Gay Erotic Stories

Prepping The Courtroom Cop, Part 1

by Lextaliones

In came my boss, the State's Attorney for Baltimore City, as I was sitting at my desk one morning. I had only met the guy maybe four times - my interview, my first day on the job, my first office Christmas party, and one time when he came to court to watch me in action. Anyway, my boss, Mr. Belote, was a relatively handsome man - in his mid 40's, dark hair, exceptional dresser, and a nice build under his tightly stretched dress shirts. You could tell that in his younger days, he could lay any girl and any willing guy - ironically, he could probably still lay any girl or guy. Unfortunately, he has been laying his wife for the last 15 years. Anyway, Mr. Belote comes into my office and tells me that one of the older attorneys just had a heart attack and won't be returning for a while. Mr. Belote informs me that I need to take over a jury trial that Mr. Tomko was to start next week. "Great" I thought to myself. One week to prepare for a jury trial about some thug possessing CDS with the intent to distribute. Nothing like a drug case. "I guess I have a few long nights ahead of me, Mr. Belote." "You sure do but I have faith in you Eric." And with that, Mr. Belote left my office probably to return to his plush office on the other side of the building. Pushing the file to the edge of my desk, I waded through other minor cases, calling lawyers, make pleas, and then hoping lunch time would arrive none too quickly. Now its about 7 p.m. and I figure I better start briefing myself on the file. Best place to start, the police report. Finding that in the stack of papers, I look for the police officer's name. Det. Thomas? Never heard of him. Picking up the phone, I call over to the police department to talk to Det. Thomas. "Can you hold please" some secretary says. I'm sure she is ugly I thought. Five minutes later a deep voice picks up the other end... "Can I help you?" I could barely speak, his voice such a stimulation. After introducing myself as the prosecutor, I told him that I needed to prepare him for trial and that I needed to do it as soon as possible. "How about right now?" he said. "Do you know where my office is?," barely coming out of my mouth. And with that, Detective Thomas was on his way over. I began wondering what this man looked like. He was a detective so he was probably older than me (I'm 24) and he was probably a little arrogant...he is a cop after all. But I hadn't had sex in so long that I think I would jump at anything with a hard dick and a pulse. Pacing around the room, I wondered, "did he have a hairy chest? are his arms muscular? was he married? was he horny too?" Nothing about the case . . . One hour later at 8 p.m., there was a knock at the door. I jump behind my desk, loosen my tie, and unbutton the top two buttons of my shirt. Before I go on, let me tell you something about me. As I said, I'm 24 and single, hence horny. I'm about 5'8, 150 of pure muscle, hard six pack, nice buff arms, black hair and brown eyes, very stylish clothes, wearing steel rimmed glasses, and a hairy chest that resembled Alec Baldwin. I considered myself sexy and handsome. If I were to go out with my friends down to 723 Dance Club in Fells Point, I would have four or five girls a night grabbing my cock as I danced or playing with my pecs and nipples (which usually showed through my tight shirts). What the hell, I fucked girls too. But guys were my main thing. Now back to that knock. So I loosened my tie and unbuttoned a few buttons to show off the hairiness of my chest. I didn't know what to expect when Thomas walked through my door. But he was so much more than I ever expected. He pokes his head in and asked if I was Eric LeBlanc. I sure was lucky enough to be. He comes in and there he stands in the middle of my office. He was no older than 30, 5'11, brown hair that has been lightened by the summer sun, bright blue eyes, and a body that made me instantaneously hard. I shake his hand and move behind my desk so he couldn't spot the eight inch hard rod in my dress pants. He is wearing a pair of cotton jogging shorts and a Nike jogging jacket. He must have been at the gym before coming over. And by the looks of his legs, he must go to the gym everyday. I ask him to sit down which he did. First, the preliminaries were discussed. How long he had been on the force, where I graduated law school, where he did his training and so forth. But one thing stuck out ... he did not have a wedding ring on nor was there a tan line there. "Good start" I thought. Then suddenly he removes his jogging jacket to reveal an upper body so tight and built that I really think that my cock exploded in my pants. He's wearing a very thin white tank top that hung low, real low. His arms are well exposed and there is no fat what so ever on them. His forearms were cut with muscle and covered with light brown hairs. But the best part was his chest. From where I was sitting, I could see his massive hairy pecs. There was more hair on his chest than mine. The collar of his tank top hung just above his nipples but you could see his man cleavage. It looked like a canyon full of hair, nice and curly and thick as Tom Selleck's chest. How I would love to rub my cock along his chest, getting his nipples hard. Finally after adjusting myself in my boxer briefs, I come out of behind my desk. I chose the chair next to Det. Thomas and we begin the debriefing. As I talk, I notice that I am trying to get Thomas to lean over so I can see down his shirt in order to assess his abs. But no luck whatsoever. And with that, we reach the end of my prepping and he was ready to go to trial. It only took one hour with Thomas but I was determined to get him in bed. The whole time, I could smell him, he was wearing Polo Sport this morning but by 9 p.m., it is a mix of sweat and Polo. I tell him thanks and that the trial is