Gay Erotic Stories

Shamrock Vs. Mezger Play Dress Up

by Riddler


Ken shamrock Vs. Guy Mezger…a Superman fantasy This story is fiction. No sexual orientation is implied in reality, just the author’s imagination. Ken Shamrock was just finishing his evening workout in his Lion’s Den Gym. After his recent stint in the UFC it felt good to be home again, surrounded by all of his family and student’s. He returned the barbell to the rack and admired his body in the full-length wall mirror. At 6 feet and 235 pounds Ken Shamrock had the body of a Greek god. As a kid he had been a fan of all the comic book super heroes, especially Superman, and that is what his goal had been when he started weight training years ago. Now looking at his reflection he realized he had accomplished his goal. He had well-developed muscles and perfect cream colored skin…accented by a skimpy blue colored Speedo which showed off his ample sized crotch and perfect bubble butt. As his eyes admired his reflection he felt his shaft beginning to stir. He slowly started to rub his hands over his body and feel his hard muscles. Ken stopped and walked over to his office. Inside he opened up his closet and reached in and pulled out a box. Inside was a costume he had a tailor make for him when he had been in Japan a few years ago. The spandex material was a medium shade of blue, accompanied by bright red boots and a cape. The S design on the chest was bright red also, outlined by a border of bright yellow. He slipped his Speedo’s off and put on the costume and walked back out to the mirror and looked at his reflection…Superman looked back at him. Ken Shamrock truly did justice to the costume…he really brought the Superman character to life. Once again he felt the stirring in his loins and began to pleasure himself. His reverie was disturbed by a noise from the front door of his gym. As he started to walk to the door to investigate he was startled to see Guy Mezger. Now, guy was one of Ken’s protégé’s who Shamrock had always secretly lusted for. Years ago Ken had realized that he was gay but had decided that he would put those feelings in the back of his mind and try to live a straight life. He had gone about getting married and having kids, but the feelings had never gone away. As time had gone on he had started buying men’s magazines and accumulating quite a collection of gay wrestling oriented videos. He had entered the wrestling profession because it got him in close contact with other well-built men. When he had started the Lion’s Den he had a new source of men. Most of the guys in the gym were young, good looking and well built. Guy was the hottest of the men and Ken had spent many a night dreaming about all of the things he would love to do with Guy. Shamrock looked at Guy and began to feel his face slightly redden, since he was wearing a Superman costume and was worried what Guy would think. Guy Mezger just looked at Shamrock and felt a slight smile form on his lips. Unbeknownst to Ken, guy knew about his secret life and desires. One day he had been at the gym and had come across Ken’s secret porn collection. That was when he had started making plans and tonight was going to be the night that he put those plans into action. For years Guy had secretly desired Ken and had realized over time that for a straight married men, Ken spent a lot of time away from his family traveling, at the gym, or out with the guys. As a matter of fact he had caught Ken looking at him while he was working out. Until now he had always pretended he didn’t know, and truth be told he had never dare dream that Ken was possibly gay. Now as he looked at Ken dressed up as Superman his suspicions were proven correct. “Guy, I guess this looks kind of strange” Shamrock stammered as way of greeting. “Don’t worry man, your secret is safe and if I looked like you I’d wear it all the time” Guy casually replied. Guy Mezger casually walked past Shamrock and dropped his gym bag to the floor by the mirror. He turned around and admired Ken’s body, making sure that Ken saw it. Guy noticed that Ken blushed some more and lowered his eyes. Guy walked over to Ken and put his hands on Ken’s chin and gently lifted his head up. As Ken looked back into Guys eyes Guy stroked Ken’s sizeable package. Shamrock let out a soft murmur and looked deeper into Guy’s eyes with want and desire. “How about we go into the ring and get a little wrestling going? Kinda been a fantasy of mine since I was a little kid to go a few rounds with Superman” Guy whispered into Ken’s ear. Ken couldn’t believe it. The one man who really turned him on was gay, and interested in him to boot. The idea of wrestling Guy while wearing his costume was a real turn on, especially now that Ken’s secret was out in the open. “Yeah, that sounds great” Ken replied quickly. “Just let me take this cape off” as Ken headed toward the ring in the next room. As Ken climbed through the ring ropes, he walked to the corner