Gay Erotic Stories

The Secret Studio, Part 4

by Jaye Stregyr

But a small fearful voice rose unbidden in his mind. Babe? it whispered urgently. She may not look a day over forty, but she ain't no 'babe'! He pushed away the sudden terrifying thought of what this millenia-old legend might do... could do to him on a slight whim. The bodybuilder tried not to think about suffering the fate of men long before him: the frightful stiffness and rigidity invading his limbs, locking his muscles in fixed positions, transforming his firm flesh to cold inanimate stone. Smiling, he added tentatively, "m-maybe we can make some sort'a deal... like, I could do somethin' for you? Anything y'want..." He raised his eyebrows in the frail expectation of a positive response, his voice trailing off meekly. "Anything... anything at all?" She raised a single eyebrow in return. "Of course there is, my big, strong and handsome Vincent," she said with a faint smile playing across her lips. Red luscious lips in such contrast to her verdant hair. Such green serpentine hair. As she raised a hand to play with her medusan coils, her eyes appraised his body warmly and they flashed dangerously with an inner light. He smiled back wanly, the glimmer of hope fading on his lips. "But," she continued, "there's only one thing you can provide that I really want. So... I think I'll take it!" With that said, she waved her arms and chanted a handful of words in Greek. Vinnie flinched his eyes away, twisting and flexing his muscular body away from her gaze. But it was in vain: her magic had caught him fast. With a bellow of alarm, the frightened athlete fought against the unnatural cold stiffness inundating his limbs and gluing his feet to the marble pedestal. His deep tan faded away and his body took on a grayish white hue, just like the statue of Craig on the floor beyond him. His large well-pumped muscles grew dense and immensely powerful, but not powerful enough to offset the growing rigidity restricting his movement. Despite all his understanding, he still couldn't accept the transformation actually occurring. "What's happenin'... to my fuckin' body?" Vinnie gasped out in disbelief between breaths. "I'm... changing!" But the man knew precisely what was happening: his living flesh was crystallizing into cold inanimate stone. In a futile effort to lift his anchored feet, the bodybuilder struggled, his legs pistoning in slow-motion. "I'm... I'm stiffenin' up!..." he cried in terror, the register of his voice dropping. With each exertion, every one of his gray-white muscles became preternaturally hard. They remained fully engorged from his frantic effort to escape, becoming coated with thick nets of ropey vascularity. Now with anger, he grunted, "N-N-NO!" His bass voice deepened further as it welled up from the tightening cords of his thick neck. Already he could taste a tangy mineral flavor filling his mouth. "Muscles... like rock!.." he croaked hoarsely, staring back at her in disbelief. "Y-you... c-can't... DO... this-s-s!..." "Oh, b-but I c-c-can," Euryale responded, mocking his stammer. "And I AM, my dear Vincent!... my dear, dear finely sculpted Vincent..." A fierce smile crept into her expression and she chuckled throatily. Meanwhile, Vinnie's rapidly stiffening physique took on a rock-like state, pumped up with unreal muscularity like some comic-book hero. His rocky thews snapped and popped audibly with stress as he exerted his leaden limbs in opposition to their growing immobility. He stared at his muscles in helpless shock as they swelled up and then hardened in fixed positions, flexed beyond their maximal size. His biceps vitrified into pale globes of marble 26 inches around. His powerful but well-manicured fingers tore at the air in futility as his clenched digits stiffened into stony unmoving rods, crackling as their joints flexed in vain. The surfaces of his forearms, torso and thighs roughened and whitened, all permanently striated with rich sinewy texture. The petrifaction over-stimulated his sense of touch. The bodybuilder felt every possible erotic sensation pervade his freezing musculature and erogenous zones. His lips and tongue began to tingle, as did the tips of his fingers. His sensitized nipples stood hard and erect upon the curved white expanse of his freakishly expanded pectorals. The hair at his crotch began to stand on end as it whitened and stiffened. The muscles ringing his anus pulled in hard and tight. And, despite his anger and horror, the stimulating transformation affected his venous cock with a vengeance. Its eight thick inches quickened into an erection, yanked to full attention beneath his flimsy spandex briefs. Now through teeth clenched tightly in a grimace, Vinnie exhaled with a hiss and the hard alabaster blocks of his abdominal muscles contracted inward. The concave hollow of his abs, alternating ribbed plates and sharp crevasses, froze solid into a sharply textured washboard of stone. He looked back directly at the woman. A final grunt of "... c'n-n-n't ... m-m-m'v-v-v..." stuttered through the sealed barrier of his teeth. His voice trailed off into an incoherent growl, then a faint crackling rattle, then silence. A thick angry vein was captured across his forehead. His handsome but agitated features froze into a chiseled mask of fixed angles and hard planes atop the sinewy pillar of his tightly corded neck. At first, his thick masculine lips were drawn back in horror and fury, framed by the square block of his smooth but hard-edged jaw. Yet, at the very last, the petrifaction had deeply pleasured his muscled body, now stiff and totally inert. A certain involuntary rapture tinged his facial features, as if some bright calming knowledge unknotted his troubled brow. This strange look of desire pervaded his haunted pleading gaze as his face locked upon Euryale. But then the irises and pupils faded out of his eyes. The blank corneas glazed over in a hard lifeless stare lacking all human expression. In