Gay Erotic Stories

Skinhead Law

by Steve 333


Skinhead Law Steve 333 " Fuckin' shit!" Dean leant his bristled forehead against the wall, panting. He rolled back against the brick and gazed gravely at the black sky. "That was too friggin' close." Karl stared back down the alley and grabbed Dean by the scruff, dragging him behind a large skip. "It's the pigs, the fuckin' pigs are there." A blue light strobed across the dustbins; they sank further into their hiding place. "It's no good man!" Dean stared, crazed into his mate's eyes, his face red with panic. "They got us, the cunts 'ave fuckin' got us!" A shadow slid up the alley, a streak of authority with a truncheon at its side. Dean searched for a way out, though he knew none existed. It was a blind alley. "They'll lock me up forever this time Karl: I'm on fuckin' parole!" Karl tried to stay calm. "Look. Where's the stuff?" Dean wrestled with the pockets in his jacket and produced the packets and bottles from the pharmacy. "Lose it! Shit! Lose it quick!" The two skinheads stuffed the drugs into the rubbish filled gap between the skip and the wall. The shadow paused; the peak of its hat turned in their direction. Karl flattened himself against the brickwork. "Dave. Over here." The voice was cold and measured. "Mike?" Another shadow appeared, broader than the first. "What is it?" The youths watched as the black shapes stretched towards them. Dean panicked and fled down the alley, his braces flapping round his legs. He had reached the far wall but the two officers were nearly on him. As he leapt for the top, Mike seized him round the waist. Dave stood back and pulled the stick from his belt. Karl rejected the nagging instinct to abandon his mate. The coast was clear, he could be out of the alley in seconds. Instead he went to Dean's aid. Dave, the big policeman saw him coming; he turned brandishing his stick, ready to bring the lad down. Pinned to the wall, Dean was struggling against his captor. Karl stopped short of the baton’s reach. "Don't be a fool kid." The big man stood wide legged, arms out at his sides. "You 'aven't got a hope." The two stared, panting, into each other's eyes, trying to predict their next move. "Up against the wall now, sonny. Don't make it any harder than it's gotta be." "Leg it mate!" Dean shouted over his shoulder. "He'll never catch ya. The cunting... Ugh!" Mike slammed him back into the wall. The officer restrained him with his body as he reached for the cuffs that hung at his waist. He snapped the metal ring around one wrist then wrestled to grasp the other. Efficiently, he secured it. He turned his head to the larger man. "Fuckin' hell Dave. Get that little shit will ya." Dave struck like a cobra. His stick made a dim arc in the air and landed squarely on the side of Karl's neck. The skinhead doubled in agony, blind with the pain. In an instant he felt the policeman move behind, cuffing him. As he struggled he yelled at the ground. "Fuckin' filth! Think yer so tough with ya big fuckin' truncheon." "Watch ya mouth, kid." Dave pushed him against the wall next to Dean. "Yeah" Dean joined in. "We could thrash the two of ya easy, man to man. Ya hide behind ya fuckin batons. Ya pair of fagg… ugh!" Mike kneed him in the balls. The two policemen laughed. "You fuckin' reckon?" Dave smiled at his partner. He took the key from his pocket and unlocked Dean's cuffs. "Come on then son, let's see just how much of a man you are." He placed his weapon on top of a dustbin. Dean rubbed at his wrists. "OK, but just you Davey, not 'im an all." He looked towards Mike, leaning against the skip. Dean took off his green jacket, revealing his thick arms and powerful chest, tight beneath his Fred Perry. Dave hadn't expected the lad to be so strong; he began to wonder how sure of success he could be. Noticing the policeman’s hesitation, Dean pulled the shirt off also. The body he revealed was solid and lean, the muscles of his torso sharply honed by obsessive work outs. Karl, still handcuffed, watched the policeman remove his coat. He too was brawny, but not as fit as his mate. Karl had never known Dean to lose a fight. He was like an animal when provoked, many a time Karl had intervened, saving him from a murder charge. The muscular skinhead held his