Gay Erotic Stories

The Man In the Restaurant

by Joe Borgman

I rarely go out to eat, and on those rare occasions, it is always at the request of a friend or for some business purpose. It was a combination of things: I was not in the mood to cook; I didn’t feel like getting a take-out; I wanted a hot meal. I went to a restaurant and was seated. After a length of time of adjusting to the lighting and getting settled, I noticed a group of people within my line of sight and was enjoying watching the group interaction. I noted that one man who appeared to be thirty-something who was seated on the opposite side of the table with the group and he was certainly handsome. I don’t know why, but he got up and exchanged seats with someone nearer to me and I saw that he was a really big man--not fat, but truly big. He was tall and had really wide shoulders and was proportionate but very large. I think his size fascinated me because I rarely saw anyone so large. He turned and we made eye contact. I sort of felt like I had been caught staring but he kept the eye contact longer than usual. I kept the eye contact until he turned away. He seemed to be interacting with the group, but did not seem to be paired with anyone. My meal arrived and I ate and basically forgot about him and kept my attention in other places. He got up once and walked by my table. I smiled and he smiled and again. I forgot he was around, not even noting until later that he had seated himself again with the group. I received my check and made my way to the checkout to pay when I sensed someone behind me, and it was him minus the group. I paid for my meal and stepped outside and was walking toward my car when he appeared again and I heard him say, " Hi Joe." I turned around and he smiled and said, " You don’t recognize me do you?" I was honest and said, "No, but you recognize me obviously." It was then that he said, " I was the kid who lived at the end of the block." It was then that I remembered him as a kid. I was 15 and he was only 11..a big boy for his age. I apologized for not remembering him and we had a big laugh. We stood there in the parking lot gabbing for while about the old days and sort of catching up on things. He explained he was in town on business and was staying at a local hotel. I was getting strong vibes from him and I was definitely interested. He then invited me to his hotel room for more chatting and I accepted. I followed him to his room and when inside, he told me to make myself comfy and he did likewise. We chatted about general stuff and some old stuff in the neighborhood when he said, "Joe, I always thought you were a very sexy guy." Being taken aback, I thanked him for the compliment and then he said, "And you still are." I returned the compliment and said, "You have changed so much, I didn’t recognize you, you’ve become quite a looker." In the course of the chatting, he explained he had been divorced for several years, so I knew he was not married. At this point, he explained the events of his divorce. While he was married he had a male co-worker who had seduced him on a business trip and they had begun and continued a secret affair for about a year afterward, and he realized he liked guys more than girls and had gone through some struggles and finally asked his wife for a divorce. That opened up the discussion for me to tell him that I had gone through some unsure periods and finally chose to follow my desires and now confined my attentions to guys also. We discussed some of our histories and shared some things about the world of the gay man and such. The night was getting late, so I stood up and told him that I needed to get home. He smiled and said, "Joe, I was hoping you would stay here tonight." I really wanted to say yes, but I had to work the next day and knew that I would get zero sleep in his bed. He accepted my reason and walked me to the door of his room. I had given him my home phone number and asked him to call me if he was going to be back in town anytime. Standing there, he asked me, "May I kiss you good night?" I turned around and said, "Sure." He wrapped me in his huge arms and softly pressed his lips to mine. I was standing on tiptoe to get that kiss and my body was molded into his huge body. He was the kindest and gentlest man—a very polite person. He didn’t seem to be releasing me and I wasn’t struggling to get away either. The kiss became a second kiss and my arms went around his neck and I felt like if he tugged slightly, my feet would leave the floor. We finally broke the embrace and he said, "I wanted to do that when we lived on the same block." I had no idea then that he was interested in me nor that I was interested in guys then, but right then, changing my mind would have been very easy, but I left and went home. Several months went by and I thought about him often. I got a phone call from him asking if he could take me out to dinner on the following Friday. I agreed and we set the date. He insisted on picking me up at my home and arrived promptly on time. He did things that I was not accustomed to: he opened the car door for me, opened all doors at the restaurant.. He was a complete gentleman. At first it was somewhat uncomfortable, but I was enjoying his attention completely. He took me back to my home and walked me to the door. It felt like a high school date, but was fun. I invited him inside and offered him a drink and we sat talking on the sofa. He kept looking at me as we talked and I was getting really turned on by him. Finally, he stood up and said, "I have enjoyed our time together." I also stood up and said, "May, I show you to the door?" He moved toward the front door and I said, "Wrong door." he looked puzzled. I walked over and took his huge hand in mine and said, " I was referring to my bedroom door." He got a big smile and said, "Lead the way." The next morning, I looked over at him sleeping and recalled his gentleness and his warmth. The way he made me feel special. He awoke and I said, "How did you like the goodnight kiss?" He smiled and pulled me onto his chest and said, "Which one?" I laughed and said, "The one I was giving you as you were getting my clothes off." He laughed and said, "Oh THAT one, I thought it was the one you gave me after the second time we made love." I smiled and said, "Yeah, that one too" He stayed the weekend and I called in for a vacation day Monday. He left early Tuesday. Over the next few years, we shared many goodnight kisses and good morning kisses and mid-day kisses. Joe Borgman


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Joe Borgman

My Brother-in Law

There is ten years difference between my age and my older sister's age. She got married when she was 25 and I was only 15. I always looked up to my brother-in-law, Ray. I really liked him and tried to imitate him in many ways. He is a very masculine man...likes the usual man-type things and would include me in as many of the thing as he could. He was the first adult male I ever saw

My First Love

The first day I showed up at college, I didn’t arrive as a virgin, but I arrived as a young man who had never been in love. My sexual experience up until that period had been confined to my brother-in-law who was ten years older than me and had introduced me to the pleasures of man-to-man sex. I had mixed feelings about leaving home and going away to school. Part of me wanted to

The Brother

One summer, my roommate’s brother came for a visit. I had placed an ad on a bulletin board earlier looking for a roommate. A guy knocked on my door and he was basically a slob but I was desperate for the rent money, so I let him move in. He was an "okay" roommate, the usual boring straight guy who talked about fags and cocksuckers and such. I let him alone and basically ignored

The Man In the Restaurant

I rarely go out to eat, and on those rare occasions, it is always at the request of a friend or for some business purpose. It was a combination of things: I was not in the mood to cook; I didn’t feel like getting a take-out; I wanted a hot meal. I went to a restaurant and was seated. After a length of time of adjusting to the lighting and getting settled, I noticed a group of


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