Gay Erotic Stories


by JohnanymousDoe

PART ONE The last words the Dark Knight heard before the debilitating dart penetrated his gauntlet chilled his blood and caused both the hesitation and the opportunity. ”I’m baaaack!” a voice trilled in a raspy, unearthly, singsong voice. His legs buckled and he crashed heavily and helplessly to the ground. The sounds of raucous laughter rang in Batman’s ears. “Predator!” his brain screamed. His muscles failed to respond much less to react. He attempted to calmly perform a checklist of his faculties. Whatever the drug, it allowed mental alertness but robbed him of all but the basics; pulse, respiration, blinking, swallowing and bowel/bladder control. As gravity sucked him ever lower to the hard cave floor a wave of despair washed over him. His options were currently nonexistent. Alien drug/alien antidote. No clues as to how long the poison would affect his system. Batman lay on his side totally disabled, staring at the hard-packed wall, completely at the mercy of his captor, mind racing and body inert. The shadow of the Predator crept into his field of vision and an armored foot roughly pushed him onto his back. As he rolled, Batman could see the dart, which had compromised him protruding from his inner arm. It had been expertly placed to pierce the weakest portion of his summer-weight gray and black costume between two lightweight sections of micro-thin Kevlar. How long had this alien monster been stalking him that he could be so aware of this minute flaw in the Bat-suit? He beheld his foe as the Predator towered over him, weapons in hand, in full battlesuit. The Bat had fought several of his kind in the past and each time he had been victorious, but each time the Predators had been more and more prepared. This was a big one. The biggest he’d ever seen. Batman cursed himself for being so unusually foolhardy. He had rushed into this cave to follow Robin’s utility belt duress signal, which had been activated approximately an hour ago. He had been worried sick since the previous morning when his charge had completely disappeared without a clue while staking out a rumored dock heist. He had been searching Gotham in the scorching 100-degree summer sun without rest since then and when the distress signal was activated he drove directly to this cave. Now, unfortunately, he knew what had happened and could only hope that Tim was still alive. The Predator picked up the Dark Knight’s left boot and dragged him farther back into the cave, all the while chuckling and humming to himself. Batman could hear the sounds of their movements as he was effortlessly pulled through the tunnel by the huge alien. Soon the sounds were less amplified as they came to an open area. The helpless hero knew he was being taken aboard the alien’s ship. “Batman!” cried a voice from somewhere to his left. The huge hand clutching his boot released its grip and his leg fell heavily and painfully to the floor. Batman’s heart clutched. The voice had not been Robin’s; it had been Nightwing’s. Dick was here, too. “Batman, are you injured? Can you speak? What has he done to you? Are you drugged? I can see a dart in your arm! Answer me if you can!” Dick screamed. A tear trickled from the corner Bruce’s right eye. This monster must know his every weakness and he’d been played like an amateur. The Predator knelt and went to work, obviously not worried that his captive would regain the use of his muscles. Not good, this was not good. He heard a ripping sound as his cape was cut from his costume. The creature sang “Whistle While You Work” as he sliced away the heavy material. Next he felt a steely hand reaching between the back of his costumed waist and his utility belt and he was lifted effortlessly and carried to a rack of chains and shackles across the way. Batman did the math. He weighed 220 pounds in his summer weight costume and this thing had just picked him up by the belt with one hand and hauled him across the deck like he was a child. A very strong being, this one was. The Predator chained the Dark Knight’s wrists and ankles separately to restraints attached to a metal bar in a spread-eagle position and began to pull him upright. He was suspended from a heavy metal cable in the ceiling; arms over his head, legs spread widely apart. His head lolled forward, chin against chest. The alien stepped toward him and placed a collar around his neck that allowed him to see straight ahead. He quickly scanned the area looking for weapons and to check on Nightwing’s status. What he saw made his stomach lurch. Tim lay on his back, unmoving and unconscious. His nubile young body was strapped to a table. He was deathly pale. Batman decided that he must have also been drugged. Next to him at a separate table, Nightwing was shackled and doubled over at the waist. His face bloodied and bruised. A scalp laceration had taken a section of