Gay Erotic Stories

The Shower, Part 1

by Sam

We had showered together before. Well, not together in true sense of the word. We often met at the gym. Standing naked in an open shower area with several other people around did not make the experience a particularly intimate one. Though I often glanced of his naked body, and appreciated what I saw, I could not afford to dwell on it. The consequences could be embarrassing! Matt and I had been good friends for about a year now. We met in a class at university and seemed to hit it off from our first introduction. I still remember my surprise as this boyishly good looking guy slumped into the seat next to mine, and without hesitation, looking directly at me, smiled broadly, and extended his hand: "G'day, I'm Matt!" "Dean," I replied, as I hesitantly took his hand. It was obvious from this first meeting that we had much in common. To use a cliche, we clicked. Our personalities always complemented the other rather than competed. He was outgoing, talkative, an unusually happy disposition. Early on he struck me as someone at ease with himself and the world. It was a characteristic I liked and was drawn to. I was quieter, a good listener, more thoughtful perhaps, but given to far too much introspection and insecurity. We were good for each other. I was a constant for him, and made him think about things he would otherwise have glossed over. He brought me out of myself, made me laugh more, and helped me to enjoy the moment. We talked a lot and became close early on. It was never hard for us to talk deeply about things really important to us. Matt had an amazing ability to shift the level of conversation without blinking. At one moment we could be laughing about the most trivial and silly observation, the next moment disagreeing passionately over some political or religious perspective. Matt was affectionate too, from the very beginning. He was not inhibited about touching. Not in any arousing way, just natural and easy. It was one of my favorite things about him. It was good; I needed that sort of comfortable, taken-for-granted "physicalness" with another male. God knows, I didn't get it at home. It never occurred to me that Matt might be gay. In fact, I put those expectations out of my mind very early on. He was too much of 'bloke', and seemed to have a very healthy attraction to girls and they to him. In typical form, Matt would regularly share the most disarming confessions about his sexual desires and conquests without the slightest sign of embarrassment. What surprised me most, though, was that Matt's complete lack of inhibitions made me quickly feel at ease with these conversations myself. We seemed to settled into a very easy and comfortable banter, no matter what the topic. His apparent sexual leanings, obviously very different to mine, never bothered me though. It was more than enough to have him as a good friend. What happened in the shower that night, however, would change that for good. It was during the gas crisis in Melbourne. Due to an explosion in the major gas works of the region, gas supplies to the whole city were cut for more than two weeks. Bad news all around, but especially for those with gas hot water services. Thankfully, mine ran on electricity. Matt's was gas. It was a Sunday night. It had been a warm spring day. My parents and younger brother, Jamie, had gone out for the night. I had just finished my dinner and decided to take a shower before settling in to watch a video I had picked up earlier in the day. I had taken off my clothes and was adjusting the water in the shower before stepping in when the door bell rang. Slightly pissed off, I turned off the water, threw a towel around my waist and headed for the front door. I opened the door just a little to see who it was. It was Matt: "Aah, sorry mate, I should have called," he said with a smirk and an embarrassed shuffle. "I'm on gas. I need to take a shower. Do you mind?" You couldn't help but like the guy. He looked kind of helpless standing there with a towel draped over his shoulder and a small travel bag under his arm. He lived on his own in a small studio apartment closer to the university. As usual, he had taken the train to get to my place. He looked pretty disheveled and sweaty after the walk from the station. It was good to see him. I smiled in return: "Come on in, mate," I said as I pulled open the door. Matt strolled in and characteristically put his arm across my shoulder and around my neck. "Thanks mate!" he said as he pulled me closer. I pushed the door closed behind him. "As you can see, I was about to take one myself," I said as we moved from the hallway into the living room. "Yeah, you go ahead mate. I got all night!" Matt said, gesturing to the bathroom. He knew our house pretty well. Mum and Dad liked him and he was a regular at dinner time. "What happened to you and Laura? I asked. ""Weren't you supposed to be on tonight?" Matt fell unceremoniously into one of the arm chairs: "Nah, she stood me up. Called this arvo to say she couldn't make it. Had a better offer I guess." "I'm sorry," I responded as I sat down in the chair opposite. "Aah, no worries mate," Matt flashed his comfortable smile. "I wasn't real keen on her anyway." Though for some such a response may be an effort to save face and cover over real feelings of disappointment, Matt wasn't like that. He was far too transparent. He usually said what he felt, especially with me. "What are you up to tonight?" he asked as he spread one leg casually over the side of the arm chair. "Not much," I replied. "Thought I'd watch a video. The folks have gone out to some school concert with Jamie." Matt grinned. He and my little brother got on well, but most people did with Matt. "You can stick around and watch it with me if you like," I continued "Maybe we can go out for a beer a bit later." Matt's face brightened: "Sounds good, mate. You're on!" Matt then swung his leg around off the arm of the chair and sat forward in the seat. He slapped one hand down on my bare leg, left it there and smiled: "You better get that body into the shower mate before you freeze to death." He had large hands, and good circulation. They were always warm. It felt good to have his hand there. I wanted it to stay. "No, really, that's OK," I replied. "Visitors first! I gotta shave anyway. If you don't mind sharing the bathroom, you can jump in the shower while I'm doing that." "Cool!" Matt looked pleased as he took his hand from my leg. I got up and adjusted the towel around my waist. 