Gay Erotic Stories

The Good Samaritan

by David Brown

It was funny, somehow. He was still a good-looking fellow, or so he'd been told often enough, even if he was pushing forty so hard it was about to turn around and hit him back. But being butch and good-looking and a nice guy didn't seem to make it any easier to find a friend. There was only the one saloon in town where men like him went, and he'd either been with every guy who'd offered, or not been because he didn't want to. New men came in all the time, new hires on the surrounding ranches, or drifters from the mines in the mountains, but Bill often wasn't interested in fellows of their sort. Most of them were young kids, and he didn't have much of a hankering for the young ones, or else they were broken old buggers who wanted the kids and would settle for him, and he didn't want that any more than he did the other. So when this older fellow, looking hale and handsome and like he had a brain somewhere other than his pants came in tonight, well, he'd been real watchful for a while. And the guy was a looker, at least in Bill's eyes. Tall, Taller than Bill himself, with a shock of white hair and a thick, well Trimmed beard that was white on his jaws but still grizzled dark in his mustaches, and gray eyes set deep under thick grizzled brows. He was dressed like a miner, boots to his knees, worn denim pants and shirt, a brown leather vest under his dun- colored wool coat, a big faded blue bandanna knotted around his neck, and a broad-brimmed brown hat slouched over his face. He'd ordered a drink and then taken a chair at a table in the back, watching the crowd as it gathered for Saturday night. He'd taken off his hat and dropped it on the table in front of him, and his coat he slung over the back of his chair. The table where he sat was under the shadow of the balcony above the main room, and he sat quietly, nursing his drink and studying the crowd. Bill had felt an instant interest in the other man. He had been standing at the bar, and he had watched in the big mirror on the wall behind it as the fellow came in and took his place. Now he had turned to stand with his back to the bar, one leg bent, boot up on the brass rail. The man was off to his left, and Bill was careful not to look too often in his direction. He saw others among the regular crowd note the fellow's presence, but nobody took the trouble to go up and start a conversation with him. After a long while, the man got up, leaving his hat where it was, and his coat, and returned to the bar for a second drink. He came and stood close to Bill, waiting his turn. Bill got a closer look at him then. He looked weathered, no, seasoned was the word that came to Bill's mind. His clothes were worn but clean, and the man himself looked and smelled clean. Bill wasn't keen on days' old sweat. When the fellow had his drink, he paused and looked at Bill deliberately, taking him by surprise. He hadn't thought the man had noticed him much, but maybe, he thought, he'd been wrong. The fellow didn't smile, but there was a twitch at the corner of his mouth, and then he gave Bill a slow wink. And went back to his seat. Bill had stood up straight from his slouch at the bar then, about to start wending his way across to the man's table. Just then, Jack and two of his friends came in, and they Stomped right over to Bill, slapping him on the back and generally carrying on. Bill hadn't known what to do. They weren't friends of his, really, but in a small town and a smaller group like this, it didn't pay to be rude. And Jack was all right, just a bit rambunctious for Bill's taste. Besides, he thought the other fellow might be watching, and he didn't want to look like some spoilsport or something. The place started to really fill up, and groups of men, laughing and joking and drinking and occasionally singing along with the music, packed what was only a small saloon, and the crowd blocked Bill's sight of the fellow. Jack and his friends saw more of their cronies, and shouted them over, and it was near to ten minutes before Bill could ease himself off and try to work through the other men towards the table the new fellow sat at. Through a gap in the crowd, he thought he saw the man, but when he got there at last, it was somebody else, a whole other group of fellows occupying the chairs, and the miner not to be found. He spent near a quarter hour moving from place to place in the room, but he never could see the man again and concluded he must have gone. Bill was pissed with himself. He wasn't sure what he should have done else, but he felt he'd lost the chance to meet the man and done it to himself. He was disgusted, and he pushed his way through the crowd and out the side door of the saloon. It was suddenly cooler, in the night air, and darker in the side alley. The only light was what