Gay Erotic Stories

The Passions of the Dark Part 6

by Tim Veihl

Passions of the Dark Part 6 Christian couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that it was Roberto but the man standing before him was a twisted version of the boy that Christian remembered. There was no longer any innocence in him, only cruelty and hatred. His soul was tainted by the darkness and had been lost in the abyss. He looked over to Tim and saw that he was out cold, having hit his head on the frame of the bed. He looked back at Roberto. "It can't be", Christian said. "You're dead! I buried you." "Yes, you buried me. You put my body in the ground to rot and you didn't look back." "How can you say that! I died inside the day I buried you. I've been to your grave everyday to talk to you. I've never forgiven myself for what I did to you." "Guilt, Christian? I expected better than that from you." "I can't undo what happened that day, Roberto. If I had any notion that there was life still in you, I would have done whatever I could have to bring you back." "That's so sweet! No, really, I mean it. You kill me, you throw my body in the dirt without hesitation, yet you stand there now and tell me that you would have done anything to bring me back? I pity you, Christian." "You pity me?" "Yes, I pity you. You were so strong and forceful when we first met. You saw what you wanted and you took it, including me. Look at you now, so weak and pathetic." "I'm sorry, Roberto. I'm so sorry." "If you're looking for forgiveness, you'll get none from me. I have nothing but contempt for you. I plan to pay you back ten fold for what you've done to me." "But why didn't you let me know? Why have you kept yourself hidden from me all this time?" "I never hid. When I clawed my way out of the hole that I was in, I wasn't entirely sure of what had happened. I came back here looking for answers that only you could have given me. I looked through the window and saw you there and I couldn't wait to be with you again. Then I saw the man you were with. I could tell by looking at him that the two of you had just been together. I saw you take him in your arms and then I saw you take his life. You killed him the same way that you had killed me. I ran from your castle before you could see me. From there, I went out to find the answers that I was seeking from somewhere else. I read book upon book, filling myself with knowledge. The one thing that kept me going was my thirst for revenge, revenge on you for what you did to me. Through all of that though, I did find myself grateful to you for one thing." "And what would that be?" "If you hadn't done what you did, I would be nothing now. You gave me power beyond my wildest expectations that night. For that, I am eternally grateful." "Grateful? I turn you into a monster and you're grateful? I would rather see you dead again then to let you continue as what you are now." "Brave words, Christian. Alas, the only deaths that I see are those of you and your little friend there." "NO! Tim is not a part of this. If you want revenge, then here I am. Let him go." "It's not that simple. I want to kill him right in front of you. I want to see the look in your eyes as I drain him the same way that you drained me." "I'll never let that happen! I'll fight you with all my strength to make sure that never happens." "You're welcome to try. I look forward to it actually. I've been waiting a long time for this. But not now. Now I have things to attend to. But don't worry, I'll be back before you know it." Roberto turned and ran for the window. He dove through the opening and disappeared in the storm. Christian ran over and looked out the window but saw no sign of him. All he heard was his laughter in the wind. He turned and went back to where Tim was lying on the floor. He checked to make sure that he was alright as he tried to wake him up. Tim started to come to as Christian cradled him in his arms. "What happened?" "It was Roberto, Tim. Somehow he's back." "I don't understand. You killed him and yet here he is? How can that be?" "From my understanding, Roberto was only near death when I buried him. Apparently, he did die out there only to be reborn." "As a vampire? A creature like yourself?" "He's nothing like me. He kills for fun while I kill for survival. He claimed that he was the one responsible for all the deaths in the surrounding woods." "Then it was him that I saw." "What?" "Nothing. Is there any way to stop him?" "There is one way that I know of." "Sunlight? A stake through the heart?" "The myths about sunlight and stakes aren't true, neither of them hold any power over us. Those foolish notions came up in some folklore somewhere to help keep children in their beds at night." "What about Holy water or garlic?" "Also false. I have spent many a day in church with no ill effects. I have been blessed with Holy water more than once in my life and taken Communion. As far as I know, the only thing garlic is good for is adding spice to your food." "There has got to be another way." "The only way for him to die is to be killed by another of his kind. That is the only true death for us." "Then you have to kill him." "You don't understand, Tim. I don't know if I can do that to him again. I killed him once and I've done nothing since but pray for a way to undo it. I loved him then and part of me still does." "The Roberto that you knew is dead, Christian. He has been since the night that you attacked him there in your bed. You can't go back and change that but you can put his soul to rest. I'm here now. Let me help you." "What can you do? You're a mortal. He'll kill you without a second thought to get to me. He's already said that he wants to kill you before me. He wants to see the pain in my eyes as I watch you die." "Then I'll die. But at least I'll go doing what I can to take him with me." "I don't want to see you die." "Then help me find an answer." "I'll try. That's the least that I can do for the man that I love." "I love you too. Now, let's get to work." The days passed by quickly as the two of them worked together to find an answer. There was little hope though. They researched every book in Christian's library but found nothing helpful. Christian thought that he had everything that he could on the subject but couldn't find another way to end Roberto's rampage. The only answer was the one that he already knew, he would have to kill him. Either that or let Roberto kill him. The only problem with that was Tim. Christian knew that if he died, Roberto wouldn't stop until Tim was dead too. He looked over at Tim, sleeping there with his head on the table. He ran his fingers through his hair and stared at his face. He knew how much Tim loved him and how much that he loved Tim. He wished that they had never met, but at the same time, he couldn't imagine his life without Tim in it. Christian was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice the flames of the candles flickering as a breeze drifted through the room. Christian thought he heard a noise and looked up just in time to see a shadow moving along the wall. He called to Tim as he jumped up from his chair. "Tim, He's here!" Tim awoke instantly and began to look around the room for Roberto. He had just looked up toward the ceiling as Roberto landed on the table. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Two lambs ready for the slaughter?" "You won't find us that easy to defeat", Tim boasted. "And you hold no threat over me. I shall enjoy making you suffer before I kill you." "ROBERTO!!!!" Christian screamed. "You touch him and you will be the one to suffer. I will tear you apart with my bare hands if need be." Christian lunged for Roberto, knocking him from the table to the floor. As they struggled with each other on the floor, Tim looked for anything that he could use as a weapon. He found an ornate statue of a dragon on one of the shelves and grabbed it. He turned back toward the fight in time to see Roberto hurling Christian against the wall. Christian fell against a shelf of books but managed to hold his ground. Roberto ran at him, fully prepared to drive his body into the stone of the wall. Christian moved at the last second and let Roberto run straight into the wall. Christian grabbed him by the back of his jacket and threw his limp body across the library to crash into one of the drawing chairs. Tim walked over to where Roberto had fallen and steadied himself. He was just about to bring the statue in his hand down to strike Roberto when he felt a hand grab his leg. He flew backwards and landed on the floor. Before he could move, Roberto was on top of him. "Now", Roberto screamed toward Christian, "Watch your new lover meet his end." "NO!!!!!!!"


