Gay Erotic Stories

Pool Shark, Part 1

by Deland Vincent

POOLSHARK Part I Written: Feb 20, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. This stranger was becoming more and more fascinating by the moment. It was a beautiful house. That practically goes without saying in the neighborhood we were in. I had only recently moved to Atlanta, but I knew that this was a very nice area. He had said that he preferred to live modestly. I knew he had money, but I guess he was very rich and probably very vain if this was his idea of modest. Richard was a handsome man. I wouldn't have made the bet if he hadn't been. He wasn't at all what I would call beautiful. He's the type of guy I wouldn't have been attracted to if he hadn't intrigued me so. He had brown eyes and dark blonde hair which he kept short, almost like a military cut. His goatee was small and trimmed very close to the face. As much as I normally don't care for facial hair, it was just enough to complement his features. He was obviously a young man, and it helped him carry off an air of intelligence and sophistication that seemed beyond his years. He was a little taller than me and his legs seemed strong. I judged he was in very good condition, but his build wasn't very large. Size is something I make note of. I've always been a little more comfortable with men smaller than me. I guess it's a control thing. I have a large build thanks to frequent work outs. I was what some call a pool shark. That term always makes me think of sharks in a swimming pool. A ludicrous thought, but probably a good analogy for me. A shark could catch someone quite off guard in a pool. I'm a very good pool player. Modesty aside, I'm among the best. I used to make most of my money in pool halls. Of course, it wasn't enough to be a good pool player. I had to be good at people. I had to be able to judge them, both there skill and their sincerity. I had to know if they were going to make good on a bet. A good shark knows to throw a game or two to give his opponent a false sense of confidence, but I had to be careful, lest I make it obvious. I could drive up the bet that way. It's a balancing act. Eventually, I got tired of it. Mostly, I was tired of the constant traveling. I couldn't stay in one place for very long before I was all out of tricks. People knew too much about me. I still love the game, and I still bet when I can. It's just not the same without something riding on it. Now I play mostly at the clubs and bars where it's much more casual. There aren't many bets. Richard and I had been playing all night. We had been betting too. A nice change of pace. I could tell he could afford to. He seemed to be playing for fun. The money just seemed to spice it up for him, I think. Of course, I was enjoying my old game. I'm not talking about pool. I wanted to see what I could get out of this. Needless to say, I wasn't playing at my best, and he seemed oblivious enough of this fact. At the level I was playing, we seemed pretty closely matched. I had let him win a couple of games. We were up to fifty a game. I decided it was time to move forward. "Do you want to up the risk a little, maybe win some of your money back? I can afford to now that I've won a few games." He seemed surprised for a moment and then seemed to be thinking as he tapped his que against his chin. "How much risk are we talking about?". He was trying to sound cautious. My instincts were telling me something at this point. There was something in his look at that moment. It was like he was trying to gauge me in some way. I felt like I was looking into the eyes of another shark. I think he sensed my hesitancy. He could tell I wanted to back down. "How does a thousand sound?" he suddenly rattled off, rather confidently. That did it. I wanted out. "Shit! Way out of my range, I'm afraid." He wasn't fooling me. I knew he was up to something. It just surprised me that he expected me to fall for it. I knew now he must be a much better player, but he wasn't very good at sharking. "I didn't expect you to have that much on you. It doesn't have to be an even bet. I can afford to risk a little. I'm feeling lucky." He was grinning. Now I knew he was a much better player. "How uneven do you mean?" I asked. "How about, if you win, a thousand dollars. If I win, you have to spend the night at my house. I'll even promise not to take advantage of you. You won't have to do anything you don't want to." I wasn't sure what to think at this point. It was flattering to think he was willing to risk a thousand dollars just for the chance to take me home with him. Was he some kind of rich lonely weirdo? Worse yet, was he some kind of psycho. The situation was getting tense, because apparently, a few ears had heard "a thousand dollars" and the word must have spread quickly. People were gathering around the table and there was a lot of murmuring. I started thinking through my options. The fact was, he still didn't really know how good I was. Not many people in this town did. He's probably underestimating me. I doubt a psychotic killer would try to trick someone into coming home with him in front of all of these people watching with such curiosity. He seemed to know what I was thinking. "Several people here know me, including Dave." He indicated the bartender. Dave nodded and smiled. "They'll vouch that you can trust me." "And I don't have to do anything I don't want to do?" I re-affirmed. He shook his head "no" with a slight grin. What did I have to lose. I have to admit, I was finding the idea of going home with him, not entirely unpleasant. What's so bad about going home with an attractive, eccentric rich guy. Besides, I was planning on making a thousand bucks off him, so it didn't matter. "Let's go." I'd let him win the last game so it was his turn to break. He lit up a Salem light. It was the first time I'd seem him smoke all evening. "I only smoke when I play." he said. We were playing Eight-ball. He sank two solids and a stripe. He then proceeded to sink the rest of the solids and the eight-ball. Twice, he