spilled through the open door of the saloon, and his eyes, unaccustomed to the dark, saw things dimly. Still upset with himself, he started to stomp down the alley, headed for the livery stable where he'd stalled his horse. He'd only gone a few steps when he heard the doors behind him swing open with a bang. Turning, he saw Jack and three of his cronies come stumbling down the side steps, laughing and yelling. "Hey, Bill," Jack called, and Bill stopped, a grim look on his face. The four cowboys strode up to him, and Jack put a hand on his shoulder. "Where ya off to, so early?" "I'm tuckered out with the noise and such," Bill said glumly. "I'm goin' home." "Aw, com'on, Bill, " Jack said, "don't go and do that." Bill shook his head and turned to go, but Jack tightened his grip on his shoulder and tried to pull him back. Bill was annoyed, and tried to shake the other man off, but Jack held on. Bill reached up and shoved Jack's hand away, but, to his surprise, one of the other men, who had mostly been joshing and shoving among themselves, said angrily, "Don't do that!" Bill glared at him. "Buzz off, you," he said and turned once more to go. He didn't make even a full step, however, before he was grabbed from behind and dragged back. Suddenly he found himself spun around, two of the men twisting his arms behind him, and Jack standing up close, the man's dark-bearded, handsome face close to his own. He grinned nastily. "I asked ya to stay, Billie boy." Bill jerked and struggled, but the two men held him tight. "Let me go, you damned skunks," he said hotly. Jack glanced at the other men, still with that nasty smile, And nodded. To his surprise and anger, Bill felt rope bite into his wrists, and he realized that Jack's third companion was tying his hands. He fought and struggled, but it was three against one, and in a moment his Wrists were secured. Then, to his increased indignation, rope was flipped Over his head, and pulled tight, drawing his arms close to his sides. He struggled, knowing it was useless, but unable to stop himself. As the coils were pulled tight and knotted, he glared at Jack. "You no-good, rock-headed, white-livered excuse for a maaaagulummmmmph! Mugulummmmmmph!!" Jack cut off his curse in the middle, snatching a big wadded bandanna from his hip pocket and stuffing it into Bill's mouth. "Mmmmmululummmmph! Mugulllllummmmmpghghhph!" Even as Bill fought the gag, the hand of one of the other men appeared over his shoulder, holding another big bandanna balled up into a soft wad, and Jack took that and forced it into Bill's mouth in front of the first. "Mmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmph!" Bill felt half-smothered by the double wads of cloth and his desperate shouts were choked off into muffled grunts. From behind his head, one of the other men brought down a bandanna rolled into a thick bandage and pulled it hard between Bill's jaws, dragging the long ends back to knot them tight at the base of his skull. At a hurried order from Jack, the men dragged the now helpless Bill back down the alley, ignoring his useless struggles and choked moans. Halfway back down the building, a wooden staircase rose to the second story, and they forced Bill with his back up against one of the supporting posts and bound him there. When they had done, they stood around their captive, grinning, Jack in front of him, his hands on Bill's either shoulder. Above the tight bandage holding in his gag, Bill glared at the other man. "Mugulmmmmph! Muggggggummmmmph!" He jerked at the ropes that held him, but he was tightly bound and helpless. Jack dropped one hand down and thrust it into the other man's groin as the others watched. Taking Bill's balls in his fingers, he began to squeeze. "Ya boys havin" fun?" a deep voice asked. The Jack and his friends turned quickly and Bill twisted toward the sound. The big miner from the saloon stood a few yards away, watching. "What's it to you, old man?" Jack said. The other man shrugged. "Nuthin', if yer friend there don't mind bein' trussed up like a calf." He grinned suddenly. "Seems to me I've played with more than one cowpoke who liked to be hog-tied for fun." The smile faded quickly. "But I ain't sure this boy's one of'em, and even if he is, it didn't look to me like you guys played fair with him. Four boys against one boy ain't too square, to my way of thinkin'." Jack's friends had exchanged glances while the big man spoke, and now they looked at Jack. Jack glanced at Bill, who glared at him impotently above his gag, and then back at the miner. "He's a stuck up bastard," he said sullenly. "Thinks he's too good for the likes of us, always acts uppity, and like he knows things we don't." The miner smiled grimly and shrugged. "Maybe he does, ya know? But either way don't give you rights to truss and gag the boy like you