and turned around. Ken Shamrock was surprised to see that Guy had stripped down to a skimpy pair of red Speedo’s and red wrestling boots. Guy walked to the opposite side of the ring and smiled at Ken. Guy knew that Shamrock was Superman in more ways then just the outward physical appearance. Like all those over muscled comic book superheroes Ken suffered from an abundance of over confidence in his belief that he could out muscle his opponents. Like most muscle heads, Shamrock didn’t realize that not all opponents would fight fairly, and sometimes a little brainpower could make the difference in a fight. Guy was smiling because Ken was about to find out that incredible amounts of pain could lead to incredible amounts of pleasure. Tonight would be the first day of Ken’s new life of servitude, and the idea of breaking Shamrock’s will was exciting Guy beyond belief. As Ken Shamrock looked at Guy Mezger and admired his growing bulge he was blissfully unaware of the true cause of it. He thought that merely the site of his incredibly well muscled physique was turning on Guy. Ken figured they go a few rounds and after he had put Guy into enough holds, Guy would readily submit to Ken’s desires. After all, while Guy was a capable fighter, he was not in Ken’s league. That was when Ken noticed that Guy looked as if he had put on a few extra ponds of solid muscle. Guy must be weighing 200 pounds and his self-confidence was well evident. Not that Ken was concerned; after all he was Superman…while he wore the costume Ken honestly felt like he could handle anything. Ken leaned through the ring ropes and rang the bell. As he pulled his torso back into the ring he turned to face Guy and received a hardback handed slap right across his face. Ken Shamrock’s head jerked back more from shock then pain as he rubbed his left cheek with his hand to ease the slight burning that had started. He looked at Guy with shock and disbelief. “What the fuck was that for” Shamrock demanded. “That’s what the villain does Superman” Guy said sarcastically to Ken. “This is my fantasy and the fact is that you’re so strong that there is no way I can hurt you so the truth is you are really kind of invulnerable. You really are the hottest man I know Ken and just think what we can do after I’ve lived my fantasy. I mean maybe then we can make some of your fantasies come true,” Guy said, continuing to feed Ken Shamrock’s super sized ego. Ken smiled. Guy was really into the role-playing and Shamrock was more then happy to comply. Guy was right after all, there was no way that Guy would possibly be able to injure him, so he agreed and the fight began again. “I’ll tell you what Guy. Why don’t we really get into the fantasy? I’ll call you Lex and you’ll call me Superman. Sound good?” Shamrock said. “Yeah, sounds great Ken, ahhh, I mean Superman” Guy answered. “Okay Lex, get ready to get your ass beaten” Shamrock growled. Shamrock and Mezger looked at each other and got ready to grapple. They approached in the middle of the ring, raised their arms and locked up in a test of strength. Shamrock had a slight height advantage, and knew he was stronger so he felt super confidant. Mezger began to feel his legs quiver as he tried to resist the power of Shamrock’s onslaught. Mezger knew that in an open and clean test of strength, Ken would win. Now was the time to put his plan into action to level the playing field. Without warning Mezger rammed his knee straight up into Shamrock’s mid section. Ken gasped as he felt the air leave his body, temporarily causing him to loosen his grip. While Shamrock was bent over Guy lifted his hands up and brought his fists down on the small of Shamrock’s back. “Arghhhh!!!!!!!!” Shamrock grunted. “Superman, looks like you’re going down!” screamed Mezger. As Shamrock arched his back to relieve the pain, Mezger slammed his foot into the back of Ken’s neck. Shamrock slammed back onto the ring mat and moaned in pain. Guy Mezger was energized. He looked at the sprawled body of Shamrock and realized how good it felt to cause Ken some humiliation. For too long Shamrock had thought of himself as invincible and seeing Shamrock in the Superman outfit had made Mezger realize that Ken needed to be taught a lesson. Ken was beginning to get up on his hands and knees and Guy knew that if he allowed Shamrock up, he would be in trouble. Shamrock had earned the title of “the worlds most dangerous man” so Mezger went right on with the punishment. He dropped his knee onto Ken’s right calf, then again, and again and one last time. Guy then moved onto Ken’s left calf and repeated the move till he was sure that Shamrock’s lower legs were in serious pain. Without giving Shamrock anytime to recover Mezger started the torture on Ken’s thighs. When he was done on the upper legs, Guy was positive that Ken’s legs were useless. Shamrock was squirming on his stomach, trying to crawl towards the edge of the ring. Mezger stood over the body of