tattooed arms away from his sides, stooping slightly, legs far apart. The officer mirrored his stance. Suddenly Dean struck. He leapt at Dave, his balled fist throwing the man’s head savagely to the left, instantly followed by a slug from the right. The policeman stumbled into the bins, his truncheon clattering down behind them. Correcting himself, his mouth streaked red, he jumped at the youth. Dean ducked his blow and he swiped thin air. It was like a bear baiting. Dave, the mighty grizzly, strong but slow, Dean, the agile bull terrier, coming from nowhere, dodging the attacks. Dave hardly got a punch in: Dean’s street-fighting upbringing was beyond any training the metropolitan police could muster. The skin went unrelentingly for the head, crushing Dave’s nose and in the next moment tearing his lower lip. The hefty policeman stumbled around like a drunk, his face a crimson mess of defeat. One eye was swollen to the point of blindness, the other filled with blood from his cut brow. Exhausted by the onslaught, his swings at Dean became childishly feeble. Karl felt a reluctant twinge of pity. It was short lived, however, and when Dave staggered in his direction, he landed a boot in the pig’s gut. Dave slumped against the skip, blood issuing from his nose, brow and mouth. Dean was coming for more but Karl intervened. "Leave 'im Dean. You’ll kill the bastard." "Fuck that! He's got it comin'." Dean was on a high. He was impossible to reason with in this state. "How about you?" He jumped at the second officer, making him flinch, then snarled into his face. "You want some of this?" He flexed his heavy arms making the muscles and veins bulge. His chest bunched impressively. Mike stared blankly, disguising his fear. Dean pushed him against the wall and fumbled for the keys Dave had given him. Finding them he released his mate. "Let's go." Dean grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head as they walked. The two policemen made no attempt to stop them; they stayed in their positions watching with naked hate. Halfway down the alley, Dean turned and stared at Mike. "No wait a mo'." He noticed the hard column down the policeman's leg. The man shrank from him as the skin approached. Dean reached down and seized Mike's erection. "So you do want some!" He twisted the man’s cock viciously. Karl and Dean secured each policeman with his own handcuffs. Their hands behind their backs. Standing back Dean glared at Mike then suddenly spat a clot of phlegm into his face. "Fuckin’ filth!" He pulled the front his Fred Perry up and behind his neck. exposing his powerful tattooed torso. He yanked the man's head against his chest. "Suck me tit, scum." Mike took the silver ringed nipple into his mouth. Dean smiled carnally as he slowly pulled away, stretching out his nipple. "Yeah. You fuckin' pig shit, you're beggin' for a good shag ain’t ya." Mike looked up over Dean's round pectoral into his face. "Fuck off!" Dean punched him violently on the stomach. "Don't look at me with ya fuckin’ faggot eyes. Boy, are you in for it, Mr Poleeeceman." He laughed open throated at his Larry the Lamb impression. Dave, still slumped against the wall, was watching this, his expression one of guarded fascination. His shirt was bloodied clinging to his hefty torso. Karl approached him and hauled out his stiffening cock. He presented it to the large policeman. "Suck it! Filth!" Dean span Mike round and pushed his face into the wall. He effortlessly ripped open the seat of the officer's black trousers and unzipped the fly on his jeans. His cock sprang down like a rigid, veined drawbridge. It was tremendously fat and slick with pre-cum. The man cried out as Dean rammed it home. "Shut it, cunt!" Dean smashed his head into the wall. " You’re gonna get a real man for once, not some fuckin’ limp-wristed pig." He threw a glance at Dave, sucking on Karl’s erection and smiled. Turning back he began ramming ferociously, ranting at the sight of his thrusting shaft. "Fuck you scum!... urgh!... Fuckin' take it you faggot… pig, shit!" His tight stomach smacked against the policeman's back as his dick, lengthy and thick, jabbed relentlessly. In no time the excitement proved too much. He bucked faster into Mike's arse as his victim sobbed in agony. Dean’s