Gay Erotic Stories

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 1

by JohnanymousDoe

“He’s coming!” one of the men whispered, sweat stains covering his tight spandex leotard. “I hear him in the anteroom!” “I think I’m coming too!” said his similarly clad companion, barely managing to keep his pulsating cock from spilling its load as it strained at its spandex encased pouch. The anticipation was excruciating as they and their ten companions observed the large room of the converted underground missile silo from behind the lead-lined two-way mirror. Some nervously fingered their throbbing erections, enjoying the feel of the slick fabric that hugged their bodies. A riot of noise filled the outside hallway and the men exchanged wide-eyed, anticipatory looks as the interior steel door began to buckle. The metal screamed as the foot-thick doorway was easily torn away from its hinges and thrown aside. An audible gasp arose from within the mirrored room as the Man of Steel stepped confidently into sight. The twelve men had of course seen Superman in photos and news coverage but WOW; here he was right in front of them, just as promised. Almost close enough to touch, to taste, to smell. The pinnacle of male perfection, clad in his famous skin-tight costume. All knew that the superhero wore the body-hugging fabric so tightly because his invincible aura protected the material from being damaged, even in the most extreme of battle conditions. But, in effect, the snugness of the costume highlighted his each and every extraordinary rippling muscle. It seemed that every year the Last Son of Krypton lived beneath the yellow sun of Earth he became more physically beautiful, packing on even more dense muscle mass and definition. His invulnerable body was the peak of perfection, beyond the ideal. But what really drew the attention of the twelve was the unbelievably large bulge in Big Blue’s shorts. The shape of his obviously huge penis was clearly discernable as, even flaccid it strained against the tight fabric of his red costume briefs. All stared, enraptured by the sight of such a magnificent display. The Man of Steel took in the room with his piercing blue eyes, using his x-ray vision to attempt to scan the lead-lined walls. Useless! He walked quickly towards the center of the large enclosure. As he did, his famous red cape billowed away from his body, giving them a clear view of his tightly muscled ass. The effort of tearing away the steel door had caused his briefs to ride up slightly into his butt crack and the effect was dazzling enough to draw several guttural groans from the hero-dazzled observers. Superman cocked his head to the side and looked towards the two-way mirror. “Show yourselves!" he boomed in a deep and resonant baritone. “I may not be able to see you with all this lead in the walls, but I can surely hear your heartbeats!” A brief puzzled look came across his handsome face and then he raised his eyebrows. “Some of them are quite rapid.” Then he added in a more commanding tone, “I followed the plutonium trail to this location. Please make it easier on yourselves and hand it over before someone gets hurt. I assure you it won’t be me!” As he spoke, Superman placed his massive hands on his hips and spread his legs wide in a gesture of self-assuredness, his body exuding authority. Suddenly, a voice boomed from a speaker on the wall. “I’ve led you here, Superman, so that you can help us with some minor experiments. The plutonium was very hard to obtain but we needed it to power our projects.” “Projects? That plutonium could endanger the lives of millions. I’ll tear this place apart unless I get what I came for!” Superman was confident but agitated. Laughter boomed through the speaker. “You’ll do nothing of the sort, Superman. Before the hour is through you’ll be totally helpless and subjected to my every humiliating whim,” the voice mocked. “These men are going to help me.” At that, a secret door to the mirrored room opened in the wall. The Kryptonian watched twelve muscular men walk into the room. All were dressed in form fitting, wide-belted spandex trunks and thongs that left nothing to the imagination, each a different color and each a different number from one through twelve on the sides of their tight thongs. The men were of varying ages and builds but they certainly had one thing in common: Huge, swollen hard-ons strained at their spandex crotches as they stared hungrily at his own costumed package. One had an obvious, wet cum stain at his groin but he was once again fully engorged. Superman’s enhanced sense of smell detected the musk-like tang of the man’s jism. For a brief second, the Man of Steel felt a curious twinge of excitement at the boldness of their stares. His cock stirred slightly but perceptibly. Then he remembered himself and blushed violently, folding his hands together to block their view of his groin. Some of the men giggled but one of them swooned as a large, wet stain began to blossom on the front of his tights. “These men are my clients, Kal-el. The have all paid me vast sums of money to be here today to assist in your undoing,” said a familiar voice from a doorway across the room. Superman turned and looked at the entering figure, dressed