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Tim Veihl

The Journey

The sky was cast over with a darkness that stretched on for miles. The rumbling in the skies forewarned of the storm to come. A steady wind had picked up in intensity and swept through the branches of the trees. The darkness was occasionally broken by a flash of lightning, as the rain finally began to fall. The lone knight rode his horse onward, fighting against nature to make his

The Passions of the Dark Part 1

He was running, from what or who he didn't know. He just knew that if he stopped, his life would be forfeit. He heard a howl and began to run faster. Sweat poured from his body and he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest. He glanced behind him to see if he could get any clue as to who his pursuer was. The next thing he knew, he was flying forward having tripped

The PAssions of the Dark Part 2

Passions of the Dark Part 2 Tim drew back in horror, not knowing what to think. The face of the angel had been transformed to the face of a devil. No longer was there the handsome face that had attracted him before. Now all he saw was a hideous monster, a monster with terrible fangs that were about to tear at his throat. The only thing that had remained the same were those eyes,

The Passions of the Dark Part 3

Passions of the Dark Part 3 The room fell silent as Christian ended his tale of how he became the creature that he was. Tim sat there, not daring to move. Christian turned to him, looking for some sign of understanding in his face. Tim just stared at the fire, the light dancing in his eyes. "Please say something", Christian pleaded. "Anything!" "I'm not sure what to say", Tim

The Passions of the Dark Part 4

Passions of the Dark Part 4 Tim was in the woods again. The scene played out pretty much the same as before. He ran for his life, trying desperately to find a place to hide. He knew that if he stopped, he would die. He ran through the underbrush as the wind whipped around him. A fog covered the ground and he had a hard time seeing the path in front of him. Again he heard the

The Passions of the Dark Part 5

Passions of the Dark Part 5 Tim awoke from his sleep. He hadn't slept that soundly in a long time. His slumber was no longer plagued by the horrible visions that had been haunting him of late. He took that as a good sign and hoped that it would last. He looked around the room but there was no sign of Christian. Wrapping the makeshift blanket around his waist, he went to find

The Passions of the Dark Part 6

Passions of the Dark Part 6 Christian couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that it was Roberto but the man standing before him was a twisted version of the boy that Christian remembered. There was no longer any innocence in him, only cruelty and hatred. His soul was tainted by the darkness and had been lost in the abyss. He looked over to Tim and saw that he was out cold, having

The Passions of the Dark Part 7

Passions of the Dark Part 7 Christian stared in horror as Roberto bared his fangs and prepared to sink them into Tim's neck. He saw Roberto lower his head and just as suddenly fall over. Tim sat up, holding the bloody statue in his hand. He stood up and looked down at Roberto's lifeless body. "Is it over?" Tim asked. "No, but you bought us enough time to get you out of here."


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