Gay Erotic Stories

The Great Tease

by Eric

My name is Eric. Ever wonder what your best friend really thought about you. Here is my story. Mitch is my best friend. I would say he like a big brother to me. He always protected me, etc., etc. So you know the relationship. Well Mitch has been a friend for so long I did not really pay much attention to him. I mean, I was never in any sense sexually attracted to him. I thought he was cute and funny and charming, but nothing more. Then one day at work, Mitch and I were in his office. Everyone had left early this one Friday. Mitch said, "Eric, I am exhausted. Aren't you?" I agreed as I watched him lounge back in his desk chair. "My back is soar. Could you scratch my lower back?" To much of my amazement, I said, "You're kidding?!?" But Mitch begged and pleaded with me, so I cooperated. He began moaning and saying "Aw, man, that feels good, scratch harder..." (Say WHAT????) I said to myself, but I did. Then we heard a door slam. Mitch jumped so fast out of his seat, it scared me. I thought it was best we went home. You think that's the end of it? The following Friday, I worked late, again. I thought everyone left, then I heard a knock on my door. I said come in. Mitch opened the door and said "You're still here? Come on let's get outta of here" I told him I couldn't to which he replied, "I'm tired of this place, come on...please." He looked pathetically out of it. I said, "If I give you another back scratch, will you shut up and let me finish my job?" Fair game, said Mitch and he came into my office. He sat on the edge of my desk and turned to the side. I began my scratching. He began his moaning. I did not feel so uncomfortable, though, until he turned around and asked me to scratch his upper chest. So I stood up and began to scratch his chest through his dress shirt. I had to scratch hard so he could somewhat feel it through his highly starched dressed shirt. Then, he stopped me and thanked weird. I went home and for the first time I jerked off about Mitch. I mean I have seen his penis before like when we both stand next to each other in the bathroom. But I never really paid attention. I just could not get his facial expression off my mind. I have seen him happy, sad, angry, etc. But never--how would you say it...AROUSED. I could not get it out of my head. And the moaning. I said to myself next time I am not stopping it. Next time came. I set it up. This time, I went to his office that late Friday night. I said, "Mitch, you workin' late?" I knew he was. He had a major project due that Monday. "Uh-huh" he said. "You want me to scratch your back?" He said my surprise, "How about a massage?" I said "sure...buddy." I made him take a break. Mitch stretch out on the floor and I knelt over his ass. With both hands I rubbed his back hard with lots of pressure. I knew he was satisfied when he gave that now so familiar moan. I said "Turn over, and I will massage your chest." Mitch rolled over, and I sat right on top of his crotch. Of course we were still fully clothed but what ran through my mind was pure ecstasy. I rubbed his chest hard and for the first time Mitch head rolled back a bit. "You're so tensed up. I am not hurting you, am I?" "No, Eric, it just feels good." "How about you take off your shirt, so that I don't rub so hard. I mean really, Mitch, your shirt has too much starch." I did not know how he would react to that, but roll the dice I say. No good, he stopped me and said maybe next time. I say jerking off about Mitch is becoming a habit. My only goal is to get my best friend naked and make him cum. Enough is enough. That night my phone rang. It was Mitch. "Watch doin'" he asked. I told him I was getting ready for bed. I asked what was up with him. He told me he is drying himself off and had just gotten out of the shower. OH MY GOD!!! What was running through my head. SEX with Mitch!!! All of the sudden our conversation became intimate. He began talking about how it's been so long since he came or got laid. How long it's been so long since he had anyone touch his dick or get him hard. I had to jerk off while I was on the phone with him. How could anyone avoid doing that. I just kept thinking..."I'll do it Mitch! You can count on me, your pal, I'll get your rocks off!" Then I came. I think he heard me. "Are you okay?" he said. I told him I was just dozing off and yawned. "It sounded like a yelp..." What the hell, he is toying with me. That's it. That Saturday, I did nothing. I went to bed early. I decided to call Mitch before hitting the sack. "Hello?" he said. "Mitch?" "What's up, E (that's his pet name for me)" "Nothing...seeing if you were home." I said "Yup, another lonely night without sex..." he sadly replied. "Mitch, why don't you just relieve yourself and get it over with and stop whining on the phone about how long it's been since you came..." I said frustrating. "Would you mind if I did?" "What?" I said "you're not really going to jack off while I am speaking to you, are you" I said angrily. "What if I won't know. I may be doing it right, now." "Yes, Mitch, but we're talking nonsense right now." "And maybe, I am jacking off just to toss my cookies off and you will never know it..." OH, but I do know Mitch. All too well, I must say. I know he is jerking off. I just had visions of that big hard dick in my head. I thought I might as well join in. I barely spoke, but Mitch kept on talking. I began to wonder whether he knew what I was doing and was