Gay Erotic Stories

Super Conquest: Superman Meets His Master, Part 1

by Bj

Superman's blue and red uniform glistened under the bright beams of light. As he stood alone, oblivious to his fate, the only sound emanating from his muscled torso was the gentle swirl of his cape, emblazoned with the famous "S". Occasionally a sigh escaped his lips, as if Superman knew what lay before him, hesitatingly expectant, not fully understanding the call which brought him to this strange place, but somehow knowing that his life of service was about to change forever. The room was eerily dark but warm. A grey stone floor stretched into walls of black velvet while the ceiling disappeared into a soundless black hole. A large, dark sofa sat in the middle next to an unusually large throne-like chair, too big even for the pacing super hero. Handsome - even beautiful - more than six foot-two in height, Superman exuded anonymous caller to appear, his features became even more stunning-flaring eyes the color of crystal blue waters; dark - almost black - hair framing a square-jaw and dimpled, lightly bearded and smoothly complected face; lips not too large but full, their red color drawing attention at once; a classical nose often ignored by observers, until it flared in heat and lust; and ears protruding gracefully from under the tips of silky strands of curly hair. Though fabric covered bare flesh it was readily apparent that Superman was like no earthling. The brilliant light accented the majesty of his chest, the depth of the abdominal valleys, the rippling power and dimensions of his thighs, and most impressively, the tenderness and vulnerability of the deeply-dimpled buttocks. A corded and sinewy neck melded into broad, muscular shoulders from which hung arms of immense size. Under his swishing cape was visible a deeply muscled back, veeing resolutely down towards the sunken valley sheltering his manly opening. With each sporadic movement his torso contracted and expanded, causing his uniform to bulge in a display of rugged muscularity Superman's smooth, square pecs stood out 6 inches from his rib cage. As he turned, they rippled, engorged. From these muscular mountains peaked two swarthy nipples whose size and texture were tantalizingly hidden from eyesight. The torso descended along a deeply crevassed abdominal wall, settling into a garden of sexual delights tantalizingly displayed in the pouch jutting from his deep red shorts. Tree-trunk thighs surrounding his most sensitive opening. Superman's every movement reflected his beauty, as if he was an offering to an alien god. That god was about to enter the chamber and become lord of the man standing in mute, if unknowing, servitude. "Superman! Thank you for coming. I'm sorry to be late." A man, much larger, older and more ruggedly handsome than his guest extended a hand which was taken cautiously. Eye contact was acknowledged with gentle nods and upturned lips not yet describable as smiles. That would come later - much later. "Please, sit down while I order refreshments." "That won't be necessary, thank you. I don't have much time." The older man merely smiled. An overwhelming aura of omnipotence surrounded him. Superman was unsettled by this presence. He shifted impatiently from one leg to another, his butt muscles tightening. "How can I be of service to you?" "Let's not rush, Superman. The extent of your offer will become clearer in time. Why don't we sit down and introduce ourselves? After all we are about to become quite intimately involved." What is happening here?, thought the younger man, I can't figure out what he's after! But I don't want to leave . . . just yet . . . I don't think I can . . . for some reason . Superman sat down on the sofa as commanded while his host settled his bulkier and more muscular frame on the wooden chair. Superman started. "I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about - and I don't think I really want to . . ." A firm, dominating voice brought this protestation to a halt. "Superman, you have no choice in the matter. Listen to what I am about to tell you for you will never be the same again." And with that the super hero settled into the welcoming cushions, less in irritation than in curiosity. After a pause which belied the significance of the moment the man described a future of service that lay before the muscular figure whose pecs, even now, were rising and falling with an intensity unknown to their possessor. Superman sat expectantly, legs casually spread, arms resting nervously at his side. "You are about to enter a world of unconditional and absolute service. You will become my servant, Superman, fulfilling your rightful destiny. You will be - as you are now - a man who through superhuman efforts dedicates his life to another. You will resist at first - as I can tell from your demeanor - but you will ultimately capitulate to the discoveries you are about to make and the demands of your soul and flesh." "What are you talking about? You must be absolutely out of your mind! I am a slave to no one . . . !" The giant figure cut Superman off with a shout. "My dear Superman, you are about to become one! You will discover a craving for servitude! Your body will beg for it! Your whole psyche will hunger for it! You will do whatever your steaming blood and flesh command! Your life will become one of unequivocal servitude to forces beyond your control! THAT is your DESTINY!" A bitter laugh burst from the figure now stretched on the sofa. Superman hoisted his right leg with a casualness born of an innate confidence. Yet his movements reflected a growing unease. His hands moved quickly about his thighs, and there was an occasional pass of his palm across his pecs, resting- just for a flickering second- upon a nipple, rising insistently with a newly-discovered inevitability through the translucent fabric of his blue attire. Superman moaned. My God! What is going on here? What is happening to me? He caught himself tweaking his right nipple. Superman started to panic. Rashly, with an impetuousness unusual to him, Superman yelled: "I don't care WHAT you say! This is RIDICULOUS and I'm not staying any longer!" And with a massive shove he pushed himself up off the sofa - or at least he tried to - for Superman suddenly crashed back into the cushions as if his superhuman strength had deserted him. IT HAD! "What is happening? Whaaaa . . . what have you done to me? I've lost my . . . my . . powers! Who are you? What do you want from me?" For the first time in his life Superman experienced fear. No longer able to control his fate he began to squirm in new-found discomfort. I've got to keep my head clear! He thought. I've got to get my body back into control! I've got to find out what he wants from me! But the older stallion had read the younger's mind. "It is not what I want from you, Superman, but what you crave from me! Service and servitude await you, as your body - if not yet your mind - well knows! Now you will discover your fate as a slave for I am your MASTER! My powers, though alien to you, have telekenetically eliminated your mediocre Kryptonian magic! Your powers are gone, Superman, only to be returned at my command and, at my pleasure. I am your true Master and you will learn to gratify me!" And with a scream so piercing that it seemed to be coming from the dungeons of the Marquis de Sade, Superman thrashed about the furniture on which he had been seated for the last half- hour. His immense pecs twitched and heaved and his large, knotty biceps went stony as his lungs sucked air and rippled the corrugated ridges of his belly. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..gggggggggghhhhhhhhhh..eeeeeeeeeeeeeee....oooooo. Try as he might Superman could not get up, nor could he roll away to escape his tormentor. With his thick arms flailing weakly about him, his head careening wildly from side to side and up and down, his nostrils flaring and lips puckering and gasping, he was an Adonis trapped in a deadly vise, realizing he is about to be sacrificed to a more lethal force, and recognizing -if only slowly - that what he had been told by this alien giant WILL come about, and that he, Superman, might WANT it to happen! God, no, no...NO! He discovered that his manhood was steel hard. Is my throbbing cock proof of what he is telling me? he asked himself. "Superman, are you ready to learn how to gratify another man? How to become Super slave to your Master? How to make your flesh the key to your own happiness?" The Master stood before the sweat-soaked figure now struggling vainly to repudiate the rigid evidence of his own lust. "Never, never, never, never . . ." Superman whimpered while the springs of the bouncing sofa joined his groans in a symphony of desperation. Oh sweet Krypton! Please help me! the cringing beauty silently pleaded, for he was ashamed to utter cries for help. "Mmmmmmm . . . ggrrrrrrrrraaaaaahhhhhhHHHHHH!" gurgled from Superman's dry lips, open-mouthed in stunned disbelief. The beautiful male torso twisted in humiliating agony. Sweat drenched Superman's colorful uniform. Muscles rippled in his arms and legs and veins popped in his blood-reddened forehead, evidence of a desperate struggle to escape. Never was the virile splendor of this superhuman being more evident nor his vulnerability so acute. Suddenly, slowly, the sofa collapsed into a mammoth black bed. The