Gay Erotic Stories

Suck Slave Superman, Part 3

by Hector Oppenheimer

The following story is the third chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.3) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Unlike his first gang rape at the hands of Lex Luthor and his henchmen, the vanquished, urine coated, Man of Steel remained unconscious and naked on his back for almost 24 hours. He had inhaled such a large quantity of the Red Krypton gas, that it took almost an entire day for his system to get rid of it. It was almost three in the morning when the groggy, ravished Man of Steel finally awoke, alone in the woods, naked, lying on his back on top of his piss covered suit, coated with a veneer of encrusted cum and dried urine As his head pounded from a hangover-like reaction to the residue of Red Krypton gas that still lingered in his bloodstream, the violated and confused super hunk's sensory centers were overwhelmed as they reported the physical evidence of his second night of degradation to his groggy brain. The unmistakable smell of stale urine permeated every breath the he took, while his much abused taste buds reminded him of the cum wads he had swallowed and confirmed that he had downed several piss cocktails the night before. The urine and cum matted hair that stuck to his brow provided the final reminder of the ordeal he had just undergone. "Ohhhhhhh, not again," groaned the prostate Super stud as he struggled to get off his back. "How could this happen to me again? I'm not a faggot! Why? Why did I let them strip me? Why did I drop to my knees the moment I saw that bastard? What's happening to me?"asked the bewildered Man of Steel as he ran his hand through his semen and piss stiffened hair. "How can Luthor turn me into a compliant cocksucker? What is going to happen to me next? When did I lose control of my life? Why did I get hard and ejaculate when I was sucking that bastard Antonio's dick? Why did I allow them to feed me my own semen? Why? Why? Why?" As the dazed Kryptonian stud stumbled around naked in the woods where the Irish cop and his other rapists had dumped him, Luthor was busily finalizing his plans to permanently convert the Man of Steel into his own personal suckslave whore. "I need your help with a little experiment with superfag, Tony," Luthor remarked as he removed a small vial of transparent liquid with an almost imperceptible pink tinge from his pocket and held up for Tony to see. "The contents of this vial represent hundreds of hours of intense research, analysis and experimentation by a private bio-pharmaceutical lab in Switzerland." continued Luthor. "Remember that first night that we had Superman chow down on your dick? Remember how you snuck up behind that asshole when he was blowing me, slipped your finger into his ass, and banged away on his prostate until his nuts gave up their very first load of superscum? Remember how we saved every damn ounce of that shit and told that Kryptonian dickhead that I was going to run some experiments on it to see if I could make some money on it? Well, my friend, if those Swiss biotechnologists have done their job right, we just might start making some money off of this flying cocksucker," chuckled Luthor. If this works the way that I hope it works, we may be able to make ourselves a fortune whoring this bastard out," Luthor continued. "There are a lot of very wealthy men in the world who would shell out big bucks in order to be able to lie back in bed, spread their legs and order Superman to suck them off. I've already gotten an offer of $350,000 from a Nigerian General, with whom I have done business, for one night with the Kryptonian cocksucker," observed Luthor as he held the vial up to Tony's face. "Yup, my general friend can't wait to pull his dick out of Superman's throat and dump his load onto the flying faggot's taste buds. Think of it my friend," mused the diabolical Luthor, "someone is willing to pay over a third of a million bucks for one blowjob from this faster than the speed of sound pansy. Hell, you've already gotten several million dollars worth of head," chuckled Luthor as he affectionately shook the shoulders of the man who deflowered Superman. "I want you to find a way to get the contents of this cylinder, undetected, into Superman's mouth the next time that he is chowing down on somebody's cock," said Luthor. "I want you get it into that asshole's mouth just before Superman gets ready to swallow a load of semen. We need to get this stuff into his gullet without being detected. We need to give his body time to absorb it into his blood stream. If this works, he'll be our cocksucking whore for life!" "Sure, Lex," grinned Tony. "But tell me, what's in this stuff? What's it supposed to do to our little dicklapper from Krypton?" "Well, my friend," said Luthor, "as you and I both know, Superman is not a faggot. It has taken an enormous amount of careful coordination , diabolical planning, a large quantity of red kryptonite, lots of hard work, and a betrayal by Lois Lane to get that asshole onto his knees. I've been mindfucking him continuously and so far it appears to be working. I think that we also may have enough video, pictures, and computer image files documenting his cocksucking to keep him out of our business or even to blackmail him into doing some repeat cocksucking for some of our friends. But that really isn't enough. I want to convert that interfering, holier-than-thou, pain in the ass into a genuine faggot! I want him to crave cock as much as one of those guys that you see marching in those gay pride parades," continued Luthor. "I want to make sure that the only pussy he'll ever want to get near is one that has four feet and purrs. This stuff just might do it." "Those loads of cum that we milked out of Superman were a windfall for us since they are the only samples of Kryptonian body chemistry that have ever been available for study and research. His body is invulnerable so all attempts at scrapping, cutting, rubbing or even shooting off something of Superman have failed. Those loads of nutsauce that we milked out of that Kryptonian cow may have given us the key to completely transforming him into an aficionado of the phallus." Luthor explained. "The biochemists and geneticists at the Swiss lab believe that they have identified and isolated Kryptonian testosterone from the semen we extracted from Superman. They were able to duplicate its chemical properties and produce it in concentrated doses. We know that testosterone produces sexual urgency in the human male. Our theory is that if we feed Superman extraordinarily concentrated doses of Kryptonian testosterone while he is sucking you guys off, it might produce a strong sexual desire reaction within his body. Since he has never experienced such an intense blast of desire, it may help us in our program to convince him that he was in fact born to suck dick," the intensely focused Luthor continued. "I mean look what we were able to accomplish by giving him his first orgasm while I had my dick in his mouth." Luthor noted. "That poor asshole didn't know what to think," chuckled Luthor. "We have really done a mindfuck on him. Hell, we conned him into coming back for a second session on his knees, didn't we? If we can get him to come back for a third session, and slip this stuff into his system, he just might be ours for good. You gotta admit Tony," said Luthor as he smiled at the first man to dump a load of cum down Superman's throat, "you do get a kick outta having him kneeling before you gobbling on your meat. Hey, if this works out, you'll be able to plug his gullet whenever you want," laughed Lex. "Yeah, Lex, you have a point," said the grinning Tony as he rubbed his hand across his crotch. "That flying bastard sure does know how to suck cock!" "Well, hopefully this little witches' brew will make Superman's mouth a permanent depository for your excess semen," mused Luthor as he continued to gaze at the vial that had just been flown in from Zurich. "My biochemists were able to increase the strength of the Kryptonian testosterone a thousand fold. I hope that does the trick. As added insurance I had them add concentrates of other chemicals to attempt to stimulate the pleasure centers of his brain. These so called pleasure centers are brain structures that, when stimulated, produce an intense desire to experience the pleasure effects again and again. This causes changes in brain activity. In humans this allows a brain chemical called dopamine, a neurotransmitter, to remain active longer than normal, which then triggers an intense craving for more of the drug. I instructed my biochemists to try to target the areas of Superman's brain with chemical stimulants that would activate the same pleasure centers as such substances as cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy. I also had them include heavy doses of the various components of human semen, since we want him addicted to human cum. It would be just my luck to get him turned onto Kryptonian cum. While it would be hysterical to know that he had to suck himself off everyday, I want him to get turned onto human cock," exclaimed Luthor. "I hope this scheme works." "Well, Lex, if anyone can turn Superman into a Superfag, it's you," declare the horny Latin stud as he lewdly rubbed the engorged