made the que-ball jump other balls. He seemed very proud of this little trick which he was particularly good at. I've done it, but I prefer not to. It's usually not a very reliable shot. I never got a turn. I might have had a chance if he had ever missed just one shot. How humiliating. I can stand to lose a game of pool, but I can't stand being out-sharked. Now I'm sitting on a beautiful black leather couch in his living room. It's connected to a matching love seat with a mahogany end table. There's no coffee table. He has an entertainment center that covers the entire wall opposite. Shelves on either side hold a large video tape collection, all in black cases with white labels. When we came in there was a man sitting Indian style by the door on the floor, as if he had been waiting there patiently for Richard to come home. Richard didn't introduce us. He immediately told him to get us drinks. The man sprang to his feet and walked quickly to the kitchen. He was wearing a plain lose white tank top and knee length sweat pants. He was breathtakingly beautiful. He had dirty blonde hair, almost shoulder length that tended to fall down over his eyes, which were gray-blue. He had very fine, chiseled features and smooth skin. His face had the slightest hint of femininity to it, but there was no doubt of his gender when I saw the definition of his chest and shoulders. He was incredibly muscular and lean, although, like Richard, he didn't have a very large build. This, along with the fact that he was only 5'8" or so made him look very young. I imagine he was in his early twenties, though my first guess was in the teens. When he rose, it became obvious that he wasn't wearing underwear. He shook his hair quickly out of his eyes and I saw that he had both ears pierced with small silver rings. "You have a man-servant. I can see why you allow him to dress so casually. He's beautiful." Richard smiled, "Yes, isn't he. I'm very proud of him. I won him several years ago in a pool game." He was still smiling at me, waiting for my reaction. I was staring at him with surprise waiting for him to go on. He didn't indulge me. His servant was returning with our drinks. Richard had asked him to bring me a rum and coke as I had ordered in the bar. He handed us our drinks. Richard's looked similar to mine. I thanked him but Richard didn't bother. Richard snapped his fingers in front of him at the floor. I was aghast as the man immediately took off his clothes and tossed them against the wall. There was a device, a type of cock ring but made of terry cloth like a sweatband, that seemed to cause his erect penis to protrude more under his garments. The man then dropped to all fours where the coffee table should have been and Richard placed his drink on the man's back which was being held level. I think I was shocked into submission. I couldn't think of how to react so I didn't. I merely took a large sip of my drink and stared Richard right in the eyes. I couldn't bare to look at the poor man on the floor, lovely as he was. That drink had ice in it, and I'm sure it was making him most uncomfortable. "It's O.K. to look at him. It's O.K. to touch him if you like." Richard was smiling. He was enjoying my shock tremendously. "Go ahead." he continued. He then leaned over and started stroking the boy's buttocks, but he continued looking at me. "You certainly don't have to. That was the agreement. However, you do have to stay, so you might as well make the best of it. I'm going to fuck him if you don't do anything, and you'll just have to sit here and watch." I looked down at him. I noticed now, upon closer inspection, that he was incredibly smooth, unnaturally so. Apparently even his genitals had been shaved. Not a hair had been allowed to remain on his body. Sounding a little perturbed, I asked, "Could you introduce us perhaps?". "Yes. Of course. This is Taven. Taven, say hello to Frank." "Hello, Sir." The boy replied. His voice was deep and soft. A bit surprising, as it reminded me that he was not as young as he appeared. I couldn't see his face anymore due to the hair hanging down, but he seemed to be grimacing a little from the sound of his voice. Certainly, it was from the pain of the cold glass against his back. I could see that condensation was dripping down both of his sides from it. "Taven is my lover." Richard picked up his glass and took a sip. He then held up the boy's face and gently pushed the hair aside. Taven looked straight ahead, expressionless, as he had been all along. "Isn't he beautiful?" Richard asked me sincerely. "He's very attractive." We were talking about him like he wasn't there. I was staring now at Taven's face. It was enthralling. Richard had taken his hand away, but Taven held his position. He started to grimace again, ever so slightly. It was as if he were trying not to react. Richard was doing something around his butt again. He had taken an ice cube from his glass and was rubbing it around Taven's butt hole. After he had melted the edges down a bit, he pushed it into the hole. Richard's grin was gone now. He seemed enraptured by his task. He did this again with another cube. Taven's grimace was much more pronounced now. His breathing was louder. He had dropped his head now as he seemed focused on dealing with the pain. Richard lifted his head again and pushed the hair out of his face. He was shivering slightly. "Push them out." he commanded Taven. He was holding his hand between Taven's legs. A slightly smaller piece of ice popped out into his hand followed by a surprisingly clear trickle of water. "Where's the other one?" "I think it is gone now, Sir." Taven answered quietly. Richard then put the ice into Taven's mouth and Taven proceeded to lick the rest of the water from his hand. This was all making me uncomfortable, but it was arousing me at the same time. I didn't want it to arouse me, but seeing Taven doing anything even vaguely sexual would have had an effect on me. "Touch him." Richard suggested again with a smile. "You can do anything you like with