done. "Hell," Jack said. "We were just funnin' him. We didn't hurt him none." As the two men were speaking, Jack's friends had eased Themselves around behind Jack. Now one of them pulled at Jack's arm. "Com'on, Jack," he said in a low voice. "Yeah," another chimed in, "let's get goin', Jack. Com' on." Jack looked over at Bill and then allowed himself to be drawn off. Muttering amongst themselves, and glancing back at the big miner as they went, the little group moved off towards the front of the building. By the time they had reached the side door of the saloon, they were laughing at some remark of Jack's, and they pushed each other up the steps and back inside. Before he was last in, Jack called back, "He's all yers, buddy," and then gave a mocking yip and jumped through the door. Bill had watched them leave. Now he turned and found the big miner standing beside him and looking at him with an odd expression on his face, half-quizzical, half-sympathetic. "Mmmmph." Bill mumbled into the soft wads of cloth stuffing his mouth. The miner grinned. "Got ya pretty well gagged up, don't they, son?" he said gently. Bill, to his astonishment, found himself nodding. The miner nodded in return, and then stroked Bill's cheek with a gentle hand. He shook his head. "There's somethin' about a big, nice-lookin' boy like you, all tied up and gagged up and helpless-like, that does somethin' to me." His fingers continued to caress Bill's face lightly, stroking his cheek, his jaw, his chin, the thick roll of the bandanna tied so tightly through his mouth. Strangely, Bill found the touch of the big man's fingers soothing, and he seemed to forget the discomfort of the ropes and the gag. He was hardly surprised at all when the miner moved in close to him and embraced him, wrapping one long arm around his bound torso, stair post and all, and cradling his head against his shoulder with the other. "Ya know ya're all right with me, don't ya, son? even tied and muzzled like ya are, don't ya?" Bill tilted his head back and looked into the man's gray eyes. He suddenly realized that his sex was hardening in his jeans. Jack and his friends taking him by force that way had scared him, but to be bound and gagged with this man was different. Bill had been tied for lovemaking, and gagged as well, many times in his life, and knew he liked it, when he trusted the man who trussed and muzzled him. He was being foolish, he thought, with this man, with whom he'd not exchanged even one word, yet he felt himself relaxing easily into submission with the tall miner. As he thought this, the other man reached behind his head, and he felt the knot in the bandanna tied through his jaws loosen. The thick roll of cloth fell away, and the miner tucked it into a pocket of his coat. He grinned at Bill. "Come in handy, latter." Then he gently drew out the wads of cloth from Bill's mouth, letting the younger man ease his jaws. Despite the relief, Bill realized he wasn't entirely happy about having the gag removed. The miner moved behind him and Bill felt the rope holding him to the stair post loosen, and then the miner was back in front of him again, coiling the rope to sling it up his arm and over his shoulder. He made no move to free Bill's hands and arms, however, as the younger man straightened up. With a grin, the miner took Bill by the shoulder and turned him toward the foot of the stairs. "I've got a room up there, for tonight. Ya wanna see it, son?" Bill looked up at the taller man for a long moment. Then, slowly, he nodded. The miner nodded in return, and then guided him up the stairs to the second floor back door of the hotel. He took a quick look down the dimly lit hall before leading Bill inside and in the first room at the back. The man took off his own broad-brimmed hat, and Bill's as well, dropped them with his coat on a chair near the door. Then he crossed the room and struck a match to light the kerosene lantern that stood on a little table beside the iron bedstead. He returned to draw Bill into his arms. Bending down slightly, he pressed a warm kiss onto Bill's mouth, crushing the other man to his broad chest in a bear hug. When he pulled away at last, Bill's cock was harder then ever, and he pushed up against the other man, eager to stay in the man's strong arms. The miner grinned down at him. "You're a handsome cuss, cowboy. And that was a sweet kiss. But now you know what I'm gonna do, don't ya?" As he spoke, he stroked the side of Bill's neck slowly with the strong fingers of his right hand. Bill nodded. "Yeah. You're gonna gag me." "That's right, son," the man said in a low voice, "that's what I 'm gonna do, son. I'm gonna gag ya. Ya want me to gag ya, don't ya?" Bill looked up at the older man and realized it was true. He did want this man to gag him, and to finish tying him, and to take him on that bed