meat that was straining against his pants. "Can't wait to get this mother in between that flying asshole's lips," he continued. "Keep that load of cum in your balls, my friend," admonished Luthor. "It won't be long before we will know if it works. Come on Tony, we gotta get over to Clark Kent's apartment building before that flying cocksucker comes home. My engineers have been there since the moment you got your dick re-inserted in between those pretty lips of his. I want to personally inspect their work. I want to make sure that everything is perfect. If this works out, that cocksucker will be ours!" Even as the diabolical Lex was speaking his well-paid engineers were finishing the last items of their part in Luthor's scheme to turn Superman into a permanent semen receptacle. "Hey, Mike, make sure that nozzle is inserted behind the recirculation fan in that unit. We need to have this red kryptonite gas circulating throughout the building, but we have to make sure that the sound of the escaping gas is masked by the sound of the fan. The gas will only flow when the fan is on. This way we should be able to keep the building saturated with the stuff without having to worry about the bastard's superhearing." "Don' t worry Paul. Superman will never know what hit him. Hey, is it true that Lex is gonna let us facefuck that self-righteous piece of shit if this all works out? asked Mike as he completed tightening the last of the kryptonite gas connections to the system. "Absolutely! It won't be too long before you'll be burying your bone in Superman's face!" Mike exclaimed. "Unfuckingbelievable!" While Luthor's engineer's finished their work in the basement of Clark Kent's apartment building, Clark, er Superman was still trying to come to terms with the events of the prior evening. Realizing that he was still to unstable to safely fly out of the woods and navigate back to his apartment without being discovered, the still nude Man of Steel has slunk further back into the woods lest he be seen in his disgrace by a passing motorist. Even though he had found his piss-covered outfit, the disheartened superhero was too overwhelmed by the memories of the previous evening to even put it on. He merely sat down underneath a large tree for hours and held and stared at his magnificent slab of Kryptonian meat while asking himself over and over again "Why did you get hard while I was sucking another male's cock? Why did you cum when he shot his load into my mouth? What do you know about me that I don't?" he asked as he continued to turn his dick over and around as he examined it from many angles. "This cannot be right. I was always attracted to women? I don't want to spend my life kneeling before other males. I was born to be a bull, not a cow! Why have you betrayed me?" the forlorn heart throb of millions asked his magnificent dick. Of course the fact that his slab of superhuman manmeat began to harden from his constant manipulation, only added to his confusion. It wasn't until nearly nine in the morning that he felt stable enough to get into his stinking outfit and fly home to Clark Kent's apartment, stopping along the way to plunge headlong into a nearby lake in order to remove the vestiges of the semen and piss that had dried to him and his uniform. As the dejected Man of Steel, now wearing the civilian garb of Clark Kent, entered his apartment building, the insidious Red Kyrptonite gas began its silent assault on him. The affect of the low concentration of the gas in the foyer was not immediately evident to the Man of Steel as he strode, slightly lightheaded, towards the elevator. As he entered the elevator and proceeded to move deeper into the center of the building, the concentration of the gas increased, clouding his judgement and increasing his vulnerability. By the time that he reached the door to his apartment, it was a very confused Clark Kent who fumbled with his keys at his apartment door. By the time he got into his apartment, which was saturated with the gas from Red Krypton, his fate was sealed. He never had a chance. Although the high speed plunge into the lake had removed most traces of his night of degradation, the Man of Steel's krypton-clouded judgement told him that a nice, soapy, hot shower was the right thing to do to further distance himself from that horrific night. He tossed aside his Clark Kent street clothes, stripped off his blue and red uniform, stepped a little uncertainly into the shower and began soaping every magnificent inch of his gorgeous body. He was so absorbed in removing all traces of his rape, and so impaired by the omnipresent krypton gas, that he failed to detect the door of his apartment being opened, and remained completely oblivious to the group of males who gathered at his bathroom door and watched him cleanse himself through the frosted shower door. Realizing that their plan was succeeding, the leader of the group of would-be Superman rapists, the hot dicked, Latino stud Tony, quietly signal to the other males to wait and watch. He would give the signal when it was time to move. Timing in this would be important. Totally unaware of the dangerous situation in which he now was, the Man of Steel proceeded to run his soap coated hands all over his extraordinarily masculine body. A body that he had intended to eventually reserve for the use of one woman, but a body that Lex Luthor was bound and determined to dedicate completely to providing pleasure for other men. First his strong hands moved across his powerful and muscular chest, thoroughly removing all traces of the prior evening's coating of cum and piss, then they proceeded southward across his washboard abdomen before concentrating on his heavy balls, dark pubic bush, and impressive cock. It somehow felt important to him that these symbols of his manhood be symbolically purified after that hideous night of shame. Unfortunately for Superman, this is the very moment for which Tony had been waiting. "Caught ya! Faggot!" yell the beaming 22 year old stud who had deflowered Superman in the basement vault. "I told you he was queer," chortled Tony as he pulled the startled Kryptonian stud out of the shower. "See, he was playing with himself. Bet he was gonna jerk off thinking about all those cocks he sucked the other night, weren't ya? Faggot! Hey bitch, I'm talking to you," yelled Superman's gleeful repeat rapist as the soaking wet Man of Steel staggered around the bathroom completely under the mind-numbing influence of the Kryptonite gas. "You don't have to fantasize about sucking cocks when you play with yourself, Pussyboy. We brought you some real meat to swing on! Right guys?" Tony asked as he shoved the sopping wet, bare-assed, and confused Son of Krypton into the males who stood outside the bathroom laughing and pointing at the hitherto invincible Superhero. "Yeah princess," laughed a 34 year old, black haired, Italo-Irish, ex-US Navy SEAL named Collin Umberto into whom Superman had crashed, "You won't have to do no fantasizing with me around. C'mere, honey," the determined hunk ordered as he caught the wet Man of Steel, grabbed a hold of his head, and thrust his hot tongue deep inside the mouth of the hapless Superhero. The shocked Man of Steel, who was now incapable of getting control of the situation, remained enveloped in the strong arms of the Navy hunk as the Italo-Irishman's tongue invaded and probed every inch of his violated mouth. "Damn your lips are sweet,"exclaimed Collin as he finally broke off his tongue assault on Superman's mouth. "A hot tonguing always gets the ladies ready," he announced as he maneuvered the stunned Superman into his own bedroom. "Don't pay any attention to those guys," Collin whispered into the ear of the despairing Man of Steel. "I'm gonna take really good care of you. I know what you want," he continued as the handsome male caught Superman's unable to resist hand and held it on the crotch of his jeans, right on top of Collin's heavy balls and lengthening cock. The words "Just be patient, honey" echoed through Superman's ears as he felt his hand being cupped around the warm, denim-encased genitals of the hairy chested stud who was moving him inexorably backwards through the doorway of his bedroom towards his own bed. Fear registered on Superman's face as he felt the former SEAL's hefty cock begin to lengthen, but the Kryptonite gas made him incapable of resistance. Although his brain was screaming "stop," it could not transmit the order to his hands. They remained clasped to the crotch of the grinning Italian-Irish stud. As Superman's strong calves made contact with the foot of his bed, the vulnerable Man of Steel felt himself losing his balance and falling backwards. His fall was broken by the powerful, hair-covered arms of his dominator who gently guided the powerless superhero onto his own bed. "Whoa, there, sweet lips," said the handsome agent of Luthor as he gently eased the naked Man of Steel onto his own bed and shoved a pillow under his head. "You should be more careful. We don't want you to hurt yourself. We still have a lot of lovin' to do. You better be more careful," continued the strong hunk as he deposited Superman on his back on his bed before spreading the naked superhero's powerful legs apart, exposing the superhunk's cock and balls for all to see. As the groggy