his hair as well as a portion of his left ear. Batman knew what the Predator’s terrible alien blades could do and realized that the hunter had just been toying with his young ward. No other injuries were discernable. Dick had obviously surmised that Batman was incapable of speech and movement so he began to scream and curse at the Predator in an effort to give Batman time to recover. The alien regarded Nightwing briefly then looked back at his handiwork. The Dark Knight and his protégé’s were displayed beautifully. His trophies were helpless to defend themselves. “Just ripe for the pickin’!” He reached up and Batman heard a hissing sound as his captor removed his battle helmet and the hideous face was revealed. The four claws surrounding its repulsive fanged mouth clacked loudly with excitement and anticipation. The creature’s seven-foot height towered over Batman’s six foot four inch frame but it leaned down and put its face right into Batman’s. Its brown eyes flashed. Hot breath washed over the hero’s cowl and face. ”Gonna wish your mother had never met your father,” it hissed as its leathery hands slid down and caressed the hard muscles encased in the thin, stretchy material of the Bat suit. Batman could only close his eyes. The Predator removed his utility belt and tossed it into the crate that also contained those of Nightwing and Robin. Batman smiled inwardly, knowing that the involuntary removal of his belt would summon some much-needed help. PART TWO Dick continued to trash talk the beast. “What kind of warrior sneaks up from behind? You’d never have gotten me face to face. Why don’t you unshackle me now so I can beat the shit out of you? Is that your face or a crab’s asshole? Free me and let me rearrange it for you!” Looking at Nightwing the whole time the Predator walked over to where Robin was lying. Each of his bound and helpless trophies, Batman, Nightwing and Robin were displayed in full view of each other so they could see exactly what he would be doing. “Finger lickin’ good,” he said. With one clawed finger he traced the length of the lithe 18-year-old’s hot, young body, stopping at the mound between the unconscious boy’s legs. Dick screamed at the monster not to touch him. Tim awoke groggily. The creature laughed as it continued to rub and tease the growing shaft, which began to tent against the restraining jockstrap beneath his clingy tights. Tim moaned softly and ground his hips forward into the huge hand surrounding his fully erect stiffness. A dot of wetness stained the fabric at his cock head. “Bruce,” whispered the boy. The Predator rearranged the shackles and rolled the boy’s prostrate form onto his stomach and began to stroke and fondle his bubble-shaped buttocks with one hand while cupping the boy’s genitals in the other. Tim ground his erection into the monster’s groping hand harder and harder until he finally erupted in his costume. With a flick of its wrist, the Predator caused the sharp and deadly blades to spring from their housing. They glinted in the harshness of the overhead lighting. The table upon which Tim lay was situated at the monster’s waist and he leaned over and grasped the gaily colored material of Robin’s costume and sliced away the jockstrap, tights and trunks with the blades in two deft movements. He removed the jock and trunks, which were now stained with Tim’s huge load of sweet boy-cum and wadded them into a ball. He brought the soiled clothing over to where Nightwing was tethered and shoved them into his face. Then he took Robin’s trunks around to the hero’s displayed buttocks and sliced the smooth, clingy material away from his skin. Dick continued to trash talk and attempted to kick the Predator and free himself but instead, he pushed against the extended blades, which easily sliced into his tender gluteal flesh. He yelped and the alien laughed as red blood flowed down the creamy white flesh of Nightwing’s buttocks. Dick heard the “SHWIIING” sound as the creature retracted the blades after having wiped them clean with Robin’s trunks. He then gripped a butt cheek in each hand and spread apart the muscular cheeks revealing Dick’s red rosebud pucker and smeared some of the warm, salty blood across the opening. He tested the hole with one then two then three clawed fingers, which were easily taken. The young man winced as he could feel the intruding fingers entering him and palpating his prostate gland. He clinched his buttocks tightly, squeezing the hand that was quickly withdrawn. What happened next caused him to seriously reassess his tactics. The monster roughly held his cheeks apart and painfully thrust his entire fist into Nightwing’s sensitive hole, ripping and tearing the tender opening. ”Crab’s asshole,” it said as it ravaged the young man’s orifice over and over. As Dick opened his mouth to scream the creature stuffed Robin’s stained and wadded jockstrap into