Gay Erotic Stories

The Passions of the Dark Part 5

by Tim Veihl

Passions of the Dark Part 5 Tim awoke from his sleep. He hadn't slept that soundly in a long time. His slumber was no longer plagued by the horrible visions that had been haunting him of late. He took that as a good sign and hoped that it would last. He looked around the room but there was no sign of Christian. Wrapping the makeshift blanket around his waist, he went to find him. There was only one door to the room so he opened that and looked out. There was a hallway leading off in both directions. Tim used his inner sense and decided to follow the hallway to the right. As he passed each room he found, he stopped to check and see if Christian was in any of them. The rooms were mostly sleeping chambers. He also found a study and a library but not Christian. When he reached the end of the hallway, he discovered that he was at the top of the stairs that he had noticed earlier. He at least knew were they leaded and proceeded down the steps. The stone was cold on his feet but he didn't seem to mind. He reached the landing of the staircase and the first thing that he noticed was that the table had been cleared away. He thought that he saw movement at the other end of the room and went toward it. He found himself back at the fireplace where it had all began. There was no one there though so he sat down on the couch. He found a blanket there and pulled it around his shoulders in an attempt to get warm. As he sat there, his mind replayed the events that seemed to him to have only happened minutes ago. He could still smell Christian on his skin as if he were right there. A look of contentment appeared on Tim's face as he once again drifted off to sleep. As he continued to sleep, Tim heard someone calling his name, as if in the far-off distance. He searched everywhere but couldn't find the source. He was thankful that this time though, his dream found him in the castle and not out in the woods. He ran from one room to the next but no one was ever there. Still, he could hear his name being repeated over and over. He thought that it was Christian playing games with him but couldn't understand why he would do that. He called out for him but there was no reply. All he kept hearing was his own name coming from every corner of the castle. He finally stopped and listened to see if he could pinpoint where the mystery voice was coming from. As he stood there listening, his ears caught a new sound. This time there was laughter, a cold and sadistic laughter. The laughter continued to get louder and louder until Tim swore that the person was right in front of him. He spun around to leave and saw Roberto standing there. His face was wound tightly in a sinister expression of hatred. He reached out and grabbed Tim by the neck. His fingers tightened their grip around Tim's throat and started to cut off the precious oxygen that he needed. All the while, Roberto just laughed as he continued to strangle Tim. The hate burned in Roberto's eyes and Tim knew that Roberto wasn't going to stop until he was dead. "Tim, wake up!" Tim's body jerked as he came back to reality. He opened his eyes and looked upon the face of his lover. Christian had a look of fear as he watched Tim shaking uncontrollably, his body drenched in sweat. "What were you dreaming about? You just kept screaming over and over that you were going to die. What was it?" "You may not believe me when I tell you. I was in the castle and someone was calling out to me. At first I thought it was you but it wasn't. It was Roberto. He was here and he started to strangle me. He wanted me dead." "Oh, my love. I'm so sorry that you went through that. But you must remember that it was only a dream." "But the dream seemed so real. I could feel his hands as they tightened around my throat. I could smell his fowl breath as he stood there and kept laughing." "I told you that he was dead. There is no way that he can hurt you." "I know you did and I believe you. I just don't understand why I would dream about him or why he would want me dead. Please, just hold me. I need to feel your arms around me." "Of course I will", Christian said as he pulled Tim in his arms and held him. "I'm here now, there's nothing to fear. I won't let anything OR anyone cause you harm." Christian held Tim until his shaking stopped. "Where were you? I tried to find you but didn't know where to look." "I woke up but you looked so comfortable that I didn't want to disturb you. I went to take a bath and then got dressed. I went back to get you and you were gone. I found you sleeping in here. I've been sitting here watching you ever since. I never took my eyes off of you." "You watched me sleep?" "Yes." Tim squeezed Christian tighter. He didn't want to let go for anything. He knew that this is where he was meant to be. "I do love you, Christian." "And I love you too." They kissed as they sank back into the sofa. The flames in the fireplace didn't generate half the heat that they did with each other. They made love again, there in front of the fire but this time there was no sign of the monster's return. Christian was so gentle as they enjoyed the pleasures of one another's bodies. Tim had never experienced so many emotions from one person at the same time as he did from Christian. He drank them all in, wanting nothing more than to help this man free himself from his inner demons. He knew that Christian hadn't allowed himself to open up like this in a long time. Tim didn't want him to stop. When they finished, they laid there holding hands, enjoying the feeling of afterglow that surrounded them. Neither of them spoke a word for none were needed. The two of them had a new bond between them now that transcended the use of the spoken language. They were as one, both in body and soul. The love that they had for one another was one beyond family or lover. They were forever linked from this moment on. "We should get you some clothes and something to eat." "I'm fine the way I am. I just want to stay with you a little longer." "I would like nothing more either but you need nourishment and this castle isn't the warmest place to be. Besides, it's about to start raining again." Tim looked out one of the windows just as lightening flashed through the sky. The thunder quickly followed and Tim knew that the storm wasn't far off. "You're right. Besides, a warm bath would do me good." "That sounds perfect. You go up and take a bath and I'll see what I can find for you in the kitchen. If you go in the first door on your left at the top of the stairs, you'll find the master bedroom. There are some clothes laid out on the bed for you." "Thank you." Tim went back up the stairs and found Christian's room with no problem. He went in and saw the clothes that Christian had gotten for him. He made his way to the washroom and turned on the water for his bath. As he waited for the tub to fill, he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He thought that he looked surprisingly good considering that he hadn’t bathed for the last couple of days. He looked at his neck and noticed that the marks from Christian's bite were healing nicely. A few more days and they will hardly be noticeable. He shut the water off and climbed in the tub. The steam from the water rose around him as he let his body relax in the warmth. The water felt so good. Tim just laid there and soaked. He heard Christian checking on him but didn't want to move. He knew that he had to get out soon though. He sat up and opened the drain, letting the water rush from the tub. He got up and as he began to dry himself off, he heard his name being called. "Tim." It was coming from the bedroom and he got the picture in his head of Christian lying there in bed waiting for him. He threw the towel to the floor and walked in the other room. When he got there, the bed was empty. "Tim." The voice called to him again. He would have thought that he had fallen asleep again but knew otherwise. He could feel the chill from the wind as it came in through the window. He quickly moved to the bed and started to get dressed. Just as he got his pants on, he heard it again. "Tim." He threw the shirt on but neglected to button it shut. Something didn't feel right to him and he just wanted to find Christian. He headed for the door and just as he got there, the voice called once more. "Tim." He turned toward the sound but saw nothing. It was as if the wind was calling to him from the window. As he started toward the window, Christian came up behind him. Tim jumped as Christian grabbed him from behind. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." "It wasn't you, there's someone in here with us. They keep calling my name but I can't find them." "Let me look. Stay close to me and be ready for any surprises." The two of them walked toward the window that Tim thought the voice was coming from. They inched closer and closer, Christian ready to take action if necessary. The window was less than ten meters away when a flash of lightening lit up the darkness. There in the window was the outline of a man. Christian and Tim fell backwards, landing on the cold, wet stone of the floor. The shape jumped through the window and landed at their feet. As it stood up, it spoke. "What's the matter, Christian? No kiss for your one true love?" It was Roberto, fully alive. He raised his head to look at the two men on the floor and started to laugh, his laughter echoing through the room.