superstud lay naked and vulnerable on his back, he could see the smiling hunk slowly stripping at the foot of his bed. "That's right Superman, you keep your eyes locked on me as I get ready to give you what you so desperately need," ordered the cocky 34 year old stud as he continued to reveal more and more of his muscular, hirsute body to the stupefied Man of Steel. "This is what a real male looks like, Superman," smirked Collin as he finished undressing and stood completely nude at the foot of Superman's bed. "And this is what you so desperately need from a real male," laughed Collin as he shook his hardening cock at Superman. "It's all yours, Superman," continued Collin as he began walking towards the head of the bed ominously shaking his nearly full-masted hardon. "And I'm gonna give it to you." The weakened superhero could only lay defenselessly as the naked hunk advanced relentlessly towards him filling more and more of Superman's field of vision with his erect cock and its dense bed of dark, wiry pubic hair. And when the six foot, three, hardon sprouting male came to a stop immediately next to Superman's face, the Kryptonian stud quietly moaned, "Oh no, not again," while automatically and inexplicably opening his mouth to admit the rigid slab of maleness that was aimed so menacing at him. "Whoa, not so fast, cocksucker," laughed Collin as he shifted his position, climbed onto the bed of the even more confused Man of Steel, and then lay full length on top of the prone, splayed legged son of Krypton. "A good bottom doesn't just suck a stud's cock," the hunk continued as he began to stroke the face of the thoroughly distraught Superman. "A good bottom completely surrenders first. A good bottom lets his man know that he only exists for his man's pleasure," Collin explained as he wedged his lower half between Superman's open thighs and began to slowly slide his rock hard cock across the cock, balls and pubes of the supine Man of Steel. "Yes," groaned the horny stud as his body completely covered the magnificent physique of the immensely powerful, yet unable to resist, superhero. Superman was confused and uncertain as he lay underneath the strong, hair-covered body of the formidable male whose stiff penis was fucking across his own. The Man of Steel's bewilderment was compounded as the male who now totally dominated him began to stroke Superman's cheeks, rub his chest, and nuzzle his neck while whispering "what a pretty cocksucker, you are. Don't worry, it'll be alright. Don't be nervous. I'll take care of you, and you can take care of me. This is why your father sent you here to Earth. He knew what he was doing. He wanted you to serve man," Collin continued as he detected the first stiffening in Superman's impressive dick. "Only you got it all wrong. He didn't want you flying around the planet poking your nose into everybody's business. He wanted you serving underneath a hot stud, just like you are doing now," said the cunning Italo-Irishman as he carefully performed his role in Luthor's fiendish scheme to overthrow the Man of Steel and convert him into a submissive cocksucker. "Listen to your cock," whispered the five o'clock shadowed stud as he felt Superman's penis reach full mast. "It knows why you are here. Accept it." Superman's mind, made vulnerable by the effects of the red Kryptonite, and more ominously, made more receptive by the sinisterly clever sophistry of the charming stud, struggled to deal with the onslaught of seemingly airtight logic of Luthor's lieutenant and the sensations emanating from his own full-masted cock. He could not resist when Collin's strong tongue forced its way into his mouth for a second time, nor was his brain able to summon the will to prevent the lusty stud from guiding Superman's left hand to Collin's hairy chest and ordering him to "feel a real man's chest, pussyboy. There's no shame in acknowledging the truth. This is why you were sent to our planet. Serving man is the only way that you will ever find peace and contentment. Here's the ultimate proof," declared Collin as he grabbed a hold of Superman's rigid organ. If this wasn't right, your dick would be limp, not hard as a rock! You were sent to Earth to suck cock! That's nothing to be ashamed of. Some of us were born to be sucked, while others, such as you, were born to suck. I'll prove it to you." continued Collin as the dedicated minion of Luthor deftly shifted his position 180 degrees. As the well-form, hair-covered thighs of Luthor's henchman came to a rest just above the head of the prostrate Man of Steel, Superman's field of vision was completely dominated by the phallic obelisk as it rose menacingly from Collin's dense pubes. And before the supine superhero could comprehend the turn of events, that vision disappeared as the stud's crotch came to a full rest on top of the face of the dazed Kryptonian hunk, firmly wedging the hot, turgid love muscle tightly against the chin, lips and nose of Luthor's mind-fucked enemy. The gentle exhortation "Come on, cocksucker, Open Up" echoed in Superman's ears as he felt the head of the hot dick start to push insistently against his lips. "Come on. You know you want it. You need that cock. Trust me. Open up those pretty lips of yours and wrap them around that dick," and similar commands accompanied the relentless assault against Superman's lips until his resistance collapsed and the firm head of Collin's cock entered the Man of Steel's mouth in triumph. "Ohhhhh, yes!" exclaimed the hot blooded male as a sea of warmth around his straining dick signaled the capitulation of Superman. "You're a good bitch. Take that cock. That's right pussyboy, take it all in," Collin continued as he forced more and more of his rigid penis into the mouth of his prey. "Take it all, faggot," continued Luthor's masterful agent as he felt the head of his penis start to pry its way into the throat of the subjugated Man of Steel. Trapped in his own bed underneath the sinister agent of his archnemesis Luthor, impaired by Red Kryptonite gas, and unable to refute the sophistry of the male whose cock was buried in his throat, the paragon of maleness simply gave up and allowed himself to be used by the gloating Italo-Irish hunk above him. "Gentlemen, we have a cocksucker!" exclaimed the hirsute male as he felt all tension and resistance disappear from the conquered male below him. "The faggot has come out of the closet," beamed the self-satisfied 34 year-old as he flashed a thumbs up' to the other males who had been silently watching the incredible seduction scene from the doorway to the bedroom. "Come on in guys. Watch how our flying cocksucker serves mankind," chortled Collin as he began to slowly and deliberately fuck the face of Luthor's hated foe. As the stiff slab of Irish-Italian manmeat began to pleasure itself within the tight confines of Superman's throat, the heart throb of millions of women lay passively as he was turned into a surrogate vagina for the gratification of another male. As he abandoned all efforts at resistance Superman began to concentrate on the strange sensations around him. He could feel the heat of the lusty male above him as Collin's fur covered lower abdominal region rhythmically propelled his cock into and out of Superman's throat. He was aware of the smells of male rutting emanating from the thickly bushed pubes that continuously rubbed across his nose and face. His taste buds transmitted the taste of a man's erect, and pre-cum dripping penis. He could also sense the weight of Collin's heavy ballsack as it too moved across his forehead. And he was keenly aware of the sensations from his own stiff prick, kept hard by an occasional stroke from the malevolent male above. Superman still knew that what was being done to him was profoundly wrong, but he was simply not physically capable of stopping it. After a long session of slow, deliberated fucking, accompanied by a mantra of carefully selected words of encouragement such as "Oh, baby, that feels so good," "You really know how to take care of your man" "Suck daddy's dick," "Oh, yes, you are the best," "Don't stop," "Look how hard you got sucking on that dick," and "Tighten those pretty lips of yours" the rutting Italo-Irish seaman, who now had total control of the Man of Steel, felt the initial signals of an impending orgasm. "Your man is almost ready to give you his load, princess," grunted the triumphant male as he increased the pace of his throat fucking. "It's almost supper time, my sweet little whore," panted the rutting stud as he face fucked the supine Man of Steel. "You've been a good girl, and your man is gonna reward you," announced the beaming hunk as he signalled to the 22-year old Tony to get the vial of witches' brew that had been concocted by Luthor's team of Swiss biochemists and geneticists. "I can't hold back anymore, cocksucker," Collin groaned as he felt himself going over the edge. "Here it comes! Take it, bitch! Eat that load cocksucker! Swallow it, faggot." Entrapped below, the captive Superman felt the stiff cock withdrawing from his throat before it began spewing its hot load of sperm-filled semen into his Kryptonian mouth. Large quantities of thick, white goo shot out of the slit at the end of Collin's erupting cock, splashed against Superman's taste-bud loaded tongue, and began inundating