his mouth, muffling his wails. The Predator then reached between the hero’s muscular thighs and grasped his ball sac, then farther up. Again the walls reverberated with laughter as the creature encountered Dick’s massive hard-on. He grasped the turgid flesh at its stalk and with the other hand tore the costume forward, revealing Dick’s engorged cock and full, meaty balls. The alien leaned over and grasped the shaft, milking the young man while he fist-fucked him. Dick groaned as he shot his load into a waiting container. Tears streamed down the young crime fighter’s face as he felt the shame of this ultimate humiliation in front of Tim and Bruce. The creature finished with Nightwing and looked at Batman, whose eyes were burning with hatred. He still hung there, unmoving, his muscles still affected by the paralyzing drug. This was the worst torture he’d ever endured, seeing his loved ones treated as sex toys. Somehow he would make this Predator pay. Some day he would have revenge. The monster stepped over to him and pinched his nostrils closed and tilted back his head. The Dark Knight’s mouth opened and the creature poured Dick’s cum down his throat. Batman choked and coughed as the gooey cream snaked down his craw. He wished he could spit the entire mouthful into the ugly alien’s grotesque face but his body continued to betray him. To add insult to injury, he became aware that his cock was becoming painfully hard from watching Robin and Nightwing’s sexual torture. Bruce also realized that he was actually savoring the taste of his former lover’s seed, a taste that had been denied him since Dick’s move to Bludhaven. He could almost feel Dick’s hot hands on his stiff man-meat as it pushed uncomfortably at the thin summer-weight material of his costume. Batman was jolted back to reality by the sound of the deadly blades springing again from their housing. The collar was ripped from his neck. His eyes widened as the creature sliced away the material at his groin, allowing his dick the sweet freedom it craved. His body twitched as the alien played the smooth, cold, non-bladed sides of the metal over the heat of his engorged shaft, paying special attention to the cut tip. He arched his head back and realized he was regaining the use of his strong muscular body. He flexed his arms, legs and abs as the creature moved in to caress his ball sac. Bruce could feel that he was on the verge of orgasm when the creature suddenly discontinued his groping. The Predator stood back in full view of all three and, leaving his wide belt in place, removed his armored codpiece. All eyes widened at the sight of the huge, fat 14”, scaly prick jutting proudly from its groin. The fat, juicy ball sac was also gargantuan; the same yellow color as the Predator’s skin. The monster peeled back his foreskin revealing a pea-green cock head with a large slit, which ran from one side to the other. A green drop glistened at the opening. The alien’s cock was so heavy that it pointed downward, swaying side to side as the creature displayed it to his captives. Light green droplets spotted the floor as the Predator stepped over to where the Batman was writhing in his bonds to free himself. The monster took hold of his chubby Bat-shaft and laughed, then jammed his steely cock into Batman’s nuts. The Dark Knight grunted as he felt the wind knocked out of him and he hung loosely in his chains. The Predator stepped over to Robin, who was still lying on his stomach, his beautiful, naked ass exposed. The monster began to rub his oozing shaft against the boy’s face, smearing his creamy discharge on the Boy Wonder’s mask, lips, chin and cheeks. Tim struggled and bucked as the monster easily picked him up and carried the wiggling boy to a chair-type object. The Predator sat down with Tim over one knee and lubed his exposed pucker with the slimy discharge from his alien cock. He then sat back in the chair and picked up Tim’s lightweight frame then slammed him down forcefully onto the full length of his huge, alien crank. Tim’s mouth opened in a silent scream and he stopped struggling as the steely shaft plowed into him, cleaving him to his very core. The Predator breathed heavily and began to rock the Boy Wonder back and forth while continuing to pick him up and slam him back down on his rigid prick. Blood soon stained the monster’s length as he brutally raped the 18-year-old’s sweet young ass. ”Big bait catches big Bats,” he exclaimed and soon he was climaxing profusely into Tim’s bowels. When he was finished, he roughly threw the used young hero to the deck, a mixture of blood, feces and green slime oozing from his ravaged hole. The creature again laughed as it stepped to Nightwing, who was breathing heavily through flared nostrils. The Predator rubbed his soiled but still rock-hard cock all over Dick’s face. ”Rearrange your face,” the alien scowled and punched the hero, not