Gay Erotic Stories

Pool Shark, Part 3

by Deland Vincent

Written: April 27, 1994 Written by: Deland Vincent (a.k.a. I finished Taven's first diary. I was excited about starting on the other one, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I felt like a voyeur, getting such pleasure from the ramblings of this boys bizarre sex-life. I couldn't stop myself though. Richard was right when he said I'd get a lot of pleasure from them. I think I had already started to fall in love with Taven, though I'm sure I could never really have him the way I wanted, but I wanted to know more about him. Taven's diaries: July 18, 1991 I was very excited when I woke this morning. Richard had gotten in bed with me without waking me, but I couldn't help but wake up when he got on top of me and rested his dick between my butt cheeks. It was hard, and I wondered a moment why he didn't push it in. Usually, if the mood hits him, he pushes it in without waking me first. It can be a rude awakening. Sometimes I'm lucky and I hear him opening up the condom wrapper. Then I remembered that today was my birthday, and he was saving himself for later. After getting on top of me, he fell asleep again for about an hour. I knew better than to move and disturb him, and it took me a little longer than him to fall back asleep, but I was patient as usual. The party wasn't anything like I expected. I should have known that Richard wouldn't throw a conventional birthday party. He didn't ask anything of me all day before the party, and he didn't do anything to get me aroused. It felt strange to be fully clothed with just him and Jeremy in the house. All day I was allowed to do as I pleased. It made me a little apprehensive actually. I was constantly afraid that I was overstepping my bounds, even if I just left the room for a moment. Normally, I wouldn't have done anything when Richard was home without his permission. When I asked if he needed anything, he just said I better rest up for my party. As the time approached 7pm, Jeremy started bringing the food out that he had prepared yesterday. Richard became his old self again and wouldn't let me touch it, but he promised I could have a piece of my cake. I was really excited about that considering I almost never get sweets. Richard told me I had to be at the door to greet each of the guests. He put a twenty dollar bill in my shirt pocket, a five dollar bill in my right back pocket, a ten dollar bill in my left back pocket, and a dollar in my front right pocket. "What are you doing that for?" I asked. "It's a game, Taven." he said. "You know how big I am on games. These are the door prizes." "So I guess they just lose if they pick this pocket." I said as I pointed at the front left one that he didn't put anything in. "No, actually, nobody really loses. Now just play along. You don't have to do anything but stand there." The first one to show up was Ryan. He was about 45 minutes early. I'd met him out. He'd been playing pool with Richard for a long time and wasn't very good. He was one of the people Richard had a running bet with. He'd promised that if Ryan ever won he could have me for an evening. Sometimes I wished he would win. He had the most extraordinary body I've ever seen. He must have weighed a lean 275 pounds at least and he was an impressive 6'3", so he easily towered over me. He liked to wear tight T- shirts that showed off how developed his chest and arms were, and his arms were easily bigger than my calves. It's rare to see a tall man with such nicely proportioned muscles. His skin was very tan and smooth, and he had short, pitch black hair. He was the type of guy that drew a lot of attention when he walked into a room whether you were attracted to him or not, just from sheer size. Just as he pulled up to the driveway Richard stood in front of me and started staring at my crotch. "Please Richard, not now." I begged him. He just continued to stare ignoring my protests. He knew it was all he had to do to get me hard. I can't believe the power he has over me. Before Ryan could get to the door, I was tenting up my shorts. As usual, I wasn't allowed to wear underwear. When I tried to cover my crotch with my hands, Richard pushed them to my sides. When Richard let him in, he didn't say a word. He just looked at me and smiled. I know I must have been bright red. I could feel the flushing of my skin. I said "Hi" to him, but he blatantly ignored me as he slowly paced around me looking at my pockets. When I looked down, I could see that the twenty was easily readable through the white cloth of my shirt but he didn't seem to care. He moved behind me and pressed his crotch up against my butt and finally reached into my left front pocket. The pocket lining had been cut out! I gasped when his hand went straight to my cock and he gripped it tightly. He must have been able to see into the pocket because my erection was holding it open. He reached around my stomach with his right hand and caressed me as he nuzzled his face in my hair and slowly stroked my cock. He kept a firm grip on it. I was looking at Richard for his reaction. He just watched for a few moments before stopping him. "All right, that's enough." Richard told him. "Hey, I won, didn't I?" Ryan answered angrily. "Yes, and you'll get your prize later. More people will be showing up soon. When do you want him?" Richard asked, referring to me, of course. "I was hoping tonight." he answered. Richard said, "Fine. You'll have him tonight. But for now, leave him alone. He's got to greet the rest of the guests." He finally let go and slapped me on the butt before going over to the table to try some of the food. It took me five minutes of intensely concentrating on the food, that I wasn't allowed to have, to get my cock to go down. Several more guys showed up, but no one else had picked the same