limp Superman, now flat on his back, displayed the beauty that would be his salvation. The Master yanked Superman's limbs, one by one, and like a muscular Christ, Superman's wrists and ankles were bound to the corners of the bed. His chest rose and fell and his pecs swelled with each rasping breath. His nipples, previously small nubs, tented high into the body-hugging fabric. These fleshy tubes screamed as mutely as Superman groaned openly, pleading for a touch and friendly lips. Once sucked, they suggested the promise of something wet and sweet . Through Superman's translucent uniform was clearly visible the peaks and valleys of his abdomen. Squirming caused these spectacular muscles to spasm repeatedly across the horizontal plateau, directing attention to the pulsating stick tenting from the "basket of death." Superman's cock was the dream of millions, yet it had never been so visible as now. It seemed surprisingly small . . . its Kryptonian girth almost the same size as its now hard 4-inch length.... like the tip of a sawn-off baseball bat . . . really a fleshy plug. Maybe that is why the stubby tube had never risen so high before. No doubt the twitching thighs, now bucking and thrashing, were thrusting it to full glory for every blood vessel coiling around it could be detected through tears in Superman's briefs, disintegrating under the unrelenting pressure of his throbbing lust. With swiftness and surprise, the older man suddenly drove his massive knee into the heaving form. Superman gagged, then for the first time but not last screamed in mind-bending pain. His terror increased when he saw the size of the figure above him. His assailant stood disrobed, immense and powerful, with arms so massive that Superman yelled, fearing he could be ripped apart. But what most mesmerized the whimpering hunk was the bat-sized phallus poised to stab him. Juices dripped from the pulsating tool and drenched the genitals of the bound man. Snatching Superman's wet cock through the ripped red briefs, the older man squeezed and jerked with a strength unknown to the younger, forcing him to cry out. That the sensations only hardened his cock Superman did not yet consciously acknowledge. "YOUR COCK IS NOW MINE, Superman! From this moment you satisfy no one else with it, including yourself! I own it just as I command your every organ. Your stubby little cock will grow larger than you have ever imagined, but without my permission it will never spurt your steaming fluids. As often as you try, as many holes or mouths you feed with it, none will bring you satisfaction. Your balls will engorge with juice. They will ache and drop to your knees, but still you will not find relief. Cock and balls will soon become irrelevant to your pleasure for only in serving me will you obtain the rewards you crave - the euphoria of pleasing another man. So when your cock and balls are lashed and pierced and hung for my enjoyment, you will welcome it, plead for it, and then ignore it!" With a mighty roar the Master's giant palm snatched the suddenly shriveling tube of flesh and yanked the crotch of the pinioned Superman into the air. "Oh my fucking GOD!" moaned the gasping figure. "The PAIN! You're tearing my penis off! I won't have a COCK left!" Slowly and painfully, the weight of Superman's body tore the raw foreskin from the encircling palm and the wailing mass of flesh crashed limply to the sofa bed below. The Master chuckled as the torso crashed with a THUDD! Methodically Superman's new master commenced his enslavement. For the first few minutes an energy field emanating from the Master's massaging hands disintegrated all the hair on Superman's crotch making it so baby smooth that not even stubble remained. Then, a dozen linked gold metal rings were scraped over the sensitive 4 inch mushroom knob, their size decreasing from base to tip. The tube now looked like a crushed sausage compressed by a grilled cage. The rings held the organ straight. Short and hard, it throbbed above Superman's hairless pelvis. Next, jerking the hairless, grapefruit-sized testicles from their roots, the Master tightly wrapped them with fine, gold wire. Each male egg stood detached, four inches from the ring-encircled symbol of Superman's submission. As the cock became blood-engorged, the tied genitals turned blue, as if bruised by unbearable pounding. To re-enforce his power the Master's fingers squeezed the throbbing sperm makers. "Oh, NO! Nooooo! Please?! Noooo!" whimpered Superman. Humiliating tears dribbled out as the Master's hand ripped off the remains of the thin blue shirt and caressed the virgin flesh of the quivering Adonis. All hair on Superman's torso vanished, too, leaving only