Gay Erotic Stories

The Photo Shoot

by Navar

There was a small help wanted ad in the newspaper for an office assistant. I doubt it would pay much, but I needed the job so I had answered it. It was a Manhattan address. It wasn’t in a ritzy neighborhood. However, it wasn’t in a slum either, just a low rent area relatively speaking for Manhattan. I took the elevator to the 7th floor. It opened up into a reception area. I was buzzed in. I was surprised as I walked in. There were pictures of naked muscle men on the walls, a few I recognized. This was an office for Colt Studios. I certainly was intrigued. The interview went fairly well. I was asked if I was comfortable with the subject matter. I smoothly said I was okay with it. If hired, I would spend most of my time at the office doing paper work. I may Occasionally have to handle pictures, but I wouldn’t be on photo shoots since I’m not a photographer. That wouldn’t bother me, though I was privately disappointed. Having the job was the important thing. I was told I would get a phone call in a few days. A few days later I got the call. I was hired. I reported to work next Monday. The first day I had to do major filing and data entry. Yes, a few pictures passed my desk. My work was enjoyable. As the weeks passed my work would vary, but not by much. I would be asked to run errands to pick up a package or deliver one. Some days a model would stop by. Had nothing to do with me, but it was a small thrill to see them in person, albeit clothed. Photo shoots were done on location or at a photographer’s studio. Sadly, Carl lived out of state, and I wouldn’t expect him to show up. You do know who I mean by “Carl”, don’t you? One day I received a special treat. My boss asked if I would like to accompany him on a photo shoot. An extra pair of hands was needed to carry equipment. I was happy to do it. I helped him load photography and other equipment into the back of his car. They don’t use small hand-held cameras. The equipment took all of the back seat and trunk. We got in the front and drove off. As it was summer, the photo shoot would take place on a beach out in the Hamptons, Long Island. The boss has a house there. For those who don’t know, the Hamptons is a very wealthy area, kind of like the Beverly Hills of New York. The photographer and model would meet us there. “Why would anyone want to pose nude?” I asked. “Why would anyone want to see a naked guy?” my boss responded. “Well...” My boss continued. “Sex sells. Our customers are awed by seeing naked guys with massive muscles. We do get a few female customers. There is a point when one says the human body is a work of art, but it’s really about lust. As for the models, some do it for the money, but they get a kick out of their exhibitionism. They know they’re studs and get a thrill in being admired. They didn’t get their muscles just for their own health. They want to be looked at. Look at bodybuilding. The whole sport is about how a guy looks. It doesn’t matter how strong you are but how huge your muscles are and the contours of the body. Heck, many even like to show off their butt cheeks. I’m not talking about those who’ve done porn and posed nude like Patterson and Sepe, but the so called mainstream champions like Titus, Cutler, and Robinson. You think they don’t know their butts are exposed wearing those tiny thongs as seen in the magazines? They’re quite aware of it. Robinson even posed with his ass bared. Let’s not forget their dicks. Though covered, the bulges are quite noticeable and sometimes you can even see an outline. Everyone knows; it’s just not talked about. It makes them uncomfortable, but the sport is not about strength. Weightlifting competitions are about strength. Look at the Olympics. Those athletes are very strong, possibly stronger than even Yates, but they don’t enter the bodybuilding contests. They don’t have the ‘look’. Bodybuilding is about the ‘look’. It’s about exposure. Our models just make it literal exposure. A few want to get into the porn industry. Some do it as a one-time thing just for kicks. Others are or want to be professional models, not necessarily nudes. Bruzinni is a good example. I don’t ask the models why. Some inquire if they can become the next ‘Carl Hardwick’ or ‘Jake Tanner’. I tell them it’s all about their popularity. If our customers want to see more of them, then they can do more pics. A video is possible if the interest is there. If they make their own video they can sometimes sell it through us. It all depends on supply and demand.” We continued to discuss the industry. It took us a little over two hours to get to the beach house. We took the equipment behind the house and set it up on the beach. The photographer and model were inside. A few moments later they joined us. My jaw dropped. I expected the model to be a typical Colt model stud. I knew I would enjoy the photo shoot. I knew the model could range from being stacked like Tanner, to hairy like Hardwick, to massive like Roddick. What I didn’t expect was who the model would be. It was Paul Demayo! My eyes wanted to examine all of him, but I could not tear them away from his face. True, he has a very handsome face, but he’s Paul Demayo! He noticed me staring