pocket. Ryan seemed to be the only one who knew what to do when he came in. Richard had to tell everyone else how to play. That might explain why he was so early. Whenever someone took a bill, Richard replaced it so that everyone would have the same chance. So far, everyone that had showed up but Ryan had carnal knowledge of me from some point in time, and they were all "in" on our unusual relationship, except Oliver whom I will discuss in a moment. I was getting the idea that Richard had been very selective about who he invited. The last two came together, Jason whom I knew, and one very young one that I'd never met. He was adorable. He couldn't have been any older than me. I'd guess he was about 18 or 19, or possibly a very youthful 21. He had dark hair not quite shoulder length like mine, so you could really bury your face in it, but it wasn't as straight. He was only slightly taller than me, and his body wasn't very developed. He had a sweet butt though, and I found myself thinking about fucking him. I haven't fucked anyone since Richard recruited me and I miss it sometimes. Jason introduced him first to Richard and then to me. Later, I overheard Richard ask Jason quietly if Oliver had a clue as to what was going on. Jason smiled and said, "Actually, he has only a vague idea. He's a bit inexperienced and it was difficult to talk him into coming, but I think he needs it." Oliver was blushing when he chose a pocket as Richard had instructed. The sight of him had caused me to tent up my shorts again after all the effort I had put into getting it down. He gasped and pulled his hand back quickly when his hand brushed against my balls. "Good choice." Richard told him, "but I'm afraid that prize is attached so you'll need to wait until later for it." Oliver seemed incredibly embarrassed as he apologized to me. "Oh God! Sorry man. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry!" I knew I shouldn't say anything. I let Richard speak for me. Richard told him there was nothing to apologize for. He told him he had won and Oliver simply looked bewildered. Richard moved on to the party leaving him in his confused state. I overheard Jason trying unsuccessfully to satiate Oliver's curiosity. Apparently, all the guests were here because Richard pulled me out in front of the television. It was difficult not to drool as I watched everyone eating and drinking. Although I had eaten, Richard had thoroughly cleaned me out a little earlier with a couple of deep enemas. I always get hungry shortly after. I noticed Jeremy getting the video camera ready to tape the party. Richard then gave a speech that clarified beyond any doubt exactly what he had in mind for the evening and it left me more than a bit apprehensive. He gripped my chin as he spoke, as if to prevent me from being able to look down from embarrassment. It went something like this: "I have invited only my closest friends here today to celebrate this blessed day. The day God honored me by bringing Taven into the world, for the purpose of becoming my most valued possession. Fate, with a little help from me, has placed him into my hands to do with as I please. Having him has made the last several months of my life very pleasant. Tonight, I will share my bounty with those most close and dear to me." "Now let's get on with the festivities! First, I think we need to get Taven into his birthday suit. That will be our first game: Hangman." Richard then brought out a chalkboard and drew the gallows and blanks for a four word phrase. He then brought out a dog collar with a leash on it and hung it on the entertainment center. "This is one of your presents." he told me. Then he positioned me in front of it and asked Jason to guess a letter. He guessed "A" and missed. Oliver then guessed "O" and filled two blanks making it "_O__ ____ __ _O__". He was told to remove an item of clothing from me. He seemed embarrassed and removed a shoe, but he was smiling through the whole game, and he seemed to be enjoying it. Jason had gotten everyone drinks and they were hooting and carrying on like a bunch of straight guys on a construction crew. Everyone who guessed right got to remove an item of their choice. The shirt and shorts were the next things to go leaving me with a belt, socks, and one shoe. I must have looked ridiculous. Jason was the one to finally guess the phrase. It was "Boys will be toys." I was completely naked by then. Jason placed the collar around my neck. Richard looked at his watch and told Jason he had two minutes and told me to keep my hands at my sides. Jason grabbed my arms and pushed me against the wall and kissed me deeply while pinching my nipples and squeezing my chest. Then he started biting one of my nipples. I couldn't help wincing a little from the pain. I had managed to keep my cock relatively flaccid up until that point but no longer. He spent his last minute or so sucking my cock and balls before Richard called time and he promptly pulled away. Now my cock was rigid and throbbing a bit with each heartbeat. The next game was Richard's version of pin the tail on the donkey. I thought I was being a pretty good sport but I really had a problem with this one. It was sheer humiliation. Richard led me by my leash to the dining room table. He then picked me up and put me on all fours on top of it rearranging the food around me. I was facing the wall. He attached the handle of my leash to the chair facing me and lubricated my butt hole. Then he brought out a dildo with colorful streamers hanging from the back end making it look vaguely like a horse tail and lubricated it, doing all of this right in front of my face for extra anxiety. Each person was blindfolded and given a chance to place it. I got jabbed twice by it's rubber tip before a guy named Greg hit home. Richard instructed him to push harder. He