Gay Erotic Stories

Spiderman Becomes Spiderslave, Part 1

by P Parker

Spiderman was exhausted. Two weeks of tracking down clues and fighting had worn him down. Each step led to one man- the Dominator, an up and coming crime lord. The last two days he had fought a tough battle with a hired goon out to kill him. Now, costume torn, muscles pumped he head off to stop a building from being burned down to clear way for a new Dominator activity. As he landed on the building he saw his reflection in a skylight. His once impressive costume was ripped- from his right shoulder down to just below his deep valley, exposing his right chest and quarter size nipple. Another tear went almost clear around his left leg, and there were several tears on his arms. He thought- no time for a change- and lifted up the skylight. His spidersense tingled as he landed on the floor. He felt the building shake for a mild explosion. Quickly he ran down the hallway towards the fire. Just then the sprinklers went off, covering him with water. His costume got soaked, and thereby showed every muscle more clearly. Especially his 8" cock. Ahead of him he saw a form on the floor. He saw that it was a young man tied up. As he approached he saw that the man was about 18, blond hair and a solid football player's build. As he untied him the man awoke. "Wh Wh What happened? " "That's my line,” Spiderman responded. "Last thing I remember was going for a job with some Dominator guy. And when I said I wasn't into any heavy stuff he ordered his guys to grab me. They tied me up and brought me here. Then knocked me out" "Well I guess you didn't get the job. Where did you meet this guy?" "A friend took me to an abandoned house on 23rd and 7th" "Well then I'll check that out" "Oh, one of the guys said something about movin' the HQ" "Thanks" Spiderman, tired and wet knew he had to go tonight. He couldn't take a chance that they'd move the HQ. So, off he went to the address. Behind him the man walked to the window and watched him swing away. Taking out a cell phone, he placed a call "Yeah, it worked like you planned. The sprinklers went off, he's soaking wet. The drug is working in his system right now. He's on his way. I'm heading back now." Spiderman finally arrived at the address. "Why do these guys always pick such crappy places?" As he landed on the wall he thought about how tired he was and how he hoped this would be quick. Spiderman entered the building through an open window. He crawled along the walls to help with surprise. Ahead a light shone, the spidersense, which had not stopped tingling, now rang loud. Looking into the room he saw four of the Dominator's goons- all 6' to 6'5" dressed in tight nylon tee shirts and tight black jeans. Swinging in he webbed up one and kicked another. The other two were right on him, he received a blow to the face and the gut. He knocked out one. A tumble along the floor with the last one too a couple of long minutes. But finally Spiderman overpowered him. A quick webbing up- and now after the Dominator. As he turned from webbing up the last man he turned and was face to face with his foe. The Dominator stood at 6'3" and was solid muscle. His chest was at least 54 inches, his arms where the size of Thor's legs. His face was rugged, eyes piercing. He had no shirt on, showing two perfect nipples. Two thick chains crossed his chest. He wore leather pants that looked as though they were painted on. "So the Spider has come to my domain, it took you long enough" Before he could answer- the Dominator hit him squarely in the gut. Spiderman doubled over, giving his foe a chance to grab him, lift him up and throw him across the room. Spiderman turned to see where he was going- but he was fast approaching a stack of crates. He hit them and tried to role with the fall. His reflexes and energy seemed too slow. Spiderman felt like he was drugged- but how. As he lay on the floor the Dominator quickly grabbed him in a headlock. Spiderman squirmed but was no match for the dominating force. His ass could feel the Dominato's cock and it was getting larger. "You think you are such a great hero, so smart and clever, strong and agile. But you are nothing but a pawn in MY plans." He threw Spiderman down on the floor- Spiderman looked up at him, marveling at his size, fearful of him. "The past two weeks you have danced to my tune- every clue was one I planted. Even tonight- I'm not moving this place- but I knew that if you thought that you'd rush over" The fear deepened inside the hero. He started to rise- only to receive a swift kick in the chest. His costume got caught on the boot, and more tore away, exposing most of his chest. "I have taken away your sense of being able to track down crooks, you couldn’t find me until I let you" He knew this was true. "I have taken away your strength and agility-you know this don't you?" Spiderman didn't have to answer- he tried to jump up and tackle the man. He was quickly swatted away landing face down. The Dominator quickly removed one of his chains and bound Spiderman's hands, and with the other his feet. He forcefully flipped the helpless hero over. "Now- Spiderman- I have you- but this is the beginning. By the time I'm through with you, you will be mine totally! I will take from you everything you have left- so that you are my Spiderslave. Spiderman looked pathetically up at his captor, noticing how large every muscle was, including all of his legs. Panic swept over him To be continued….


1 Gay Erotic Stories from P Parker

Spiderman Becomes Spiderslave, Part 1

Spiderman was exhausted. Two weeks of tracking down clues and fighting had worn him down. Each step led to one man- the Dominator, an up and coming crime lord. The last two days he had fought a tough battle with a hired goon out to kill him. Now, costume torn, muscles pumped he head off to stop a building from being burned down to clear way for a new Dominator activity. As he

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