his pearly white teeth, before flowing downwards into his throat and towards his belly. At Luthor's orders Collin had been celibate for a number of days in order to insure that this particular load was a big one. And it was. As the rigid phallus continued to ejaculate into Superman's unresisting mouth, Tony, the 22-year old Hispanic stud whose cock had taken Superman's virginity, uncorked the small vial of transparent liquid, slid it alongside of Collin's gushing dick, and began emptying its hazardous to Kryptonian heterosexuality contents into Superman's mouth. There it joined the growing pool of cum deposited by Collin's cock, and flowed unnoticed and unopposed into the stomach of the unsuspecting Man of Steel. A few moments later the smiling Hispanic male quietly whispered into Collin's ear "mission accomplished." Luthor's hairy 34 year old henchman grinned from ear to ear as he felt the Man of Steel meekly swallow his load, along with Luthor's surprise additive. The blissfully satisfied former seamen, his softening cock still firmly stuffed inside of Superman's defiled mouth, lay on top of the subdued Man of Steel for at least five minutes, savoring his victory over the superhero, and more importantly giving Luthor's biochemical cocktail added time to reach the stomach of the imperiled Kryptonian stud beneath him. "Okay, sweetie, let's clean that rod good," barked the jubilant male. "Don't waste any of it. My nuts worked overtime to satisfy you. Keep swallowing, cocksucker. Ah, yes. Lick it clean That's a good little faggot. Clean all of my cum off of my rod. Doesn't it taste good? You like that stuff, don't you?" observed Collin as he felt Superman's tongue comply with his latest directive. As the exposed Man of Steel obeyed the degrading commands of Luthor's lieutenant and lapped away at the hair enshrouded penis that was still anchored between his lips, he was totally unaware of the extreme peril that he faced. For each swallow not only carried the warm contents of Collin's ballsack into Superman's stomach, it also carried the substance which Luthor hoped would turn the Man of Steel into a permanent cum addict. But the mind fucked and Red Kryptonite intoxicated son of Jorel remained on his back, quietly nursing and then swallowing the last drops of semen from Collin's demutescent penis, completely oblivious to the fact that his own digestive system was in the process of carrying Luthor's experimental substance into his Kryptonian blood stream. A quick regurgitation could have stopped the process and saved him from a terrible fate.. But the clever Italo-Irish stud had no intention of letting that happen. "Tony, get your dick over here!" Collin ordered as he finally rolled off of the pathetically compliant Man of Steel, removed his cock from Superman's mouth and got off of his bed. "Our girlfriend here is still hungry, aren't you cocksucker? I had a hard time getting my dick outta her mouth! She didn't want to stop sucking on it, right sweety?" chuckled the jubilant stud. "Here, look at the rod she's sprouting," laughed Collin as he grabbed a hold of Superman's impressive boner and began to play with it.. "Even a stud like me ain't enough for this homo, right faggot?" Collin asked as he stared into the face of the temporarily powerless superhero while continuing to stroke Superman's hard dick. "She wants another cock. Get your meat over here and take care of my girlfriend!" directed Collin as the naked grinning 22-year old Hispanic male hustled over to the side of the bed. "Honey, I'm home!" exclaimed the amused male in a campy imitation of the Ricky Ricardo character from the old I Love Lucy' show, as he plopped his furry ass on top of Superman's smooth chest. "Open up faggot, its time to suck another cock," laughed the hot Latino male as he firmly pulled Superman's head forward, wedged it between his strong, hairy thighs and shoved a pillow behind it. "Open your mouth like a nice little cocksucker," ordered the Latin hunk as he began to rub the head of his penis across Superman's lips. "I got nice fresh boner for you to suck on. Come on, open that pretty mouth of yours," Tony urged as his cockhead parted Superman's lips and began to rub across his perfect teeth. By this time the sound of Tony's voice had become so familiar to the subdued Superhero, that his clouded brain immediately transmitted the orders to part his lips and admit the insistent boner into his mouth. "Superman truly is a faggot!" exclaimed the beaming 22 year old male as he thrust his cock into Superman's unresisting mouth, while yanking the Man of Steel's head forward until it was stopped by Tony's fur-covered pubic bone. "It's time to party, bitch," Tony announced as he roughly turned his body around, spread himself out on top of his startled captive, and began to brutally face fuck the vanquished Kryptonian stud. "Take it, you miserable piece of shit!" the lust driven male shouted as he roughly slammed his cock in and out of Superman's throat. This was not the slow and deliberate pace that Collin had used, but a cruel rape designed to emphasize his complete triumph over the subjugated Man of Steel Collin and the rest of Luthor's henchmen stared in stunned silence at the savage face fucking that Tony was delivering to the Man of Steel. This pelvis slamming rape of Superman's mouth had never been discussed when they planned today's assault. The theme of today's effort to permanently change Superman's sexual orientation, had been seduction, not rape. But it was obvious from Tony's fierce cock stabs into Superman's mouth that seduction was the last thing he had in mind. "Eat cock, faggot!" thundered into Superman's ears as the horny Latino's stiff dick ruthlessly plundered his mouth and throat. "Come on, pussy face! Get that fucking faggot tongue of yours moving. Now, asshole! Show some appreciation, you pathetic maricon. I was saving this load for my girlfriend," barked the smirking 22 year old stud as he proceeded to rape the throat of the Kryptonian stud beneath him. Upset at Tony's blatant violation of the evening's rules of seduction, Wu Chao, a former Chinese gymnast who was Luthor's liaison to some of the Far East criminal organizations, moved to interrupt the Hispanic male's unauthorized assault on the supine Man of Steel. His intervention was thwarted by the observant Collin who noticed that the Kryptonian stud was not resisting Tony's brutal assault on his mouth. "Hold off Wu," Collin whispered. "Tony may be onto something. Our cocksucking friend ain't putting up a fight. He's taking it. He may be farther along in his conversion than we thought. I have an idea," continued Collin as he began to whisper into the ear of the Chinese stud. "After he gobbles Tony's load, try it out," said the Italo-Irish hunk. "Sure, what the hell. As long as I empty these nuts, I don't give a fuck," said the smiling specimen of Oriental masculinity as he massaged his balls. Unaware of the perilous nature of his situation, and unable to hear the whispered words of his antagonists because of the groans and insults of the hairy Hispanic man who was face fucking him, Superman found himself docilely following the "use your tongue" and " wrap your lips around that meat, faggot" orders of his rapist knowing that within a few minutes his pearly whites and dick-lapping tongue would be inundated with a second flood of seminal fluid. While Superman's saliva glands were working overtime to coat the stiff slab of Latino manmeat with Kryptonian spit, Superman's highly efficient digestive system was unwittingly playing its part in Luthor's despicable plan to permanently convert the heart throb of millions of women into an eternal cocksucker. The first traces of the Swiss concoction were now entering the bloodstream of the unsuspecting Man of Steel and being carried towards the pleasure centers of Superman's brain. If Luthor's calculations were correct, once Superman's brain was bathed with the wicked product of the Swiss scientists, Superman would be afflicted with an irresistible need to swallow semen. And it was through that addiction that Luthor planned to have his final revenge and ultimate victory over Superman by whoring the Man of Steel out to whatever male who could affort Luthor's price. As Superman's circulatory system played its part in Luthor's grand scheme, the oblivious Superhero lay obediently on his back as Tony's hair covered groin repeatedly smashed into Superman's lips with each forward stab of the Latino penis. "Get ready, you queer piece of shit," trumpeted the gloating 22 year old. "It almost time to eat. But this time I wanna watch your fucking face while I feed you," Tony announced as he stopped his rhythmic plundering of Superman's mouth; pulled his dick out of the mouth of the confused supermale below him; spun around; seated himself on the muscular chest of the Man of Steel; stuck his dick back in between Superman's open lips; and began masturbating himself to climax. "Okay, princess," gasped the lust-crazed male as he began to ejaculate streams of warm, sperm-laden semen into Superman's mouth. "No swallowing. I want you to taste it, and taste it good. Open those lips wide, cocksucker," continued the ejaculating male, "I wanna watch my goo fill your hot twat mouth!" Collin and Mike watched in utter amazement as the dark