reached around my waist for leverage and pushed it in to the hilt. He spent his two minutes simply massaging me and feeling off my body. I think he just didn't have the nerve to do more with everyone watching, and I was actually somewhat relieved. Richard helped me down and instructed me to remain on all fours. He left the dildo in me and led me by my leash back to the living room. I could feel the streamers brushing against my thighs as we went. Ryan slapped my butt several times along the way. When I was centered in front of the living room furniture, Richard pulled on the leash bringing me to my knees. "Everyone undo your flies and give Taven a good look before we start." Richard announced. Oliver had a few drinks in him now and didn't seem quite as shocked as he had been. Now he just giggled and covered his face as the others exposed themselves. He was more willing to comply once he saw that everyone else had. I saw that he was well endowed and quite hard. It looked out of place on such a boyish looking man. His penis was almost club shaped. It had a large head and tapered towards the base. It was a bit wicked looking actually. Though not as long as Richard's, it was even fatter at the tip. "Get a good look Taven, and try to remember. You'll be rewarded later for each one that you guess correctly." Richard said. After a moment, he blindfolded me. Then a moment later I felt a slightly wet dick head push into my mouth. It was pushed in and out for a while and then the owner held it up and pushed his balls against my mouth. I licked them and took them in comparing them to memory. This one was very smooth and nicely shaped but not particularly large or small. It wasn't very distinctive at all. It was unfamiliar to my mouth. Since I'd experienced everyone else except Ryan and Oliver I figured it was Ryan's. I was certain I'd know Oliver right away. It seemed like about 2 minutes before I heard Richard call time and it was removed. I guessed Ryan and was raucously applauded for my success. The next one was the simplest. It was enormous and pushed all the way to the hilt immediately and held there until I gagged. I felt the firm grip of two hands around the back of my head. Richard's cock seemed to spend more time in my mouth than outside of it for the last several months. Sometimes he would take naps after instructing me to keep it there. I knew every inch of it better than I knew my own. His technique was easy to recognize too. His instruction has made my talent and endurance for oral sex rather phenomenal. Somehow I never seem to get tired of it, though. I've grown so accustomed to it's presence, I feel empty when its' not there. I thoroughly enjoyed the next two minutes as much as he did, I'm sure. I was correct for all of them. I didn't know at the time what Richard had in mind for a reward. He told me later that I would be allowed one orgasm, whenever I pleased, for each correct guess. What a luxury that will be. Of course the manner in which I achieve them will still be rather limited. I would save them for times when I needed my concentration for other things. Being transformed into an intensely burning ball of passion twenty-four hours a day can be quite distracting, and can be very inappropriate when visiting one's family. After everyone had their turn, they all stood around me according to Richard's instructions. He suggested that Ryan and Oliver hold off for now since they had won personal servicing by me, but Ryan joined in anyway. They all alternated between my mouth and jacking-off until I had cum all over my face, neck, and torso. Some had gotten into my hair also. Then Richard told everyone to make themselves comfortable while Jeremy cleaned me up and got me ready to help serve the cake. Richard came back to the kitchen with us after Jeremy had cleaned me. The dildo/horsetail had finally been removed. He had a metal cart which he tied me down to in a rather awkward position. He placed me on my back, against the cold metal, with my head hanging over the end. Then my elbows were tied to the legs of the cart in front while my ankles were tied to the back legs keeping me bowed backward. Then Jeremy helped him place the cake directly on my rippled stomach over a layer of icing. It was a small cake. There was just enough to cover it without hanging over the sides. It was chocolate with vanilla icing and chocolate candy sprinkles. I realized I was salivating with the thought of tasting it despite my distraction with this bizarre situation. Richard held up my erection until the cake was in place and then rested the head of my cock on the edge where it sank into the icing a bit. I was able to hold my head up with some difficulty and watch while they both touched me up playfully with bits of icing while wearing huge grins of delight. They covered my nipples, my cock, and dotted places on my legs and face. Richard finished by icing my lips, but first told me it wasn't for me to lick off. I could smell it's sweetness and it took all of my willpower to obey him. My stomach was growling almost continually now. I closed my eyes as I was pushed back into the living room trying to imagine that I wasn't really there, that my spirit had left the body that they were about to humiliate beyond anything that had happened earlier. I felt my knees push against the swinging doors so I knew the moment when everyone's eyes fell on me. Suddenly, I was bombarded with the sounds of their clapping and hoots and whistles. They may as well have hurled small stinging objects at me. I felt naked and exposed more than ever in my life as I was put on display for their amusement. I think I almost cried, I was so embarrassed, but to do so would only have made things worse. Despite these conflicting feelings, my penis seemed to be made of stone, like it would never go flaccid