Shamrock, cocked his elbow and dropped it into the small of Ken’s back. “Oh my fuckin god, please stop Guy…oh God stop!!!!!” howled Shamrock, his voice dripping with pain. “Now Superman, this is your fantasy and I’m going to make sure you enjoy it. You always thought of yourself as a superman and now you are going to realize that even a superman has an Achilles heel. Over confidence is yours Superman. And by the way…. The name is Lex, remember” Guy taunted Ken. Shamrock was in real pain now, and he was having trouble thinking straight. Guy was taking charge of this fight and Ken was unable to mount an effective response. Ken raised his head and saw Guy approaching him with a maniacal grin on his face that chilled Shamrock to the bone. Mezger flipped Shamrock over onto his back and pulled him by his weakened legs to the ring post. He pulled Shamrock’s legs around the post so that his scrotum was 2 inches from the steel post. Guy stood on the floor outside the ring, grabbed Ken’s legs by his red boots and pulled with all his strength. The howl from Shamrock told the story. Guy, repeated this attack two more times till he was sure that damage had been done. As Guy got back into the ring he looked down at Ken’s body. He was stunned and pleased by what he saw. Ken’s face was a mask of pain, and he was trying to protect his balls from further attack. “Oh God…my fuckin balls…argh!!!!!!!!!….” Shamrock screamed. “I TOLD YOU ASS WIPE, MY NAME IS LEX, SUPERMAN!!!!” screamed Mezger into Shamrock’s ear. Guy Mezger straddled Shamrock’s prone body and lifted up his arms and draped him over the bottom ring rope. Guy went back down to the mat outside the ring and put his hands on the back of Ken’s neck and dropped down to his knee’s almost taking Shamrock’s head right off his body. Ken made a terrible hissing noise as he flopped around on the inside of the ring trying to get his breath back. Guy reentered the ring and grabbed Shamrock and lifted him up onto his shoulders. As Guy walked around the ring with Ken he threw him down to the mat with all his force. Shamrock landed on the back of his neck and moaned in agony. Mezger stretched out Shamrock’s arms and began to hammer the biceps with his knee. Over and over he continued until Shamrock just lie there whimpering. “Well Superman, I think we are almost there…pretty soon and you will be ready to accept your fate” Guy told the fallen Shamrock. Mezger then proceeded to turn Shamrock over onto his back. He took his foot and slammed it down onto Shamrock’s balls. From the abuse they had taken before they were beginning to swell. This just made them an easier to target for more abuse. He lifted his foot and slammed it down again. “Fuck you Lex” Shamrock muttered. “I’ll never give in to you!!!!” Shamrock screamed. Shamrock forced himself to his knees and kneeled before Guy. Guy looked down at his former mentor who he had completely destroyed. Once again he lifted up Shamrock and leaned him against the ring post. Ken looked at him with eyes brimming with fear. Mezger ripped off Shamrock’s tunic leaving his massive torso exposed…covered in sweat. Shamrock just leaned against the post completely spent. Mezger left and walked out of the ring. Shamrock was stunned. Someone who he had never thought could have had beaten him. He was past humiliation and completely engulfed in fear. Guy was going to kill him and there was no one who could stop him. How could he have been so stupid. He had fallen into the trap that Guy had planned for him. When Guy had left Shamrock had hoped that he could be saved. He just needed some time to get himself together. Ken never saw the punch coming. Guy had gone quietly behind Shamrock and cold cocked him in the right temple. Shamrock entered unconsciousness and collapsed to the mat. Guy lifted Ken’s lifeless body and carried him outside the gym to Guy’s waiting car and threw him into the trunk. Guy got into the car and drove off to his house. Guy lived in a deserted part of town so he didn’t worry about anyone seeing him carrying Shamrock into his house. Once inside he dragged Shamrock up to his bedroom door where he had a chinning bar set up. He proceeded to tie up ken’s wrists to the chinning bar leaving Shamrock’s limp body hanging helplessly from the bar. Ken looked at him, gave him a glare and told him to “fuck off”. Shamrock was in bad shape but he had no intention of being broken by one of his students. Shamrock had endured a lot in his life, both mental and physical, and he figured he could withstand whatever Guy Mezger had planned for him. Guy then proceeded to untie Ken Shamrock from his chinning bar and to carry him back into the living room. After tossing Ken on the floor like a sack of potatoes, Guy went to the sofa and sat down. Ken Shamrock shakily got to his knees and looked at Guy. The adrenaline flowing through his veins caused by the fear that he was feeling was giving him the boost in strength and stamina he needed to