soft, glistening, baby-smooth flesh. Slowly, and with an experience gained from centuries, the Master's roughened hands smoothed the cares of the impotent stallion. When they pinched the milky nobs, cries arose from the once-mighty Superman as he battled to throw off this latest assault. "NO . . . NO . .. NO . . . NO . . ." Pitching his head and thickly corded neck, his arms and legs still frozen and outstretched, Superman thrust first one engorged pec, then the other in an attempt to repel the attacks. But to no avail, for the tits were quickly enwrapped by a mouth and hands expert in extracting the milk of obstinate slaves. The only noise emanating from the powerless stallion was never-ending wolf-like howls mixed with sniffling gasps and swallows. "You will learn to savor this milking, Superman. Without it you will merely become an insipid slave, a whore rather than a glorious servant. Your tits will bulge with milk as frequently as I demand and despite the torment of a bursting load, or the painful bloat of sagging pecs, you will never complain. The key is to seek pain in your search for ecstasy." Superman struggled to get up as the Master's teeth sank deeply into the enormous, swollen tits. The clamor of gnawing, like watermelons being attacked, echoed from the walls of the chamber. The Master's tongue sucked first one tit, then the other as he coarsely massaged and kneaded the swelling pecs. Like a wad of juicy gum, the teeth pulled and chewed until Superman begged that the shooting pains stop. But they did not, could not! Quickly, the tits hardened and grew until they reached 3inches becoming long, stiff spikes. Like mini-cocks they were pumped by the Master's crushing fingers making them even harder, their milk slits spasming O's in desperate need to pump their loads. The throbbing agony only increased Superman's howls. Like a cow's engrossed udder, milk finally, but for the first time, squirted out through the long tubes. Superman's chest involuntarily fucked the air with hot, sticky fluids. As the rubbery nipples pounded in sequence . . . SPLAT ...splat . . . SPLAT...splat . SPLAT...splat . . . the Master threw his massive frame on top of the whimpering Superman. Face stared at face . . . lips hovered over lips. The Master's phallus crushed the purple offerings now blood engorged in painful submission underneath. Superman's weakened biceps and thighs could not resist for he could barely breathe. But still Superman would not surrender. "You have much to appreciate about your life, Superman. Acquiesce and you will discover the noblest rewards are in service." "Please! STOP! Help me. . . STOP.. NOOOOoooooooo! Never! OOOOOOHHHHHHH!" "Then for your own good I must persevere, Superman!" With Superman's swollen nipples steadily leaking white juice the Master tore the remaining uniform off the beet-reddened torso and flung it onto the stone floor. Gone, too, were the tights and cape which once so suavely clothed the handsome man. Superman's bruised, pearl-white body leaked copious rivers of salty juices as if an offering to alien gods. And indeed this was an offering to his new Master but Superman still did not accept this. The rites of abasement and slavery continued. Superman yelled and his body writhed instinctively when his conqueror clutched and squeezed the bound symbols of his former manhood. Abruptly, the teeth of one gigantic 3 inch metal clamp dug into the pounding left tit. The Master tugged viciously. "TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" came a howl. "You'll rip it OFF!" The hard tit was yanked into subservience. The Master squeezed another clamp around the pulsating right tit. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT DO YOU WANT?......PLEASE . . . take it OFF! Please . . ." Slowly, as each clamp was screwed tight, tiny sharp knives cut from one edge of the corpulent nubs to the other. The metal teeth could be dislodged only if the love buds were ripped from the heaving chest. Joining the metal tit-traps with the golden chain, the Master pulled tautly so that the love buds appeared to reach out to embrace each other. By grabbing the metal chain with a yank the spiked tits jumped obscenely from their fleshy beds, squirting their liquids like fountains into the air. Splat! Splat! Splat! they resounded on the slave's white skin. Superman's body responded instinctively to this new command and curved upwards from the sofa, shrieking. The Master released the tension and the whimpering hulk fell back. Viciously the chain was yanked again, and again the limp form responded, moans alternating with sobs. Like a yo-yo Superman's crotch was snapped up and down. With his cock and balls lashed