again. This was the worst source of embarrassment. I didn't want them to think I was enjoying this treatment. I wanted that small dignity. Richard had planned it that way. That's why he hadn't let me come for a week. Otherwise, maybe I could have kept it down. It's simply not in my control anymore. It's Richard's now, as much so as the rest of me, including my soul. My face must have been a bright red contrast against the white icing dotting it and covering my lips. The "vampires" gathered around me, drinks in hand. Richard made some sort of toast which I don't even remember. I was trying to bury my consciousness deep inside my body. The toast must have been quite rude, I'm certain, by there uproarious laughter followed by the clink of their glasses directly over me. I felt some sprinkles of liquid at the sound. "Open your eyes, Taven! You're missing the party!" Richard practically shouted at me. His voice seemed so loud, so imposing. Hearing him address me by name forced me to accept that I couldn't escape into my head. It was out of the question for me to disobey him. I follow his commands almost without conscious thought now. His voice makes my limbs respond before I even realize I'm moving them. He started cutting and serving the cake. I felt the gentle touch of the cake knife as he was careful not to scrape me with it. It seemed to take an eternity for him to complete the process. The only piece left was the one that my cock rested on, which I had to assume was my piece. They carried on as if I was not there for a while, simply standing around me making conversation and eating their cake. I lifted my head up finally and saw the thin layer of icing that had taken on the shape of my abs. At this moment I saw that the beautiful boy, Oliver, was standing back a bit staring and taking long draws from his glass. He must have wanted to become more intoxicated. He seemed almost as embarrassed as me, but he also seemed enthralled. He had set his cake aside, almost untouched. After everyone was done, Richard gave the word for everyone to enjoy, but to leave my cock and my piece of the cake alone. They started licking parts of my body. Jason dove straight for my lips and shared the icing there with me as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I felt someone biting a nipple after they had cleaned the icing from it. I had no idea who it was. After a long while, Jason stopped kissing me and pulled away with a pleasant smile. The others had finished. I noticed Oliver was still standing to the side. He hadn't participated. Richard hadn't either. Richard led Oliver by the shoulders to stand facing me. "I understand your reluctance, Oliver. This must be a lot for you to take in at the moment." Richard said, as he stood behind him, still holding his shoulders so he couldn't turn away from me. "Do you find Taven attractive?" He nodded. "You realize that you won him earlier, don't you? You have the opportunity to do whatever you please tonight." Oliver lowered his head grinning. "I wouldn't know what to do." Oliver answered, his voice soft and shaky. "Well," Richard said as he lifted my cock a bit "if a suggestion is what you need, you should know that this fruit has been ripening for a week. I'm sure Taven would be very grateful if you helped yourself to it and finally provided him some relief." Oliver smiled and snickered a bit at this. "He'll be very careful not to come in your mouth. He's been very well trained." Richard removed the finger holding me up and licked the icing from it. After a long moment of staring at my cock, Oliver slowly reached over to caress my thigh. He swallowed audibly before leaning over towards my crotch. I could feel his sporadic breathing against my skin. He started by dabbing at the icing with the tip of his tongue, but was soon licking it up in wide sweeps. He had my thighs in a tight grip. When all but the head was clean he held it straight up and plunged down onto it. I couldn't conceal my own pleasure. I was whimpering from the touch of his soft cheeks and tongue against my ultra-sensitive member. "I won too, and I'm getting in on this." Ryan said. He pushed Oliver to the side and untied my ankles. Then he held my legs in the air and thrust his tongue into my hole. I let out a loud groan. Oliver was still sucking me from the side and seemed to be absorbed with this task. When Richard sensed I was close to climax he would pull Oliver away for a moment or two. After many minutes of licking me, Ryan got really aroused. He walked quickly around to my head unzipping his fly on the way. He pulled out his erection and leaned my head back so he could fuck my face. The cart positioned me right at crotch level for most people, but Ryan had to squat a little. The position also made a very straight path down my throat so people could penetrate deeply. He held the sides of my head as he thrust. Richard immediately produced a rubber and started preparing himself to take Ryan's place at my butt. It didn't take long before Ryan pulled out of my mouth and jacked off onto my neck and chest. From that point on he allowed me to rest my head in his hands as Oliver and Richard continued. Richard pulled Oliver's head away for the last time as I began to climax finally, and stroked me as he fucked me. I had forgotten about my cake that was still resting on my stomach. The first few spurts cleared it completely, landing on my chest, my face, and some in my mouth which was wide open due to the ecstasy I was experiencing. Then Richard carefully aimed the rest into my cake. It was saturated by the time I finally finished. Richard untied my elbows and helped me to a sitting position. I rotated my shoulders to relieve the stiffness. He was holding my cake and he started feeding it to me bite by bite. My cum gave it a strange, bitter-sweet taste. I