Gay Erotic Stories

The Bear Hunter

by D.B. Reed

I know people who take vacation days on the first day of hunting or fishing season so that they can get the jump on the competition. I don't go to that extreme, because I do my hunting all year long.

Being a school teacher is a great occupation for me because it gives me the whole summer to hunt for my favorite prey.....bear!

Before you turn me into the game warden I need to explain that the bears I hunt are the two-legged variety....big macho men with hairy chests and lots of muscle (one muscle particularly!)

This year I got an early start on the summer season because I ended the school year a few weeks prematurely. Okay, I was forced to resign after getting caught with two of my students and their younger brother.

Had it just been the Tucker twins (Tim and Tom) I probably could've kept my job. The problem occurred when their father arrived home early from work and caught me in the family room with one of the twins up my ass and the other shoving his big dick down my throat.

They had been co-captains of the football team and were both in my class that semester. Having already turned eighteen they were able to make their own decision about having sex with me.

The three of us had been getting together for months. The younger brother was a different story. He was only fifteen but had cock- sucking experience beyond his years. It was he who suggested that I fuck his ass while his older brothers filled me up with cock From either end of my willing body.

I'd seen their father plenty of times before and recalled thinking that he was really hot. I never knew his name prior to this day, but recognized the school board president the moment he walked in on us.

He gave me two options: I could resign immediately, Citing "personal" reasons for my abrupt departure or he would have my ass thrown in jail for rape. All three of the Tucker boys insisted that they'd been willing participants in our little orgy and what I really wanted to do was to suggest that the old man let loose and join us. He looked like he might be just my type, big and brawny and probably coated with thick dark hair all over his muscular body.

I was lucky to get out of the house with my clothes on and within an hour I had typed up my letter of resignation and delivered it personally to David Tucker.

"Look, I'm sorry about...." I started to say but he cut me off. "Don't say a word Dixon" he said "I can understand your argument about the twins. They're old enough to decide, but Teddy's another story. He promised me he'd never fool around with anybody but me!"

"What!?" I said, hardly able to believe what he was saying.

"You fucking hypocrite!" and I reached out to take my resignation back. He slipped the letter into his coat pocket and gave me an evil grin. "Hey, I've got to get rid of the competition don't I?" he said and I was half-tempted again to suggest that the two of us go at it.

"I can fight this you know" I told him, and he insisted that it

would be a big mistake if I ever wanted to work again. In effect he was blackmailing me.....promising a good recommendation in the future in return for me leaving town and not blowing the whistle on his incestuous relationship with his own sons.

Family money meant that I wasn't going to go hungry or be thrown out onto the street so I decided to take some time off before trying to find a new job.

Early April wasn't so great in the mid-west, except for my time with the Tucker boys so I decided to go somewhere where the weather was nicer. I loaded up the car and hit the road for Florida, fully planning to work on my tan and hunt for "bear".

I honestly hadn't counted on having so much trouble finding a place to live, but everything in the area was occupied. I spent the first week in a motel but realized I couldn't stay there forever.

Okay, I didn't really try too hard, preferring to spend most of the day on the beach. I'm not the typical blond who sunburns easily.

To the contrary my skin gets darker and darker as my hair bleaches out lighter and lighter in the sun.

When I can I like to sunbathe completely in the nude, but when I have to wear trunks I wear a really skimpy pair, ones that show off my muscular legs, butt, chest and arms and my bulging basket. I always say if you've got it you should flaunt it!

I eventually looked in the newspaper and found an ad for A roommate. "I've already had a dozen calls" the voice on the other end of the phone said, and I began to wonder why I was bothering to call about sharing an apartment. With my lifestyle I needed to have something private, but there just didn't seem to be anything like that available.

I made an appointment to go see the place and spent the rest of the day on the beach, smearing myself up with gooey oil and cruising the hunks. I almost blew off the appointment to look at the apartment in favor of going out for a drink with a big black guy I met on the beach. Had he been a furry bear I would have done it, but I realized I needed to find a permanent place to live. Good thing I didn't blow off the appointment.

The apartment complex was fairly nondescript, nothing very distinctive. It was a typical Florida singles or young-couple place. I knocked on the door of the unit the guy on the phone had given me. There was no answer and I pounded a bit harder on the door. "Damn!" I said, figuring that he'd probably already rented the place and was just not answering the door. I tried one more time and heard a voice behind the door saying "Yeah, just a minute!"

The door opened and I was greeted by a guy wrapped (barely) in a towel. He'd obviously just gotten out of the shower because his upper body coat was still damp with moisture. "Wow!" I thought to myself, reacting to the sight of this burly bear-man who'd answered the door.