doing it on purpose. "E? E? Why are you so quiet?" "I am just listening to you, babe..." OH MY GOD. (did I just call him "babe") "Well, E, I am getting tired...I'll see you Monday...okay babe?" OH MY GOD. (did he just call me "babe") "G'night, E..." I cannot get him off my mind. He is frustrating me. Oh what the hell, make a move on him. If he is my best friend, he will never hate me. He'll just say get it out my mind, we're just friends...OH what a scary thought. But I have nothing to lose, just stress... I called him back. "Did I wake you?" "No,I am just laying here." he said. "What's up?" (I can't believe I asked that...) "Not much in the last 5 minutes since I last spoke to you." "No, literally, what's UP?" I riskily said. "Oh, yes, E, I came." (OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!) "Mitch, you did not do it while we were on the phone did you?" "No, E, I was hard, but I hung up so that I could come and you would not hear it..." (DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!) WHY DID I HANG UP? "Mitch, it would not have bothered me if you did it, I was just fooling around with you." "I know, ERIC (OH OH He called me by my full name...), but I think we have been fooling around with each other and getting each other sexually frustrated..." "Are you calling me a tease, Mitch?" "We're both doing it, E" "I have NOT FOOLED WITH YOUR MIND." I said so demandingly. "Okay, easy, babe. I am just talking." he said "Listen to our conversation, Mitch." "I know, we sound like a couple..." he said. THEN TOTAL SILENCE. (did he say we're like a couple?) More silence. OH how intense. "G'night, E." he said sadly "Can I come over?" I said (I took the chance, what the hell) "It's 11:00, it's so late," he said "Okay, well, then...." "No, E. Come over" he demanded. I must say, that's the fastest I got out of bed, in my clothes and out to my car. It takes about 15 minutes to get to Mitch's place. I made it in less than 10 minutes. Oh well, when you've been as frustrated as'll drive about 90. I knocked on the door. Mitch answered. He only had a t-shirt on and a pair of short. He looked so good. I wanted to rip off his clothes right then and there. "What's wrong, E?" He let me in and we actually just a sat around and talked on the couch. I think we were both scared to act. "Do you want a massage, Mitch?" "Sure..." he said. "Let's go to the room, though." I followed him watching his ass all the way. "Should I take of my shirt?" he asked "Whatever, pleases you, Mitch." Mitch slowly peeled off his shirt. It was like a stripper undressing. "I have some lotion in the medicine cabinet, if you want to grab it and I'll get on the bed, okay, E?" (SIR YES SIR) I came back from the bathroom and there he was on the bed with nothing on but his boxers...white boxers I must say. He looked so good. Just the right amount of chest hair. And I love the small line of hair leading towards his crotch. (Well, well, well, I got his shirt off.) I told him I better get out my clothes, too. So that the lotion does not get all over me...CLEVER, HUH? There I was down to my tidy whities. I saw the smile on his face. "What's so funny, Mitch" "Nothing, E. You look nervous." That's it. I was a mean horny best friend now. I jumped on his crotch and squeezed out the lotion and began rubbing his chest. Mitch was smiling. I began to circle his nipples and pinching them. Then I lifted his arms and rubbed his biceps and armpits. I repeated the steps but more pressure. Mitch moaned. "Oh, babe, that feels good" he said. I ran my ten greasy finger slowly down his chest like a tiger's paw. Mitch's moaning grew more intense. I began rubbing his washboard stomach. I pawed it. I could feel him get hard. Mitch slowly began to move and squirm. I could feel his legs lifting while I applied more lotion and pressure to his upper body. Oh but, now for the fun...He wants a tease. He's gonna get the biggest tease. In no way shape or form am I going grab Mitch's cock. Although at this point it was as hard as a rock aching to get out of those boxers, my goal was to make him cum without even touching it. I got off his crotch and maneuvered myself between his legs. I took each leg and covered it with lotion and soothingly rubbed my hand on each leg, up the thigh, into the inner thigh, and high enough to where his pelvic lied. I saw pre cum. Those white boxers were getting wetter. I could see the outline of his hardening dick and Mitch's head was rolled back, he did not know where he was. So, I did the ultimate...I pulled off his shorts. He knew it was coming. "Oh, yes, E, make me hard" "Does it feel good, Mitch?" "Oh, god, yes" "Who's your best friend, Mitch?" "AWwww, you BABE!!!" I pulled the boxer down completely. I looked up at Mitch's face. I could see pure ecstasy on his face. He was biting his lower lip. I could not help it. I could not tease him. I grabbed his dick and stroked it hard. Mitch's words made no sense, but he felt good. "Suck it, buddy...OH please, E. suck it......" I did. And oh how it tasted so good. I devoured his cock. I licked the head. Ate his balls. and yes, deep throated him. I sucked him hard. I could feel every vein of his dick around my mouth. He was so hard. "Oh, man, E. I'm gonna cum....AAAAWWWWWWWW." Cum he did and I swallowed every ounce. Sucked him dry. I guess you can say, it never affected the friendship. We still have those massages, but it's not so frustrating.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Eric