a moment it was all over. The new figure on the pedestal was no longer the buff and studly Vinnie, bodybuilder and living man. In his place stood a magnificently lifelike but inanimate white marble statue of a powerfully-built hunk, carved in a heroic pose like some Greek god. Its gigantically enlarged but frozen muscles struggled in vain against its own immobility. Large and elegantly articulated hands of marble. Thick wrists and chiseled arms of marble. Pillar-like thighs of marble. Broad and deep chest of marble. Massive shoulders and neck of marble. All drained of their rebellious motion; captured in an impotent frenzy. All this was centered on a torso so angular with muscular definition that the smooth marble surface almost appeared jagged, fractured. The soles of the statue's feet were fused to the pedestal, supporting the free-standing sculpture in a sturdy upright stance. Euryale had watched the process with unblinking intensity. Just like the three men before him, the bodybuilder's firm flesh transformed quickly, crackling with the ancient magic. The blossoming effect of the petrifaction conquered his extremely taut and flexed musculature. In just seconds, with his body utterly immobilized, Vinnie was no more. Now, in his place, stood a fourth marble sculpture, silent and frozen in mid-pose, transfixed upon the stone pediment. The man's figure might have been a tad shorter than the others, she thought, but -- my, oh, my -- hadn't it petrified into such a well-ripped, very muscularly-defined statue? Every proud, straining detail of his six-foot bodybuilding physique with its hulking limbs and broad shoulders was captured perfectly in the cold white marble. The athlete had kept himself free of body hair by the frequent shaving of his torso and limbs. Now transformed into stone, the surface was as silky to her touch as the finest classical sculpture. "Well, big boy," the sculptress said to herself, matter-of-factly, "looks like we had to make a statue of you in a bit of a hurry, didn't we?" Tracing a finger along the ridge of a thick twisting vein, chiseled in prominent detail across the bulging front of the marble biceps, Euryale added with glee, "But I guess now we both have all the time in the world to enjoy your strong new body -- right, my pet?" She playfully ran a hand across the stony pectorals of the sculpture that had been a man less than a minute ago, rubbing her fingertips against its prominent rock hard nipples, still covered with a thin layer of manly sweat. Her hand drifted down to the restricting spandex of his workout briefs. With one deft motion, her formidable fingernails punctured the thin material and tore it away from his body. His thick veined rod stood proud and erect, the fuzzy balls resting in a nest of snowy lifelike fibers. "Oooo! How very nice!," she exclaimed, "is that a Doric column, or are you just happy to see me?" She moved a palm up along the neck of the statue, feeling along the hard silent ridge of each carotid artery and caressing its clenched adamant jaw. Its tongue remained silent within, its white lips stiff and wide, parted helplessly across the clenched teeth. The sculptress gave a mock harumph. "Don't seem have much to say about it, do you?" The statue remained perfectly unresponsive. Yet, despite his frozen aspect, Vinnie's mind briefly whirled in a confusion of panic and pleasure. His fear co-manifested with a cold numbness suffusing his marbled limbs and torso, along with an ever-present euphoria. The sensation of power zinged through his super-dense musculature. In both terror and frustration, Vinnie summoned every ounce of will to break out of his pose and escape. He thought in desperation: got to... move my muscles... must... break this spell... and get the hell out of here! But even his thoughts were cast in disarray. Under her warm touch along his cold shoulders and neck, he was distracted by how heavy his tightly flexed and massive delts felt, solidly locked in place. Her fingers burned with erotic pleasure across the curve of his carved pectorals and down the front of his well-pumped torso. She twanged his stony nipples and tickled his navel, the warmth and moisture of her hand delighting his cool surface. He could feel every last terrible sensation -- sensation that was now the totality of his universe! Vinnie found it impossible to vent his reaction to her erotic foreplay. All his muscles, with their hulking power and mass, sought to quiver in response, but they could not budge at all. Waves of pleasure washed over him as the expert hands of the sculptress passed along his chiseled physique. And though it stood powerfully erect, his petrified tool could provide no relief from this tension. His marble-hard body rebelled against his will, completely frozen in its struggling pose. The feeling of cold numbing density had spread to every point of his stiffened crystalline physique. In trying to flex his muscles, only he could hear the faint crackling stress as his potent sinews of stone fought valiantly against their own overwhelming rigidity -- and lost. Soon, even the sound of this struggle faded. Despite the mighty strength pent-up in his large and capable hands, his powerful fingers remained rigid and rod-like, clawing vainly in the air. He was trapped in stone... no, correction: AS stone!... captured by the ancient and potent magic of the gorgon's imprisoning gaze! "Yes, Vincent," she explained to the helpless motionless figure, "I sculpt the male form. Only my statues aren't just the image of my subjects. My living sculptures ARE the actual bodies of the men themselves, turned into marble! You've dedicated so much of your time sculpting that gorgeous male body in rock hard muscle." Intermittently, the immortal Euryale continued to kiss the cold lips and nuzzle the hard jaw of the statue as she waxed on poetically. "My magic only serves to improve on your sculpting. Your shape will be preserved as rock forever, your mighty and