at him. “Looks like I’ve been recognized already.” My boss called me over. I was in a daze as I walked over and was introduced. As we shook hands I couldn’t stop staring. Paul laughed. My boss put a hand on my shoulder. “I said you would be a hot item, Paul. Your preceding fame will enhance the sales. Ok, let’s get started.” Paul let go of my hand, and we all walked onto the beach. I was then able to take a good look at Paul. He was wearing a blue tank top which covered little. His massive chest muscles jutted out of the tank’s sleeveless arms as if he wasn’t wearing anything at all. His huge biceps glistened under the sun. He was wearing cut-off shorts, stretched at the bottom by his gigantic legs. The seat hugged tightly to his ass. A firm crease moved back and forth where butt cheek meets leg on both legs as he walked. I stood back as the photographer did his job. He took several pictures as Paul stood in various poses. My favorite was when Paul stood up straight majestically, elbows bent with his hands on his hips. He would also pull down on his tank flexing his muscles at the same time, accentuating his large nipples. More pictures were taken as he slowly lifted his tank over his head to take it off. I was mesmerized by his rippling torso muscles in the motion. Wearing only shorts, Paul did some classic bodybuilding poses. The photographer moved to a camera behind Paul to take shots of his back. Paul spread his legs a bit and held his arms high in the air to form an X. He saw me admiring the show. He smiled and winked at me. The photographer returned to the front camera. Paul put a hand on his crotch and squeezed. He made a seductive face. My heart skipped a beat. He was making the face for the camera, but it looked like he was making it to me. Self-conscious, I looked away for a moment. My boss gave me a pat on the back. “Having a good time? Try to relax. It’s all just in fun. Consider this a fringe benefit of the job.” I returned to look at Paul. He slowly unzipped his shorts. The photographer returned to the back camera as Paul bent forward to pull down his shorts. He was wearing a skimpy blue bathing suit underneath. It was small in the back such that a lot of butt cheek was exposed as my boss explained in the car earlier. Paul flexed his glutes. Because I was standing in front, I saw that it caused his groin to extend out a bit. His dick pressed hard against the suit. More pics were taken in the front. Paul did some more poses as well as stretching moves. I was edgy with excitement. I couldn’t stand still. I buried my toes into the sand then pulled them back out. It was becoming more difficult to look at Paul. It’s one thing to see a picture of him, but up close and in person, his masculinity was overwhelming. I was feeling sheer lust. I was stopped cold again when Paul took off his bathing suit. His dick was big, hard, and stood up straight; his large round balls hanging beneath. They were framed by his gigantic thighs. The photographer returned to the back camera to get a few shots of Paul’s ass. Paul winked at me again. I was frozen in place by his splendor. The photographer looked at his watch. “I’ve got plenty of pics. We can finish later. We have that other shoot to do.” My boss nodded his head. “Right. I’ll meet you at the car. That’s it for now, Paul. We’ll continue later.” Paul nodded. My boss turned to me. “Help put the equipment back in the car.” I was disappointed it was over, but it was time for work. I was carrying one of the large cameras when I felt it lose weight. “Here, let me help.” It was Paul. He hadn’t bothered getting dressed. “Thanks.” We loaded everything into the car. The photographer sat shotgun. My boss came over to me. “There’s only room for two in the car. You’ll have to stay here. Don’t worry, you’re still on the clock. We’ll be back in a few hours. Enjoy the beach and the house.” With that, he got in the car and drove off. As exciting as this situation was, I was also a bit nervous. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself. Paul had apparently already gone back inside. I went in as well. I got a drink in the kitchen and walked out the back door to the beach. Paul was lying on his stomach on the sand, still naked. I couldn’t help but stare at him again. His muscles were relaxed but still big enough to show shape. I paid extra attention to his bare ass which I couldn’t see clearly earlier. He was gorgeous. Paul lifted his head up when he saw me. “Hey, come here a sec.” I was quite nervous as I approached him but more thrilled as well. My heart beat fast again as I got closer to this hunk of muscle. “So, how did you like my photo shoot?” “It was nice.” “Just nice? Anyway, I take it you do know who I am.” “Yeah, I’ve seen pics of you around. Never expected you would do these pics.” “Yeah, well, I thought it would be fun. It is, actually. Besides, I’ve been out of circulation for awhile. I needed some exposure, no pun intended.” “Why here?” “Modeling. I have to get my face and body back into circulation. Competition helps, but I have to show I’m photogenic. Don’t have much money to pay a professional photographer. Here I get paid for posing. Obviously I’ll only use the non-nude shots in my portfolio. I chose Colt