my face while he went down on me. His tongue worked on overdrive on my cock and I could feel him sliding his tongue in between my foreskin and the head of my dick. He was playing with my testicles with one hand and then started pushing my foreskin back and forwards while I took his dick deeper into my throat. At that moment I heard the store room door open. We both jumped up and looked towards the door and there was our manager staring at us with a pretty shocked look on his face.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Echo

The Wine Cupboard

It had been two years that Lee and I had been working together now. Both of us worked in a local store on a Saturday and we also did some overtime during the college holidays. He had become a great friend of mine during the time we had known each other and we always used to chat when we saw each other around the store until our managers saw us. I hadn’t been able to tell Lee that I


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