Gay Erotic Stories

Tarzan Origins

by Navar

It must have been that last bullet. The jeep was leaking gasoline for the last five miles. I saw the gage on empty. The soldiers were bound to catch up to me. Staying on the road was too dangerous. Running into the jungle was not a good idea either, but there wasn’t much of a choice. I walked a half an hour before coming to a small river. I took the chance and walked upstream. Perhaps I would reach some small village. After another half an hour walk there was still no sign of any civilization. Fortunately I haven’t heard any signs of pursuit either. I stopped to rest and take a drink. The small river was fresh water. After taking a few sips I looked up. Close by was a lion. He was staring at me. I knew I was in trouble. I didn’t want to look scared for fear the lion would charge me. I didn’t want to make a threatening move for fear the lion would take it as a challenge and charge me. The lion began to pace back and forth. That was not a good sign. It was deciding whether or not to charge me. I moved very slowly. I managed to get into a crouching position. The lion stopped moving and faced me. It took a few steps towards me. It picked up speed, and I was ready for his charge. Suddenly something came down from the trees between us. I saw the back of a large man naked except for a leopard-skin loincloth. In a quick flash he sprang upon the lion and wrestled with it. It was clear the lion was no match for the man. The man loosened his gripped, and the lion fled into the jungle. The man stood up and walked towards me. He had a handsome face and was quite muscular. His hairless pecs were finely formed and stomach chiseled. His loincloth was cut high on his sides revealing the flanks of his butt. His large thigh muscles flexed as he walked. When he stood next to me he reached out a hand and helped me up. “You should not be alone here if not prepared.” “Thanks for your help. Didn’t have much choice. I’m being chased by soldiers.” “Of course you are. Only reason for strangers to enter my jungle these days. It will be dark soon. I’ll take you to a place of safety for tonight. Tomorrow we’ll see about getting you back to your world.” With that he turned around and walked up stream. I followed. My hero did not say anything while we walked. We came upon a waterfall. My friend climbed a tree next to it then disappeared through the waterfall. When I climbed the tree myself I saw a small cave. When I entered my friend was crouching, his back towards me, starting a fire. “You’re not a native to this country yourself,” I commented. “I lived here since I was a child. This is my home, but I know the ways of your world, both beautiful and ugly. Here it is peaceful.” “I can see that. My name is John.” He did not respond. We had a dinner of fruit and vegetables. My friend mentioned he only hunts for meat twice a week, but he really wasn’t a conversationalist. When the fire died out we went to sleep. When I woke the next day I was alone. Breakfast had been placed next to me. When I turned around I was surprised. My host was standing naked under the waterfall, his back towards me. He had his arms out allowing the water to drench him. His butt cheeks were relaxed but plump. He stood there for several minutes as I ate. “When you’re finished eating you should join me,” he said. “It is a long trip and hot day. You don’t want to be muggy when traveling.” As he said this he rubbed his hands along his torso. He reached around to his back, and even rubbed his ass cheeks. He bent down to massage his legs. Needless to say I was getting quite excited at his performance, albeit I could still only see the back of him. I took off my shirt and walked to the cave entrance. I reached my hand out to under the waterfall. The water was cold. My companion turned his head. “Do go in with your clothes on. You’ll get sick.” I started to take the rest of my clothes off, but I was getting a bit self-conscious. “Can I at least know your name now?” He laughed. “It’s Tarzan.” Fully naked, I slowly stepped into the falling water. “Relax, you’ll get used to it.” I finally managed to immerse myself into the fall. I looked down to the river below, watching the white water splashing. I took this opportunity to glance towards Tarzan’s dick. Though flaccid, it was still elongated. I slowly raised my eyes ogling over his entire body. He was smiling at me when I reached his face. “Surprise!” I felt a push on my back and suddenly found myself falling into the river below. I reached the surface as fast as possible. Tarzan swam next to me and put his arm around me. “Don't worry; I got you.” “That was not funny.” “Of course it was, but I’ll make it up to you.” Tarzan then ducked under the surface. I felt something between my legs and was then rising out of the water. Tarzan was under me. He was facing me with my legs around his neck. He stood on the river bottom, the water surface just above his pecs. Tarzan then grabbed my dick and put it in his mouth. As his hot mouth engulfed me, his tongue flicked a pleasurable sensation that gorged my dick. The tip of his tongue gently caressed the sensitive area as his hands grabbed my butt cheeks for support. Now I’ve had blowjobs before and had orgasms before, but this was different. I felt the pleasure tickle, but it was not just in my dick. As my dick hardened my toes and fingers tingled as well. My heart beat faster and my mouth was open. I wanted to scream in delight, but I could not make a sound. The ecstasy was quite intense and continued to build. Soon my mind became numb, and I smiled in euphoric bliss. When Tarzan began to bob his head up and down on my dick I suddenly got my voice back. “Arg, arg, arg!” I grunted like a madman. I had no control. Soon my hips instinctively thrusted. “Arg, arh, ah, ah ah.” My voice raised in pitch as the tickle completely washed over my dick head. The rim was reactive to every touch of his wet tongue. As he sucked me faster and faster my hips humped faster to keep up. My head leaned back, and my eyes rolled to the topped of head. I was screaming; I was panting. Finally the ultimate tickle was forming in my dick. I felt the cum gathering in my dick. As it at last spurted out of me, I gave the loudest and longest scream I ever made. It was a long high pitch, a few shorts bursts, more bursts, and then another long yell at a lower pitch. “AHHHHHH AHH AHH AHHHHH AHH AHH ahhhhhhh.” My dick pumped ferociously as my cum splattered into the back of Tarzan’s throat. He continued to suck me out even after my dick gave up all it could. My whole body was limp, giving up all resistance and just let my dick be swamped with whatever sensations it could get from Tarzan’s tongue. Not able to take any more, I fainted. When I woke I was back in the cave. Tarzan was lying next to me. “I never felt anything like that before. That was no ordinary orgasm.” Tarzan smiled. “No, it wasn’t. That was the ‘Tarzan’, as a friend Chieftain calls it. It’s a special skill that only a few are permitted to learn to induce. I was the first and only non-tribesman to be able to learn it, hence my name.” “I’m still feeling a bit euphoric.” “Yes, you will for a time. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow before I can take you to civilization.” I leaned into Tarzan to kiss him, but he pulled his head back. “What are you doing?” “I was trying to kiss you. You gave me Tarzan after all.” “Yes, to make you feel better and prepare you for your journey.” “Oh, so it was just something to do, not something special.” “What, you mean sex? Hmm, I can see how the Tarzan could be considered sex, but I’ve always induced it in myself to get the proper yell to call my animal friends.” “I see.” I looked away, quite embarrassed. I felt a hand on my shoulder. His other hand grabbed one of mine and placed it on his dick. “I’m willing to learn new skills.” I never did get back to civilization.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Navar

