Gay Erotic Stories

The Passions of the Dark Part 1

by Tim Veihl

He was running, from what or who he didn't know. He just knew that if he stopped, his life would be forfeit. He heard a howl and began to run faster. Sweat poured from his body and he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest. He glanced behind him to see if he could get any clue as to who his pursuer was. The next thing he knew, he was flying forward having tripped over an exposed tree root. He landed hard on the ground and felt the air rush from his lungs. Just as he was trying to get back to his feet, he felt a weight land on his back. He screamed out in pain as he was knocked back to the ground. He felt the sting as something sharp tore into his flesh. It was then that he realized that his clothing was being shredded off of him. He still had no idea of what was on him but could feel it's hot breath on his neck. When he was finally naked, he could feel something hard trying to enter him from behind. He screamed for an eternity as the object was driven deep inside him. The pain was unbearable at first but quickly changed to an undescribable pleasure as the violation continued. He soon realized what it was inside him as he felt the load filling him. Just as quick as it started, it was over. He turned over when he felt the weight on his back let up. What he saw, filled him with dread. There above him was what could only be described as a monster, some kind of half beast-half man creature. The creature raised its paw to the sky and he could see the huge claws extending from its fingers. He knew he was going to die as the paw started to come down toward his chest. Tim opened his eyes and let out an audible gasp. He was lying on a sofa in front of a roaring fire. As he sat up, his head started spinning and he thought that he was going to pass out. He closed his eyes and waited for the feeling of nashua to leave. When he began to feel better, he opened his eyes again and looked around the room. The fireplace was definitely the centerpiece of the room. There was a towering portrait of a man above the mantle. The man was dressed in elegant clothing with a billowing cape sweeping around him. He had long, dark hair that was flowing in the wind. The most noticeable feature was his eyes. Tim stared at the eyes in the painting, not being able unlock his own from their gaze. He actually felt them staring into his soul. There was such strength in them, such power. At the same time though, Tim could also sense great sorrow coming from this stranger. When he was finally able to pull himself from the portrait, he looked around the room. There was a huge dining table behind the sofa with enough seating for an army of men. Tim guessed that he was in some sort of banquet hall. Incredible foods of all kinds were elegantly laid out the length of the table. Tim felt his stomach growling as he beheld the feast before him. He wanted nothing more than to sit down and partake of the bounty but resisted the urge until he could better understand why he was brought here. He got up from the sofa and began to walk around the room, looking for some clue as to the identity of his mysterious benefactor. There were candles everywhere, giving the room an eerie but comforting glow. Huge tapestries adorned the walls which added color to the barren stone. At the end of the room was a huge stairway leading up to the next floor. Tim peered up but saw nothing but darkness. The only sounds he heard were the wind outside the castle and the beating of his heart. He suddenly felt very alone. His increasing hunger finally got the better of him. He made his way back to the table and noticed that there was one place setting, as if this feast was arranged especially for him. He sat down and started to eat. He felt like a king, never in his life tasting foods so rich in flavor. He wanted to taste everything, each bite better than the last. He seemed like a man possessed as each morsel passed his lips. He couldn't get enough, even though his hunger had long since passed. "I'm glad to see you're enjoying your meal." Tim jumped up from the chair and spun around toward the direction of the voice. Standing at the foot of the stairs was the man from the painting. He was even more captivating in person. His hair was pulled back behind him and the chiseled features of his face were all the more visible. He was wearing a white shirt that was open enough to expose his chest which was covered with dark hair. Tim's eyes continued down the body of this man, taking in this vision before him. As his eyes traveled down, he could feel his body temperature rising. The black pants the man was wearing clung to him, magnifying his well-defined legs. Tim's mind began to race as his eyes traveled back up, pausing at the noticeable bulge in the man's crotch. Finally, Tim looked back upon the man's face, the face of an angel. Tim had never in his life seen a man so beautiful! His skin appeared so smooth and hairless. His eyes were of the most intense blue, like the ocean after a storm. Tim felt a fire blazing in his soul as he gazed into the endless depths of those eyes. He finally found the breath to speak. "I'm sorry. I was so hungry and the food was too tempting to pass up. I'll gladly pay you for what I took" "Perish the thought", the stranger said. "This meal was for you. When I brought you here, I assumed you might be hungry when you woke up." "You brought me here?", Tim asked. He realized that he had no memory of arriving here. "Yes, I found you lying on the ground in the woods outside my home. There was a storm about to start so I brought you here for your own protection." "Your