knocking him out but causing blood to flow from his newly broken nose. Nightwing was still reeling from the fist fuck and seemed to be on his last legs. The monster extended the blades and used them to extricate the bloody cum and saliva soaked fabric from Dick’s mouth. Holding the fierce blades to his captive’s face he thrust his groin at the young man’s mouth. ”Bigger bait catches bigger Bats,” he said as he thrust his gore-covered shaft into the hero’s mouth. At first, Nightwing gasped and choked but soon he was throating the length without gagging. As the creature screamed with pleasure, Dick’s bloody nose discharged bright red blood onto the alien’s body as it brutally pounded in and out, again and again. The Predator fucked his face until it came. By then, Dick had mercifully passed out. The alien removed his cock and Batman could see that it was still fully aroused, even as its cum continued to drip from the slotted opening in the head. The creature moved towards the Bat. “I’ll kill you if it’s the last thing I do, you grotesque alien fuck!” swore the Dark Knight, finally regaining the power of speech. “Even if you kill the three of us, there’s one man on this planet who will hunt YOU down and make YOU beg for mercy.” A red light started to beep on the console. The Predator peeled back its fangs and lips in a hideous smile. “Big champion bait for bigger champion,” it hissed and left the room. PART THREE Moments later, the Dark Knight breathed a sigh of relief as Superman flew into the ship. “Great Krypton!” he exclaimed as he looked around the room. “Predator! He’s here on the ship with us!” Batman cried as the Man of Steel tended to Tim and Dick, placing them together on one of the far tables. “They’re both alive,” Superman said. He was obviously outraged that he had arrived too late to save them from being subjected to such animalistic torture. “As soon as I get your chains off I’ll fly you all to the Bat Cave for medical attention. Then I’ll come back here and take care of that evil monster.” He stepped towards Batman, pretending not to notice his huge, hot, pre-cum oozing cock and began to unchain the captive’s arm, his muscular back to the door through which the Predator had quietly re-entered. He held a strange looking weapon with two hands and pointed it at the Man of Steel. He laughed and as Superman turned toward him he fired. A green blast flew from the muzzle, striking the surprised Kryptonian full in the chest. He was thrown across the room, the green light wrapping around his upper body, constricting his arms to his sides. “Kryptonite!” Superman moaned as his tremendous strength waned. Struggling mightily, he rolled on the floor, obviously in great pain, unable to break free of the tightening bonds; his upper body tightly enveloped from his neck almost to his waist. His legs flailed helplessly. Eventually he stopped moving; his great strength effectively leeched by the glowing, upper body cocoon. ”Bigger champion down,” laughed the Predator as he straddled the disabled Man of Steel, his engorged cock dripping onto Superman’s red briefs. ”Son of a bitch!” Batman screamed in frustration. He realized now that he had been utterly duped and merely used as bait to lure the Kryptonian into this insidious trap. SUPERMAN had been the prize that this evil hunter pursued. The Dark Knight now easily surmised that since the Predator had known the weak spot in his costume, he would surely know about the duress signal in his utility belt. In his uncharacteristic haste to save the Boy Wonder, he had become unbalanced. Instead of his keeping with his usual cold detachment and intelligent assessment capabilities he had become emotionally handicapped by love and fear, causing him to rush forward stupidly and blindly. This whole ordeal was completely his fault. Batman struck out with the arm that Superman had loosened. He clocked the monster squarely on the side of its face, causing it to reel and almost fall. The Predator was really pissed now! He extended the wrist blades with a quick flick of his wrist and arced them around over the Dark Knight’s head, cleanly cutting through the chains holding the hero’s other arm. Off balance, as his ankles were still chained, Batman fell to the floor where he was cruelly kicked repeatedly in the sides and head. The evil alien grabbed some cuffs off a rack and trussed the hero’s hands behind his back, then hog-tied him to the ankle restraints, causing his pelvis to be thrust outward as he lay painfully disabled on the deck. Unfortunately, his penis was again fully erect and it swayed embarrassingly in his crotch as he was being bound. ”Likes men; likes pain!” The Predator looked at the two powerless superheroes at his feet. Superman continued to moan softly, his eyes closed tightly. Batman struggled to free himself as he lay on his side, his engorged shaft waving wildly. The