Monday of next week. And then he says something that makes me smile "Mr. LeBlanc, I really haven't testified that often and I'm feeling shaky about the trial. Is there any way we could have a few more sessions this week so I feel comfortable in the court room?" "Sure, when is good for you, tomorrow night?" I said. "Sure, but you know, I'm feeling hungry, do you want to go get something to eat so we can do some more work?" Thomas asked. "Absolutely, by the way, call me Eric." "Eric, call me Rick" he said extending his hand. And with that we were in his police cruiser off to some dive for a bite to eat ... and maybe a drink. We get to a place called "The Sea Witch" in Fells Point. Great seafood and a nice size bar. So Rick goes to the hostess and asks for a secluded table because him and I have business to discuss. The hostess, who had big tits and a firm ass, walks us over to a table in the far corner that looks like it could barely fit a child, not even two muscular men like Rick and I. So we sit down and order our drinks. "Jim Beam up and chilled" he asks. Bud light for me. The place is slightly crowded, a few college students at the bar on the far end, a few couples in the tables about twenty feet away. But no one too close to hear the information we were going to talking about. Our drinks arrive and Rick pounds his and orders another. For some reason this man is on a mission to get drunk. Not me. Yet, the booth is so small that his bare hairy arms are against my dress shirt and his left leg is rubbing against my right leg. Nothing to it ... the table was just too small for him and I. After about 6 Jim Beams, Rick starts getting off the track and starts asking questions about my personal life. Are you married? Kids? What section of the City to I live in? I told him no, no, and Columbia where all the want-to-be yuppies live. So what the hell, I ask him the same questions. His answers surprised me. He is married but has no kids. Yet he is staying at the Hilton for now because him and his wife are in a ugly divorce. That would be the reason he is getting so drunk ... his bitch wife. So after a few more drinks, he begins to tell me why he hates his wife, like I was his best friend or something. Closer his lips come to my ear as he talked, the crowd growing bigger in the bar. I could feel the hot breath on my neck, one of the biggest turn-ons (behind a muscular hairy chest). The drug case was no where in my mind. Rick slides closer, placing his hand on my arm and tells me the reason that he is getting a divorce is because his wife's and his sexual desires didn't click. She wants sex once a week and was always tired - stupid bitch. Rick tells me that if he could have sex with her every hour that still wouldn't be enough. Just the though of this hunk sitting next to me having sex made me hard. His naked body covered in sweat as he drives his rock hard huge cock into his wife's pussy just gets my juices flowing. "I masturbate at least two times a day" he says. "Rick, that's great, but I think it's time for me to take you home and let you sleep these few drinks off." He resists and orders two more drinks. By now he must have had 12 while I was on my fifth beer. A few more intimate conversations passed about how Rick always needs sex and finally he is ready to leave. There is no way he can drive and I can't drive his cruiser. So a cab is the answer. We get in the cab and before I tell the somewhat handsome driver where to go, Rick shouts out "Calvert Street Courthouse" ... aka my office. What's going on? Rick says he wants to go to the mock courtroom in the State's Attorney's office to practice courtroom attire. "You are not going to remember anything so why waste your time?" Rick states "So what, at least I don't have to spend tonight in a hotel watching television alone while masturbating." Within two seconds the cab takes a sharp turn and Rick is practically on top of me. His hand is in my crotch and my right hand is caught on the inside of his tank top, rubbing against his hard hair pecs. I'm sure that Rick could feel my cock jump. "Sorry" I say. With a huge smile on Rick's face, "No problem, this is the most action I have gotten in months." And with that statement Rick winks and then begins to laugh. Calvert Street at 1 a.m. on a Monday. What the hell was I doing? On the elevator I was confused. All night, Rick and I were very close to each other. In the cab, he was right next to me. But now, he is standing on the other side of the elevator. He's straight I thought and the only reason for the closeness the other times was because we had to. Strike one for Eric LeBlanc. I get my key out to the mock courtroom and open it. I am actually surprised not to see some over achiever hard at work tonight. Must be a slow week for violence in Baltimore. Within two seconds, Rick is on the stand and ready to go.... Continue with "Courtroom Cop Takes the Stand and Much More" ...


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Lextaliones

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Prepping The Courtroom Cop, Part 1

In came my boss, the State's Attorney for Baltimore City, as I was sitting at my desk one morning. I had only met the guy maybe four times - my interview, my first day on the job, my first office Christmas party, and one time when he came to court to watch me in action. Anyway, my boss, Mr. Belote, was a relatively handsome man - in his mid 40's, dark hair, exceptional

Prepping The Courtroom Cop, Part 2

"Courtroom Cop Takes the Stand and Much More" Before reading this story, you might want to get some background from "Prepping the Courtroom Cop." So there is Rick, a hunk of a cop, sitting in a witness stand barely big enough to fit his muscular body. He's still wearing the jogging shorts and that loose fitting tank top. I have gotten a few full peaks of his


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