Gay Erotic Stories

The Rustlers

by Bigdaddy


Ben and Jack and I had gone out to check on the cattle when we caught the four men right in the act of stealing a small group from the herd. We were still some distance away when we first saw them and they did not see us until we were within about a hundred yards of them. One of the four men swerved his horse immediately and headed away at top speed. The other three hesitated, which gave us an edge on catching up to them. They saw we had our guns drawn and decided against make a run for it. I guess, we could have shot them on the spot, but there are better ways of dealing with rustlers. When they saw our guns pointed at them, they all three raised their hands as we rode up to them. One was a man of about forty, but the other two were considerably younger, likely not more than eighteen or twenty, one a blond and other dark headed. They were obviously scared. Ben told the three to get down off their horses but to keep their arms in the air. While Jack and I held our guns on them, Ben went to them and took their weapons. They weren't saying anything, but what the hell could they say? They had been caught red handed stealing cattle and that's punishable by death. It was when Ben told them to take off their shirts that they began to show signs of considerable concern. The blond boy asked why, but Ben just repeated his command to take off their shirts and motioned threateningly with his gun. They took off their shirts and Ben them remove their undershirts also, although the blond boy was not wearing one. Then Ben kept his gun on the three while Jack and I tied their hands securely behind their backs. The older man asked what we intended to do with them and Ben said, "What's usually done with cattle thieves?" At that the man said, "Surely you're going to take us into town for a fair trail." Ben said, "We've already tried you and found you guilty." At that the dark haired fellow turned and started running, but Jack easily ran after him, tackled him, and brought him down to the ground. He hauled the guy back to where we were standing and Ben said "I could have > shot you before you got away, but we have other plans for you three." We made the three walk over to a big tree nearby, leaving our horses where they were. There was a fine stout limb jutting out from the trunk of the tree about eight feet above the ground and the three men were stopped directly under it. Some nearby stumps were perfect for what we had in mind, and Jack and I moved three of them right to where the men were standing. All three immediately began pleading for their lives, but the three of us just didn't say anything. When Ben told us to strip them, all three of us went up to the men and unbuckled their belts, zipping down their pants. Then we pushed them off balance so that they fell backwards onto the ground. All three began to kick violently as we held their legs still enough to take off their shoes and sox. Then, before getting them back to their feet, we jerked off their pants and just tore off their shorts. Once they were completely naked, we got them back to their feet, tossing their clothing into a pile at the base of the tree. The older man acted indignant and asked what the hell we were doing, stripping them nude. But we didn't say anything. Ben and I went to our horses and got enough rope for the job that lay ahead and walked back to the others. Jack was climbing the tree to get to the point from which the limb jutted out over the three cattle thieves. We cut some rope into three lengths that we felt were sufficient for what we had in mind, and fashioned them into hangman's knots. That done, we three the three nooses up to Jack who had worked his way out directly over where the three men stood. All this time they were pleading for mercy, promising that they would never try to steal cattle again. But we didn't say anything. We had some trouble getting the three up onto the stumps. Obviously they were uncooperative, but Ben and I would force one at a time onto the stump, at which point Jack would lower a noose. He'd put it over the man's head and draw it tight and then tie the free end securely around the limb. It was not long before all three men were on the stumps, stark naked, and with nooses around their necks. I didn't know about Ben and Jack, but I was horny as hell and realized I was getting hard. Then I saw jack step up to the youngest of the three and run his hand up and down on of his legs. Then I knew Jack was enjoying it just as I was when he said, "It's going to be fun watching these legs kicking in the air in a minute." I looked up at Jack and saw him rubbing his crotch and knew he was going to have a ringside view from above as the three men kicked their lives away below him. Ben stepped up to the stump on which the old man was standing and said, "You're first Pops," and kicked the stump out from under him. There was more slack in his rope than in the other two and his fall was a distance of over a foot. All three of us and the two boys on the stumps heard his neck snap. I was kinda disappointed because I had looked forward to watching him struggle to death. But I was somewhat mollified by the fact that his cock came up very fast to a full erection and suddenly spurted his semen in thick jets in front of his jerking body. With his neck broken, the rope actually stretched it much longer than it had been before breaking. His feet kicked wildly as his body twisted at the end of the rope, but he was heavier than the other two and the rope completely closed his windpipe so that he