'Come on then," I continued, as I headed back to the bathroom. Matt followed close behind, making some comment about my "nice butt" and flicking my legs playfully with his towel. I ran ahead pretending to push the bathroom door closed in his face. He pushed his full weight into the door and then I stepped quickly away. He fell forward against the door and toppled face-down onto the bathroom floor. We both laughed as he got up and brushed himself down. I stood at the bathroom mirror and shuffled through the cupboard for my razor. "The water's hot. Jump in!" I said as I continued the search. Matt was his usual talkative self and chatted about anything and everything as he ditched his clothes. I couldn't help but notice his body in the mirror as I began to lather my face. Of course, I'd seen him naked before, but I'd never been able to look for very long. He really was beautiful. Firm, well built and proportioned, a light covering of hair on his chest, great legs, round, tight arse, and a very pretty package between his legs. The screen on the shower was transparent glass so as he stepped in and pulled the door closed behind him I could still see everything. Matt was not the inhibited type and seemed very much at ease. He made no effort to keep himself concealed by turning toward the wall. He lathered up quickly, running his hands over the length of his body. I couldn't help but let my gaze linger as he moved his hands down over his groin. His pace seemed to slow a little as he cupped his balls and massaged his limp cock with the suds. His tool seemed to lengthen a little as he closed his eyes momentarily (though that could well have been just wishful imagining on my part). I was conscious of my own growing member pressing against the towel and prodding at the sink in front of me. I quickly refocused on the razor in my hand. We continued to chat and make eye contact from time to time as I went on shaving. Once I was done I sat down on the edge of the bath and waited as we continued to talk. We laughed a lot as we usually did. I was recounting to Matt the time I had walked in on my little brother in the shower. Jamie was in the middle of masturbating and turned beet red when he saw me standing there, just as I did. Matt laughed loudly and told me of a similar experience, but with his dad. Matt and his dad had a volatile relationship. His dad had been physically abusive for most of his years at home. He routinely berated Matt and put him down for just about everything. Matt had left home at 16 because he couldn't face it anymore. So the thought of Matt catching his dad wanking in the bathroom was especially funny; a great farewell! It was just as Matt finished washing his hair that he turned around and extended an invitation I'll not soon forget: "Why don't you come in. I'm nearly done." I was completely taken aback and must have looked that way. "Aah, that's OK. I can wait," I responded quickly, shifting my weight awkwardly on the side of the bathtub. "Come on," he insisted as he opened the door. "No point wasting water. There's plenty of room." I looked down at the floor for a minute, but without a come back, and lost for words anyway, I couldn't see another option. With Matt standing naked, holding the shower door open, and flashing that innocent smile, what else could I do? I got up, self consciously dropped my towel and walked sheepishly toward the shower stall. As I brushed past Matt, he placed his hand on my shoulder as he pulled the door shut behind me: "there you go!" With Matt's guiding, I moved under the hot stream of water. It immediately felt good. Despite the circumstances, it was hard not to relax under the pressure of the water. With my eyes closed I tried to forget I was standing nude in a hot shower, my best friend's naked body just inches away. But that was not possible for long. I grabbed the soap and began to lather up. With eyes closed, Matt was rinsing the last of the shampoo from his hair. I couldn't help but follow the steady stream of soapy water running down over his chest, his stomach and through the crevices of his groin, then down his legs. It was too much. I turned to face the wall and think of something else, anything! Before I knew what was happening, however, Matt reached around and took the bar of soap from my hand: "Here, let me do that." Standing behind me, Matt lathered up the soap and began to work his hands all over my back. "Just relax!" he insisted. He could obviously feel the tension. I was caught completely off guard and let out an unintentional groan as I leaned into the tiled wall, head pressed into my folded arms. "Feels good, huh?" prodded Matt. "Yeah, it does," I responded sheepishly. "Good!" He continued to talk as he lathered my back. He even made me laugh with some joke about showering with a gorilla. At least it was distracting. He hands then began to work further afield, across my shoulders, around my neck and down my arms. Before too long I felt his hands at the small of my back. I braced myself, not quite believing what might happen next. It was then I felt his movement casually down over my arse, massaging and lathering firmly with both hands. It was hard to stay distracted now. I was only glad that he couldn't see my face. My eyes were wide as my mind raced to find something else to concentrate on. He didn't seem at all self conscious about what he was doing or where he was touching. Continuing to talk about some experience with a neighbor he'd had earlier that day, his hands moved freely through my crack and around my inner thighs. It was then that it all became too much for me to take. The heat rose, at least for me, as Matt then stepped toward me a little, reached his arms around me and began to work his soapy hands over my chest and abs. As he stepped closer to me I felt his cock brush lightly against the cheeks of my butt. Though by this time I could no longer stop my own cock from growing and hardening, I could feel that he was still quite relaxed. He had, however, stopped talking. All I could hear was my own breathing. My tool was now rock hard and pointing straight up, the engorged tip brushing against the tiles. I became overwhelmed with embarrassment and panicked inside. What would Matt think? (In retrospect, a stupid question given what he was doing). Matt must have felt me tense and pull away slightly. "Just relax buddy," he insisted. With that he pulled in closer and with one quick movement took my hard cock in his hand. With a sudden and sharp inhaling of air, I stopped breathing. My whole body stiffened. With the other hand caressing my balls, Matt moved his soapy hand along the length of my rod, slowly, firmly, and expertly. Could he have done this before? "You like that, huh?" He prompted. "Hmmm," was all could manage in response, my eyes closing as both disbelief and ecstasy crowded my head. "Me too," he whispered. It was then that I realized he was pressed up hard against me, his cock now stiff and nestled in the crack of my butt. I couldn't believe what was happening, but realizing I no longer had anything to be embarrassed about, I relaxed and determined to just let it happen. As I let go and gave in to the moment, I felt warm tears on my face. It all felt so incredibly right and good. And so hot! Moving slowly at first, Matt's hand then began to work its magic at a faster pace. Taking in every inch of my hard, throbbing dick, he worked me at increasing speed: up and down; up and down; firmer; faster. I could feel the length of his own meat moving in rhythm.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Sam