consumed it gratefully while everyone watched intently. I had forgotten about them. I was so hungry and it was absolutely the most delicious thing I'd had since I moved in with Richard. I thought that would be the end of my party. It seemed like an appropriate stopping point. But Ryan wasn't content with what he had gotten so far. He said I wasn't the only one who had been saving up for a week. He's something of an egomaniac about his body, and I guess he deserves to be. He undressed completely and told me to make love to him with just my mouth. It was a task I would be glad to do, though I'd prefer more privacy. He told Richard to cuff my hands behind my back. Ryan asked that everyone stay who wanted to watch. He gave me specific instructions as I worked my way carefully from his feet, up. When I finally got past his thighs he grabbed his ankles and lifted up for me to rim him, which he didn't tire of for a long time. He was moaning quietly and his butt hole was quivering with ecstasy. It was becoming very relaxed and I wanted so much to just stand up and bury my cock in it, but Richard won't allow that. It's one of his many rules. I don't get to fuck. I ran my tongue through each crevice of his hard abdomen. I could just barely feel the stubble. He had very recently shaved his chest. Once he seemed contented with my tongue-bath, he put a condom on and made me ride him while he held my cock so that I was fucking his fist. I came before him and this seemed to be his que. His hand was drenched with my semen. He wiped it all on my face and pulled out to finish himself. When his breathing finally slowed down the room seemed to come out of a trance and Richard lifted me out of his lap and set me on the floor. The party finally seemed to be over and people started wishing me a happy birthday and saying goodbye. Jason came over and smiled at me, then he ran his finger through the layer of cum on my face and licked it off. I saw Richard talking to Jason and Oliver. Apparently, he convinced Oliver to stay, because Jason went on without him. It seemed the party wasn't over, at least not for everyone. Richard asked Oliver what he would like to do with me. He said he had really liked it when I sucked him for a while. He was trying to get Oliver to undress, but he was too shy, despite his drunken state. He finally got him to open his fly. He had done that earlier along with everyone else, for the guessing game. Then he told me to start sucking him. I did my best to make it the most pleasurable experience he had ever had. The club-like shape of his dick made it somewhat of a challenge despite my vast experience with Richard and a few of his friends. I wished Oliver were shaved like Richard and I, but I was getting used to it. After a few minutes of this, when he seemed completely distracted, Richard started giving him pointers. "Take hold of the back of his head and guide him." Richard told him. Oliver timidly tried to do as he said. He reached up and rested his hands against my ears, but he wasn't applying any pressure. "Let me show you." Richard said. With that he stood directly against Oliver's back and reached around him. He grasped Oliver's hands in his and placed them firmly against the back of my head. Then he pushed back and forth against Oliver with his groin like he was dry humping him. This forced Oliver more deeply and vigorously into my throat. Richard prevented him from pulling out during the first thrust until I gagged. Oliver gasped with shock at first, but once he saw that I was handling it O.K., he was groaning with pleasure. I looked up and saw that Richard's eyes were closed. He seemed to be enjoying it almost as much as Oliver. Soon, though, he pulled away and Oliver kept up the same pace on his own. He even speeded up after a little while. He was looking down at me. I looked back up at him as much as I could. My eyes were watering from my effort, but he didn't seem to notice. He was enthralled with the sensations. He didn't pull out until the moment was very close. Then he came profusely onto my cheek where it streamed down my neck and chest. They both sat down on the couch for a while and I waited patiently on the floor. Oliver leaned his head back and closed his eyes. After a few minutes of this quite, I started feeling a bit tired and leaned back against the sofa. Oliver's cum was drying on me, but Richard hadn't told me to clean up yet. After a few minutes, I felt Oliver's leg brushing against my shoulder. I thought he had fallen asleep, but after a minute or two he roused and I felt his hand on the back of my head gripping a handful of my hair. It pressed my face against his leg. Slowly, it guided me up his thigh towards his crotch, and soon I was suckling him to a full erection again. Richard asked Oliver if he had ever fucked a man before and he shook his head "no". Richard handed me a condom and told me to put it on him. I prepared him and then Richard told me to get up on the couch. I faced away from Oliver on all fours. The size and the odd shape made the initial entry difficult for both of us. He was struggling a bit to get it in and I was grimacing once he did. He wasn't particularly good at it speaking from my point of view, but it seemed to work for him. He was really enjoying it. Despite his lack of skill, he was keeping me quite hard. It was a turn on to be so close to him. Fortunately, I didn't have to suffer long before he climaxed. He fell over onto my back breathing heavily into my ear as I felt him going slightly flaccid inside me. Richard held the base of Oliver's cock and pulled him out. Oliver started kissing my back and moving down to my butt. He had reached around me and started stroking my cock, but Richard stopped him. Oliver finally cleaned up and left. As soon as he did, Richard cleaned me up and took me to the bedroom