incomparable muscles petrified into stone. Poised within the inanimate confines of your own body, you shall never age, never grow ugly, never grow weak, never die. Evil? Hah!" she laughed. "Think of it as the greatest of blessings, bestowed upon only the most heroic-looking of men." Interrupting her kisses, she angrily slapped the marble pectoral of his massive chest, looking aside and adding in a petulant tone, "and considering what that bastard did to my other sister long ago, my poor dearest Medusa, you men should be so very grateful that I even grant you such a wonderful and eternal gift." She then resumed her kisses while running a palm slowly up and down the hard white torso of her new statue. Though transformed from flesh to stone, she knew that for quite a long time Vinnie would still feel every gentle caress of her questing hand. The subject's sense of touch, powerfully magnified to register even the slightest pass anywhere upon the hard sculpted surface, would remain alive to tantalize his dazed soul trapped within. As she probed Vinnie's rock hard craggy face and textured throat with her warm mouth, Vinnie was utterly helpless to reject her statements -- statements his mind now accepted as all too true. Now he was beyond fear. He thought silently with a passing flash of sarcasm: yeah, this sure is some gift. But was it really all that bad? For his body truly WAS carved out of inanimate marble! Though immobile, his every vein, sinew and muscular detail was captured in stony perfection. I'm no longer a living man... ain't alive anymore, reflected the petrified figure as it came to grips with its inner turmoil. I've... I've become... I AM... a statue! Just like... them other three figures... chiseled outta cold hard marble! A statue that won't ever move! A well-built hunk carved from solid rock! An... inanimate... figure of... stone... which... can't... even... think..... And yet, even as all coherent thought faded away and its mind became as numbed as the rigor gripping its marble physique, the sculpture remained wide awake in its own oblivious fashion. It continued to register, albeit mindlessly, every tactile sensation and erotic pleasure her hands and lips showered on the smooth mineral surface of its cold glazed body. And the statue finally knew nothing but total satisfaction. Looking at the shattered figure on the floor, she tsk'ed and added sadly, "Pity about poor Craig, though. He certainly didn't last very long, did he?" She turned back to the statue of Vinnie, adding, "but who's fault is that, huh? Anyway, not to worry. I can probably piece him back together. And besides, if not, there's plenty more of you big fine muscle-men to work with. I'm sure your bodybuilder pals will wander on down here, one by one, where their huge bodies of immense tightly-flexed muscle will be petrified into perfect figures of lovely eternal marble... Oooo," she said with exaggeration, looking aside and fanning her breasts conspicuously with one hand, "I'm getting hot flashes just thinking about it!" She then took off her work belt and began to fiddle and faddle with her hair. Euryale added, "don't you worry about any lost opportunity of not being seen. You'll get plenty of public exposure. As soon as I collect a few more of your friends, I'll have a gallery show in West Hollywood. There, you and Michael and my other pieces will be proudly displayed and your perfected heroic physiques can be appreciated by a discerning public. An adoring public." She narrowed her eyes and twisted a long green lock with her fingers. She added with hot anger, "and then we'll see who is the more talented sister... Oh, yes, we shall, my dear Vincent." It didn't matter much whether or not he understood this -- her continued rant of sibling rivalry. For he was far beyond understanding or responding. There was only touch, only sensation, in his universe. Like an immured fly, not just coated but permeated with amber, the bodybuilder's mind and body were locked in a fortress of powerfully hard and unyielding stone, from the core of its deepest interior to its highly textured surface. It was a prison with no hope of escape. The insidious magical entrapment was total and irreversible. The eyes were expressionless in contrast to the fierce grimace, a grimace belying the now-greater portion of pleasure overwhelming any remaining anguish. Helplessly fixed to stare straight ahead, the sightless and opaque corneas were a pair of smooth blank orbs. Fine white lashes like jagged fibers lined the eyes, adding to the beauty of its brutally handsome but completely inanimate face. Only its tooth-filled mouth, expressing eerie rapture tinging the helpless anger at the last, provided any emotion upon the visage of this exceedingly well-defined six-foot-tall figure of stone. This mountain of living muscle was petrified fully into an effigy of solid marble by the wild magic, in perfect muscular likeness of the living man it had been. And, given the sufficient passage of time, the soul trapped in the mass of this new and stiffly-posed sculpture would happily forget it had been ever alive in the first place. At that point, even if the magic existed to restore him, it would not suffice to reverse the change wrought by the monstrous woman. For the sculptures of Craig, Dennis and Mike, it was far too late. Like thousands of handsome yet hapless men down the centuries before... their minds, spirits, ka -- whatever the things that made them more than massive lumps of physical form -- were faded, gone, lost inside their own private stony oblivions. Now their alabaster bodies were merely soulless receptacles of pleasure and sensation. Soon the three would be joined by a fourth in the same limbo of mindless petrifaction. And this, the last and most recent realistic carving of thick lifeless stone, would never transform back into the proud hunky bodybuilder named Vincent. For he -- nay: it -- was captured in marble perfection... forever! -------end-------