kindness is greatly appreciated, sir." "Please, my name is Christian. Welcome to my home." "My name is Tim, it's a pleasure to meet you." Tim moved forward to shake hands with Christian. As he took Christian's hand in his own, a bolt of electricity went through his body. He felt more alive than he ever had, as if his very life force had been magnified to an unbelievable degree. He felt light-headed and began to fall as his legs gave out beneath him. As he began to fall, he felt powerful arms support his weight and hold him up. Christian led him back to the sofa and laid him down. "I don't know what happened. I got so weak there for a second." "You may just not have your strength back yet. Rest here for awhile and I'll get you something to drink." Tim reclined on the sofa and watched as Christian disappeared behind him. Tim felt like a fool for his display in front of Christian. "Imagine, a grown man fainting like a woman", Tim thought to himself. What would his host think about him? As he laid there, he looked back up to Christian's portrait. There was something about this man that was pulling on Tim like a moth to a flame. He only knew that he wanted nothing more than to be back in those arms, to feel that glorious body pressed against his. "What is happening to me? I've never behaved like this before. What is it about this man that is making me feel this way?" Christian returned to the sofa with a goblet of liquid and handed it to Tim. "Drink this, it will make you feel better in no time." Tim sat up and looked in the goblet, having no idea what he was about to drink. It looked like wine but he had never tasted wine like this before. There was a slight saltiness to the taste as Tim drained the goblet of it's contents. He handed the goblet back to Christian's outreached hand and once again felt the jolt of electric when their hands touched. He paused momentarily and looked up at Christian, especially his eyes. As he stared into them, he knew that he would be lost forever in them if he didn't stop. He also knew that at that moment, he didn't care. "Thank you", Tim said as he released Christian's hand. "I'm feeling better now." "I'm glad to hear that", Christian replied as he sat down next to Tim. "I'd hate to see something happen to you while you're under my protection." "You're being too good to me, Christian. I'll never be able to repay you for all that you've done." "No payment is required. I couldn't just let you stay out there in the woods. It's not safe for anyone especially in the condition that you were in. Why were you out there anyway?" "I had been traveling a great distance when I reached the woods. I knew that there was a village on the other side and thought that I would find a place there to rest for the night." "I see", Christian replied. "Still, only a fool would have tried to cross those woods alone. You obviously haven't heard the stories of the horrible creatures that live in those woods. There have been many deaths of those who have ventured in there during the night. You should consider yourself lucky that you weren't one of those." "I am. The fates must have been smiling on me tonight. But if those stories are true, then why were you out there?" "Hunting. Those woods are a part of my land and I find that the night is the best time to find the beasts that live there. I feel responsible for each death that occurs there, like it was my fault." "That's ridiculous. You can't blame yourself for the actions of some wild animal. You didn't create them and release them there. The notion that you are responsible for the deaths of those people is ludicrous." "All the same, it's my land and my problem. I'll deal with it in the manner that I see best." Tim wanted nothing more than to pull Christian close to him and hold him tight. This gentle soul was in turmoil from the evils that plagued the world. He moved his hand over to take Christian's, to let him know that someone was there for him. As he did so, he felt the energy again, as if there was some kind of connection between the two of them that had no boundaries. He looked up at Christian's face and saw a tear rolling down his cheek. Tim gave in to his desires and pulled him close. Christian held on to him like a lifeline. The two of them sat that way as Christian let go of his emotions and wept. Tim tried to comfort him the best that he could. The feelings that were coursing through his body were out of control though. He wanted this man like he had never wanted one before. Now was not the time though. He was there for Christian's needs, not his own. As much as he wanted this man before him, he refrained from those urges. He wasn't even sure that Christian felt the same desires that he felt. He didn't want to ruin the budding friendship between the two of them. He just knew that there was more than that between them though. As Tim was lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice Christian's hand as it moved along the length of his leg. Christian turned his head toward Tim's neck and breathed in deeply of his scent. He was also feeling the energy between them but only he knew why. He could hear the beating of Tim's heart as they held each other. He had to have him, the hunger building inside of him. He moved his head closer and began to kiss Tim's neck. He came alive as he tasted the saltiness of his skin. The ability to stop himself became harder and harder for him. Tim was moaning softly at his touch so he knew that the feelings were mutual. He pulled his mouth back and his fangs glistened in the candlelight. Just as he was about to bite down into the flesh of Tim's neck, Tim turned to him. "My God, What are you?"


