Gay Erotic Stories

The Coffee Shoppe


In my work, I must travel to many towns. I love coffee shoppe coffee so I have mentally mapped out the best coffee shoppes. I have found that college towns have the best coffee shoppes and amongst those, there is always my favorite. It is simply called Java and is in a small town with an all-male student body composed mostly of kids who have rich parents and a few non-rich kids who get a free ride on 100% scholarships. I had timed my trip to make sure I reached the shoppe called Java as soon as possible after the morning brewing just before they put it in the sealed pump canisters. As I walked in the door, I smelled the rich aroma of fresh-brewed coffee....ahh...right on time. I had to wait a few minutes before they were ready to serve me. I got my favorite dark French roast and added the half and half and settled at one of the small tables to sip the wonderful brew. I looked up to see one of the students walk in. Wow...was he a major cutie...dark auburn red hair cropped short on the sides and tightly curled on top. Even in those baggy shorts and oversize tee shirt, I could tell he had a fine body. Not wanting to stare but to get a good look at him, I timed my looks to be when he was ordering his coffee. I watched where he sat hoping he would sit in my line of sight. I was rewarded because he sat in direct line to me and I was able to visually feast upon the hunky college boy and do my usual fantasy. At my age, fantasy is mostly what life turns out to be since not many guys his age have any interest in older men. According to statistics, 90% of these guys are straight and the 10% that are gay would not give me a second look, so go figger....I have a snowball-in-hell's chance of scoring with one of these hunkaboys. He was sitting so that I could see his crotch under the table and was reading a textbook of some kind and would occasionally rub his basket as most guys do. I thought to myself, "two treats today.....the coffee and the hunk." I gave it no other thought than just enjoying the scenery when he got up and walked to my table and inquired, " I see you have a camera, are you a photographer?" I hadn't noticed, but I had placed a professional camera on my table and was studying it because I had to deliver it today to the new owner. Surprised that we were now talking, I explained my work and why I had the camera with me. I also explained that I was a photographer as well as the friendly traveling photography supply salesman. He explained his question by telling me had been approached to do some modeling but he needed some pictures to send to the people and had been unable in that small town to find anyone to do them for him. We chatted a while longer and I invited him to follow me to my car in the parking lot to see my portfolio. My favorite models are males, so I opened up the trunk and got out the portfolio of males that I had collected for many years as the opportunity arose. It contained anything from high-fashion work to nudes and everything in between. He seemed to enjoy my work and when he saw the first male nudes, he said, " I was hoping you did nudes cuz they want me to send some nudes as well as head and shoulder shots." I told him I would be willing to do the shots for him on a day we were both free for a couple of hours. He thought for a moment and said that he had no classes on Sunday...was I available then. I said, "Sure, what time...we can meet back here before the shoot." We settled on 10AM and shook hands and parted. I enjoyed furthering my fantasy of the college boy all day by occasionally thinking of him and what he looked like under the baggies. Of course, my fantasy had him built like Tyson Bickford and hung like a young pony....sadly, fantasy usually is far better than reality. The rest of week was and sell and fix problems for photographers and of course go to my favorite coffee shoppes along the way. Having done this before in other situations, I realized that he might not show had happened more than once. So, I set my usual plan into action: give him 30 minutes past the appointed hour and then leave and mark that one up to another disappointment. On Sunday morning, I arrived a half hour early and settled in at a table nursing a fresh coffee and was reading some blurb on a new film type and noticed the clock had reached ten and he was a no-show. Then the clock showed 15 minutes after the hour and I was mentally planning Plan B..go to the mountains 30 minutes away and do some nature shots. At 10:25, I saw him walk in and spot me. He apologized immediately for being late and explained they had had a town-wide power failure and he had overslept. I had heard the servers bitching about it also so I knew he was not lieing to me. He had toted a backpack along and we made our way to the car to head to the mountains. Along the way, we chatted and I found his name was Truman and he was one of the 100% free-ride boys there and that he did not fit well into the crowd that was there on Daddy's Money. We got out my equipment after parking at the public park and then hiked a mostly level trail about three-quarters of a mile along the ridge until we came to one of my favorite spot...huge trees and big boulders and stunning morning light..the morning was made for photography so I was thrilled to be there. Truman