where he strapped my wrists tightly to the headboard. Then he stripped and straddled my face, fucking my mouth until we were both really turned on. Then he started fucking me and stroking me. He grabbed my hair and held my head up so that my chin was against my chest and I was staring straight at the head of my dick that he was still stroking vigorously. He knew exactly how to manipulate and squeeze my cock so that the cum would spurt forcefully out. He aimed it at my face and mouth so that I drenched myself. Then he wiped my face and chest with his hand and fed my cum to me before toweling me off. He was still inside me and he hadn't climaxed. He laid down on me and we fell asleep. After a while he woke me up as I felt him hardening inside me. He started fucking me again and he made me cum and fed it to me again before finally having his own orgasm. After a week of saving it up, I still felt like I could keep cumming all night with these little breaks in between, but that was the last of it for my birthday. July 20, 1991 Yesterday, Richard spent the entire day with me. I never asked where we were going, but I could tell it wasn't the gym based on what he had me wearing. Richard had my ears pierced. He said this was another birthday present, but I felt it was more for him than for me. I don't think he would have made me do it if I'd really objected, but I didn't. I saw him looking at the prince Albert rings while we were at the shop, but he must have just been trying to make me nervous. Thank God he didn't, but as hard as it is for me to believe, I would have let him do that to me too. I couldn't possibly have denied his wishes. Last night I was sitting between his legs on the floor While he watched TV and he leaned over me suddenly and whispered "I love you." in my ear. Then he motioned me onto the sofa with him and got on top of me, removed the nipple clamps he had me wearing, and started licking my nipples. Last night, in bed, is what I really need to write about. I think if I don't get it on paper while its' still fresh on my mind I'll come to believe it really was a dream. But it couldn't have been. It was too real. Richard woke me in the night, as he has many times, when he suddenly seems to get aroused. He was licking my nipples and running his hand across my abdomen. Then he thrust his tongue deeply into my mouth. As he did this he pulled one hand strap tight and refastened the other so that I was spread across the bed. He grabbed my cock, already quite hard, gripping it tightly as he moved his tongue down my chest and stomach. I was looking forward to getting rimmed and fucked and hoped he would let me cum this time. He stopped suddenly and paused for a long moment breathing very heavy. It was like he needed to think about what to do next. I could feel his huge erection resting against my leg. Then he moved his hands to my balls and engulfed my cock! The involuntary moan I let out must have been loud enough to wake Jeremy down the hall. It's the first time I've ever been in his mouth, and I was in to the hilt. I never would have thought he was any good at oral sex. He never does it. He started taking long slow draws on it and then plunging back down like he wanted to get it deeper into his throat than it would go. He was letting out little moans like he'd completely lost his self control. He was making loud slurping and gulping sounds and I could feel his saliva dripping down on my balls which he was massaging. I was trying to last for him. I've been conditioned to leave him in control at all times, so I had to let him do this as long as he wanted. But I was having trouble. In a very short time I was near climax. "Richard you've got to stop! I'm sorry! I can't hold it!", I pleaded. He was ignoring me. "Richard, you've got to stop right now, please!" The last words were strangled as my teeth clenched together and I started gushing into his mouth. For the first time since the clamps were applied that day, I forgot about the pain in my nipples. My cock seemed enormous in my mind. I was suddenly so intimate with the inside of Richard's mouth and throat, so soft, so slick. Once the orgasm had started, my reflexes took over and I didn't care that I was cumming into my master's mouth. I was thrusting slowly. Halfway through the long climax I started becoming more conscious of what was going on. It was like waking after passing out. Reality was slowly drifting back to me. I was cumming into his mouth and he was calmly swallowing it all. Then, just as I was finishing, I realized he was jacking off. Almost immediately after my orgasm, I felt warm ribbons of his cum spatter across my leg. My cock still hadn't left his mouth since he first took it in. His moans were muffled by my cock as his breathing gradually slowed back down and he finally seemed able to let it slide out of his mouth. Still semi-erect, it made a wet slapping sound against my stomach. I couldn't say anything. I had no idea what to say. He just fell against me and left one arm draped across me. I felt incredibly guilty. I feared punishment even though he gave me no reason to, simply because this was completely outside of the "rules". They weren't spoken rules. He just never reciprocates. His head was resting on my shoulder. His breathing was still slowing down. When I thought I would doze off, he spoke. "I knew that if I ever started to do that, I wouldn't be able to stop, but I do whatever I choose. You must remember that you have no power over me. This never happened. It was a dream. Do you understand?" He didn't seem to understand himself. He seemed frustrated. Even a little irate. I think he felt he had lost his sense of control. He was having trouble choosing his words. "Do you understand?!" he said again. "Yes Sir. I understand." I whispered. He must have been exhausted, because he