Gay Erotic Stories

The Abduction Part 1

by Sadist35

Jake was a 19-year-old boy from New York. Having been brought up in an Irish Roman Catholic family he had many conservative ideas, one of which was that he hated gays. At 6feet, 2inches tall, blonde hair and green eyes he attracted the attention of many girls and gay guys too. Most of the time if Jake realized some gay guy was gazing at him he would just beat him up. But Jake was to pay very dearly for this. One day Jake was at the local bar. He ordered a drink and gulped it down. But the drink had something mixed in it because soon after the drink was downed, he began to feel dizzy. Finally, he passed out. When he woke up his arms were hurting him. He realized that he was hanging by his wrists from a chain in the ceiling. His legs were spread wide and tied up by chains real tight. He was chained up so tight that his body was stretched painfully. He saw nothing but darkness in front of him. Apparently the room he was tied up in was real dark and warm. For the first time in his life Jake was afraid. He did not know what was going to come to him but knew it is not going to be good. He was right. After some time he heard someone enter the room. He heard a voice say, "How are you doing boy? You are here to be raped and tortured." Suddenly the room was lighted and Jake saw a man standing in front of him. The man was short and fat maybe around 5 feet 4inches or something, bald and looked quite old, maybe 45 to 50 years of age. Jake shouted, "Who the hell are you and why am I here?" "Well Jake," said the man, "You have beaten up many gay boys. So you are here to be tortured and fucked as a punishment. First let me begin by shaving you smooth.” The man brought some brushes, shaving cream and a razor. He applied the shaving cream all over Jake's body. Jake shouted abuses at the man but to no avail. The man began shaving Jake smooth. In thirty minutes the man had made Jake as smooth as a pig. The man now picked up a long black whip. Jake looked at the whip and got scared. "Please don’t mister I am sorry I beat them up" cried Jake. But the man uncoiled the whip around Jake and gave him the first stroke. WHACK! Jake screamed in pain and agony. WHACK! Nineteen more strokes followed. Jake sagged in his chains screaming in agony. He wished he had never been bad to gays. Jake's body was on fire. The man now picked up a bottle of vinegar and applied it on Jake's wounds. Jake screamed more as the vinegar stung his fresh, raw wounds. "Now Jake. This is just the beginning,” said the man. "There is more pain to follow. Surely you can take this much pain." Jake was dismayed. He shuddered to think of more pain that was to come. The man left the room and returned with a few feather. Jake realized that this was meant for tickling him. Jake was very ticklish. So this meant lot of trouble for him. The man began tickling Jake's arms. Jake began pulling at the chains. But pulling hurt this arms much more. Within ten minutes of the tickling the boy was screaming and begging for it to end. But the man tickled Jake on his arms for almost 1 hour. Ultimately the pain was so much that Jake passed out. When he woke up a few hours later he was still hanging by his wrists. This time the pain was much more intense. The man was still there. "Well Jake," said the man, "that is enough torture for today." Then the man proceeded to fuck Jake. As he fucked Jake the boy screamed and begged for the pain to stop. He had never been fucked before. But the man was enjoying himself too much. To be continued.


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Brad Under Torture

Brad was a street side kid. He was like an average street side white kid would be with blonde hair, blue eyes, a muscled and tanned body and a height of 6ft 2. He was 18 but had a face of a 15 year old. Brad lived on the streets. He picked pockets and ran drugs for a living. But he had one problem in life. He hated homosexuals. He would beat up any homosexual he met. Now this was a

The Abduction Part 1

Jake was a 19-year-old boy from New York. Having been brought up in an Irish Roman Catholic family he had many conservative ideas, one of which was that he hated gays. At 6feet, 2inches tall, blonde hair and green eyes he attracted the attention of many girls and gay guys too. Most of the time if Jake realized some gay guy was gazing at him he would just beat him up. But Jake was


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