obscenities were now nothing more than breathy ramblings. Then, with a half shout, half roar, Dean emptied his balls. Puffing through clenched teeth he pulled out, allowing a flow of semen to exit with him. Dave's mouth was hot around Karl's shaft. The sucking was good: Karl guessed he'd done it before. Dave had pulled Karl's jeans down to his knees and was gripping his buttocks as they thrust back and forth. Karl bucked carelessly, each thrust choking the policeman; his cock was red with Dave’s blood. Concentrating hard, Karl felt the tingle reach the root of his dick. At last he'd accomplished his objective: there was a rush and he flooded the policeman's mouth with three beers worth of piss. Choking, Dave pulled away, piss splashing over his face, but Karl grabbed his head and pushed his spouting erection back into the man's throat. The policeman couldn't swallow; an amber geyser of urine escaped around the thick girth that filled his mouth and flooded over his chin. His bladder spent, Karl pushed the coughing policeman onto the ground. Still on his knees but with his arms bound behind him, Dave’s face thumped hard against the cobbles. Karl ripped the trousers down over Dave's small tight arse and, kneeling, pushed his dick inside. Dave gave a tortured groan. As he began to fuck, Karl heard a cry from behind him. He turned to see Dean screwing Mike with his truncheon. He was thrusting the shiny stick deep into the policeman's arse, twisting and angling it. The skinhead massaged his own raw erection with his other hand, laughing to Mike's agonised moans. Karl looked down at Dave’s arse and screwed harder. He reached for the blooded crew cut and wrenched back the pig’s head. Dave yelped, his neck sore from his fight with Dean. Not enough. Karl had the feeling Dave was enjoying this. He reached down and, as he’d feared, found a throbbing stiffness bucking between the officer’s legs. Karl scanned the ally and saw the sherds of green broken glass scattered around the skip. He took some in his palm and pressed it round Dave’s erection. Still fucking the man he wanked him ferociously, the glass scraping together in his fist. Dave roared with pain, but his cock stayed rigid. In a second the cobbles beneath him were spattered with his cum. "Hey, Dean! We’ve got a right perv’ ‘ere." Karl turned to his mate who was still shoving the truncheon into its owner. Massaging his purple helmet, Dean licked his lips with a thick tongue. "Faggot fuckin' pig! Let's see how you like the long arm of the law." Dean dropped the stick and started to push his hand into Mike's arse. The policeman was panting and sweating, too weak to protest, his eyes slits of drugged pain. Once he’d got his hand inside the taut hole, Dean clenched his fist and drove deeper. Mike gaped in a silent scream as the muscled forearm slowly disappeared inside him. Karl watched as Dean’s black tattoos were engulfed one by one. He dropped the glass and fucked Dave mercilessly. There was a commotion at the end of the alley. A screech of brakes and the sound of speeding feet. Karl twisted to see two more policemen sprinting towards him. He pulled out of Dave and stuffed his cock back in his jeans, Dean did the same. As Dean’s arm was yanked from his body Mike slumped to the ground. "Jesus, fuck!" The policemen were younger and bigger than the first two. They looked like bodybuilders. The two skins stared at each other in panic. Dean grabbed his mate and they made for the back wall. After raising Karl to get a grip on the top, he leapt up, agile as a chimpanzee, and swung himself over. The policemen were on their heels, enraged by the state of their colleagues as they passed. The skins found themselves in a long garden. "Fuck! Yeah. This is Jack’s place." The two stared at the window of their mate’s flat. The light was on. "JACK!" Dean bellowed at the curtained window. They span round at the scuffing behind them to see the two policemen leaping over the garden wall. Karl was thrown into a bush by one crop headed policeman. The other, a burly red-haired youth, had Dean in a half nelson. Through the leaves Karl saw with amazement how small his mate looked compared to the man. "You are dead mate!" the redhead growled into Dean’s ear. "Get the other one Rick." Rick