haired stud stroked load after load of cum out of his Superman saliva coated dick and into the open mouth of Luthor's hated enemy. "Look guys!" Tony shouted. "She loves this shit," chortled the command Hispanic as he watched his cum leap out of his cock and begin to pool in the mouth and on top of the tongue of the obedient Superhero. Unable to withstand the perverse demand of his Latino ravager, the Man of Steel meekly lay there as the conquering phallus jettisoned its load of thick balljuice onto his tongue where it soaked his super sensitivetaste buds with the taste of pure male before pooling in Superman's mouth. "I told you he was queer!" exclaimed the triumphant stud after his cock finally stopped ejaculating into Superman's rapidly filling mouth. "Look, he's trying to keep it in his mouth for a better taste!" laughed Tony as he looked down contemptuously into Superman's face. "Here, faggot, let me help you," Tony said as he re-inserted his semi-erect dick into Superman's semen filled mouth and began stirring the saliva and semen brew, repeatedly rubbing his cum-coated dickhead across Superman's semen soaked tongue. "How's that dickbreath? Tastes good, doesn't it?" mocked the 22 year old male as he continued to degrade and humiliate the submissive Man of Steel. As Superman's tongue was transmitting the disgusting flavor of Tony's semen to the taste centers of his brain, the first molecules of Luthor's wicked biochemical concoction were entering Superman's brain and affixing themselves to the receptors in the pleasure centers of his brain. These initial invaders were followed by increasingly larger amounts of the hideous substance as Superman's highly efficient circulatory system unknowingly played its part in implementing Luthor's plan to convert Superman into a cum junkie. Each hellish molecule zeroed in on an open receptor in the Man of Steel's pleasure center and bound itself to that receptor, transmitting an initial message of pleasure to the luckless Superhero's brain, but permanently altering the receptor. Because of the debilitating effects of the red kryptonite gas that permeated the apartment, Superman was incapable of stopping the degradation of his mouth by the smug latin stud as he repeatedly spread his goo over Superman's tongue andtaste buds. Superman hated the taste and smell of semen, but could do nothing to stop the appalling assault.. Each of the many loads of semen that Luthor's men and spewed into his mouth during his two prior ordeals brought him shame and humiliation, and not a single moment of pleasure. He detested the stuff. But at this particular moment the groggy Man of Steel began to experience some very disturbing sensations; sensations that he had never experienced before. For some totally inexplicable reason Superman began to feel the need to swallow the large load of semen and saliva that his hairy ravager was dick mxing in his mouth. The thought of needing or wanting to swallow such a vile brew was repugnant to the naked Superstud, but the feeling was still there, and it was growing in intensity. Unbeknownst to Superman, the cum-addiction product of the Swiss lab was accomplishing its shameful objective. The vanquished, heterosexual Man of Steel was beginning to feel the first physiological cravings to eat the cum of human males. The Kryptonite-confused Superhero struggled against the new sensation for several minutes, during which the perverted 22 year continued working his now soft, cum-enveloped penis all over Superman's mouth. But just as the Red Kryptonite had tipped the balance against Superman and rendered him obedient to the demands for head by Luthor and his henchmen, the Red Kryptonite prevented the handsome son of Krypton from defying this terrifyingly inexplicable need to swallow Tony's cum. The poor Superhero could only lay on his back listening to the terrified screams of "No!!!!" from his conscience as he felt his throat anxiously opening and voluntarily swallowing the reproductive fluid of a human male. Fear gripped the Man of Steel as he felt his body override his conscience and morality, but he could not stop his body from satisfying this new, and horrible craving. The male who was so systematically degrading the Man of Steel realized that something totally out of the ordinary was happening when he felt his Superhero victim disobey his directive of "No swallowing." The Red Kryptonite had always rendered the Man of Steel compliant. He was still under it insidious influence, yet he had just defied his wiry dominator and swallowed a large load of cum. The surprised 22 year old rapist had been the one who had slipped Luthor's demonic substance into the mouth of the unsuspecting Man of Steel, but he really didn't believe that it would work. Even as Tony was contemplating this act of insubordination by the Man of Steel, another sunrise happened when the in charge Hispanic's dick registered the unmistakable signs of being sucked and licked by the Superhero below. The perplexed Man of Steel could only lie there as he felt himself begin to nurse on Tony's thick sausage while maneuvering his tongue to cleanse every trace of semen from it. It was as if some alien force had seized control of his body and ordered it to begin the oral adulation of the phallus that was wedged in his mouth. What little control that had not been overridden by the effects of the gaseous Red Kryptonite was now being swept away by some inexplicable and terrifyingly intense, physical desire from within. It was almost as if his own body had turned against him and allied itself with those who were determined to convert him into a slave for cock. It took a few moments of Superman's oral ministrations to his dick before the naked hunk seated on top of the prostrate Man of Steel realized what was underway. "Oh Fuck!" exclaimed the startled 22 year old stud as he felt Superman gobble his load and then begin to lap and suck on his cock. "It's working! We're turning him man! The faggot is sucking my cock on his own. He just swallowed a load of my balljuice and is trying for another. Holy shit, Lex did it!!! continued the excited stud as he watched Superman's lips close around his cock. "Collin, come here! Look at those lips! We've turned Superman into a fag. Damn! Look at those lips work that meat! I never thought I'd live to see this day. We got ourselves a real homo, faggot, cocksucker, cumswallower! Come here. We are witnessing history! Superman's a fairy!" exclaimed the electrified male as he watched his impressive phallus re-engorge in response to the oral attentions of the Man of Steel. "Suck that dick, baby! Show me how much you need that cock! No more Red Kryptonite for you princess. Can't wait til you drop to your knees and beg for my cock when you're totally free of that gas! I'm gonna look forward to listening you beg for this cock!" announced the hot stud as Superman's sucking intensified. "Shut the fuck up, Tony!" snapped Collin. "The less this bastard knows the better. Not another word about the gas. Just concentrate on giving pussyface here what she wants," continued the Italo-Irish hunk as he gestured towards the eagerly sucking mouth of the supine Man of Steel. "We don't wanna fuck this up. So, feed the faggot and keep him happy.!" "Sorry man, it won't happen again," declared the hot Latino as he stared down at Superman's cock-impaled face. "It's time we got our girlfriend here down on her knees," he continue as he withdrew his wet rod from his victim's mouth, slid off of Superman's powerful chest, and pushed the debased Superhero onto the floor. The distraught, nude Man of Steel was close to despondency as he felt himself crash onto the floor of his own bedroom. Although he hated the very thought of admitting another male's reproductive organ into his mouth, he also knew that he would have no peace that day unless he wrapped his lips around the stiff slab of Latin meat which had just been so abruptly withdrawn from his mouth. He simply could not take his eyes off of the hard column of meat, shining wet with his own Kryptonian saliva, that stood so proudly in the middle of the furry groin of his rapist. And he could not prevent himself from rising to his knees, opening his mouth, and advancing towards the very penis that had first deflowered him. "Hey Tom, Hey Wu!" barked Tony as he watched Superman's mouth re-capture his dick. "Get your cocks over here. I need some help in satisfying our flying faggot here. This homo has a really bad case of the hots for dick. "He's sucking on mine like his life depended upon it. "Sure thing," said Tom the hot dockworker who had provided Luthor with some of his most spectacularly humiliating photographs of the Man of Steel when he pulled out of Superman's mouth and spray painted the Superhero' face with cum. "Homoman only got a little taste of my goo last time we met," laughed Tom as he stripped off his clothes and stepped up next to the kneeling Man of Steel. "If you suck this dick real nice, I'll give you my whole load. Now make room, faggot," snapped the lusty dockworker as he wedged his erection into Superman's mouth, right next to Tony's. "Hey, faggot. You look really natural with two dicks sticking outta your mouth!" said the smirking hunk. "It's too bad that I don't have a camera. Don't worry, we can do this again sometime. Hey