in a similar black spandex outfit. “Luthor! I should have known you’d be behind this!” Superman growled as he crossed the floor to his arch-nemesis and roughly grabbed his wrist in his vice-like grip. Luthor grimaced with pain and his body instinctively drew closer to the Man of Steel in an effort to alleviate his discomfort. As their bodies came together, Superman straddled Luther’s leg causing his generous bulge to protrude even more as his right inner thigh brushed against the villain. The hero continued, “I don’t know what’s going on here but you’d better hand over the plutonium before I have to humiliate YOU in front of your little friends!” Luthor chuckled in spite of the pain. “As was evident by your excitement only a moment ago, I think you might like that, Man of Steel. Did you really think you could hide such a delicious and obvious arousal from us?” he taunted and then he quickly reached down with his free hand to grope Superman’s generous package through the thin Lycra material. Superman released his grip on Luthor’s wrist and stepped back in astonishment. He had never before felt the touch of a man’s hand on his cock and was shocked to find the sensation oddly stimulating but disconcerting. “Don’t look so startled, alien! We have a big surprise for you. Go through the red door on your left. The plutonium is being used in there.” Almost relieved to be away from the current situation the Man of Steel walked quickly to the door, yanked it open and stepped inside. The room was dark except for the strange, red glow coming from lights mounted around the ceiling. It seemed the very air was different from the other chamber. He felt a pleasant coolness permeating the tight fabric of his costume, which he welcomed after the heat of his violent blushing. The atmosphere was somehow heavy with pressure and an oddly pleasing aroma wafted through the room. He noticed numerous tables and what looked like restraints and pulley devices. Nothing that resembled a plutonium weapon was to be found. What was going on? Suddenly, Superman’s skin began to tingle and an overwhelming feeling of muscle-quivering weakness washed over the massive superhero’s rippling body. He sank to one knee. It was the room! He had to get out of this room! As he desperately stumbled towards the door it slammed shut before him and the lights came up. The Man of Steel threw himself against the heavy metal door, causing it to dent and buckle outward, but it held fast. Fear clutched at his stomach and groin. As the tingling feeling intensified, Superman became aware of the costumed “clients” in spandex thongs approaching him with ropes and shackles. His vision blurred and his head swam as he struggled to understand what was happening. The men advanced cautiously at first, sizing up his condition. Then they attacked and enveloped him. Superman was greatly surprised as he felt powerful, muscular arms surround his head, arms, thighs and waist, restricting his movement. His red cape was torn from his back and was placed around his throat with choking tightness. He attempted to shrug them off but found that he couldn’t! He bucked and writhed in an effort to dislodge them but to no avail. He was too weak and there were just too many! Special manacles were roughly placed around his wrists and ankles. His hands were secured tightly and expertly behind his back. He cried out in frustration as he tried to summon the mighty strength that was now failing him. The feelings of helplessness and confinement were completely foreign to him. The sensation of these strong men touching his costumed body, rubbing against him with their revealing outfits in order to restrain him was unsettling. Whatever was causing the tingling sensation was making his body ultra-sensitive to touch! The “clients” half-dragged and carried the weakened champion to the center of the room. Superman continued to struggle mightily and resist. He was breathing heavily through his mouth, gasping for the sweetly scented air. A gag was jammed into place through his lips and between his teeth, further restricting his breathing and his nostrils flared. “What’s the matter, Kal-el? Is there a problem with your super strength?” Luthor mocked loudly as he stepped toward the restrained superhero. “Subjugated and conquered, a victim of your own body and alien physiology. It’s quite ironic and deliciously humiliating. How utterly erotic it is to see you thrashing about to free yourself from my handsome, muscular crew. This my dream come true.” Superman could not help but notice the lecherous swelling in his adversary’s crotch, no doubt caused by seeing him incapacitated and in bondage. “You see, Superman, this subterranean room has been modified. The red glow which now bathes us is replicating the radiation of a red sun, thereby negating your powers.” Superman towered over his foe as Luthor stepped forward and roughly grabbed his trademark ebony locks and thrust his head back. The helpless hero’s blue eyes burned with shock and hatred. He made a major effort to summon his heat vision but he just couldn’t generate the burning rays. The attempt left him even weaker and mildly disoriented. His cape was still wrapped tightly around his throat, further