fought through the bushes towards Karl. The Skin kicked at him, knocking off his hat but the policeman seized his boots, and with remarkable strength dragged him out by the feet. "Got ’im, Andy." He rolled Karl on his stomach and tried to cuff him. The door at the end of the garden burst open and Jack flew out. He landed in the throng, kicking and punching the two policemen. Jack was seventeen, small and wiry, his body youthful but strong. Freed by Jack’s diversion, Dean and Karl joined the attack. With three skins to contend with the policemen were soon overpowered. The skins took the policemen to the wall at the end of the garden. Jack went into the shed and pulled a string illuminating a swinging forty watt bulb. The light lent the garden a pale luminescence. "I don’t know what you little shits are thinkin’ but you’d better fuckin’ let us go." Andy the redhead was bruised below the eye, his face a mask of well concealed fear. "Yep. It’s bad enough already. You’re gonna get years, the lot of ya." Rick looked at Karl with an expression saying be sensible, think of the consequences. Karl looked at the man’s bulging crotch. "Let’s string ’em up." The two policemen were tied to the hooks on the wall, where a row of hanging baskets used to be before Jack moved in. Their arms were spread wide and high. Jack was staring at Andy. "Always ’ad a thing about red heads, me. Damn good screws the lot of ’em." The man spat in his face. Karl noticed the erection strain in response, beneath Jack’s fatigues. The policeman had no idea, he was only making it worse for himself. "Can’t do that Jacko." Dean was undoing his fly again. "Look the cunt’s married." Jack eyed the gold ring on Andy’s large hand. "Hey, a friggin’ virgin, I bet." Jack ran his hand over the man’s groin, then up to his chest. "What a treat, an’ it ain’t even me birthday!" He grasped Andy’s shirt and ripped it open. The chest was white as marble with its muscles in perfect defined relief. "Urrrgh! Fuckin’ hell!" Jack’s eyes were round with lust. "Don’t even think it, you little shit!" Andy was struggling but the ropes held fast. Jack ripped the rest of the policeman’s shirt from his body, exposing a tattoo of a woman’s name on his arm. "Who the fuck is Debbie?" Dean had his cock out and was rubbing at it idly. His eyes perused the policemen. Karl ripped the shirt from Rick; his body was even bigger than Andy’s. It was covered with tattoos. "Like yer ink, pig!" Dean approached the man and studied him. He released his cock and pulled off his Fred Perry, revealing his own dark designs. "Fuck off you stinking fuckin’ queer!" It was Andy. Jack was pulling his trousers off his feet, leaving him in only his tight, red shorts. He kicked at Jack, landing a foot in his chest and sending him flying. Struggling to his feet, the lad reached into the pocket of his fatigues and lit a fag. Then he held the glowing tip towards the policeman’s nipple. "Shut the fuck up, pig!" The tip grew closer, "I ain’t kiddin’" He buried the burning cigarette into Andy’s chest. He roared with pain. "Jesus, shit Jack!" Karl pulled him off. "D’ya wanna wake the whole fuckin’ street?!" Jack swiftly gagged the policeman with his shirt and jabbed the cigarette into his other nipple. The man’s scream was muffled and distant. Jack smirked at Karl. "That better?" Dean lowered the fly on Rick’s trousers and hauled them down. The man’s thighs were round and flared like a weight lifter’s. Although his legs were free, he didn’t attempt to resist. "You a queer or summat? Ya ain’t puttin’ up much of a fight." The policeman looked down at Dean and spoke calmly. "Is there any point? You’d only enjoy it wouldn’t ya. I ain’t gonna act out your twisted fantasies for ya." "That’s what you fuckin’ think!" Dean pulled down his jeans, tearing them over his boots and stumbled out of them,. He stood naked in his DMs, flexed his back impressively and aimed his dick at Rick. A stream of piss spattered the policeman, cascading over his developed body and dousing his white boxers. Karl observed the policeman’s sizeable cock squirming in the drenching heat of Dean’s piss, stirring into erection. Then he turned to the muffled protests beside him. Jack had lifted Andy’s huge legs onto his shoulders and was sliding