across the room, all tied and gagged and helpless in his big arms. He nodded. "Yeah, I want ya to gag me." He said it softly, his eyes dropping from the other man's gaze, a little ashamed at saying it out loud. But he knew it was true. The man bent down and kissed Bill on the mouth again, cupping the back of the younger man's head in one hand and ruffling the short hair above his neck with his fingers. Then he crossed over to where some saddlebags hung over the foot stead of the bed. He took out a couple of big bandannas and returned to where Bill waited. The younger man stood docilely, as eager and excited, now that he had acknowledged it, to be gagged by this man as he had been angry and frightened to be gagged by Jack and his cronies. The miner took the wads that the others had used to gag Bill from his pocket, and wrapped them up together in one of his own bandannas to make an enormous ball of cloth. Cupping the back of Bill's head in one big hand, he thrust the wad into the younger man's mouth, stuffing it fully in to pack Bill's mouth solidly from throat to lips. As the gag filled his mouth, Bill felt his cock stiffen. He moaned hopelessly. The gag was enormous, a huge wad of soft cloth. Bill was torn between the heart-quickening excitement he always felt when another man gagged him this way, and the suppressed panic he always felt at his realization that he was truly gagged now, silenced and helpless. As he looked up at the big miner, his jaws distended around the big ball of cloth, the soft lobe of it just thrusting out a little under his thick mustache, the other man deftly rolled his other bandanna into a thick bandage. Bending close to Bill, so close Bill felt his warm breath on his eyes, in his hair, the man pressed the middle of the bandanna roll between Bill's jaws, forcing the huge gag in deeper. He was looking down at his companion with an expression that made clear to Bill that gagging him like this was a fierce and overwhelming need for him. Bill felt his own arousal rise in response to the strength of the other man's desire. As he gazed up at the big miner, he felt the man wrap the long ends of the bandanna around his head and drag them into a hard, unyielding knot at the back of his head. For a moment, then, the miner held him, one arm cradling Bill closely against his chest, the other lifted, the fingers of his big hand gently caressing the bandanna bound so tightly through the man's gag-filled mouth. Bill looked up at the other man, slipping deeper into his own arousal at being so helpless, so tied, so gagged, so utterly at the other man's mercy, At the same time, his own excitement was increased by his amazed and wondering realization at how strongly just the act of gagging him excited his big companion. He was somehow not surprised when the older man began to drag him towards the foot of the bed. "I got to do it, son, I just gotta," the miner said in hoarse voice, He pushed Bill against the bedstead and reached into his saddlebag, dragging out several more bandannas and dropping them on the bed. Bill surrendered gladly as the big man bound them, all three of the big squares of soft cloth, over his mouth. Before, the man had done his work methodically, slowly, with careful attention to what he was doing. Now the big fellow was almost in a frenzy. He snatched up each big bandanna, hastily folded it on the diagonal into a broad bandage, and tied it tightly over Bill's mouth, forming a thick, triple layer of soft cloth over his lips and around his head, sealing his mouth from nose to chin. Though he had been gagged before by men who liked having him thoroughly silenced for lovemaking, Bill thought he had never yet been gagged so thoroughly, nor by a man who so obviously found the very act of stuffing and tying a huge gag into his mouth so arousing. As the big miner finished knotting the third bandanna around Bill's head, he pulled the younger man tightly into his arms and held him there, crushed against his broad chest, stroking Bill's thick hair with one callused hand. "Mmmmmph. Mugummmmmph. Mmmmph." Bill moaned helplessly into the soft gag, his face pressed close to the man's neck. He was beginning to loose himself into the caresses of the man, into his helpless submission to the fellow's attentions. As if he sensed that, the older man guided Bill to the side of the big bed and half eased, half forced the man down onto it. For a moment they stayed that way, Bill lying back half on the bed, gazing up with an almost puppy-dog look of grateful arousal on his handsome face, the big miner looking down at him with a look of tenderness strangely mixed with triumph. Then the older man reached down and took off Bill's spurs, letting them drop with a jingle to the wooden floor. He swung Bill's legs up onto the bed. From the head of the bed, he took down some