made no sound in his death throes. Very soon he was complete limp and twisting slowly, his face purple and his eyeballs bulging and staring vacantly into space. The two boys looked on in horror and both began begging piteously for their release, though neither apparently had much hope for it. The dark haired boy was next and Ben suggested that I kick over his stump. I walked up to his stump, looked up at him, and said, "I hope you don't die as quick as your friend," and kicked over his stump. His body did not drop at all, but had was suddenly just swinging at almost the same height as he had been standing. This time there was no broken neck and the guy was a light weight, so he was making muffled choking and gasping sound that was music to my ears. He kicked and twisted, groping with his feet for solid footing but finding nothing but air. His cock was coming up fast and his thrashing body bumped against the blond and nearly knocked him off his stump. At this point all three of us had our cocks out and were jerking on the eagerly, enjoying the purpling of they boy's face, his protruding tongue, and his bulging bloodshot eyeballs. It was about this time his sounds were choked off and he had reached full erection that he too, spurted his load, some of which splattered on the blond who was trying frantically not to be dislodged from his stump (as though it would make a difference). Soon his bare legs were jerking only weakly and he was in his "twilight zone" between life and death. The he passed out of that zone and swung limply in his noose. I had to stop jerking on my cock during his final struggles because I wanted to be able to enjoy the third man's hanging during my orgasm and I was close to reaching it. I hadn't paid attention to Ben and Jack during the hanging of the brunette, but now I looked at them and their faces were flushed and their eyes were bright with excitement. Ben said hoarsely, "Two down and one to go -- or that is one to cum!" and laughed. When he asked if I'd like to kick out the other stump, I quickly agreed. I walked up to the blond, looked at him, and saw his cock was filling out for some strange reason. I reached up and took it in my hand, saying, "I hope you have a big load for us, Boy." Then I added, "I've got a big load that's really ready to be unloaded. Give us a good show." With that I didn't kick the stump, but simply pushed him off of it, so that he swung away from it with his full weight on the noose across his throat. His gasping and choking sounds set me on fire and I once more went to work on my cock, noting Ben and Jack were doing the same. The boy kept trying frantically to get his footing back on the stump but, each time it looked as if he might succeed, I'd push him off again. I watched his face turning dark red and then purple, his swelling tongue pushing out between his lips. His cock was fully erect and pulsating. He was fighting hard to get enough air through his constricted windpipe to continue living, but it was obvious that he was not succeeding because his kicking legs were becoming more and more unable to find even temporary footing on the stump. Then he suddenly shot off, the thick spurts going in every direction as he kicked and jerked at the end of the rope. That's when I got my rocks off and nearly had to sink to my knees with its intensity. I heard Ben gasping in ecstasy at one side, but kept my eyes on the dying boy. With my sadism well sated, and seeing that the other two men were satisfied sexually, I asked Ben if I could put the boy out his misery. Ben said, "Sure," so I went up to the kicking legs, encircled them with both my arms, and gave a quick jerk downwards. All three of us could hear the snap of his neck and in a moment he was hanging still in death. Jack untied all three nooses from the limb and the naked bodies fell to the ground. Jack climbed down from the tree and spoke for the first time since we had started the hanging. He said, "I think I'll fuck the blond boy." Ben told him to go ahead if he thought he could get his rocks off again so soon. Jack assured him that he could and, with his cock sticking out of his pants, he put his arms beneath the boy's belly and lifted him into a somewhat jack-knifed position right up against his crotch, pushing his cock into the boy's ass. It took only a few pumps and he as groaning with lust as he emptied his load into the boy. When he said he as satisfied, we took the men's bodies, tied them over their horses, gathered up their clothing, and took them back to our ranch, where we buried the bodies and their clothing and turned their horses into our own corral. It was a very exciting day!


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2 Gay Erotic Stories from Bigdaddy

The Rustlers

Ben and Jack and I had gone out to check on the cattle when we caught the four men right in the act of stealing a small group from the herd. We were still some distance away when we first saw them and they did not see us until we were within about a hundred yards of them. One of the four men swerved his horse immediately and headed away at top speed. The other three hesitated,

Uncle by the Lake!

Hello! Let me start off by saying that this is a completely true story of how my uncle and I found love. My mom's brother, Uncle "G" is around 53 yrs. old and he is very fine. He is 5'11" 185lbs. with light brown hair and brown eyes. He has graying hair all over his chest and pubic area. His cock, oh his cock! It is a story within itself. It's a good 10" long and about 3.5-4"


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