Gay Erotic Stories

Roommate Rico

by Man Lover

Roommate Rico (M/M, oral, beginnings, interracial) By Man Lover I'm now a graduating senior History major at Portland State University. I'm from The Dalles, a tiny town on the Columbia Gorge. Hadn't really been anywhere much growing up, maybe to Portland a couple times a year max and Seattle was like a world away. My folks are farmers. I had to major in Natural Resources to persuade dad to let me study in the city. I didn't want to just be a farmer and have no learning, so we both compromised a bit. Anyway, their little boy has grown up. I'm already 23, 5'10" and weigh 175lbs of muscle. I've got dark brown hair that's real curly, naturally so. I'm adapted. Mom told me a long time ago, it was never a dirty subject that she and dad were afraid to talk about, and it turns out that it was the best thing for me. I've never really been interested in actually meeting my real parents, it would just stir up feelings and issues that I probably didn't need to stir. I do know that my parents were a young white guy and a black girl. I've had more than a few girls horny for me back home, just cause I was so different, "exotic" if you will, from the rest of the other boys. I was never one of those boys, who liked playing with girls as "one of the girls" if you know what I mean - nor did I hate them or anything. It's just that they didn't have anything I want romantically or sexually. I wasn't interested then and the feeling is the same now. All this didn't mean shit in a way, when I enrolled into college. You see I haven't made it with a guy either. Yes, I was a virgin but not completely by choice. I'd have loved to find the right guy in high school, a guy who wanted to stick around, be my buddy to go out and do things with - yes, but much more too. I felt that in the big city of Portland, I could experience all that I'd only dreamt about. And hell, I didn't care if somebody caught us - you know - like making out in an empty classroom or seeing us out on the coast watching sunsets with our arms around the other and our chins on the other's shoulder. I realized that life's too short and precious to be afraid, to not enjoy yourself to the fullest. "Throw caution to the wind, experience, learn and enjoy" - that's what college was about. Well, maybe my dreams were too high-minded for lot of guys back home in our farming town or even here in the city. It was very depressing for a while, all the guys who are just into sex, or who say that they aren't but are either liars or have no clue about what it takes to keep a hot committed relationship alive and well. Anyway, I remained single for a while. Sure, I was also horny. There's this gay student group on campus that I'd been attending. I'd met a lot of really nice guys as well as a lot of cool girls or dykes too. Most of friendships I've had with straight students, has been through the student group as well. Yea, can you believe it, a whole bunch of straight guys and girls like us too! That's the way it should be! Way cool! Anyway, my roommate at the time was a guy from New York who's like a "Hines 57". He's Black- American, Middle Eastern, and Italian all rolled up into one. I swear, I've never seen anything like it, at least where I'm from. He's got this really dark brown skin and the curliest silky black hair I'd seen. His eyes are a brownish-hazel-green, and he has long black eye lashes. Oh yea and he's hairy, chest, fore arms, stomach and legs. He doesn't shave but his body hair never grows too long, it just forms a sleek coat of fur all on a short stocky body. No lie, I'm horny for short guys. When I first saw him, it was in our dorm room and I couldn't breathe for about five seconds. My heart stopped then just took off beating fast as a runaway train. I was hyperventilating. I wanted to cry, thinking that I'd just seen God. He just burst out in this broad smile that showed perfect white teeth, and made his eyes crescent, and made me want to just hug the hell out of him. Wouldn't you know it - which is just what we did, right then and there in our dorm room. "Hey dude, what's up? Looks like we're the lucky two" he said, his arms quickly yet casually surrounding my shoulders. I'd been expecting to swap a formal handshake or something with the stranger who'd be my roommate at least for a short bit of time - if he didn't totally hate me and want to move out at the first chance. No, I had not been expecting this hug. I greeted him too in response. He released me but kept his left hand on my right shoulder. "My name's Rico, what's yours?" he said. "Ken", I said. I'd been "Kenny" growing up in elementary school and "Kenneth" in high school. Yes, I now was "Ken", tall handsome Ken. Rico told me about 'Nu Yawk', his family, friends, neighbors, uncles, cousins, pets. I swear, I knew right then that he was a talker - he probably loved hearing himself speak. Which was no sweat off my back, cause if I didn't have anything to do, I didn't mind sitting there on my bed and listen, chiming in with a "yea" or "um hum" every now and then. I could pretend that I heard what he was talking about so he wouldn't think I was doing what I was doing - which was just staring at his pretty lips, smooth chocolate skin and silky black hair. I knew that we'd never get any studying done in our room if we both were in there at the same time. So I would hang out in the library and student