get to his feet. Mezger slowly got to his feet, looked at Shamrock, and then charged him. Ken Shamrock was pushed back to the floor and then pummeled without mercy. After a few minutes Mezger stopped and looked at his prey. Ken’s face was a bloodied mess…his upper lip was busted and bleeding, his left eye was swollen shut, and his nose looked broken. Ken Shamrock was just lying there, moaning in pain. “Well, Superman, you don’t look so good” Guy taunted the fallen hero wannabe. His own handiwork amazed Guy. The half-clothed body of his former mentor was sprawled on his very own living room. His tights were ripped and his red briefs were torn on the left side. Shamrock’s chest was heaving up and down as he tried to get some much-needed air in his lungs. Shamrock’s fantasy of being Superman had been shattered, and instead was facing his total destruction. Ken was losing the fight badly ad he was getting weaker by the minute. Mezger on the other hand was becoming more and more energized as he proceeded with the dismantling of Shamrock. Guy turned Ken on to his stomach and then applied Shamrock’s own ankle lock submission hold, which Ken had perfected during his stint in the WWF. Ken howled in pain and begged for Guy to stop. Mezger surprisingly complied. The truth was that Mezger had other plans for Shamrock, and he began to put them in play. He lifted the unmoving body of Shamrock to the bedroom and tied his arms and legs to the posts of the bed. Shamrock was semi conscious and Guy slapped him a few times till he was sure that Shamrock was aware of what was about to happen. Guy had begun to realize that there was a thrill in seeing the look of fear in his defeated opponents. Ken Shamrock was helpless, he couldn’t move and the look in Guy’s eyes was terrifying. Mezger went to his gym bag and took out a pair of nipple clamps. He then walked over to the prone body of Shamrock and attached then to Shamrock’s nipples. Shamrock cried out in pain and screamed for Guy to take them off. Instead, Shamrock pulled on the chain that connected the clamps together and Ken’s body was jerked up in a desperate move to keep his nipples from being ripped off. The screams from Ken Shamrock told the story. Ken Shamrock was yelling at the top of his lungs for Ken to stop but this time Mezger did not comply. He was getting a hard on watching the former “world’s most dangerous man” squirm in pain and terror. Ken’s body was jerking like crazy and his eyes were wide open in unimaginable pain and terror. Mezger continued this torture until Shamrock was no longer making understandable noises and merely making grunting noises reminiscent of animals. Ken Shamrock awoke from the void of unconsciousness that he had mercifully fallen into. The nipple clamps had been removed, and his nipples were swollen and a horrible purple color. Ken Shamrock looked around and then saw Guy approaching with a lit candle. Mezger smiled an evil grin and said, “Oh Superman, you’re awake, good. Now the fun continues”. He stood over Ken’s prostrate body and tipped the candle so the hot wax dripped onto Shamrock’s body. The wax sent new waves of pain through Shamrocks already tortured body. Ken was once again screaming in agony. The pain was more then anything he had ever felt before. How could this be happening to him…why was this animal trying to kill him? The wax was continuing to drip on him and Ken was slowly moving down to Shamrock’s crotch. Shamrock watched helplessly as Guy Mezger ripped off his red Speedo’s and pulled down his blue tights leaving him completely exposed. The wax began to drip directly on Ken’s penis and Shamrock felt pain like he never had experienced before. His voice was raspy from all of his screaming, and his body began to shudder violently. Shamrock begged for Guy to stop, but when Ken looked at him he knew that Mezger was barely beginning. Mezger put the candle down and untied Ken’s legs from the bedposts. He then lifted Shamrock’s legs up exposing his bare ass and smacked him with a paddle that he had brought with him. The paddle struck Ken’s ass over and over till Shamrock’s ass was a shiny red. Shamrock was whimpering and sobbing which only inspired Mezger to paddle him more and more. Guy then let Ken’s legs fall down and straddled his chest and began to smack his face over and over until Shamrock was once again driven to unconsciousness. Shamrock woke up to find himself in the bathroom kneeling in front of the toilet. Guy stood over him and grabbed him by the hair and shoved his head into the bowl and under the water. He tried to lift his head up but he was not strong enough to break away from Guy’s grip. Shamrock was exhausted, and began to accept his fate. He was going to die at the hands of Mezger. Just when Shamrock was losing consciousness Mezger lifted his head up so that he could breath. Guy then carried Ken to the living room where Shamrock just lay on the floor on his back, totally spent. His mind was