told me that he had no experience modeling and wanted me to guide him into poses and he would obey. Having done that for years, I quickly told him, "Just relax and don't try to be a model but let me do all the work and the portraits will be great." We began with the standard clothed shots and we seemed to click. He was relaxed and eager to do the poses I suggested. I then had him remove his shirt to do some shirtless shots and when he pulled off the baggy tee, I got a treat. He had a great chest..nicely developed pecs with prominent nipples and a path of auburn fur connecting his nipples and a nice happy trail connecting the chest fur and disappearing beneath the baggy shorts. We did several chest shots and then I had him turn and did some back shots. Noticing his level of development, I asked him if he was a lifter and he explained he was a soccer player for the school and that he did some minor lifting to build strength. I commented, " You must be one of those lucky guys who get the body naturally." He said that his father was built that way and he guessed he got it from him. I then asked him if he was feeling brave enough to do the nudes he needed and he said, "Sure" and began untying the string on his baggy shorts and dropped them to the ground and stepped out of them. He had on white jockey briefs and from the size of the bulge, it seemed this boy was not going to be one of those disappointments. He began to push down the jockeys when I told him, "leave them on and we can get some great undie shots first. I posed him and we got front and side and butt shots in his jockeys. My experience had been that first-timers and many guys more experienced than Truman will pop a boner during this part of the session. When he pushed down the jockeys, he was sporting a nice rock-hard boner. He apologized and I quickly assured him that most guys would get an problem. I shot a lot of shots of him nude with a boner and zeroed in on his more than ample meat and even got some great shots from the rear. I noticed he was dripping a lot, so I offered him my ever-present towel from the bag and he looked at me and said, " I would rather jerk it off." I smiled and said, " Why not...might be fun." I kept my camera rolling as he positioned himself on one of the boulders and stroked slowly. He smeared his precum along the shaft and slow-stroked..his eyes never once leaving the camera..he seemed to be totally enjoying teasing the camera and getting himself closer and closer to orgasm. I encouraged him by saying softly, "Good Truman..real good." He spread his thighs and began slowly circling his fur-surrounded pucker and occasionally dipping a finger inside. Finally, he raised up his hips and squirted out a load that first landed behind his head and then continued spurting into his chest fur and finally ended up puddling on his tummy. I let him calm down and then handed him the towel. " I think you need this now, Truman" and we both laughed. He cleaned himself up and stayed naked while I packed up the camera gear and we chatted. Well, Truman, " we gotta hike back to the car." Then he said, "Okay if I don’t put my clothes on until we get there?" I problem. He walked ahead of me carrying his backpack and my tripod and I enjoyed watching his muscular butt and legs move in my line of sight. At the car, he slipped on his baggy shorts and we rode back to town. I made an appointment to bring him his photographs and then I took him back to the coffee shoppe. In about two weeks, I met him again at the coffee shoppe and we walked across the street to the park and sat on a bench as we reviewed each shot. He was thrilled with his pictures. Then he said, " How much do I owe you Dave for the pictures?" My reply was..not a thing Truman..the pleasure was mine. I asked him permission to send some to a buddy who hired male nude models and he agreed. My buddy was thrilled and he arranged for me to bring Truman to his studio. The session with my friend led to a city agent picking up on his pictures and a contract and so on. I saw his pictures many times in major magazines and knew that his gift of body and natural exhibitionism led him to a great career. I had basically forgotten the ten years earlier, when one day, my phone rang. It was Truman. He asked me if I still remembered him. " Sure, I remember you and then told him teasingly.....I took your pictures before you got too famous for an old man's camera." He said, " I am going to go back to the college to be a featured speaker at about I drop by and visit you also". When he walked into my studio, I saw the famous face and body wearing a big smile and we hugged. After playing catchup, he smiled and said, "How about I give you the shots the tabloids would kill to get." I grinned and said, "those shots are locked in my safe, famous boy." and laughed. He grinned and said, " You could make a lot of money off those if ya wanted, but I know ya won't..that's why you get them and nobody else does." After another of his 'not for public viewing sessions', we hugged and he departed. Last I heard, he was doing a film in Europe. Occasionally, I open the safe and look at his my..if they only knew. By the way, his name is not Truman, but he uses a single first name...when you look like him...who needs a last name.


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