center studying long hours. I'd come back to the room and Rico would be wound-up, ready to talk all night like a little talking toy. I could handle it just so much, then I needed him to either shut up or I'd have to go on a walk. I began to regret that I couldn't have peace and quiet in my own dorm room given all the money I was spending to live on campus. Don't really know what got into me that evening. But Rico started that mouth again soon as I returned to the room after my walk. Yep, that's right. That means that after studying in the library and fleeing his jabber once already that evening, I was once more verbally accosted. "You know what, Rico? You need to shut up or have your mouth put to better use." It just came out and stunned even me. I could hardly believe that I'd said what I did. Rico looked at me like he was seeing a monster. Sure he was masculine and pretty well built, but I was bigger. Course that wouldn't mean a thing if he decided to go off on me with a knife or something. I hoped that I hadn't put myself on his shit list. "Listen man, I just want some peace and quiet sometimes when we're both here - nothing more. Cool?" He seemed to visibly relax and I had quiet pretty much for the rest of the evening. The next day however, things seemed to be just the same. I tried to overlook it a little, but thought I better make it plain that I was serious. Rico's need to jabber was obviously stronger than his will to be quiet sometimes. "Hell" I said with a smile. "You don't quit do you?" "What you talking about?" Rico asked, bewilderedly. "TALKING, man! That's what I'm talking about. You talk my head off every evening." I returned. "What, I'm not doing 'hufthen'." Rico complained. "I told you I need some quiet around here." I reminded. "If you don't talk to much, then you can be quiet for the next fifteen minutes; no words, singing or humming from you. I bet that you can't do it." "I bet that I can!" Rico shot back laughingly. "Okay, you shut for fifteen minutes and I'll suck you off. You can't do it? Then you suck me." "That's fair." Rico agreed. I'd wanted to talk about things that interested me, not the jabber mess Rico liked to spew. He liked to talk nonsense, stuff that didn't mean anything. 'Sex', particularly sex between men was what interested me; now THAT had meaning. It meant that I could find out why he never talked about dating girls. He never had a photo of a girl up anywhere so I was curious. I'm sure with his good looks he could have had at least as many girls going after him as were after me. Maybe he was into guys and was doing them around campus in T-rooms like I'd heard about. I avoided those places. Sure, I'd tried it some, but I needed more. Well, ten minutes went by and Rico was still silent. We both looked at each other, and burst out laughing. That was okay, he could laugh. He hadn't said anything. I swear, I wanted to jump his body right there as he sat on his bed. I wanted to kiss the hell out of his sweet lips, and look deep into his hazel-green eye as my face was jammed up, connected to his mouth-to-mouth. I wanted to get wild. I started to think I was wrong about Rico - wrong that he really could shut up if it meant winning a bet. But thirteen minutes hadn't fully passed when I heard something sounding like Rico's voice. "Hey, would you hand me that…." He stopped in mid-sentence with a look of horror and regret on his face. My eyes narrowed in on him like laser beams. He knew what the bet was, and so did my cock. It began to harden as sat there on my own bed that faced his. I took a deep breath, as my heart began to thump away with more intensity. "Rico, I think you know what you did. You know that you just lost the bet. God, your mouth is going to feel real good on my cock." I didn't tell him to come over to my bed, nor did I move off of mine. He knew the score. He knew that I had won our bet and that the loser was to suck the cock of the winner. I just waited where I was. Rico would be the one to move. He'd purposefully shift himself off of his own bed and walk step-by-step over to my own. For about two minutes we remained in the stare-down. Slowly, Rico's face showed his surrender. Indeed, he would become a cock-sucker this very day if he'd never been one before. It seemed like it took forever for Rico to get his pretty ass off of his bed and onto mine, but he managed to do it. I spread my jeans clad legs wide apart. I wanted him to undress me down there. I wanted him to go for what he knew he had to do. He had to keep his word or be a liar and cheat. Rico looked up into my face as he reached his hand toward my jeans. I didn't move and it seemed as though my breathing had stopped. Time stood still, yet it didn't. I needed Rico to put his hand on my boner. I needed him to touch it, I needed him to know my cock, and eventually to do the nasty thing we'd both bet to fulfill. How long had I thought about some guy putting the paw on me. How often did I nut in my dreams imagining that my cock was in the hot grip of another male? My cock was quite uncomfortable in my tight jeans. I wanted to say "hurry it up, man" to Rico, but I didn't. My breathing got louder though when the weight of his hand rested on my throbbing stalk. What nature had given me between my legs was now another guy's tool. My dick was now the object of attention between Rico and me. He caught hold of the top button and unfastened it. Next