didn't go to the trouble of lengthening my hand straps. He just loosened them and tossed them behind the headboard and fell asleep against me. His hair felt so soft against my cheek. I felt so comfortably warm with him against me last night. I really do have a type of power over him after all, I think. He's told me many times that he loves me, and I've believed him. However, last night it seems like it overcame him and took over. It was too big for him to hide or control. There's no doubt in my mind now; He owns me. And I own him too in a way, though that must always go unspoken. I want him to enjoy me like I enjoyed him last night. I know it's not safe, but I don't care. I've thought about it many times before. He's had us both tested several times, once very recently, but I know you're not supposed to rely on that. I'm not even sure he would allow it even though I'm willing. He always sticks closely to the rules. I think he just lost control last night, and it was mostly unsafe to him, not me. July 25, 1991 "Jeremy tells me you've been writing a lot into your diary. Bring it to me." Richard asked me today. It seemed like the blood suddenly drained out of my body. My diary seemed like the only private, safe thing that I had, and now he wanted to violate that too. I was even a little afraid. He might see what I had just been writing about him and he may get angry about the things I said about him, about his brief moment of weakness. I didn't want him to know those thoughts. While he was reading it, he called me to sit at his feet on the floor. Before long he guided my face to his crotch and I knew he wanted to "sheath his sword". I opened his belt and zipper with my teeth as I was supposed to. My face nuzzled against his dick as I pushed down his underwear. He would let me know if he wanted me to start sucking, so I knew to just hold it deeply in my mouth. However, I took the liberty of sliding it in and out very slowly every now and then. He was intensely hard. I guess my writing was getting to him. He had experienced most of it, but I guess he was reliving it and understanding the effect he had had on me and my feelings. All day, it seemed, I sat there holding him in my mouth. Despite my experience at this, my jaw was aching. Every now and again I would feel him get even harder and he would start thrusting a bit, and I would wonder where he was in my diary that caused it. Finally, he pulled out. He seemed to have finished it. I suddenly realized what I had written about in my last entry and I was afraid. And I was ashamed at suggesting that I had any power over him. He positioned my head against the front of his desk. It gave him leverage to thrust against. He was fucking my throat deeply, but he didn't start by making me gag like he usually does. I kept my hands at my sides. I wasn't to touch myself without his permission, but I wanted to so badly. I noticed him speed up and then slow down as his breathing became heavier. He was going to finish. I had never done this before. It was very bitter, but I savored it nonetheless. I tried to hold it in my mouth rather than swallow, but it was impossible while he continued thrusting. A few drops leaked out as he pulled out. He looked down at me after he finished and ran his fingers through my hair for a moment. Then he seemed exhausted and laid down on the bed for a while. I started to join him, but he ordered me to stay. After about ten minutes, I noticed him hardening again. He got back up and immediately pushed back into my mouth. He came again before calling Jeremy in. He told Jeremy to massage my balls so I wouldn't be sore and to put me to bed. I was disheartened to find out I wasn't to be allowed relief from the passion he had built up inside me. When Jeremy and I returned from the restroom, he left the room so Jeremy could finish his task. Jeremy immediately strapped me in and massaged me for a long time. I dared to ask him to stroke me off, but he simply looked shocked. I knew he couldn't. A while later Richard joined me in bed. I had an erection constantly through the night. At least I don't remember it ever going down. At various points in the night he played with it. He would soak his fingers in my pre-cum and them put them in my mouth. Twice during the night he straddled my face and fucked my mouth until he came. Again I drank it in greedily. Still I was not allowed relief. This morning I woke as he was unstrapping my wrists. He was very blunt. "Suck me off." he ordered. He was very passive this time, letting me do all the work. There wasn't quite as much for me to swallow this time. A few moments after he had finished and his breathing had returned to normal, he told me to finish myself on his chest. I stroked myself ending with loud moans of relief. Ribbons of cum laid themselves out across his body. Some landed on his face. He didn't react. "Clean me." he ordered. I quickly licked him clean. "Go fill the tub." he ordered. He joined me shortly in the restroom. I washed him and he washed the part of me that I'm not allowed to touch. Then he left me to finish my bath. July 27, 1991 This will be the last of my entries unless Richard orders me to continue. I just can't be comfortable anymore if my thoughts aren't to be kept private. I'm content to finish my "sentence" with Richard, but the rest will have to go unrecorded. I trust it will continue to be more extraordinary every day. It was the last entry, as he had said. The rest of the diary was blank. I realized now from the dates in the diary that Taven's "sentence" was up. He had agreed to only two years but they were still together. When I returned the diaries, Jeremy was just pulling up. Taven got out of the back seat. He was carrying school books. He only glanced at me briefly keeping his head down as Jeremy let me in the front door. "Would