Tony, look how happy the fairy looks, and soooo natural too." While the very core of Superman's soul screamed out in horror and rage at this latest act of degradation, his physical nature reacted very differently. The disheartened Man of Steel could detect a strong physical response to the latest phallic invasion of his mouth. His heartbeat increased. His tongue began slithering across both penises in a frantic attempt to taste every square inch of phallic meat that was wedged in his mouth. His saliva glands went into overtime, producing copious amounts of Kryptonian spit which bathed the two invading dicks before carrying their essence into his throat. His breathing became more rapid and the dismayed Kryptonian stud found himself deliberately trying to inhale as much of the crotch smell of his two rapists as possible. But the most frightening physical reaction began to occur between the thighs of the kneeling icon of maleness. His magnificent cock, desired by women all across the world, began to rise in response to the immense physical pleasure that his body was receiving while Superman has giving Luthor's two henchmen head. Superman had thrown a rod several times when he had been ravished by Luthor's men in the past, but those erections had been a result of either the secret manipulation of his prostate, in response to the physical sensations caused when Collin's dick rubbed across his own, or as a result of the Red Kryptonite gas. He had never sprouted a boner out of pleasure while servicing Luthor's men. This was a first. Wu was the first to notice the hardon that was rising between the thighs of the cock-gobbling Man of Steel. "Look at the faggot's cock" said Wu excitedly. "He's getting a fucking hardon! We did it!" While Tony and Tom stared down at the rising Kryptonian phallus, the eager Wu, stripped off his underwear, edged up on the right side of Tony, lowered his hard cock, and rammed it into the last bit of vacant space inside of Superman's cock-filled mouth. "How about some takeout Chinese?" laughed Wu as he felt Superman's tongue start to assault his hardon. "And we deliver pretty boy," smirked the well- sculptured, smooth bodied, Oriental hunk as he gripped Superman's chin and stared into his eyes. "You just suck that cock really nice, white boy, and I may let you have my load. If I feel any teeth, or if you don't do a good job, I'll jerk off in your pillow and let you starve! Get it faggot?" Wu threatened as he started into the hungry eyes of the dick gobbling Superhero. "I said, do you understand?" asked Wu. A nod of the head and increased tongue action from the groveling Man of Steel gave Wu the answer. As the third penis jammed itself into his mouth and his own dick became rock hard with excitement, the psyche of the kneeling Man of Steel was plunged into despair. He knew to the depths of his soul that the act of fellatio that his mouth was so enthusiastically performing on the three gloating men, was an abomination. It was morally wrong and it was repugnant to him as a heterosexual male. But while he hated what he was doing, it was as if his physical self had somehow achieved the ability to separate itself from, and to openly defy, his inner being. It was almost as if his true self had become merely a neutral, third party observer. Yet what he observed was anything but neutral as he felt his body react with intense pleasure as his mouth feasted on the three slabs of dick. That was his tongue that frantically alternated between the three invading phalluses, rubbing their undersides with its taste buds, lapping away in hunger at the pre-cum that leaked from the cumslot on each head, and excitedly transferring every drop of penis-flavored spit to the back of his mouth and down his throat. That was Superman who groaned with pleasure as the three males huddled closer together to assist him in admitting even greater lengths of their reproductive organs into his mouth. Those were his hands that reverently cupped the hair flecked ballsacks of his three rapists as they called him faggot,' cunt,' cocksucker,' bitch,' pussy,' homo,' prettyboy', queer,' maricon' and whore.' That was him who rhythmically moved his face forwards and backwards in cadence with the clearly visible suction action of his cheeks in an determined effort to convince his three masters to allow him the privilege to become a receptacle for their sperm laden semen. And worst of all that was his superb Kryptonian penis that stood in full-masted joy in response to the cocks upon which he was feasting. "I can't hold back much longer," gasped the 34 year old Navy vet as Superman's desperate-for-cum attention brought him closer to the edge. "Let me go first," said the panting Collin as he shoved Wu and Tony aside and took over sole possession of Superman's mouth. "Hey, faggot," shouted the 34 year old, dark-haired stud, "Do you want what my balls have made up for you? Hey, I'm talking to you,' he snapped at the dazed Superhero as he abruptly pulled his dick out of Superman's eagerly sucking lips. "Yeah, that got the faggot's attention," sneered Collin as he began to stroke his hard rod, made slick by the saliva of Superman. "Show some fucking respect, you fairy bastard. Stay on your knees. Put your hands together, like you were praying. Yeah, that's the way to do," continued the hairy Italo-Irish stud as he watched the kneeling Man of Steel obey. "Now, put your head back a bit, and stick your tongue out as far as it will go. You know, they way they do it in church. Very good, pussyface," said the masturbating stud, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I'm about to give your taste buds a religious experience," panted the gloating male as he maneuvered his rigid penis over top of the submissively extended tongue of the most formidable man on the planet. A few seconds later the masturbating stud lost control and began ejaculating long streams of warm, thick, white, sperm filled reproductive fluid onto the surface of Superman's compliantly offered tongue and into the recesses of Superman's dick ravaged mouth. "Don't you swallow a fuckng drop, you cocksucking faggot," bellowed the exhilarated ex-SEAL as he continued to empty his nuts into the mouth of Luthor's defeated foe. "You don't swallow a fucking sperm until I say so, or that's the last cock you'll ever be allowed to suck," Collin ordered as he began to milk additional semen into the growing pool of cum that covered Superman's taste buds before seeking lower ground in Superman's mouth. After what seemed to be an eternity to both the cum-hungry Man of Steel, and the spent Italo-Irish hunk, Collin leaned over the Kryptonian stud kneeling before him, still obediently clasping his hands together and compliant extending his cum-soaked tongue, "Come here guys. Our little girl here knows how to show proper respect to a real man. Look, how she treats my cum with such reverence," Collin said as he gently rubbed the right cheek of the conquered Man of Steel. "Okay, faggot, show my friends here how much you love to swallow cum. Take a nice big gulp," chuckled the 34 year old veteran of many a blow job aboard ship as Luthor's men watched Superman quaff down the jizz that had spewed out of Collin's penis. The group of males continued to watch in bemusement as Superman ravenously devoured the remaining traces of Collins semen. They almost fell over when he thrust his face forward, caught Collin's demutuscent penis between his lips, and sucked the organ clean. "Whoa, she's an assertive little cunt," laughed the 34 year old as Superman finally relinquished his semen-free cock. "That's okay," he said as he playfully tousled Superman's hair. "You just continue to treat this dick with respect, and it will keep you well fed." "Okay, Wu, you're next," announced the grinning leader of the group. "I can tell by the rod he's still throwing that our homo Superhero needs more cock," said Collin as he gestured towards Superman's rigidly erect phallus. "Let him get a taste of that fuck sauce you carry around in those nuts," laughed Collin. As the cocky Chinese male swaggered forward stroking his erection and pointing it towards the parting lips of the kneeling, cock-hungry Krytonian hunk, he had no idea of the fear and disgust that was overwhelming the Man of Steel. From Wu's perspective, the Superhero who eagerly awaiting the insertion of Wu's stiff dick into his mouth, was a certifiable, 100%, grade A, cock-hungry, homosexual. There was joy on Superman's face; his dick was ramrod stiff and leaking pre-cum from the joy of being able to fellate three studs; the Superhero's tongue kept licking his lips in anticipation; he was groaning with anticipation; his chest was heaving with excitement; and he kept repeating such things as yes,' please,' I need it,' Hurry!' These were signs of a faggot in lust Wu thought as the tip of his boner reached and then penetrated Superman's lips. If Wu had any doubts as to Superman's sexual orientation, those were instantly dispelled when the Man of Steel impaled himself on Wu's cock, deep throating it, and then sucking on it like a starving calf. "Man you are one cock crazy faggot," exclaimed Wu as he watched Superman bury his lips in the hair that surrounded the base of Wu's dick. Superman's inner being struggled valiantly to order his lips to expel the