went my zipper, and off went my jeans. I was there now in only my boxer briefs. The fly of my shorts was agape and my cock hairs were very visible - never mind that my thick pole had made a tent in the fabric away from my thighs. Rico moved with dedicated purpose now. Into the fly went his fingers and out popped my dong. I swear, my cock had never felt this good swaying around in the open. Just having another guy so close, feeling his breath on my flesh was better than I had imagined - even more-so now that it was my hot roommate Rico down there giving me such pleasure. When he began to lean forward and in his mouth onto my meat, I had to close my eyes, or maybe I didn't, but that's what I did. I couldn't help it. Maybe my mind knew that it was a sin to see such beautiful things in life - at least for the first time. The next time, it would be okay for me to watch wide-eyed as Rico licked and sucked me in. I'd be able to fully appreciate it without it blowing my mind to bits, or making me blow my load at the instance of contact with his hot saliva filled mouth. The strangest thing happened though, and it began something like this: "Yea, suck that dick baby." I encouraged. Like a switch turned on, I needed to talk! I needed to say something, anything, but especially something about what was happening with Rico and me right there at that moment. Maybe this was how Rico felt about jabbering his nonsense. I felt like I would explode if I didn't speak. "Oh, god, yes! That's soooo goooood Rico! Suck me man! Oh sweet father, take it, take my dick!" I reached down and combed my fingers through his silky soft black curls. He looked up into my eyes with his own dreamy ones. I caressed his head, then down to his muscular shoulders and his hairy up-stretched arms. Somehow I knew that Rico had done this before. Intuitively, I knew that I was cock-deep in a very experienced throat. I imagined that Rico should have sputtered, gagged and coughed just a little bit more than he did. Except for one slightly over-zealous throat-dive, Rico was in perfect oral form. He'd slowly take me in, deep, very deep inside his throat. I couldn't understand at the time, how he could hold his breath and my cock in his throat. However, Rico really turned up the heat on me soon after I'd survived a few of his merciless throat-dives. He held his mouth around the mushroom head of my stick. I could feel the cooler air of our room hit my glistening shaft. Perched there at the top of my stalk, Rico began pulling out a wicked collection of stops. First he made sure that I was secure between his lips - that my cock wouldn't slip out because it wasn't deep enough or something. Second, he began to dance his tongue around my meat, pausing here and there to probe my pee-hole. That unbearable twitching pleasure that you get before busting a nut began on me as I thought about the fact that it was Rico's saliva that covered the length of my penis. It was his sweet multibreed mouth that was pleasuring my perverted crossbred cock. These thoughts alone began to cause that deep tickling feeling, that feeling of needing to spunk so bad that you gotta do it even if it's the last thing in life that you do. I tried to hold on, to make it last a little while longer. Eventually, my jock roommate from New York had sucked me into a whimpering mass of flesh. "Oh fuck, Rico! I'm gonna blow man! You better get off my cock!" I warned. But Rico kept up his blowjob as if he hadn't even heard me. I looked down my chest to see my hands, entwined in his curly black hair. It was a mess, as I seemed to be trying to hold on to a run-a-way machine that was Rico's throat. When he started to make gulping noises, running his tongue up and down my shaft and basically sounding like we were having a feeding session, I lost it all. I was about to let go. I hoped that Rico wouldn't be angry about it. If he did get angry, it wouldn't be fair. It was Rico's fault for sucking me so greedily in the first place. But that flash of fear quickly passed as Rico collapsed his cheeks and began to siphon my horny tip like a hungry baby's mouth on its mamma's tit. My legs were bent and spread wide as I lay on my back. My back arched, heaving my chest up toward the ceiling while my head remained on the pillow. "Augh! Oh fuck, here it is! Oh my fucking cock!" I wailed. Rico moaned as he drank my juice. I pounded the bed with my out-stretched arms. I growled and whimpered through clenched teeth. I was Rico's mercy, he had overcome me with his mouth. He had taken control of me, turning me into the helpless pup that I was against his skill. He had put me in my place. The pleasure was almost unbearable and I hoped against hope, to live to tell about it. Rico was kind enough to let me do just that. Course, he's laid claim to me ever since, not that I put up much resistance. Rico's no longer my "roommate", he's my baby. He's not ashamed to say so when he's met someone new and they flirt to try and date him, or they invite he and his "girlfriend" someplace. He corrects them and says "boyfriend". Sometimes those people who think they are open-minded are embarrassed at assuming such a masculine guy like Rico is straight. They start apologizing all over the place. But you know what, all this, all this pleasure in and equally out of bed is what makes me proud to be Rico's baby too.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Man Lover