you like something to drink, Sir?" Taven asked me meekly. "Yes, thank you. Anything will be fine." He came back with a rum and coke. I handed him his diaries. "Thank you." he said. "Is it all right if I sit down a moment?" I asked. "Of course." he said blankly. I sat on the couch just like the night before. "Is there anything else I can get for you? Would you like something to eat?" he asked. It was obvious that he was very uncomfortable. He was trying to act natural knowing that I had read about him and knew him intimately. I think he was hoping that I wouldn't stay long. But I was feeling rather bold after learning so much about him. "Taven, where are your manners?" "I'm sorry?" He finally looked me in the eye a bit shocked and confused. "Where am I supposed to set this?" I indicated my drink. I was smiling. There was still no coffee table and I ignored the fact that there was an end table. His face immediately flushed. He shook his head pleading with his eyes. "Richard's not home and I'm afraid he..." Jeremy cut him off. Apparently he overheard the conversation from the kitchen. "It's O.K. Taven." Jeremy called out. "I'm sure Richard would want you to be courteous with our guest." Taven reluctantly got down on all fours in front of me and put his head down. "I thought you were supposed to disrobe first." I reminded him. He got back up and removed his orange tank top and cut off blue jean shorts. As expected, he wasn't wearing underwear, and unfortunately the cock ring was missing also. I guess Richard doesn't make him wear it to school. So kind. I propped my feet up on his back. I noticed that his dangling penis was quite hard. I took a long sip and placed my cold drink on his back and took a moment to fondle his sweet, firm, little butt. I picked up the remote control and turned on the TV and VCR and pushed . As I expected the tape started in the middle of an interesting scene with Taven and Richard. I watched as I finished my drink. "My, this is really enthralling." I told Taven. "Mind if I make myself more comfortable?" I asked. He just nodded. I took off my shoes and socks and propped my feet back up on his back. When I'd finished my drink, I placed the glass on the end table. "I'm still not comfortable." I said. I took off the rest of my clothes. Taven just waited, still keeping his head down. I got in front of him facing away and pushed his face into the crack of my ass. He started licking as was expected of him. When I'd had enough I turned around and let him suck me. I found a condom from where Richard had retrieved one last night and fucked him. I reached under him and felt his erection throbbing with each thrust. I coated my hand with his pre-cum and smeared it on his face while I continued to fuck him. "You know I can't make you cum. It's against Richard's rules, but you can count on me to relieve the soreness." I finished by jacking off onto his back. I massaged his balls as promised. He winced slightly from the pain, and I could tell when I had done enough because he finally stopped wincing. Jeremy had walked by several times, going about his business, and didn't seem at all phased. Taven waited patiently on the floor as I got dressed and said goodbye. I told him there was no need to see me to the door and promised to visit again soon. I knelt down and kissed him gently on the cheek before leaving. As I left, I managed to catch a very faint smile that I'm sure he didn't mean for me to notice.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Deland Vincent

Gender Gap

Written by Deland Vincent ( Constructive criticism welcomed. Once the pirates had us disarmed and cuffed, they started marching us rapidly through their ship. This vessel was enormous, especially for a pirate ship. It had certainly made short work of our ship. At first I assumed they wanted to hold us for ransom until I saw a number of workers that were obviously

Incubus, Part 1, author of Poolshark Constructive feedback welcomed "Mr. Bartlet." If the farmer had not been numbed by a long day in the fields, the shrill voice might have severely startled him. Still, he had not heard anyone approach as his head was under a stream of cold well water. His head whipped around, his shoulder length hair splattering a trail of

Incubus, Part 2, author of Poolshark, Constructive feedback welcomed The farmer heard that wet crunching sound as of a limb being removed and saw the creature's own disembodied organ laid on the bed in front of his face. He then felt his own organ anchored against the creature. It had replaced its' own organ with the farmer's and was fucking him with it! He still felt

Pool Shark, Part 1

POOLSHARK Part I Written: Feb 20, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. This stranger was becoming more and more fascinating by the moment. It was a beautiful house. That practically goes without saying in the neighborhood we were in. I had only recently moved to Atlanta, but I knew that this was a very nice area. He had said that he

Pool Shark, Part 2

Written: April 15, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. When I started reading Taven's diaries, I was sitting on the living room couch. The television was providing background noise to give me a vague feeling of company. The windows were open to let in the fresh air. It was a beautiful sunny day out. However, soon I found that I was going to need

Pool Shark, Part 3

Written: April 27, 1994 Written by: Deland Vincent (a.k.a. I finished Taven's first diary. I was excited about starting on the other one, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I felt like a voyeur, getting such pleasure from the ramblings of this boys bizarre sex-life. I couldn't stop myself though. Richard was right when he said I'd get a lot of pleasure from


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