Gay Erotic Stories

Superman Falls, Part 1

by Builtbrawn

Superman heard the distress call while he was in his condo high above the drum of the city. It sounded as though a woman was being attacked by a group of thugs in a seedy part of town. He was on his way in seconds flat, intent on stopping another senseless crime from occurring in this crazy world. As he flew and zeroed in on the distress call, he was confident in the knowledge that his incredible body and his sharp mind were far superior to any mortal here on earth. While he had been gifted with a muscular, lean, ripped frame, years of hard work in the gym had toned his body to perfection. From his wide shoulders and flared lats down to his tapered 8 pak, his peaked bulging bis and tris, from his broad back to his beautifully sculpted bubble butt and his incredible quads and calves, Superman was a piece of art. Women and men lusted after him. His only weakness was the substance from his planet, kryptonite, and while he had run into it before (from his nemesis Lex Luthor), Superman was confident he had taken care of any remaining kryptonite on the planet. The substance had a devastating effect on Superman, causing him to go weak and become basically defenseless. Too much, and he could die. He put that out of his mind. He was above the building where the screams of help were coming from and he quickly descended. The neighborhood was in a bad part of town, an old industrial area that had been neglected and was a known center of violence, prostitution and drugs. He landed in front of a set of double doors of a run down abandoned old warehouse. Inside, he heard he desperate cries of a woman in need of help. Superman tried to use his xray vision, but he lead doors prevented his vision from penetration. Inside the building, unbeknownst to Superman, a dangerous figure lurked, waiting for his prey after careful and diligent planning. This was no ordinary criminal, both in body or mind. His name was Bard, a distant relative of Lex Luthor who had grown up hating the superhero. He was trained under Lex, again, both in body and mind. He was young at 26, but mature beyond his years. He was built like a Greek God and had been trained in the martial arts his whole life. Bard had the mind of a genius, having advanced degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, biology and medicine. No one intimidated him........not even the man of steel. Bard had watched Lex fail over and over in his attempts to defeat Superman and upon Lex's falling ill, Bard promised himself he would avenge his beloved, ailing relative. However, he was not content with defeat. He wanted total dominance, total humiliation and total control. Bard liked women and men and enjoyed the company of both in and out of bed. He wanted Superman more than any other.............and for so many reasons........for the countless times he defeated and humiliated Lex, for the image of a superhero, for the goody-two-shoes attitude and superior attitude Superman had and for the huge sums of money he had confiscated in his breakup of Lex's various criminal endeavors. Bard wanted Superman to feel the wrath of one more powerful and he wanted Superman to pay. And pay he would........Bard was sure of that. His plan was foolproof. Outside, Superman grabbed the handles of the doors and pulled them apart. The heavy lead doors creaked under the strain, but eventually gave way. Superman's muscular body was clearly visible through the thin layered suit he wore. It looked like it was painted on his perfectly sculpted body. His red trunks couldn't hide the large package that lay there........the object of desire of many who only imagined its size. As he walked into the warehouse, the doors automatically clanged shut behind him as he stepped inside...................his supersensitive senses immediately told him this wasn't what it was meant to look like............he glanced to the middle of the warehouse and noticed a large boom box from where the screams were coming. He took an assessment of the situation and smirked..........okay...........someone was playing a trick on him, but he could easily get out of here. As he turned to leave, a voice called out..........."hey Superfag"..........Superman whipped around and looked......across the warehouse stood a young man, a strikingly handsome and obviously well built young man, who was standing with his arms folded across his chest and smiling broadly. "Welcome Superfag" he said again mockingly. "Who are you?" replied the man of steel as walked toward this young punk........."do you know who I am" asked superman? "Do you?" Bard took a few steps toward Superman and without losing eye contact, said "Oh yea.........I know who YOU are, but the question is, do you know who I am?" Superman replied no I don' which Bard replied "well you will after I am through with you. You see Superman, I know all about you.........(he was walking around Superman now, within 10 feet or so, circling as he talked).......I know about your superhuman strength, your xray vision, your supposed invincibility and your weakness........yes.......your ONE weakness Superfagman..............".........he stopped right in front of the man of steel and stared at him............... Superman stared back at the young man who was obviously angry and full of hate towards him.............the kid was great looking, with dark features, a chiseled face and judging by the tight clothes he wore, an incredible body. "Quit calling me Superfag.........boy" Superman replied. Bard started laughing hard, doubling over in fact..............." the time I am done with you, I will be calling you anything I it?" Superman started to move toward him, but Bard stiff-armed him in the chest, his big hand planted firmly between Superman's pecs..........amazingly, Superman couldn't move forward.........."what the..........." he muttered in amazement. Bard laughed again, reached up to Superman's collar of his suit, grabbed the material and yanked it hard. The