because it’s not mainstream. I’ll get recognized like you recognized me, but for something like this, I wouldn’t want to be too recognized.” “I understand.” “Yeah, it’s risky doing nudes. Some advertisers think it controversial. If you got the ‘look’ they don’t care in principal, but they have an image to watch out for. Hey, why stand there? Lie down, relax.” I laid down next to him awkwardly. “Do I make you nervous?” “Not nervous, exactly.” “Hey, it’s all right. I’m cool with it. I know what the magazine is about. It’s my job to be admired. Maybe you should take your clothes off as well. It’s a private beach, and in a way you’ll feel less self-conscious.” “I don’t know.” “C’mon. It’s a warm summer’s day. The breeze is rather refreshing. I won’t peek.” I gave a nervous laugh. I sat up to take my shirt off. Paul turned his head to face the other way. I took off the rest of my clothes and laid back down next to him. “Ok.” Paul turned to face me again. “How do you feel?” “Weird.” “You’ll get used to it.” “I’m a little worried about sunburn.” “I can take care of that.” Paul reached out to his side and grabbed a bottle. “I have lotion.” I took the bottle and poured some in my hand. I rubbed my arms with it. I then tried to do my back. “You won’t get it right. Let me.” Paul poured some lotion onto his hand and then rubbed my back. He made slow circular motions. It felt so good my dick dug into the sand. It could have been just Paul’s strength, but it felt like a massage as his fingers pressed against me. I didn’t care. It was very relaxing. Paul was lying on his side as he did this. His chest was close to my face. Because he was so big a nipple was just inches from my lips. It would take no effort to lean in to suck on it, but I was scared to make such a bold move. However erotic it was, as far as I knew Paul’s actions were completely innocent. Instead, I moved my eyes down to see the rest of Paul. His dick and balls hung loosely and were plopped against the sand. His large legs were like a dune across the sand. “I’m over here.” With a fright I quickly looked back up to Paul’s face. He was smiling, but didn’t stop rubbing lotion on me. “You peeked.” “Sorry.” “No need to apologize. You’ll just have to pay for it.” He moved his hand onto my butt and stuck a finger into me. My body jerked at the intrusion. Taking this as a sign, I let go of my fear to lean in and suck Paul’s nipple. Paul laid back pulling me on top of him. I slobbered over his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. I couldn’t maneuver within his grasp. All I could do was continue to lick his chest. He rolled over so that now he was on top of me. He rose up a little on his knees so that his entire weight would not crush me. How thoughtful, but I was still held tight in his arms. Though I couldn’t move my arms my hands were free. I grabbed his waist as best I could and squeezed. We stayed like this for a good ten minutes. Paul spread his legs into a split. He let go of me with one arm to grab my dick. He slowly leaned back causing me to sit up. As he did so he sat on my dick. He maneuvered it so that it would go into his hole as he sat down. Once my head was in it was an easy matter to go in the rest of the way. When I was fully plugged in, he lifted my face to kiss me. As we held each other tight, Paul dug his heels into the sand to slowly raise and lower himself. I felt his legs muscles flex at his workout as they touched my sides. With perfect balance Paul rode me at a quicken pace. I reached between us to grab his dick. I made a tunnel with my hands for his dick to enter and exit as he moved. After a minute Paul stopped. He stretched his legs behind me so that he was in a sitting position. He planted his hands on the sand, elbows bent. Legs locked, Paul did push-ups. I held my tongue out to lick his chest as it moved. My dick began to twitch inside him as I was getting closer and closer to orgasm. Paul felt it by squeezing his sphincter in response. Paul did his push-ups faster. His tight rectum pressed against all sides of my dick. “That’s it. Cum inside me. Fill my ass. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. Yeah!” My hands got soaked as Paul’s cum gushed out of his dick. As if by chain reaction my own dick began to shoot. Paul continued his push-ups, forcing his insides to continuously rub against my now oversensitive dick. With each jolt of energy another glob of cum would plow inside him. “Oh yeah. Give it to me. Give it to me.” When I could shoot no more Paul stopped. He continued to sit upon me. My dick relaxed but with no room to move, it stayed somewhat straight up into Paul. We looked at each other. Paul gave me a quick kiss then got up. He walked inside the house. I got up to get dressed. I saw Paul standing in the doorway talking on a cell phone. He was groping his dick as he stared at me. I went over to him and sucked on his nipple again. He massaged my back. He spoke on the phone. “Yeah, it’s too bad about the flat tire. I’m not worried about the rest of the shoot. We can finish it tomorrow. I don’t mind house sitting. Your assistant? He can stay for the night if he wants. It’ll be good to have company. Everything’s cool. He’ll have plenty to nibble on.”