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Tim Veihl

The Journey

The sky was cast over with a darkness that stretched on for miles. The rumbling in the skies forewarned of the storm to come. A steady wind had picked up in intensity and swept through the branches of the trees. The darkness was occasionally broken by a flash of lightning, as the rain finally began to fall. The lone knight rode his horse onward, fighting against nature to make his

The Passions of the Dark Part 1

He was running, from what or who he didn't know. He just knew that if he stopped, his life would be forfeit. He heard a howl and began to run faster. Sweat poured from his body and he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest. He glanced behind him to see if he could get any clue as to who his pursuer was. The next thing he knew, he was flying forward having tripped

The PAssions of the Dark Part 2

Passions of the Dark Part 2 Tim drew back in horror, not knowing what to think. The face of the angel had been transformed to the face of a devil. No longer was there the handsome face that had attracted him before. Now all he saw was a hideous monster, a monster with terrible fangs that were about to tear at his throat. The only thing that had remained the same were those eyes,

The Passions of the Dark Part 3

Passions of the Dark Part 3 The room fell silent as Christian ended his tale of how he became the creature that he was. Tim sat there, not daring to move. Christian turned to him, looking for some sign of understanding in his face. Tim just stared at the fire, the light dancing in his eyes. "Please say something", Christian pleaded. "Anything!" "I'm not sure what to say", Tim

The Passions of the Dark Part 4

Passions of the Dark Part 4 Tim was in the woods again. The scene played out pretty much the same as before. He ran for his life, trying desperately to find a place to hide. He knew that if he stopped, he would die. He ran through the underbrush as the wind whipped around him. A fog covered the ground and he had a hard time seeing the path in front of him. Again he heard the

The Passions of the Dark Part 5

Passions of the Dark Part 5 Tim awoke from his sleep. He hadn't slept that soundly in a long time. His slumber was no longer plagued by the horrible visions that had been haunting him of late. He took that as a good sign and hoped that it would last. He looked around the room but there was no sign of Christian. Wrapping the makeshift blanket around his waist, he went to find

The Passions of the Dark Part 6

Passions of the Dark Part 6 Christian couldn't believe his eyes. He knew that it was Roberto but the man standing before him was a twisted version of the boy that Christian remembered. There was no longer any innocence in him, only cruelty and hatred. His soul was tainted by the darkness and had been lost in the abyss. He looked over to Tim and saw that he was out cold, having

The Passions of the Dark Part 7

Passions of the Dark Part 7 Christian stared in horror as Roberto bared his fangs and prepared to sink them into Tim's neck. He saw Roberto lower his head and just as suddenly fall over. Tim sat up, holding the bloody statue in his hand. He stood up and looked down at Roberto's lifeless body. "Is it over?" Tim asked. "No, but you bought us enough time to get you out of here."


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