his pulsing erection between the policeman’s buttocks. By now the other officer’s erection was filling the front of his piss-soaked shorts. It tented them out and threatened to part the fly. Dean scrutinised the man who returned the look. Dean watched as the crop haired man’s cock burst through the slit. It was massive, thicker and longer than any Dean had seen. The monster arched upwards, the veined shaft as hard as granite, the helmet huge, domed and raw. "What the fuck is goin’ on pig?" Rick just smiled and his erection twitched. "Dean? What are you bleedin’ doin’? Karl hissed as his mate untied the naked policeman. "I’ve got plans for this one." Rick stepped away from the wall and kneeling seized Dean’s cock in his mouth. Dean arched his body back in bliss as the expert tongue swirled around his helmet. The policeman took the engorged shaft into his throat, saliva hanging in strings from Dean’s furred balls. The skinhead began to thrust his hips slowly and sensually, his head probing the man’s throat. Karl stroked the column throbbing in his jeans as he observed. Jack was fucking the redhead fiercely, his narrow hips bucking between the policeman’s thighs. Like a rabbit he hammered his cock into the twisting man’s arse, stimulated by the flexing of his suffering body. The skinhead still had the remainder of his fag between his lips. He was gripping Andy’s tight buttocks for purchase and aiming his cock up under them to bury it to the root. Above the gag, Andy’s eyes were clenched in agony, his breathing rapid and shallow. "UURRGH!" Jack froze mid thrust as his balls rose beneath him emptying their load in the policeman. "He’s… he’s all yours Karl." The lad stumbled from between the man’s legs letting them flop against the wall, lifeless. Hearing this Andy shook his head desperately at Karl. Karl grinned. He walked up to the bound body, flushed and sweating from its ordeal, and lifted the colossal legs onto his shoulders. His cock was aching from the events of the night, begging to be put to use. He felt the helmet slipping on Jack's cum between the white buttocks and drove it into Andy’s arse. The heat was glorious. Sliding deep into the man’s body, Karl’s cock ached with hardness. The velvet moistness, combined with Jack’s cum, greased the way so well that Karl was soon on the brink of climax. He gazed at the tormented policeman, his toiling body writhing, twisting in pain and felt in his balls a coiling like a spring. They lifted, about to discharge. Somehow sensing this, Jack stabbed his cigarette into the policeman’s arm and in reflex he tightened on Karl’s cock. Karl grunted as the sensation flooded his body, the semen escaping, flowing over his scrotum. His ramming slowed. As he let the policeman’s legs slap against the wall, he sensed someone behind him. Dean. The naked Skin lifted the legs and saw the tears of pain in Andy’s eyes. "Boys don’t cry, ya faggot." He twisted a nipple violently. "I’ll give ya something to fuckin’ blub about." Dean screwed him for ages. It was his third orgasm, the second smeared over the second policeman’s chin. He stood watching Dean screw his partner, eyes narrowed in relish. Finally Dean pounded ferociously between Andy’s round thighs as his grunting increased. Arching back, his semen pumped, filling the already brimming arse. As he withdrew a flood of cum issued from between the policeman’s buttocks hanging momentarily before dripping to the ground. Andy was barely conscious but he roused slightly as his colleague approached. His eyes beseeching, he nodded towards his bound hands. Rick smiled and reached down for the man’s legs. He lifted them painfully to his shoulders and positioned the head of his colossal cock at Andy’s oozing arse. The policeman fell limp as his partner rammed inside.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Steve 333

Skinhead Law

Skinhead Law Steve 333 " Fuckin' shit!" Dean leant his bristled forehead against the wall, panting. He rolled back against the brick and gazed gravely at the black sky. "That was too friggin' close." Karl stared back down the alley and grabbed Dean by the scruff, dragging him behind a large skip. "It's the pigs, the fuckin' pigs are there." A blue


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