rope. Working again with his former methodical manner, he bound the other man's feet together, lashing the rope around his ankles and then down between them and under his boot soles close against the heels and back up again, repeating that lashing and then knotting the rope off tight. He used another length to bind Bill's legs together below and above the knees, securing the man thoroughly. When he was done, he stood for a moment looking down at Bill. Bill was utterly helpless now, at the man's mercy, and he knew it. The ropes Jack and his cronies had used bound his hands and arms behind him, and the ropes on his legs were tight and unyielding. The gag was the most effective gag he'd ever met with, filling his mouth with a huge, packed in wad of soft cloth that was bound in securely by the multiple bandages of the miner's big bandannas. Bill tugged at the ropes, excited to feel how they held him secure, hardly giving in response to his struggles. He took a deep breath and tried to shout, but the gag defeated him, smothering his cry into a choked grunt. The miner looked down at him, and there was something in the intensity of his gaze that told Bill the man found his struggles immensely arousing. With a movement that seemed surprisingly agile in so big a man, the miner climbed onto the bed and over Bill, to stretch out beside the bound man and take him gently into his arms. The dimlit lamp was on Bill's side, so that the light shone on him. For a long while, the older man did nothing but hold his bound and gagged companion in his embrace, gently stroking his head, his jaw, his chest, his belly. It seemed to Bill that for now, the miner was content with this possession of him. To have Bill helpless in his arms, tightly bound up with lashings of rope, thoroughly gagged with the bandannas stuffed and tied into his mouth, and to caress him gently wherever he pleased, that seemed enough. Bill, too, found himself staring up at the man in a drifting state of arousal that demanded for the moment nothing more than to be as he was, tied up, gagged, helpless in the big man's arms, soothed and yet excited by his slow caresses. After a long while, the big miner began to speak, his deep voice low and controlled. Bill, pressed so close, could feel the fellow's voice rumble in his chest. "I'm gonna have ya, cowboy," he said softly. "Ya know that, don't ya, son? I'm gonna have ya. I've got ya all tied up now, all roped up, hands and arms and legs all bound up with that rope. Ya can't get away from me now, cowboy, even if ya'd a mind to, but I'm sure hoping ya don't. Ya don't, do ya, son?" He bent close to Bill, his bearded face inches from Bill's, his gray eyes staring down intently into Bill's blue eyes. Bill sighed and moaned hopelessly into his huge gag. He shook his head slowly. "Umm ummmmmmph. Umm ummmmmph." The miner smiled, showing strong, clean teeth. "I'm glad, son, real glad. I want ya so bad, cowboy. Ya're such a handsome galoot, so tall and strong, but there's something like a kid about ya, and I like that, cowboy." While he spoke, he went on stroking Bill, who lay in his bonds close beside him, helpless, silenced by his gag. "Ya got a nice head a' hair, cowboy," the miner went on softly, "I noticed straight off in the bar, and that nice mustache over that sweet mouth of yers. God, I'd like to kiss ya again, son, but I want ya gagged like ya are even more, son, oh my yeah, I want ya gagged." He ran his fingers gently over the thick swath of bandannas that were bound over Bill's mouth and around his head, sealing in his big gag. "Ya really are gagged, aren't ya, cowboy, that's a gag and a half, ain't it?" Bill moaned. "Mmmmmph. Mugulummmmmmph." As he did, he felt the miner's arms tighten around him, and the man moved against him caressingly. "Oh cowboy," the big man said in a voice that held a tremor in it, "When ya moan like that, son, when ya make them muffled up, gagged sounds like that, ya get me so hot, so hard feeling, so damned excited, sson, it' all I can do not to take ya right now, right NOW," and he squeezed Bill tight, "but no, son, I wanna take this easy and slow, ya're too good to waste on rushing fast, cowboy." He bent over Bill and stroked the man's thick hair back from his brow, and simply feasted his eyes on the bound and gagged fellow, a glow of deep arousal lighting up his face. Then he began once more to caress Bill. After a long moment, Bill realized that the man's touch was more directed now, that the man's hard fingers were still gentle, but they had begun to pause over his nipples and to caress them through his clothes. Then the miner would run his hand all over his shoulders and side again, and then he would bring his hand back to Bill's nipples. A few moments later, Bill felt the man pushing his vest aside, and working slowly at the buttons of his