creature chuckled and went to the console where he retrieved a crown-shaped headpiece. He bent over the Man of Steel and placed it on his brow. Superman’s blue eyes opened. They appeared glassy and blank. With a hand on each, he dragged the two captives together so Superman’s face was directly in Batman’s bulging groin. The monster grabbed the swollen Bat-cock and placed it at the Kryptonian’s lips. The headpiece obviously affected Superman in a strange way as he firmly latched on to the turgid member and sucked desperately. Within moments Batman had noisily erupted into the other hero’s mouth, but Superman continued to lap. Bruce’s penis went momentarily limp then began to harden once again. ”Drug works,” said the Predator, watching with rapt attention as he fingered Superman’s pucker-hole through the sweat-soaked, thin material of his costume. He then rose and secured Nightwing and Robin to each other in a position where they could observe what the Predator had in store for the fallen heroes. The Man of Steel continued to suck Batman off again and again until, at last, Batman had a painful, dry cum. The Kryptonian lay exhausted with Batman’s limp member lolling like a fat worm at his lips. Cum spilled from his mouth and pooled around the root of the Dark Knight’s spent cock and in his wet, dark pubic hair. The Predator removed the strange headgear from Superman’s sweaty brow. The Man of Steel blinked away the stupor and was horrified to find himself in the position he was in. The monster howled with laughter at the expression on Superman’s face. He then grasped the surprised hero by his hair and heaved him onto the table where Tim had lain and lowered it from waist high to about three feet off the deck. The Predator then rubbed the Kryptonian’s groin until his penis was hard and standing fully erect. The monster grabbed the yellow-belted red trunks and removed them. Superman’s cock strained at the blue tights underneath and the Predator liberated the swollen member with a swipe of his blades. The super-cock sprang from the shredded blue fabric and the huge uncut length thumped against the Man of Steel’s sculptured eight-pack, leaving a trail of pre-cum on his costume. Superman was too weak to protest as his kryptonite cocoon tightened even more around his muscular torso when he struggled. The evil alien straddled the Man of Steel and rubbed his own incredible length against the hero’s hard cock and cupped his hand around the huge ball sac of his captive, as if to assess its contents. He seemed pleased. The Predator then stood and made sure all his captives could see as he removed his wide belt. A strip of fabric was wrapped around its torso. The Predator began to peel it off, revealing a three-inch vertical slit in its pubic region, just above the base of its cock. “Hermaphrodites!” He hissed and laughed. Superman stared wide-eyed and unabashedly horrified at the Predator’s exposed genitalia. The creature spread the Man of Steel’s legs wide and tore the costume wider to expose the Kryptonian’s pink virgin orifice then bent them and strapped them up so his knees were touching his shoulders. His asshole puckered below the huge ball sac and throbbing cock in a breathtaking display. The monster grabbed Superman’s rock hard cock and leaned onto it, guiding it between the now-glistening lips of the pubic slit. He closed his eyes and groaned as the creature easily took in the full length of hard, thick Kryptonian meat and began to rock him in and out of the slick orifice. The Predator pulled back and just as Superman thought the other alien would thrust down hard on his member again the monster surprised him and jammed his own massive cock into the Man of Steel’s exposed anus. Superman howled with pain as the gigantic cock ploughed into him again and again and he begged for it to stop. ”Make YOU beg for mercy!” Batman recognized his words from earlier. Robin whimpered and tears flowed from his eyes as he witnessed the rape of Superman. Nightwing closed his eyes, refusing to give their captor the satisfaction of being a witness. Eventually, Superman began to rock in motion with the monster and soon both were bucking ferociously, moving at a frenzied pace until they both erupted simultaneously. Sweat drenched their spent bodies. The Predator quickly removed himself to another room leaving Superman to go limp, alien cum dripping out of his violated ass. After a short time the creature returned wearing the yellow belted trunks from the Man of Steel’s costume, his alien meat spilling out the sides, cum stains across the front. He stepped over to the table and removed the leg restraints causing them to crash back down to the table. The kryptonite bonds loosened slightly as Superman ceased his movement and his breathing eased somewhat. He gasped as he saw the Predator in his stained red tights but he was helpless to do anything about