constricting his breathing and making his head pound. It was useless to struggle. He had to conserve his strength for what lay ahead! The restraining arms were just too strong and powerful. “Your body stores the solar power of the yellow sun like a battery so you may yet possess some troublesome reserves of super strength and invulnerability. Time underground away from your source of power and the weakening effects of this red sun will take care of that! We have all the time in the world.” With his head being held tightly, a fluid-soaked cloth was forced to his nose. He wailed a stifled, violent protest. His body went rigid as the tingling leapt to maximum intensity. His brain struggled to function through the sensory overload. Luthor laughed as he donned latex examination gloves then looked into the superhero’s dazed blue eyes and began to thrust and grind his costumed cock against the prisoner’s perfect body. Superman could feel the villain’s burgeoning penis through his costume and he remembered the fondling grope in the outer room. The Man of Steel’s skin was prickling with sensation as Luthor ran his gloved hands over his impeccable upper body, kneading his deltoids, biceps, pecs and lats. The muscles were rock-hard and flexed from the violent struggle. His costume was moistened with sweat. Luthor leaned in close, his lips pressed close to the Man of Steel’s ear. His hairless head was now dripping with sweat as it pressed against Superman’s temple. “Fantastic!” he whispered in a soft hiss, his voice choked with anticipation. “Your body is as extraordinary as I imagined it would be. How utterly magnificent it is to dominate you! I have dreamed of this moment since we first met, Alien. Until today you have beaten me at every turn. You have humiliated me, embarrassed me and made me burn with the desire to cause you great pain while I pleasure myself. Today I will exact my revenge.” An electric charge of erotic energy surged straight to Superman’s groin as his evil captor rubbed then roughly squeezed his erect nipples. He shuddered violently and a deep, involuntary moan issued from his throat. Luthor teased as he barely brushed the washboard stomach with his fingertips and moved them slowly down to the yellow belted waistband of Superman’s briefs and along the top edge. Luthor then lowered his hands to his prisoner’s compressed package, and gently massaged and caressed the jewels through the thin stretchy material. He could feel the outline of the Man of Steel’s impressive shaft against the dense, spandex-compacted testicles. And what’s this? To his utter delight, Superman’s cock was beginning to harden. “My, my, my. What have we here?” he asked as he continued to stroke the growth in Superman’s tights. “Excellent! I see that the Kryptonian aphrodisiac is working. The tingling that you are no doubt experiencing, Kal-el, is the direct result of an airborne stimulant that I had created just for you. The formula has been specifically designed to react with your alien anatomy, causing increased and heightened sensitivity to the slightest stimulation. As you can see by the evidence in your briefs, the concoction is a huge and growing success. The soaked cloth I had pressed to your face has helped to speed up your body’s saturation of the drug, rendering you even more helpless as I bend you to my will.” As Luthor fondled and rubbed, Superman could feel his own cock beginning to swell. His balls tightened and he subconsciously thrust his hips forward. He could feel Luthor’s aroused hardness grinding and rubbing against his outer thigh. As sweat glistened on his face, he tried to concentrate on stemming the growing erection, but his body was not listening, betraying him. His thoughts raced to Lois and their happy marriage and the Daily Planet in an attempt to think of anything besides the growing pressure in his loins, but thinking of Lois as this maniac rubbed his balls was making it worse! Superman tried to reposition his legs but the strong, muscular clinch of the henchmen around his beefy thighs and ankles held him fast. He could only writhe in the steely embrace, their hot hands holding him tight and causing his sensitive inner thighs to shudder. Their hands, their faces, their mouths were only inches away from his Lycra-clad groin and he could feel the humid heat of their breath on his aphrodisiac-affected body. It seemed the drug had completely taken over his entire anatomy, trying to make him give in to the delicious pleasure of the stimulating contact. His mind was beginning to clear from the initial stupor caused by the red sun radiation. Would this struggle end with mind over body or, he feared, body over mind? He could feel his penis growing larger by the second. The pressure was becoming uncomfortable. He could see the fabric of his tights stretching and protruding out from his body. Luthor watched with delight as the swelling shaft pointed straight out and up from Superman’s groin. The violent expansion was quickly pushing the blue unitard underneath and the red over-shorts away from his groin. The spandex was stretching to the limit as the costume’s leg holes parted from around the tops of the sweat-soaked inner thighs. His tormentors hooted with delight, their