Gay Erotic Stories

Summer Help

by Don Thomas

Last summer I wanted to get my driveway re-paved, so I put out bids at a few local companies. The firm I hired was owned by a middle aged man who told me his "crew" would show up the following week. On that day, a truck pulled up with a few pieces of heavy equipment...four young men came up to the door, and began to set up for the day's work. The owner was nowhere in sight, and his foreman, a rough looking man in his late twenties, began barking orders to the other three--all of whom looked to be either college kids or kids of college age. Pretty nondescript, except the one young boy who was rather tall and lean, built like a greyhound. Long, black hair down almost to the middle of his back, clean shaven and thin faced. The workers began their work, and by noon they broke for lunch. Two of them went by car to a local eatery, and the foreman and the one good looking boy--Bob--stayed on the front stairs and began eating their bag lunches. A moment later I came out and invited them in to eat at the dining room table with me...the other two fellows would not be back for an hour. They both came in, both of them glistening with sweat and their shirts off. Bob was wearing a chain around his neck, made of very fine gold. A tattoo of a wolf head was on his right pectoral. The foreman, Tim, was also naked from the waist up, and he was more heavily muscled and was bronzed/red from working in the sun. They began putting their shirts on as they both sat down at the kitchen table, but I told them to wait, I would get a few towels from the garage and they could dry off first before putting their T-shirts back on. I gave them each a towel and they began toweling off. We began chatting, and the talk came to Bob...evidently he was recently released from a short jail term and was on parole. The subject of being locked away from the outside world came up and I mentioned it must be rough not having sex for a month (his term). He just smiled and said, "Fortunately I knew the right people and I stayed away from the bad shit, although I did see a lot of stuff go on in there..." his voice trailing off. I felt a little surge of excitement when he looked wistfully off into the distance, and I realized he was recalling some visions of prison sex. "What, like blow jobs, or anal rape?" I asked. "Mostly blow jobs...they are the quickest and easiest, although I did see a few guys give it up for their men," he said. We went back to eating, and I noticed that the lunch break was almost half over...another thirty minutes and it would be back to work for them. The talk continued on and off about sex, and I sized Bob up once when he stood up to get a glass of water--his crotch had a noticeable bulge in it, probably from remembering the sexual sights he had seen in prison. "So, you must have been a fucking mad man when you finally got out and tore off a piece, eh?", I asked him. "Nope...just got out two days ago. But I am about ready to pop," he added with a wicked smile. Lunch was over and the guys went back to work. Three hours later they were done and were breaking. They were getting ready to leave and Bob knocked on the door asking if he could come in to get his shirt, which he had left in the kitchen. His foreman told him to hurry up, that they were ready to leave and he was driving him home. Bob lived about twenty miles away, in a small town that I had to drive near that night. I offered to drive him there in a little while if he wanted to just rest and relax. He smiled and told his boss to bag it, that he would stay with me and have a beer or two. When the other guys were gone, I told Bob to feel free and take a shower if he wanted, and that I had some other T-shirts he could borrow. Bob took another towel and was off into the bathroom. I heard the shower go on, and about ten minutes later he was out and drying himself off. What I wanted to give to see him naked, but I kept my distance, unsure of his reaction. However, I could feel the sexual tension in his voice when I heard him call out for me. I came to the door and asked what he wanted. "Would you mind if I lay down in your bed for a few minutes? I have a fucking headache and I just want to rest before you drive me home". I told him no problem, and I opened the door. He came out of the bathroom past me, naked except for his jockey shorts on. I pulled back the comforter and the sheet so he could lay on the linens, and I asked him why he had been in prison. He told me that he was in a group of guys at a bar that got into a brawl, but it was his second offense. "Not a roughneck...just in the wrong place again." he said. We both laughed, and I again fixed on the wolf tattoo and his washboard stomach. "Mind if I take a nap nude, or do you want me to keep my underwear on?", he asked. I haven't slept naked since I was in the joint, and you don't know how good it would feel." I told him I didn't mind. He slid off his jockeys and his meat flopped out, a nice tool that was about seven inches long and neatly cut to reveal a nicely shaped head. It looked like it was becoming slightly erect as he positioned himself flat on his back and began to pull his sheet up. I asked him how he would like to be woken up, meaning the alarm buzzer or the music setting on the clock, and he just smiled at me and said, "Be creative". I could sense that he was offering a sexual innuendo, knowing he had not had sex in a month. Also, knowing that falling asleep in a stranger's house naked was not a "normal" thing to do. Yet, I was unsure of whether or not this beautiful man wanted me to come on to him. I left the room as he relaxed, and I could see him fall asleep... About thirty minutes later I reentered the room and moved close to him. He had his eyes closed, and seemed to be sleeping very soundly. I turned off the clock alarm, which was due to go off in a few minutes. The sheets had fallen to just below his navel, and I gently lifted the sheet to look at his cock. As I did, he rustled gently and moaned very softly "C'mon, you know what I want"...a little smile spreading across his mouth. He took hold of his limp cock and slowly pulled at the began to fill a little bit with blood, but still hung there bent in half. I got into the bed with him and pulled off my shirt, keeping my shorts on. I quickly covered the head of his cock with my lips and tenderly suckled it as the shaft began to thicken and lengthen. He took his hand off his cock and let me go to work. Within moments I was gaining some rhythm, going up and down on his shaft as he rolled his head slowly from side to side. His own rhythm intensified and he began arching his back and rolling his hips up to meet my mouth. I kept my hands off his cock and rested them on his muscular thighs, his cock gliding in and out of my mouth, as I drew my lips tighter and tighter. "I've got a lot of load," he muttered as I took almost all of it in. A few seconds later, and I felt the first hot gush of cum release into my eagerly waiting mouth, and another few heavy spurts proved to me that he had indeed been saving his sex. His load was thick, hot, and more than I could accept. I had to stop sucking once just to swallow his cum, and then went back at it. When his last wave of sperm had finished, I took it out of my mouth and went down on his balls, licking them, lapping at them playfully. He groaned his appreciation, but when I went to tongue his asshole, he stopped me. "I don't want anything in my asshole" he said to my dismay. "Too bad," I said sweetly, "Some guys find that erogenous". "Do you?", he asked me. "Well, sometimes it is a turn on," I answered. I went back down on his meat and within a few moments he had another erection, and he guided me with his hands up onto all fours on the bed, my ass sticking out over the edge of the bed. He stood up and positioned himself behind me. I watched as he licked his hand and then rubbed the saliva on the head of his dick. "Wait," I told him. "Let me get sideways so I can watch in the mirror". I dresser had a mirror that was parallel to the bed, and I wanted to be able to turn my head and watch as he fucked my ass. He firmly grabbed each side of my flanks and began sliding his delightful cock into my ass. The head was actually thicker than the shaft itself, and the first few inches took a moment, the pleasure was excruciating. Then, I felt it deep in my ass, poking my insides. His cock seemed to stiffen even more, and he began pumping it in and out of me. "Oh, baby, fuck me", I moaned. He rammed it in deeper, then really let loose with a wicked streak of pumps, wildly thrashing my asshole with his cock. A few moments later and I felt him press his cock in as deeply as it would go, felt his balls dangling against my cheeks, and heard him gurgle a little bit as he let loose the remainder of his load for this day. I felt thoroughly washed out and fucked. The warmth in my ass a combination, I am sure, of his cum, sweat, and possibly some blood. We were done for the day...he washed up and we prepared to drive home. It was over, except for the head job I gave him in the parking lot of his apartment about 30 minutes later...God, that man needed some sex to make up for lost time. As might be expected, I slept a good sleep when I got back to my house that night, the taste of his seed still in my mouth, the warmth and flavor recalled.