Celebrity Auction

A very happy occurrence happened to me. I won the lottery. Naturally I splurged a little, ok a lot, but I soon regained my composure. I didn't want to spend my way back to the poorhouse. However, aside from material things, I wanted to go to places I never could afford before. I went to Broadway shows and fine diners. I had a great time at the infamous Russian Tea Room. There is a

Cruise To Heaven

A friend treated me to a cruise to get away from it all. I was a bit reluctant to go because I don't like just doing nothing. I'm sure there would be activities on a cruise ship but they would be lame. However, I was a little curious about the situation. I've never been on a cruise before so at least having a new experience would be exciting. Thoughts of the "Love Boat" appeared in

Hero Worship

Spiderman was depressed again. It's the same old story. He captures the bad guy to save the city, and he's a hero. Next day, people deride him as a vigilante, question his sanity, or just consider him a menace. People have short memories. He himself declares he would stop being a superhero from time to time, but he always goes back to it. This time though ... It would be nice if he

It's Just A Short Stop To Nirvana

It has been a while, but I return to J’s Hangout; a juice bar upstairs, a j/o club downstairs. All types of guys go downstairs, from the elderly gents to the scrawny twinks to muscle jocks. There are also various personalities like the slut who does anyone, the guy who just won’t shut up, and the mysterious short guy wearing a baseball cap. Perhaps the most frustrating personality is

My Favorite Yankee

In a way you can say I have a dream job. I’m not a CEO and am not a famous movie star. No, I’m a batboy for the New York Yankees. Now, I’m not a boy, but I would feel foolish if I called myself “batman”. Being a batboy is not a high paying job, but there are fringe benefits. For one thing, I attend all the home games for free. When the team’s not playing at home, they usually have

Prince Of A Trainer

I entered a raffle for charity. I didn’t expect to win anything, but it’s fun to play anyway. There were a number of large prizes such as a new car, five thousand dollars, and a family trip to Disney World. As I expected I didn’t win. However, there were a number of smaller prizes, one of which I did win. I won a year’s membership in a gym with trainer. I thought that was cool.

Save For Save

The fire was spreading as I headed out to the roof. The smoke was thick. I was trapped. I didn’t know if anyone saw me go this way. I couldn’t get to the exit doors like everyone else. Their backs were turned to me, and Batman was chasing the Joker. I heard sirens from the street below. I wanted to look over the side of the roof to wave to them so they would know where I was, but

Tarzan Origins

It must have been that last bullet. The jeep was leaking gasoline for the last five miles. I saw the gage on empty. The soldiers were bound to catch up to me. Staying on the road was too dangerous. Running into the jungle was not a good idea either, but there wasn’t much of a choice. I walked a half an hour before coming to a small river. I took the chance and walked upstream.

The Oilman

Times were tough. I needed to get a job, any job. I found work at Madison Square Garden as a janitor. Not a glamorous job, but work is work. I helped clean the arena after sporting events as well as maintain the general cleanliness of the entire building. Once in a while I would be asked to do odd jobs at various events, such as ushering. There was one sporting event that proved

The Photo Shoot

There was a small help wanted ad in the newspaper for an office assistant. I doubt it would pay much, but I needed the job so I had answered it. It was a Manhattan address. It wasn’t in a ritzy neighborhood. However, it wasn’t in a slum either, just a low rent area relatively speaking for Manhattan. I took the elevator to the 7th floor. It opened up into a reception area. I was

Wayne And Kent

“Sir, a reporter from the Daily Planet is here to interview you.” “Thanks, Alfred, show him in.” “Yes sir.” Clark Kent entered the spacious office. There wasn’t much furniture in it. It was mainly for visiting businessmen, as was Mr. Bruce Wayne. Wayne Enterprises is going to help finance a monorail link between Metropolis and Gotham City. Daily Planet editor Perry White sent Kent to

When Titus Was In Jail

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