reeling from the torture he had been forced to endure from Mezger. Guy went to Ken’s prostrate body and grabbed Ken’s nut sack in his hand and squeezed. Shamrock let loose with a scream that threatened to break glass. Spittle was coming out of Ken’s mouth and he tried to push Guy away from him but it was no use. Mezger was just too strong and Shamrock was exhausted. He began to beg Mezger to stop his torture. “I’ll do anything you want” Shamrock yelled! Mezger let his hold go and looked into Ken’s eyes. Guy looked at Ken and admired his handiwork. Shamrock’s face was dripping blood and both of his eyes were black and blue. Guy ripped the tights, briefs and boots off of Ken’s spent lifeless body, and proceeded to put them on. Once Guy was totally geared up he bitch slapped Shamrock back into a reality. Shamrock looked at Guy through bleary eyes and realized his fantasy had turned into a nightmare. He had been totally dominated by a lesser man…and fear had taken complete hold of him. He then noticed that Guy was wearing his Superman costume. “Well Shamrock, now we know who the real Superman is, don’t we?” Guy asked Shamrock. Shamrock just looked at Guy, not understanding what was expected of him. Guy stood over his fallen foe and put his foot onto Ken’s throat. As he pressed harder and harder Ken squirmed wildly, flailing his arms trying to get Mezger to release his new hold. Ken was being deprived of air, and grayness was beginning to creep into his vision. Guy then released the hold and Ken tried to get his breath back, totally immobile. Guy reached down and put his arms on Shamrock’s temples and stared right into Ken’s eyes. “From now on, when I speak you will answer! Otherwise you will feel pain and I don’t think you can handle much more pain…do you?” Guy instructed Shamrock. “You will address me as Sir from now on also, otherwise you will feel pain” Guy continued. “This your new life Ken, and it is the life you have secretly wished for and you are very lucky that I am fulfilling your fantasy to be a personal cock sucker for me” Guy finished. “Ye…ye…yes sir” Ken stammered out in reply. Shamrock realized he had no choice. His life was in Guy’s hands and he would have to do whatever Guy wanted. As he looked at Guy he began to realize that Guy was right, he had always wanted to be dominated and Guy was the man he had always had dreams about. He started too look forward to his new life of spending all his time servicing Guy. Guy lifted his foot and put it next to Ken’s mouth. Without being told Shamrock stuck out his tongue and began to lick Mezger’s boot clean. Guy then proceeded to strip out of the Superman costume and prepare for the final act that would seal Shamrock’s destiny forever. Ken Shamrock was broken. Guy could see in his eyes that the former UFC Champion was willing to do anything to stop the pain. Mezger told Shamrock to get to his knees and take his dick in his mouth and suck on it. Ken Shamrock did as he was told. Guy couldn’t believe what a rush it was to get a blowjob from a man that he had just broken. Guy looked at Ken Shamrock and told him that from now on he would call him master and he would do whatever Ken told him to do without question. Shamrock nodded his head and was given a slap on the cheek. Ken Shamrock looked confused. Guy Mezger told Ken Shamrock that he would give verbal answers to all commands. “Yes master” was all that Ken Shamrock said. Then Shamrock was turned over onto his stomach and then felt something entering his ass. His cheeks were ripped apart and his ass was being violated. Mezger’s dick pushed his way into Shamrock’s ass and Ken went wild. He screamed for his master to fuck him. He lifted his ass so that his master could get a better angle to fuck him. He was in total ecstasy and he didn’t understand why he had ever resisted. This was where he had belonged for his entire life. All of the torture that Ken Shamrock had been given had turned the once proud UFC and WWF champion wrestler into a submissive slave.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Riddler

Bob Paris vs. Rod Jackson: Part 2

Bob Paris vs. Rod Jackson Part 2 The following is complete fiction…just imagination at work Bob Paris felt fear beginning to stir in the pit of his stomach as he watched Ken Shamrock approach. He was still tied by his wrists to the chinning bar and his body was racked with pain. Ken Shamrock was stripping down to a pair of red speedo’s and low cut wrestling boots. Ken Shamrock

Shamrock Vs. Mezger Play Dress Up

Ken shamrock Vs. Guy Mezger…a Superman fantasy This story is fiction. No sexual orientation is implied in reality, just the author’s imagination. Ken Shamrock was just finishing his evening workout in his Lion’s Den Gym. After his recent stint in the UFC it felt good to be home again, surrounded by all of his family and student’s. He returned the barbell to the rack and admired his


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