appendage from his mouth that so repelled him. But the heinous product of the Swiss scientists had done its evil work. Superman's entire pleasure system in his brain had been transformed in a terrible fashion. Only the ingestion of semen could trigger the greatest pleasure sensation in the Superhero who now so enthusiastically slobbered away on the erect penis of the exultant Chinese male. And only the ingestion of semen, through a penis like the one that was sawing across the surface of his tongue, could provide Superman with the substances necessary to satisfy the intense craving that would grow to excruciating and unendurable levels, until satisfied. So the core of Superman could only watch in abject impotency as he willing surrendered to Wu; and responded submissively to each demand to "lick the head," "kiss my balls," "tell me how much you need this cock," "beg me to stick it back in your mouth," "thank me for letting you suck my dick," "lick the cum slot and tell me how grateful you will be if I cum in your mouth." Superman was appalled to watch himself obediently lap away around the corona and across the top of Wu's cock head; dutifully and enthusiastically kiss the sperm-generating orbs as they lay within the scrotum of his Chinese rapist; anxiously look into Wu's triumphant eyes and tell his dominator how much the Man of Steel needed to suck on his cock after Wu had snatched it from his mouth; heard himself pleading with Wu to reinsert his penis into his mouth and allow him to resume worshiping it; listened to his own Kryptonian voice thank the smirking Chinese male for allowing him to resume blowing him; and then watching himself lap away at the glaring cum slot at the end of Wu's penis while pledging eternal gratitude if Wu would consent to ejaculate into Superman's undeserving mouth. His debasement was complete. The malevolent and patient Wu continued to systematically withhold his dick from Superman and then to allow the Man of Steel to resume his act of fellatio only after extracting from Superman additional humiliating and degrading statements of his need for cock or acknowledgment of his inferiority to Wu and the other males watching from the side. Wu was determined to break the Man of Steel once and for all. After and nearly an hour of this insertion and withdrawal strategy, the wickedly brilliant Wu abruptly pulled his dick out of Superman's lips and walked backwards approximately 10 feet until his back came to rest against the wall to Superman's bedroom. The by now cock-crazed Man of Steel looked despondent as the strutting Chinese male stood against the wall and slowly waved his dick at the frustrated and hungry Superhero. "What the fuck are you waiting for, faggot?" snapped Wu as he focused on Superman's look of starvation. "If you want this cock, come and get it. But this time I want you to crawl. Crawl for this bone like the dog that you are!" ordered Wu as he shook his hard penis at Luthor's nearly totally defeated foe. "Come on pussyboy. Crawl over here and take care of a real man. Now!!!!" At the word "Now!!!" the last semblance of resistance and independence in Superman shattered. He immediately got over on all fours and quickly scurried across the floor towards the cockily splayed legs of the scornful Chinese hunk. When his head reached the space between the Chinese male's knees, the Kryptonian stud stopped, looked up, and waited silently. "Good boy," smirked Wu as he tousled Superman's thick mane of hair. "Come and get your bone,' laughed Wu as he applied a gentle pressure underneath Superman's chin. A second later Wu's rigid shaft was lodged firmly in Superman's throat and his ears were filled with the rewarding sounds of the deep groans of pleasure coming from the vanquished superhero kneeling in complete submission before him Superman had been totally taken down and broken. He was a cockhound, addicted to cum, and ready to endure any humiliation in order to get it. As the desperate-for-cum Superman sucked and slobbered on the hard Chinese rod, he could feel Wu's hand rubbing his head, encouraging him to "suck that cock like a good faggot," and telling him that his hard work would soon be rewarded. The cock-impaled Man of Steel responded with alacrity to each exhortation to suck and promise of cum by trying to increase Wu's pleasure and to extract the long-promised wad of goo. "Okay, faggot, its time. This is what you've been waiting for. Daddy's gonna feed you supper. Get ready, here it cums!" groaned the triumphant Wu as he looked down on Superman's handsome, cock-pierced face and began spewing a large warm load of gooey Chinese ball juice into Superman's cock slurping mouth. "Yeah, Faggot! Swallow my load! Suck that rod dry. Eat me! Oh fuck!" Wu cried as his body shook in the incredible orgasm brought on by Superman's hunger-driven blowjob. Pure joy overcame the Man of Steel as he tasted the torrent of thick, sperm rich nut sauce that leapt from the cumslot at the end of Wu's dick and splattered against Superman's tongue and the inside of his mouth. "Mffff, Mmmm, Ah yeah, mfffguggle, Mmmm" emanated from the cock stuffed mouth of the Man of Steel as he lapped at Wu's spewing cum slot and eagerly swallowed the milky jizz that shot out of it. Superman had never known such physical pleasure before in his entire life. At the same time his own powerful phallus began to jettison a large load of hot, white Kryptonian semen as his body was wracked with overwhelming pleasure triggered by the first contact of Wu's semen with Superman's taste buds. The impressive load arched upwards from Superman's incredibly rigid cock before spattering on Wu's leg and the floor of Superman's bedroom. His mighty body spasmed in joy as he swallowed Wu's spunk and fired his own into the air. This was a level of bliss that he had never known. As Collin and the rest of Luthor's amazed henchmen watched the incredible scene over superhuman degradation unfold before them, the mission-focused ex-Navy SEAL signalled to the rest of the gathered males to line up and take advantage of the new cum-junkie. "Line up guys and get ready for some out of this world head," ordered Collin. "Get a message to the guys in the basement. Get those engineers up here too. They deserve a reward for all of their hard work. Besides, it looks like our cocksucking friend here is still hungry." "Hey Superman," Collin called as he watched the spent Man of Steel release Wu's semen-drained dick from his mouth. "You missed some!" exclaimed the 34-year old male as he pointed at Superman's own cum pooling on his flood and clinging to Wu's leg. "Waste not want not! Clean that up!" snapped Collin as he watched the defeated superstud shift his focus to the semen that he had just ejaculated. Superman's overwhelmed psyche watched in horror as it felt the Man of Steel's body bend forward in slavish obedience to the sickening order of the stern Italo-Irishman and begin licking his own semen first from his bedroom floor and then from Wu's leg. When Superman finally removed the last traces of his own superhuman manjuice from Wu's leg, the Man of Steel's powerless inner mind shuddered as it listened to the damning observation of the sneering Chinese gymnast. "That's right, homo. The only place your cum is ever going to go is into your own mouth. It will never see the inside of a pussy. It will never make a baby. It will never give you a son or a daughter. Not a single fucking sperm that your balls produce will shoot out of that dick of yours unless you've got your lips wrapped around a nice, hard cock." said Wu with a look of pure contempt on his face. But even as the psyche of the vanquished Superman was plunged into gloom by Wu's awful words, a smile broke out on Superman's as the first of Luthor's engineers from the basement, moved Wu aside, unzipped his pants, fished out his dick, looked Superman in the face, and said "blow me, cocksucker." Within seconds his dick was lodged inside of the hungry mouth of the Man of Steel. As each hard dick ejaculated into the willing mouth of the Man of Steel, it was replaced by another anxious to unload penis belonging to yet another of Luthor's men. Superman eagerly sucked and swallowed nine more loads of thick, manly cream before Collin blasted him the face with a dose of concentrated Red Krypton gas. He passed out quickly, naked, on his back at the feet of the males who had taken him. Unlike the prior two times that he had been raped, Superman's face had a strange smile of contentment on it. Approximately ten minutes after the last of Luthor's henchmen had left Clark Kent's apartment, the door to his bedroom swung open. An exultant Luthor stared at his blissfully sleeping enemy and laughed, "Enjoy your nap Superman. A hunger will awaken you soon enough; a hunger for this," continued the archnemesis of the Man of Steel as he unzipped his fly, fished out his dick and began masturbating over the sleeping Kryptonian hunk at his feet. A few minutes later Luthor capped his victory over Superman by ejaculating a copious load of semen directly onto the closed lips of the Man of Steel. After spending several minutes just looking down at his own semen pooling on top of Superman's lips and running down the cheeks of his foe, Luthor turned and left the room chuckling, "I think that I'm going to enjoy this."