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Don Thomas

Camper Come On

Summer of l986 and it is one hot mother. I live near Chicago and my sister owns property at a man-made camp site near Wisconsin. I wanted to escape for a few days and she let me borrow her entry card so that I could spend a few days at her site. The site itself was "spartan" to say the least, a small pop-up camper trailer that expanded when opened to comfortably sleep 2-4

Desk Attendant

In early June the health club I manage takes on new personnel, mostly high school kids and college students on vacation, looking to make some summertime money. Once in a while we get an exceptional worker. In this case, it was Chris, a 21 year old college kid going into his last year at a state college. He was finishing off a physical education degree, and he was in the right

Front Seat Help

Sally and Jim were friends of a friend who went out one night with a group of us. The drinks were flowing pretty good, and before midnight Sally promised Jim a blowjob when they got home, since it was the day before Jim's birthday. The drunker she got, the sloppier she got, and Jim was pretty vocal that she was going to have to swallow his load, which apparently Sally

Helping A Room Mate

Freshman year at a midwest college, and I had been living in the dorm with my room mate for about six weeks. I was dating Carla and staying sexually active with her each weekend--she was still a senior in high school and we spent every Sunday fucking in the dorm. Tom, my room mate, was a bit of a muscle builder, although very lean due to his study of martial arts.

No Shrinkage in The Whirlpool

Late Saturday afternoon in the summer is the best time to hit the weight room at the local gym. Early summer hours find people drifting out by 3 p.m., even though the gym closes at 5 p.m....and the desk atendant works alone, since no one really comes in after that time. So it was a desolate gym locker room that I entered around 4 p.m. on this Saturday afternoon, ready to relax in


When I was 18 I worked at a gas station owned by a family friend. My job was the night shift, and I got to know some of the regular patrons. We were not allowed to let anyone use the washroom inside the facility after 10 PM, and we were religious about this. One night a fellow came in around 11:45, fifteen minutes before closing time. His name was Tim, and I had gotten to know

Summer Help

Last summer I wanted to get my driveway re-paved, so I put out bids at a few local companies. The firm I hired was owned by a middle aged man who told me his "crew" would show up the following week. On that day, a truck pulled up with a few pieces of heavy equipment...four young men came up to the door, and began to set up for the day's work. The owner was nowhere in sight,

That Unending Need...

One of those days...ever have one? The feeling starts a few minutes after you wake up, while you are reading the paper and you see an ad for men's underwear...the air-brushed hint of a bulge whispering to you as you bring the cup of coffee to your lips. The bagel you place in your mouth no longer is just a is a sad substitute for the stiff cock you wish were

Turning The Tables

When I was 20 years old I found a public washroom in a local department store off the interstate that had two stalls tucked in the back of a bathroom. The first time I used the washroom, I realized that it had been frequented by gay men who boasted of their exploits, in that very cubicle by writing on the walls. Admittedly it was a thrill to go in there every few weeks and


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