spandex thongs swelling. Luthor repositioned himself and reached around Superman’s waist. He grasped the hero’s heavily muscled buttocks, one side in each hand and ran them over the slippery material covering the extraordinary ass cheeks. He hugged the Man of Steel tightly, making sure that his own spandex-clad cock rubbed against the straining erection. Superman’s eyes were tightly closed and he groaned behind the gag. His persecutor continued to knead and fondle, jamming and forcing the material of his blue leotard into his sweating butt crack. Luthor located and stroked the costumed anus and with a skilled finger attempted to cram some slick spandex into the tight orifice. The Kryptonian’s aura was still strong enough to prevent him! Luthor swore loudly and Superman bucked as the villain grasped the back of the red Lycra shorts and pulled them roughly into Superman’s butt crack. Higher and higher, tighter and tighter! Superman moaned with pleasure as the spandex pulled and compacted, adding dangerous, tantalizing pressure to his now fully erect shaft. The head of his penis was now straining at the top of his yellow belted tights, begging to be freed from confinement. The constraint was driving him to the brink of ejaculation. He fought the staggering impulse, but the exquisite feeling from the tights straining against his ball sack and cock was irresistible and intoxicating. His sensitive anus still throbbed from the attempted intrusion. The Man of Steel arched his head back and bravely fought the impulse to cum. The battle of will raged within him as he struggled to maintain his dignity. “I think it’s time to liberate his super shwantz!” Luthor laughed. The villain yanked down the front of the hero’s red shorts, and tucked the yellow belt buckle under his scrotum. Superman struggled against his captors. The heavily veined, engorged cock was perfectly silhouetted beneath the fabric. Each of the twelve gasped at this new presentation and tightened their hot, sweaty hold on their prisoner’s muscular body. Luthor began exploring the blue unitard. He found the slotted opening that Superman used when he relieved himself. He spread apart the resilient fabric exposing a dark, moist patch of thick, curly pubic hair and reached in to grab the huge pulsing shaft. With one quick movement he fished the bulk that was Superman’s rock hard cock through the opening and out into the cool air of the chamber. The splendid, curving rod hung straight out from its stalk, demanding attention. It had to be ten inches at least and as thick as a forearm! They all noticed hungrily that the opening in the cock head was beginning to ooze some glistening pre-cum discharge. Luthor reached through the slot again and the helpless hero’s huge ball sack came tumbling out of the spandex opening, slapping against the bulk of his muscular thighs, causing the massive organ above to swing back and forth. Luthor grasped the mighty cock just below the head and squeezed, causing more of the discharge to pool on the swollen tip. Superman’s brain was screaming but he watched helplessly. With two gloved fingers Luthor collected the slick discharge. Still grasping the engorged phallus he raised the shimmering liquid to the lips of client #1 and nodded. The man eagerly took the wet glistening fingers into his mouth and hungrily cleaned them of every drop, savoring the incredible taste. “And now Kal-el, I will grant you the privilege and relief of orgasm. Let me clarify that: MY orgasm! Gentlemen, take him to number ONE and make sure you secure him tightly while I ready myself. And don’t allow him to soil his costume. If there is one drop anywhere I will torture and kill the culprit! Remember, as agreed in your contracts, the Man of Steel is mine until I turn him over to you!” To be continued…


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Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 3

Superman reluctantly opened his eyes. Jimmy laid across the room, moaning softly, his nose and mouth oozing dark red blood. A numbered form lay still beneath him. Luthor was nowhere to be seen. The rest of the men were speaking in hushed tones as they snacked or hosed off their spunky, costumed bodies at a wash station in the far corner. He heard one of the men say that Jimmy had

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 4

The Man of Steel had been cleansed thoroughly again with plenty of the aphrodisiac-laced soap and his glowing skin tingled gloriously from the fondling, groping caresses of his ten captors. His beautiful body pulsed with enhanced sensation, making him drunk with pleasure and full of longing for more stimulation. The desire for erotic pleasure now overpowered every other thought and

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 5: Conclusion

Hours later they awoke feeling slightly lightheaded and nauseous. As they untangled themselves from each other, they noticed that their skin was covered with a painful, red rash. Some had open, oozing sores on their penises and groins. They looked in horror at each other’s bodies and then noticed that the Man of Steel lay still and quiet. A deathly gray pallor had replaced the


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