and his tits in shackles Superman could only moan pathetically, his head bouncing, his eyes rolling hideously in their sockets, staring without seeing, his arms and legs sagging uselessly. After riding the two-legged horse for what seemed like hours, the Master dismounted. Grabbing the chained tits in one hand and the caged cock and balls in the other he threw the limp body onto the frigid stone floor, its soggy flesh resounding with a SPLAT! Bending down he lifted the purple testicles, and accompanied by further moans from the neophyte slave, forced the smooth, white thighs into the air. "Oh... SWEET KRYPTON! ..DON'T FUCK ME!.. PLEASE . . . PLEASE . . .PLEASE . . . please . . . please . . . please . . . p.l.e.a.s.e........! Oh shit . . . n..o..o..o....o......o.......! I'll do anything. ANYTHING. But don't FUCK MY ASS!" "But that is your ultimate glory, Superman! You crave this. You always have and you always will. Now plead for it!" Desperately, Superman flopped onto his belly, seeking to slither away from his tormentor. Like a beached whale he slapped his numbed forearms on the rock floor but could find no grip. His legs wiggled pathetically and his buttocks quivered and convulsed as he struggled to escape. The sound of scraping metal echoed off the walls PLEASE! PLEASE! ....NOT THAT! ...DON'T FUCK ME . . . NO. NO. Noooooo! .." went unanswered. "Your fate awaits you, Superman! Don't struggle against it!" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Superman was caught! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The Master's mammoth palms slapped the fleshy globes repeatedly. They bounced like Jell-O. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! The room echoed to the chorus of beatings, the cries of despair, and the agony of pain. Minutes passed. The bulging, dimpled ass, once so firm and tight, turned loose and scarlet. Hands probed the succulent lumps, spreading them until Superman's most hidden treasure was exposed. The manly rosebud winked in terror at the attacker, palpitating wildly. Giant fingers dove into the inviting lips. The weeping form rose on all fours to avoid this invasion. When digits were inserted howls erupted. "OH! FUCK! FUCK NO! ...NOT THERE!" The silky thighs swung from side to side in a vain attempt to repel the intruder but they could not stop the fingers slipping into the hot tunnel. Round and round they went, pinching and pulling. Giant knuckles hooked the bloated lips and then tugged the struggling form back for more! One knuckle became two, then four. Gradually all 5 were shoved into the warm cavity even as Superman continued to flop about. The Master fisted the fleshy opening and then proceeded to lift the scarlet ass off the floor. "Enjoy, Superman! Beg for death so that you may appreciate LIFE!" "OH JESUS! HELP ME! JESUS CHRIST . . . NOOOO!" Suddenly the room echoed with a POP! ... SNAP! Superman's ass muscles slapped together abruptly. The Master had removed his fist. With a sloshy bump the crotch of the once omnipotent young Adonis fell to the stone floor, his snared tits, cock and balls crushing on impact. For a moment no sound was heard except for the quiet weeping of the bruised slave. With a swift, hard kick the Master flipped the limp form onto its back. "I think you are now ready, Superman, for the final lesson!"


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Bj

My Co-worker

This is about my co-worker, Kevin, whom I have had wet dreams over for years. He is 40, about 5' 11" and 170 lbs, and what a looker. He wears jeans to work all the time that show his bulge which would make you drool. One day we had go on the road for work and share a motel room together. When we got to our room, Kevin took a shower. I put on an adult movie and waited for him to

Super Conquest: Superman Meets His Master, Part 1

Superman's blue and red uniform glistened under the bright beams of light. As he stood alone, oblivious to his fate, the only sound emanating from his muscled torso was the gentle swirl of his cape, emblazoned with the famous "S". Occasionally a sigh escaped his lips, as if Superman knew what lay before him, hesitatingly expectant, not fully understanding the call which brought him

Super Conquest: Superman Meets His Master, Part 2

With an nuclear, exploding thrust the Master's engorged weapon was driven passed the splayed thighs into the newly-discovered fuck-hole, without juice to ease its path or soften its blow. For a heartbeat of a second there was no response from the muscular hunk scrunched on the grey floor. Then, as if he had been mortally shot, Superman's lungs expelled screaming air and all the


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