Cody And Me!

This is a True Story! My Wife and I manage a small apartment complex, and often find ourselves interviewing about once a month for prospective tenants. We thought we were never going to find any suitable renters until Cody and his wife knocked at the door. Now I have always considered myself a straight guy, never even took a second look at another guy; but when Cody

Dad's Best Friend

It was the summer between my Junior and Senior year. I was barely 18. My parent's let me stay alone most of the time, but they were going on a two week cruise. Since Mike was getting a divorce from his wife and staying with his sister, they asked him to stay at our house. That was ok with me. Mike was around 6' 8" 290 pounds of hairy blond gorgeous man. He had the most

First Boy

This is a true story of what happened one Sunday night. My parents when out of town and I had an urge to have gay sex. I have always wanted to try it. I looked on the internet to find where the local gays' hang out. It was at a park in town. I arrived early and others followed. I was just wearing a tank top and shorts and sandals, and I was getting a boner when a


Eric knocked on the door. Daddy opened, looked him up and down and said ‘You’re late’, and then turned and headed into the house. Eric followed behind him and shut the door. As usual, Daddy was wearing a pair of jeans, belt, and no shirt. Eric loved it when Daddy didn’t wear a shirt because he had such a big, hairy chest. ‘I hit traffic on the way from the gym,’ Eric started to

The Great Tease

My name is Eric. Ever wonder what your best friend really thought about you. Here is my story. Mitch is my best friend. I would say he like a big brother to me. He always protected me, etc., etc. So you know the relationship. Well Mitch has been a friend for so long I did not really pay much attention to him. I mean, I was never in any sense sexually attracted to him. I thought he

The Guy of My Dreams

It all stared when I was 13. There was this new kid in class. His name was Andrew. He was really hot and all of the girls wanted to get to know him better. He was very popular with the boys also. He played basketball and baseball. I would go to the games just to see him. The years went on and there was always the meaningless "hellos' in the hall ways and the little

The Night To Remember

It was about 10 years ago when I was eighteen and my best friend Ross was 19. I could never help looking at him up and down cause I kept my gayness a secret. We always shared everything and told each other everything no matter what. We started to get into sleepovers and stay up until 3 in the morning. Well one special sleepover night we had just come back from downtown. We

Un Viaje De Trabajo

Esta historia que voy relatarles ocurrió hace 10 años, yo tenía 26 y trabajaba en una empresa Consultora, la cual tenía clientes en varios países, y yo por lo general viajaba una vez al mes a alguno de ellos. En una ocasión tenía que ir a Miami por una semana, viajaba el sábado y regresaba el sábado siguiente. Como era temporada alta costaba mucho conseguir hotel, yo gracias a las


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