heavy denim shirt. The man slipped his hand inside, outside Bill's longjohns, and he gently pinched Bill's nipples through the rough cloth. Then he drew his hand out and returned to caressing Bill all over, and he roughed up the younger man's thick hair, rubbing the strands of it between his tough fingers. A little while later, his hand slipped inside Bill's shirt once more, pinching Bill's nips, a bit harder this time, and he repeated these motions for a long while. Bill writhed in his bonds and moaned into his gag, but he was helpless to influence the man's pace, could only lie there and allow the other man to stimulate him or not, as he pleased. Some time went past, with Bill growing slowly more aroused, and the miner undid the buttons of Bill's longjohns and slipped his hand inside against the younger man's naked skin. He had been silent for some time, but now he began to murmur at Bill's ear again. "Fuzzy, ain't ya, cowboy? Got a nice little crop a' chest hair, ain't ya, son? I like that. I like that ya're a man, cowboy, even if there is that bit of a kid in ya. I like the kid in ya, yeah, I do, son, I really do, but I like that nice fuzzy chest a' yers, too." As he spoke he rubbed his rough palm against Bill's nips. The younger man's nipples were tender now, from all the attention they'd received before, and even just that slide of rough palm against them touched Bill off, and he struggled in his ropes and moaned. "Mmmmph. Mugulummmmmmph. Mummmmummph." "Oh yeah, son, ya just do that, son, ya just moan into that nice big gag I've got in yer mouth, cowboy. I like hearing ya do that, I do indeed, cowboy." He pinched Bill's nipples with sudden ferocity, and Bill jerked helplessly in his ropes and grunted. "Mugugggumph!" The miner went back to gently caressing the other man's nips for a while, and then he drew out his hand and caressed Bill's hair and throat and shoulders once more, stroking gently. He followed this with a sudden attack on the man's sensitive nipples, evoking the response of struggles and grunts again. For a while then, he followed this pattern, alternately caressing and pinching, at uneven intervals, so that Bill was unsure what to expect at any one moment. After a time, the miner started to let his hand roam far down Bill's side, stroking and palpitating, and squeezing the firm flesh and muscles of his waist and hip and flank. Once in a while, he gave Bill's side a slap, and Bill saw, through half-closed eyelids, that the bearded fellow was grinning down at him. A slap was usually followed by a gentle caressing inside his clothes of his nipples, but sometimes it was followed by a firm pinch, and Bill twisted in his ropes and moaned into his gag. His cock had been straining hard in his jeans for what seemed hours now, and the big man had so far not even grazed it. Suddenly, however, on one long sweep of his hand, pressed hard down his side, the miner slipped his big fingers into Bill's groin and palpitated the other man's hard cock for a moment. "Gettin' hard, cowboy, ain't ya? It makes ya hard, don't it, my tying ya up all helpless, and stuffin' a big gag in yer mouth, and playin' with ya like this? It gets me, hard, cowboy, I can tell ya, real hard." "Mmmmmmph. Mmmmph!" "Yeah, son, ya just keep moanin' into yer gag like that." The big miner squeezed Bill's cock once more, and then went back to caressing his head and chest. And then was back at his groin once more. He was gentle with the other man's cock at first, stroking it firmly but slowly through the man's jeans. After a time, he began to squeeze harder, and Bill found himself encouraging the man, striving to press his groin against the fellow's fingers and moaning into his gag. "I got ya almost ready now, don't I, cowboy? Ya're gettin' real hot and bothered, ain't ya, son?" Bill found himself moaning into his gag and nodding. He was hot, as the man said, hotter than he'd been in a long time. The way this big man had made him so helpless, had bound him and gagged him so that he was utterly at the fellow's mercy, and then had made such long and half rough, half tender love to him, it had all raised him to the edge of excitement. He felt the man's fingers working at the buttons of his fly, and then at the buttons of his long johns, and then the rough fingers curled around his hot and aching cock and squeezed it, and he cried out into his gag. "MMMMPH!" The miner jerked him harder into his embrace and he pressed His bearded lips close to Bill's ear. "I'm gonna take ya now, son. I told ya I was gonna have ya for mine, and I meant it, and I am. Ya're such a good-looking cowboy, son, such a handsome buckaroo, and ya're gonna be mine, I'm gonna have that sweet ass a' yers for mine, son, just fer me." As he crooned this into Bill's ear and Bill thrashed helplessly in the hard circle of his embrace, the