it. ”Got milk?” the creature asked as he wheeled a machine over to the table. He fitted a condom over the hero’s still chubby penis, which was attached to hoses and a reservoir. He flicked the switch and the condom vibrated and hummed as it puffed up around the Kryptonian’s shaft. Superman was able to resist for a while but his body soon betrayed him and within minutes his cum was flowing through the tubes and into the reservoir. Over and over the machine drove him to orgasm after orgasm until his once juicy testicles were shrunken and wrinkled and blood began to flow into the container. The Predator shut off the machine and removed the precious man-seed, placing it into a special chamber in the console. ”Gonna be a DADDY,” the Predator said, looking at Superman while patting his abdomen. ”SUPER-PREDATOR” it chuckled. PART FOUR Superman was aghast at the possibility that he may have impregnated the Predator. And not only had he provided seed for one Predator, but a whole ball-sac-load for others as well. He had played right into the evil alien’s hands by rushing headlong into danger to save his friends. The ramifications were enormous. A generation of SUPER-PREDATORS could someday enslave and rule the universe. An evil race fathered by him! He had to destroy that container but he was helpless to do so. The kryptonite was continuing to weaken him as he lay on the table where he’d been brutally violated. His anus was throbbing terribly and he could feel the slimy juice leaking from his body. The once mighty Man of Steel felt utterly helpless, utterly defenseless with Batman, Nightwing and Robin as witnesses to his humiliation and defeat. The Predator sensed his despair and pranced around the table in Superman’s red costume tights, his huge prick swollen and hanging out of a leg hole. Some of Batman’s ribs were broken from the beating he’d received and he was coughing up bubbly, bright red blood. A rib must have punctured a lung. He still lay hog-tied on the floor, his spent cock amazingly semi-erect from watching Superman’s rape. Nightwing was also conscious and sported a rigid staff. His violated mouth still tasted of blood, semen and feces and he could feel the blood seeping down his leg from the fist fuck and the cuts on his ass. He cursed himself for being so stupid as to have been caught by the Predator. He knew Batman had battled with their kind before but this was his first encounter with the brutal species. He hoped that if he lived it would be the last. Tim seemed to be in a state of shock, his eyes glassy and unresponsive. No doubt he’d been very seriously traumatized by his captor’s torture. The Predator laughed as he surveyed his handiwork. ”Earth’s finest," he howled then threw a large net on the deck. He roughly grabbed Batman by the cuffs and threw him to the center of the net. Next he threw Dick and Tim on top of him. All three lay helpless, their exposed genitals exposed by their shredded costumes. The creature then stepped over to Superman and grabbed him by the flaccid cock and flung him on top of the pile. His oozing asshole stained and slimed the others as he landed on them. All heard the loud “CRAAACK”, as Batman’s left arm was broken when the Man of Steel’s bulk came crashing down upon him. The Dark Knight screamed in pain and his chest ached as he felt the rib further puncturing the lung. He passed out. The Predator gathered up the ends of the net over his prey and dragged them out of the ship and into the woods. He dumped them unceremoniously a short distance away then walked back to the cave entrance. He turned and yelled, ”Thanks for the memories!” as he grabbed his package through Superman’s briefs. Moments later the alien ship roared out of the cave and into the evening sky, becoming only a twinkle in minutes. Superman could feel his kryptonite bonds loosening and twenty minutes later he was able to free himself and the others. Within an hour he’d recovered enough to fly them to the Bat Cave for much-needed medical attention. Not a word had been spoken. Alfred worked silently as he assessed their injuries and tended to their individual treatment. The Man of Steel showered then sat silently off to the side, gloomily pondering his choices. He’d donned a fresh pair of Bruce’s Bat tights and had burned his torn and soiled costume with his heat vision. Finally he stood and came over to assist Alfred. The three fallen heroes were each in a clean, fresh bed. “Sorry,” Superman said to the Bat clumsily, feeling foolish and awkward. “You know what you must do?” the Dark Knight said, a statement more than a question. “Yes,” said Superman. “I’ll leave as soon as I know you’re all okay.” “Leave now! Earth may be doomed. You’ve wasted too much time already!” “I’ll find that alien and I’ll find that ship or I’ll die trying!” Superman said. He turned and walked out into the hot summer night. Comments go to