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Navar

Celebrity Auction

A very happy occurrence happened to me. I won the lottery. Naturally I splurged a little, ok a lot, but I soon regained my composure. I didn't want to spend my way back to the poorhouse. However, aside from material things, I wanted to go to places I never could afford before. I went to Broadway shows and fine diners. I had a great time at the infamous Russian Tea Room. There is a

Cruise To Heaven

A friend treated me to a cruise to get away from it all. I was a bit reluctant to go because I don't like just doing nothing. I'm sure there would be activities on a cruise ship but they would be lame. However, I was a little curious about the situation. I've never been on a cruise before so at least having a new experience would be exciting. Thoughts of the "Love Boat" appeared in

Hero Worship

Spiderman was depressed again. It's the same old story. He captures the bad guy to save the city, and he's a hero. Next day, people deride him as a vigilante, question his sanity, or just consider him a menace. People have short memories. He himself declares he would stop being a superhero from time to time, but he always goes back to it. This time though ... It would be nice if he

It's Just A Short Stop To Nirvana

It has been a while, but I return to J’s Hangout; a juice bar upstairs, a j/o club downstairs. All types of guys go downstairs, from the elderly gents to the scrawny twinks to muscle jocks. There are also various personalities like the slut who does anyone, the guy who just won’t shut up, and the mysterious short guy wearing a baseball cap. Perhaps the most frustrating personality is

My Favorite Yankee

In a way you can say I have a dream job. I’m not a CEO and am not a famous movie star. No, I’m a batboy for the New York Yankees. Now, I’m not a boy, but I would feel foolish if I called myself “batman”. Being a batboy is not a high paying job, but there are fringe benefits. For one thing, I attend all the home games for free. When the team’s not playing at home, they usually have

Prince Of A Trainer

I entered a raffle for charity. I didn’t expect to win anything, but it’s fun to play anyway. There were a number of large prizes such as a new car, five thousand dollars, and a family trip to Disney World. As I expected I didn’t win. However, there were a number of smaller prizes, one of which I did win. I won a year’s membership in a gym with trainer. I thought that was cool.

Save For Save

The fire was spreading as I headed out to the roof. The smoke was thick. I was trapped. I didn’t know if anyone saw me go this way. I couldn’t get to the exit doors like everyone else. Their backs were turned to me, and Batman was chasing the Joker. I heard sirens from the street below. I wanted to look over the side of the roof to wave to them so they would know where I was, but

Tarzan Origins

It must have been that last bullet. The jeep was leaking gasoline for the last five miles. I saw the gage on empty. The soldiers were bound to catch up to me. Staying on the road was too dangerous. Running into the jungle was not a good idea either, but there wasn’t much of a choice. I walked a half an hour before coming to a small river. I took the chance and walked upstream.

The Oilman

Times were tough. I needed to get a job, any job. I found work at Madison Square Garden as a janitor. Not a glamorous job, but work is work. I helped clean the arena after sporting events as well as maintain the general cleanliness of the entire building. Once in a while I would be asked to do odd jobs at various events, such as ushering. There was one sporting event that proved

The Photo Shoot

There was a small help wanted ad in the newspaper for an office assistant. I doubt it would pay much, but I needed the job so I had answered it. It was a Manhattan address. It wasn’t in a ritzy neighborhood. However, it wasn’t in a slum either, just a low rent area relatively speaking for Manhattan. I took the elevator to the 7th floor. It opened up into a reception area. I was

Wayne And Kent

“Sir, a reporter from the Daily Planet is here to interview you.” “Thanks, Alfred, show him in.” “Yes sir.” Clark Kent entered the spacious office. There wasn’t much furniture in it. It was mainly for visiting businessmen, as was Mr. Bruce Wayne. Wayne Enterprises is going to help finance a monorail link between Metropolis and Gotham City. Daily Planet editor Perry White sent Kent to

When Titus Was In Jail

As Craig Titus was escorted to his cell he was still muttering under his breath with anger. He knew the charges were trumped. He knew his conviction was merely symbolic. The bodybuilding industry refuses to admit to the wide use of steroids and pretending not to see it. It needs to have a contestant or two banned or arrested to prove its innocence. To now have a celebrity like Craig


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