13 Gay Erotic Stories from Hector Oppenheimer

Cock Crazy Cop Stole My Load (true)

PHILA. COP CHARGED WITH SEX ASSAULT ON MAN Victim Told Police He Was Forced Into Lewd Act March 28, 2000 PHILADELPHIA ( -- A city police officer was arrested for sexually assaulting a 29-year-old man while on duty, authorities said today. Officer Rafael Nieves-Concepcion, 27, a five-year veteran, was charged Monday with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, sexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part 1

Suck Slave Superman On the third day after Lois Lane had failed to show up for work at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent receives an envelope containing instructions for insuring the safe release of Lois. The message tells Clark to contact Superman and to have Superman appear at the entrance of a seldom used archival vault in the sub basement

Suck Slave Superman, Part 2

Summary: The following story is the second chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. It was almost dawn before Superman groggily awoke from his kryptonite

Suck Slave Superman, Part 3

The following story is the third chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.3) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Unlike his first gang rape at

Suck Slave Superman, Part 4

The following story is the fourth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.4)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 5

The following story is the fifth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Suck Slave Superman (Ch.5)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 6

The following story is the sixth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 7

The following story is the seventh chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 8

The following story is the eighth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave

Suck Slave Superman, Part 9

(Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.) Superman Suck Slave, Chapter 9 (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Collin let the satiated Man of Steel lie undisturbed on the floor of Lex's office until the ex-Navy man was absolutely certain that every one of the handsome exotic male dancers who had enticed Superman into being an active participant in a homosexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part10a

The following story is the tenth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright of DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave, Part 10 (MMMMM/M,

Suck Slave Superman, Part10b

"He's hungry for it, stud," observed the doctor as he caught Gunnar's eye and glanced towards the drooling Superhero. "If this isn't proof that Superman is a faggot, then nothing is," he continued as he watched Gunnar lower his hard cock so that it hovered even closer to the mouth of the cum crazed Superhunk. "You really need this baby, don't you?" asked the smug blond stud as stared

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11)

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11) It was a very different Man of Steel who followed several steps behind Wu Chao, Gunnar and Dr. Naguib as Luthor's three henchmen strode triumphantly into Lex's conference room. Even though he was once again clad in his universally recognized cape and outfit, the aura of self-confidence, righteous assertiveness and power that had always emanated from the


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