suit ripped all the way down to the red shorts, exposing Superman's deeply cut pecs and 8 pak...............he pulled back and said "hey.......what are you doing?". He tried to retreat, but found himself weak and unable to. Bard laughed..........."What's the matter Superfag, am I too strong for you? this all you got Superfag?" and with that, Bard walked up to Superman, grabbed his crotch and squeezed hard......."looks like you carry a nice piece of meat here superfag" Bard taunted. Now, normally, the man of steel would have disposed of this thug easily, but as he moved his arms up to grab the kid's arm and push him away, he could tell his strength was not normal and had been depleted. He felt weak and defenseless. Bard easily knocked his arms out of the way and pushed Superman back into a wall, taunting him the whole time. He held Superman against the wall with an arm on his chest..........Bard's face inches from Superman's........."tonight Superfag, you will be mine". "Never you punk" replied the man of steel......and with that, Superman mustered all of his strength and wrapped his hands around the kid's throat, squeezing hard............Bard was surprised at first, but started laughing as his hands went to Superman's wrists, grabbed them and started twisting them hard............Superman flinched with the pain but didn't show anything outwardly. Inwardly however, his mind was racing.........what the fuck, he thought........this kid is stronger than I am..........I can't stop him..........don't know what to do. As his mind raced, the thug had grabbed the shirt hanging from Superman's body and yanked it completely off, revealing Superman's upper torso. "Whoa" muttered Bard who stepped back to admire the man of steel's incredible pecs and abs. Bard took a step to Superman and put a choke hold on him with one hand............Superman's arms instinctively went to the arm and wrist of Bard, trying to fend off the attack.......but he couldn't. Bard was taunting him, telling him what a superfag he was, how the man of steel was a punk and how he, Bard, would have his way with him. While Superman was attempting to get Bard's hand off his throat, he wasn't prepared for the right fist of Bard's which slammed into his 8 pak abs.........."ufffffffffffffff" said supe as Bard's fist made contact. Now, normally, the thug's fist would have had no effect on Superman and would have bounced off of those abs like a rubber ball on concrete. However, Superman had been weakened to the point where Bard's fist sunk deep into his gut...........Superman couldn't believe it as he started to double over. "What's the matter Superman, abs getting a little weak?" smirked Bard as he drew back for another blow...........WHAM. Bard's fist made contact again, this time the blow so hard it lifted Superman off of his feet and slammed him into the wall behind him............UFFFFFFFFFFFF. Superman was defenseless to this attack and couldn't to get out of here he thought to himself as he held his stomach..........Bard walked over to the big muscular super hero, grabbed his left tit and squeezed.........pulling superman across the room as the man of steel pleaded with him to stop........the thug was laughing and obviously enjoying the humiliation of the superhero......Bard pulled supe into a large room with a wrestling ring in the middle, drug superman by his nipple to the ring and threw him in........."Winner takes all" Bard barked, as he climbed the rope and entered the ring next to the perplexed hero. Before Superman could react, the thug grabbed him by the hair, pulled him to his feet, picked him up and threw the sculpted stud in a backbreaker over his knee..........holding him there...........! Try as he might, Superman could not break the hold.............his body was stretched backward at an awkward angle over the muscular thug's knee and he was held in place with a strong, big hand around his throat........Bard took the opportunity to play with the fallen stud's body........rubbing his hands lightly over the sculpted ripped abs......letting his hand move to the deeply cut pecs and hard nipples...."mmm Supe.......I think you and I are going to be very good friends" as he pinched the nipples........pinching them hard, then moving his hand down the flat, outstretched torso and inside the red shorts, feeling the man of steel's large cock........which was semi-hard. Bard grabbed it and looked at the weak superhero........."well, well, well.............looks like you enjoy this don't you Superfag" as he squeezed the quickly engorging huge tool............"Noooooooo" pleaded Superman........."please.........don't".................. .................TO BE CONTINUED (if you want)


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Builtbrawn

Superman Falls, Part 1

Superman heard the distress call while he was in his condo high above the drum of the city. It sounded as though a woman was being attacked by a group of thugs in a seedy part of town. He was on his way in seconds flat, intent on stopping another senseless crime from occurring in this crazy world. As he flew and zeroed in on the distress call, he was confident in

Superman Falls, Part 2

Superman managed to get out of the backbreaker Bard had him in and crawled to a corner of the ring. He watched Bard stand up and slowly face him...........Bard was talking the whole time......."Well Superfag, you must know by now that your defenses are weakened.........the air in this building is permeated with a mixture of kryptonite and a dose just strong enough to

Superman Falls, Part Three

Superman Falls, Part 3 Superman stood there bent over the ropes, trying to recover, just being fucked for the first time by a thug, Bard, nephew of his arch nemesis Lex Luthor. His body was exhausted, sweaty, sore from the punishment and the fucking. His mind was confused: he couldn't believe he had begged for it; begged for that cock to pound him harder. He was totally humiliated


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