School Play

It was an unusual afternoon on a Friday about a year ago, just five hours until opening night of the musical that my school dramatic’s club had been rehearsing for three months. I had a small chorus part and therefore the older students(who all had leads) were always asking me for favors. Stupid favors like going to the deli and getting them their lunch or watching their belongings

The Shower, Part 1

We had showered together before. Well, not together in true sense of the word. We often met at the gym. Standing naked in an open shower area with several other people around did not make the experience a particularly intimate one. Though I often glanced of his naked body, and appreciated what I saw, I could not afford to dwell on it. The consequences could be embarrassing!

Vaya Fin de Semana

Este era el momento, lo decidí de camino en el coche al departamento. Por la tarde de ese día mi jefe me había informado que tendría que realizar un viaje de negocios a una de las zonas costeras mas bellas de mi país, se requerían dos días de arduas labores por lo que decidí viajar el martes por la noche, trabajar los siguientes dos días y pedir el viernes para descansar? el resto

Vaya Fin de Semana II

Me recomendó Daniel que desa-yunáramos melón con crema, a-cepté con gusto y fue a hacer los preparativos, no sabía como sería pero tenía la verga como una roca, decidí ir a la cocina a investigar de que se trataba, y estaba terminando los preparativos, abrió en el melón dos orificios biselados de manera que cupieran estrechamente nuestras vergas y por estos sacó todas las semillas,


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