10 Gay Erotic Stories from JohnanymousDoe

Advances In Micro-Circuitry Electronics, Part 2: C

Part 3 The spring day was very sunny but sudden wind gusts blew up to twenty miles per hour. An excited crowd was gathering in the beautiful, spacious garden of the new Massitanian Embassy, which was to be dedicated that morning by the Crown Prince. All hoped he would make his appearance soon. Clark knew the schedule: The dedication was first, then his interview. He waited with the

Advances In Micro-Electronic Circuitry

Chapter One The evil robot dropped the woman as the Man of Steel pried its mechanical hands apart then knocked it off balance with a mighty blow. The robot recovered, catching Superman in a tight bear hug. The hero quickly broke loose but the large but speedy mechanical man was on him again; this time lifting him from behind by the waist and applying a vice-like chokehold. Steel

Penis Man Forever, Part 1

[Thanks to whomever it was that came up with this character. I salute you.] The planet Virilus was in deep despair having learned of yet another failure by its latest champion. The vulgar cretins of Earth had destroyed yet another Penis Man! The esteemed Council of Elders had sent the proudest and finest young men of their ancient race to Earth to act as her guardian against

Penis Man Forever, Part 2

Pro’Phallus awoke after entering the inter-dimensional portal to find himself in a strange chamber surrounded by men he’d never seen. “They must be the Guardians of Manhood!” he thought and wondered what may lie ahead. His powerful wrists had been skillfully lashed together as well as his shapely ankles. It was all he could do to keep his fabulously muscled and well-toned body from


PART ONE The last words the Dark Knight heard before the debilitating dart penetrated his gauntlet chilled his blood and caused both the hesitation and the opportunity. ”I’m baaaack!” a voice trilled in a raspy, unearthly, singsong voice. His legs buckled and he crashed heavily and helplessly to the ground. The sounds of raucous laughter rang in Batman’s ears. “Predator!” his

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 1

“He’s coming!” one of the men whispered, sweat stains covering his tight spandex leotard. “I hear him in the anteroom!” “I think I’m coming too!” said his similarly clad companion, barely managing to keep his pulsating cock from spilling its load as it strained at its spandex encased pouch. The anticipation was excruciating as they and their ten companions observed the large room of

Superman: Red, White And Blew, Part 2

The brawny dozen dragged their captive, led by his tightly grasped dick, to a nearby table marked “ONE”. The choking cape was removed from around his throat allowing him to breathe easier, even through the gag. The muscular men placed the Man of Steel in a seated, slightly reclining position at the center of a large cushioned table. His hands were secured to a wide bar above his head

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 3

Superman reluctantly opened his eyes. Jimmy laid across the room, moaning softly, his nose and mouth oozing dark red blood. A numbered form lay still beneath him. Luthor was nowhere to be seen. The rest of the men were speaking in hushed tones as they snacked or hosed off their spunky, costumed bodies at a wash station in the far corner. He heard one of the men say that Jimmy had

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 4

The Man of Steel had been cleansed thoroughly again with plenty of the aphrodisiac-laced soap and his glowing skin tingled gloriously from the fondling, groping caresses of his ten captors. His beautiful body pulsed with enhanced sensation, making him drunk with pleasure and full of longing for more stimulation. The desire for erotic pleasure now overpowered every other thought and

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 5: Conclusion

Hours later they awoke feeling slightly lightheaded and nauseous. As they untangled themselves from each other, they noticed that their skin was covered with a painful, red rash. Some had open, oozing sores on their penises and groins. They looked in horror at each other’s bodies and then noticed that the Man of Steel lay still and quiet. A deathly gray pallor had replaced the


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