He was blond, but not blond like me. His hair was what I call "dirty-blond" but the coat on his chest and belly and arms was considerably darker. He looked like he could be a pro-wrestler or a construction worker or a lifeguard. Like me, he was deeply tanned.

"Am I early?" I asked and he insisted that he was just running a little late. I held out my hand and introduced myself to him. His grip was strong and he held the towel together around his mid-section with the other hand. It wasn't enough towel to meet completely unless he held it together, and his big beefy hair-coated upper thigh was clearly visible to me.

"Let me slip on some shorts and I'll show you around" he said, and I was ready to say that I'd take the place without even seeing it, so long as he was part of the furnishings.

I'd dressed to impress that afternoon, wearing a pair of extremely tight cut-off shorts and a low-cut tank top to show off my good build. Bud Sharp suddenly returned to the room and I made my decision right then and there.

Jesus! He looked hot! He hadn't bothered to put on a shirt (yes!) and the running shorts he'd slipped on were loose-fitting and left little to the imagination. I could easily see a big cock bouncing up and down below the material of his shorts.

"You like what you see?" he asked, and I assumed he was talking about the apartment.

"Oh yeah, very much so!" I replied, but I wasn't talking about the apartment at all.

He started the tour with the kitchen and living room area, then showed me his room. "Want to see the room that would be yours?" he asked, and I wanted to say I didn't give a shit what it looked like. "Yeah sure" I said instead and he opened the door to what he said was the smaller of the two bedrooms. Ironically, there was no bed inside it, only bookshelves and other stored things like boxes and a set of free-weights.

"There's no bed, you'll have to get one" he said, and I asked him if the last tenant had taken his bed when he moved.

"Well, no, not exactly" he said, looking somewhat hesitant in his reply. "Truth is that we shared the same room and used this one as a storage/exercise room".

"But there was just a big king-sized bed in the other room..." I said, then realized that he was trying to explain the relationship between him and his previous roommate. "Of course, if you can't afford to buy a bed maybe we something out" he said, and I felt his hand on my shoulder, running down my back and resting on my firm hard buttocks.

"Gee, I've never shared an apartment with anyone, much less a room or a bed. I guess I'd like to know that we're ....well.. compatible" I said, smiling at the hairy hunk next to me.

Bud Sharp and I ended up being far more than "compatible" in the sack and out. He loved taking my big hard cock up his hairy ass as much as he loved pumping his big loads up into me. For our first several days we spent most of the time in that big bed getting "acquainted".

Six months later we're still doing it every chance we get. Just the other day he told me he'd gotten a call from his brother, his half-brother actually. "Same mother, different father" he explained. and I asked if he was as hot as Bud.

"We don't look much alike, except that he's really hairy like me" he said, and I started to get excited right away. "That's great! I can hardly wait to meet him!" I said, and Bud laughed. "Relax man, he's not into cock-sucking and butt-fucking. He's a real straight arrow and won't understand about the two of us sharing a bed here. We'll have to pretend that we're just normal roomies, just for a couple of days. He gets in on Wednesday". Bud was off that day but I was working. It was just as well. That would give him time to spend with his brother and not have To explain my presence.

Tuesday was my day off and I was sleeping in after a wild night of great sex with my big-dicked hairy lover. The phone rang and I rolled over to answer it. "Yeah" I said, my voice sounding strange even to me because I'd just woken up. "Hi, is this Bud?" the man on the other end said and I said that it was his roommate.

"Oh yeah, he told me he had someone there sharing expenses" the man said, and I was tempted to tell him that his brother and I were sharing lots more than expenses.

It happened that his arrival was a day early and he was on his way over. He'd phoned from the limo and said that he was just a block away.

I hung up the phone and started trying to clean up. Jesus, the place was a mess, with the white bed-sheets covered with hair (Bud's) and crusted over come-stains (mine and Bud's). I grabbed items of clothing that were obviously mine (due to the size) and rolled them into a ball to place in the spare room.

I was running around like crazy trying to get done when the doorbell rang. I called out that I would just be a minute, reached for a shirt that I realized was my "gay-pride parade" shirt and decided not to spill the beans immediately.

I opened the door and both of our mouths fell open. "What the fuck.....?" he said, and I grinned at him.

Yes, it took me only about five minutes to discover that David Tucker was even hairier than his half-brother Bud Sharp. The irony of the whole thing was that he could've had me all to himself if he hadn't insisted on my resignation.

Of course he would've had to share me with his three hunky and horny sons, but something tells me there would've been plenty to go around.

Bud arrived home from work to see his big brother pumping his big cock up my ass while I blew my load all over his hairy-bear chest.

"Well I'll be fucked!" he said, and my former boss and I said it together "Yes you will!"


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