older man was slowly winding his companion over onto his side and pulling him in close. Bill felt the man unbuckling his belt and tugging at his jeans, and soon the miner had pulled the heavy denim pants down towards Bill's knees. Then he felt the man working at the buttons on the back of his long johns, and soon the flap of them was pulled away and down. As he took the firm muscle of Bill's backside into one hand, the miner sighed heavily into Bill's ear. "What a sweet ass, cowboy, what a sweet round ass ya got, cowboy, and I'm gonna take that ass, ain't I, son, yeah, I'm gonna take that sweet as a' yers, and ye're gonna let me, huh, 'cause ya ain't got much choice, do ya?" He pressed even closer to Bill, his lips right against the younger man's ear. "Ya want me to take yer sweet ass, don't ya, son, ya want me to?" His voice was almost a whisper, low and crooning. Bill nodded his head and moaned. The man's firm lips kissed his ear, and then he turned Bill's head towards his own, and he kissed the other man all over the side of his face, his lips hard, his tongue soft. "That's my sweet cowboy, yeah, son, ya're my sweet cowboy, all tied and gagged and helpless like a calf, ain't ya, and ya're mine, ain't ya?" Bill nodded frantically and moaned his submission into his huge gag. Suddenly but for half moment only, the miner was gone. And then he was back, and Bill heard the soft plop of a jar opening, and then he felt the miner's fingers slipping something cold and slick against his asshole. He struggled a little, and moaned into his gag, but the miner held him close with one arm while he went on greasing his asshole with the other. First he simply rubbed his finger against the tight seal, and then he began gently to work one fingertip inside, lightly and then more firmly prodding, pressing insistently but not forcing. Bill let him in, and then the finger eased in deeper, and came out, and probed deeper and then out, and then it was two fingers, and Bill tightened a little and moaned softly into his gag. And then he eased again and the miner slide his two fingers in deep and probed and rubbed and Bill moaned with pleasure now. The miner eased out and in and then it was three fingers, but that eased sooner than before, and then Bill heard the miner whispering into his ear. "I'm gonna have ya now, cowboy, ye're gonna feel my hot cock in that sweet ass a' yers, cowboy," and as he spoke, Bill felt the firm tip of the man's cock pressing against his opening, and then suddenly it was in, and he jerked and moaned, and then the man was slowly, so slowly pressing his cock in farther, and pausing, and pressing, and pausing, and Bill found he was pressing back, and he felt the miner's lips curve in a smile against his ear, and the man whispered, "O son, yeah, now ya give yerself to me, all tied and gagged and helpless, but ya give yerself, don't ya, Oh migod, ya've got such a sweet ass, cowboy, Oh migod, cowboy, O son, O yeah, let me into ya, son, O yeah." And as he crooned into Bill's ear, he brought his slick hand around and took Bill's stiff dick in the curl of his hard fingers, and he began to run his tight hand up and down Bill's cock while his own dick thrust in and out of Bill's ass. Bill's moans began to fade into whimpers now, and he pressed back against the older man, who used his free arm to pull him in close, pressing his thrusting groin hard against Bill's tough ass. Bill felt the big man begin to pump harder, and he whimpered into his gag, and he felt his own desire gathering to a head in his taut balls, and then it was coming. The miner pumped in a wild quick frenzy into his ass, and Bill felt the man's hot cum spurting inside him, and almost at the same time, as the man's hand squeezed convulsively around his cock, he felt his own gism shoot up and burst in hot streams from his cock, and he cried out and whimpered into his gag and twisted in his ropes and the man's tight arm, and then he jerked and spurted again, and then he threw himself back against the man and lay there, spent in the fellow's embrace. For a long while, the two men rested there, clasped close by the miner's arms. After a time, the miner slowly eased his embrace, and he twisted himself up to bend close over his companion. He gazed down at Bill for a long moment, saying nothing, just looking, running his deep gaze over the man who lay so docile beside him, spent, satisfied, still tightly bound, still securely gagged. Slowly he got up, dragging himself across the room to where a little wash stand stood. He wet a towel in the water from the pitcher, and came back to the bed with it. Tenderly, he cleaned Bill up, wiping his front, and his ass, and then wiping himself up before throwing the towel back in the direction of the washstand. For a moment more, then, he stood looking down at Bill, who lay