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Jaye Stregyr

The Secret Studio, Part 1

THE SECRET STUDIO copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Jaye Stregyr, all rights reserved worldwide. This story may be freely transmitted, stored or printed, electronically or as hard copy, without the author's permission under the following conditions only: (1) no change may be made to the text of the story; (2) the story must be left attached to the title, author line, copyright, and

The Secret Studio, Part 2

She turned to face him, narrowing her eyes and with a smile on her lips. "Mmmm... it's a very, very nice chest," she purred as she released her hand, tracing a long and painted nail lightly around his nipple. Mike blushed yet again. She held a finger to the nervous bodybuilder and waggled it. "Listen, my dear Michael. Let us stop this 'acting embarrassed' when you're around me.

The Secret Studio, Part 3

He held this pose with great concentration and murmured to Euryale, in a low pitched but excited voice, "Howz'bout this si'double biceps? Like it?" Euryale placed a hand upon the heavy trapezius muscle between Mike's shoulder and neck. She gave the firm muscle a gentle appreciative squeeze. With a big smile full of desire, she told him, "Oh, THIS is quite fine, my pet! Quel

The Secret Studio, Part 4

But a small fearful voice rose unbidden in his mind. Babe? it whispered urgently. She may not look a day over forty, but she ain't no 'babe'! He pushed away the sudden terrifying thought of what this millenia-old legend might do... could do to him on a slight whim. The bodybuilder tried not to think about suffering the fate of men long before him: the frightful stiffness and


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