Best Fag, Part 1

Best Fag (This is intended for the viewing and reading pleasure of adults NOT offended by romantic, sensual and sexual involvement between men. Let me know what you think: ====================== It's Friday, and I'm horny, sitting in front of a computer screen, and my breathing deep and labored. My pulse is quick, and I'm hot. I've been

Best Fag, Part 2

Best Fag, Part II This story is for adults (you know who you are) who like to read about gay love and sex. ================================================== Best Fag (Part 2) By Man Loving ( It was 10:30 PM on Saturday night when Shy heard the phone ring. He was watching a nature show on the Nature Channel. It had been

Black Bottom Gets His

"Black Bottom Gets His" By Man Lover ( I was turning the corner from the racquetball court to the locker room when I accidentally bumped into them. They were a couple of white guys who were campus jocks. I'd seen them around and they looked pretty menacing. I'm not a jock and in fact I'm kind of terrified of them. They're always

Brothers In Arms

When I was in high school I thought I was the ugliest shit on earth. True, I wasn't interested in girls, but I thought that cause I was so dark-skinned, I was too ugly to attract a guy. Everybody was always interested in the white boys first, then the Latinos, and maybe some other guys. The black girls were all into the light-skinned brothas and well, it seemed logical that if I

Campus Cruise

It was Thursday afternoon. I had had a long day of classes and was horny. I don't do a lot of casual sex but I was in-between boyfriends and had the urge to satisfy another guys sexual needs and satisfy myself in the process. It’s lonely being single and not having anyone regular to fuck with. I went to a very cruisy head at the large university I was attending. In

Roommate Rico

Roommate Rico (M/M, oral, beginnings, interracial) By Man Lover I'm now a graduating senior History major at Portland State University. I'm from The Dalles, a tiny town on the Columbia Gorge. Hadn't really been anywhere much growing up, maybe to Portland a couple times a year max and Seattle was like a world away. My folks are farmers. I had to major in Natural

Salsa And Soul

The dorms gym opened up around 5 PM, I usually did homework before or after working out, depending on the day. All my classes were over by early afternoon and I could work a few hours, then have the evening to workout and study whenever. I had been working out with Fred for the past few weeks of school. Actually, he was just showing me some good lifting routines. He was a


Tail-Tale By Man Lover ( [This story is for those interested in male-male sex and who are above the legal age limit for viewing such material. Let me know what you think] I love male pussies. That's what I call male assholes when they're puffed up, wrinkled and hungry. I'm crazy about ass--male ass. I can lick ass all day. Wish I could


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