looking up at him, lost in his cum daze still, half asleep, stunned at what had happened, aching to be held close in the other man's arms again, wanting and yet not wanting the big man to loosen his ropes, to take out his gag. The miner bent over Bill and began to free him from his bonds. He started at Bill's feet, and he worked slowly, methodically, neatly coiling the ropes when he had unknotted them and unwound them from Bill's feet and knees and chest and arms and hands. All the while he had a quiet smile on his face, and he paused a few times just to look down at Bill where he lay. When the ropes were untied, coiled, and hung on the bedstead, he sat down on the edge of the mattress beside Bill's chest. Gently he reached behind the other man's head and untied the outermost bandanna, loosening it and laying it aside. He did the same with the next, and the next. And then he loosened the bandanna that was dragged back between Bill's jaws. Finally he put long fingers in Bill's mouth and tenderly eased the huge gag out. Bill swallowed and wet his lips with his tongue. "Wait there," the older man commanded. He crossed the room and returned with a tin cup of cool water. He batted Bill's extended hand away and gently gave the younger man a drink, a few sips at first, and then a long draught. Bill's let his head fall back and looked up almost shyly at the big man. "Thanks," he said. The miner nodded, and stroked his hair. "Thank you, son." Bill looked up at him and smiled. For a long moment they Simply looked at each other. Suddenly the miner stood up and started stripping. He did so with the same slow surety he had done everything else, and in a few moments he stood naked beside the bed. He had a firm, muscled body, broad and strong, with a thatch of graying hair on his wide chest, and fur on his thick, strong-looking arms and legs. He bent over Bill. "Com' on, son," he said, "let's get ya outa them duds." "Can I stay the night with ya, then?" Bill said quietly. The miner, who had been about to pull off Bill's right boot, looked up at him. "Ya just try and leave, cowboy," he said gruffly, "and if ya think I tied and gagged ya tight before, ya'll see how tight I can tie and gag ya if I've a real mind to makin' ya stay." Then he jerked off first one boot and then the other. As he pulled off Bill's socks, Bill reached to finish unbuttoning his shirt, but the big man leaned over and pushed his hands away. "Leave off, son, that's my job." Bill was surprised, but lay docilely as the other man took off the rest of his clothes. He stripped off the younger man's jeans, got him out of his vest and shirt, and untied and laid aside his big bandanna neckerchief. He gave Bill a wink doing that which told Bill he saw it as another bandanna for a gag. When he reached to undo the buttons of his long johns, Bill felt a little shy. But the man simply unfastened the long row and then stripped the top back off his chest and down, and heaved at him to get him to lift up and let him get the underwear down his legs and off. Completely stripped, Bill lay back, his eyes dropped down. He felt the miner leaning close and he looked up at last to meet his eyes. The miner shook his head with a smile. "Such a sweet-lookin' cuss, that's what ya are, cowboy." Bill stared at the man. "Ya're so handsome. O god, ya're handsome," he said feelingly, now that he could speak. "An' I don't even know yer name." The man held out his hand. "It's Tom, Tom Ryker. What's yers, son?" "Bill Toliver." The man nodded, not letting go of Bill's hand. He reached Calmly to take up one of his folded bandannas. "Put yer hands together, son." Wondering, Bill obeyed him, and Tom used the rolled bandanna to tie his hands in front of him. Then he took up another of the folded bandannas and this he pressed gently between Bill's lips and knotted behind his head. "Ok, son, up so's I can get ya under the blankets." Bill tugged slightly at the soft bonds of cloth on his wrists and mumbled into the snugly tied bandanna between his jaws. "I ain't letting you get away, son," Tom said quietly, and he motioned for Bill to stand up. A bit clumsily, Bill followed his order, and soon he found himself under The blankets. Tom blew out the lantern and then crawled in beside him. The big man wrapped a long arm around Bill and pulled him into himself, Bill's rump tight into his groin. He settled himself close, his head Pressed against the back of Bill's neck. He nuzzled the younger man's neck and tongued his ear. "Come mornin', cowboy," he whispered, "ye're gonna get hog-tied and gagged real good again. But that hobble and bit will keep my sweet-assed cowboy where I want him for tonight, right, son?" Bill nodded and pressed himself back into the big man's arms. "Umm hugummmph!" he said into his gag.


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