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The Journey

The sky was cast over with a darkness that stretched on for miles. The rumbling in the skies forewarned of the storm to come. A steady wind had picked up in intensity and swept through the branches of the trees. The darkness was occasionally broken by a flash of lightning, as the rain finally began to fall. The lone knight rode his horse onward, fighting against nature to make his

The Passions of the Dark Part 1

He was running, from what or who he didn't know. He just knew that if he stopped, his life would be forfeit. He heard a howl and began to run faster. Sweat poured from his body and he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest. He glanced behind him to see if he could get any clue as to who his pursuer was. The next thing he knew, he was flying forward having tripped

The PAssions of the Dark Part 2

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The Passions of the Dark Part 3

Passions of the Dark Part 3 The room fell silent as Christian ended his tale of how he became the creature that he was. Tim sat there, not daring to move. Christian turned to him, looking for some sign of understanding in his face. Tim just stared at the fire, the light dancing in his eyes. "Please say something", Christian pleaded. "Anything!" "I'm not sure what to say", Tim

The Passions of the Dark Part 4

Passions of the Dark Part 4 Tim was in the woods again. The scene played out pretty much the same as before. He ran for his life, trying desperately to find a place to hide. He knew that if he stopped, he would die. He ran through the underbrush as the wind whipped around him. A fog covered the ground and he had a hard time seeing the path in front of him. Again he heard the

The Passions of the Dark Part 5

Passions of the Dark Part 5 Tim awoke from his sleep. He hadn't slept that soundly in a long time. His slumber was no longer plagued by the horrible visions that had been haunting him of late. He took that as a good sign and hoped that it would last. He looked around the room but there was no sign of Christian. Wrapping the makeshift blanket around his waist, he went to find

The Passions of the Dark Part 6

Passions of the Dark Part 6 Christian couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that it was Roberto but the man standing before him was a twisted version of the boy that Christian remembered. There was no longer any innocence in him, only cruelty and hatred. His soul was tainted by the darkness and had been lost in the abyss. He looked over to Tim and saw that he was out cold, having

The Passions of the Dark Part 7

Passions of the Dark Part 7 Christian stared in horror as Roberto bared his fangs and prepared to sink them into Tim's neck. He saw Roberto lower his head and just as suddenly fall over. Tim sat up, holding the bloody statue in his hand. He stood up and looked down at Roberto's lifeless body. "Is it over?" Tim asked. "No, but you bought us enough time to get you out of here."


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