three exceptions: You may not hurt him, you may not do anything unsafe, and you may not make him cum, at least not until I say it's O.K. These are my privileges only, as his master." By their actions, I could tell that it was completely inappropriate for me to talk to Taven, except perhaps to command him. It was as if he had no will of his own; not even his own personality save that which Richard shaped of him. Suddenly I felt at ease to enjoy him. It was obviously what Richard wanted, and therefore it was what Taven wanted. As I reached under him to caress his chest and stomach I saw that his penis was still quite turgid and quivering as I got closer to it. I looked over at Richard to find that he was watching my hand. Taven's penis was not especially long, but it was somewhat thick. He was oozing precum into my hand. I looked to Richard again for approval as I held my slick hand to Taven's face. Taven proceeded as was expected of him and cleaned off my hand. His tongue seemed quite agile as it probed between my fingers. "Why don't you make yourself more comfortable?" Richard asked. He glanced briefly down at my crotch. "This is crazy. I can't believe I'm doing this." I'm pretty proud of my body so this wasn't too difficult, but I had to at least make the pretense of embarrassment. I started by removing my shirt. Taven was still staring straight ahead. I wanted him to look at me. I unbuckled my belt and lifted up briefly so I could push my jeans and underwear down. I caught him discreetly stealing a glance at my crotch as my member, already erect of course, slapped up against my hard stomach. "Aren't you going to join us? I'm feeling kind of vulnerable right now." "Yes, I know." he said grinning. "I will be shortly. Taven, stick out your tongue for Frank." For the first time, the boy was not so quick to respond. Taven looked up at Richard, defiantly I think. "I'm sorry Taven. I meant 'for me', so that I may watch him enjoying you. It will make me very happy." Taven pushed his tongue out as far as he could. This little game seemed pretty complex. I got down on my knees and rubbed the head of my dick against his tongue. Soon pre-cum and saliva were dripping down his chin. I turned sideways now and started thrusting the length across his tongue. He kept it curled against the underside of my dick while his upper lip rested on top. I had my hand nestled in his thick head of hair against the back of his head so I could guide him. Then, feeling somewhat bolder, I faced him again and easily sank the full length down his throat giving him no time to adjust. He struggled briefly to keep from gagging for a few moments but soon he was having no problem accommodating me. He seemed relieved that the teasing was over. His eyes were half closed in an expression of satisfaction. "I want him to look at me." I told Richard. "Taven, do as Frank says." Richard commanded. Taven's beautiful eyes looked up at me as I was fucking his mouth. It was obvious that he was enjoying this. I know I couldn't be doing it otherwise. I reached under him to stroke his member. He moaned the instant I touched it. "Be careful," Richard warned, "he hasn't cum for several days." "If I had this beautiful man completely at my beck and call, as you do, I'd make love to him much more often than that." "Oh I have, often, but he's not usually allowed to cum. Tonight we'll make him cum more than you believe possible." Richard took off his shirt. He was lean and muscular with just a little blonde chest hair. "I'm ready to join in now." he said, smiling. He pulled a condom from his shirt pocket and told Taven to put it on for me. I waited patiently while Taven bit open the package and spread it over my dick. Richard lubricated Taven's hole and wiped the excess lube on a towel. He took off his pants and came around to face Taven while I lubed myself up and prepared to fuck him. Richard's member was long and thick, and his balls were shaved. He started pushing it in slowly. When it was completely buried, he left it there until Taven gagged, then pulled it out. With each push, it took a little longer to make him gag. He did this several times before he started taking long slow strokes which the boy managed easily now. I spread his butt cheeks and slowly pushed into him. It wasn't long before I was keeping up with Richard's pace. After a while of this, Richard said it was O.K. to make him cum now. He asked if I wanted to do it. I started stroking Taven with each thrust of my dick. In just a few seconds, Taven was starting to cum. I allowed myself to cum into the condom now that I had completed my task. Richard still had his dick in his mouth about halfway but he wasn't thrusting anymore. He seemed to know the exact moment when the boy was going to cum and he had his hand ready to catch it. When he pulled his hand back, Taven's cum had collected in his palm. He pulled his dick out and spread it on before putting it back in Taven's mouth. He pulled out after a few strokes to let Taven lick the excess from his lips where it had collected. Richard's breathing was getting very heavy. He started fucking Taven's face more vigorously. Soon it was obvious that he was cumming, but the evidence was never to be seen. Taven greedily swallowed as it was produced. I held the base of the condom to make sure nothing spilled and pulled out. I realized that I was still holding the boy's dick. It only softened for a moment after he came. It had already hardened in my hand. I quickly cleaned my hands and my dick. Then I surprised Richard and Taven both when I lifted Taven and flipped him onto the couch. I started licking his dick up and down before engulfing it. I had to open my mouth wide but it wasn't too long for me to go all the way down on easily enough. It was still exquisitely hard. I stopped for a moment and reached for Richard's member which was still partially flaccid. He pushed my hand aside. "I'm sorry," he said, "only Taven touches me there." I didn't bother to contemplate this irony for long. I went back to sucking this beautiful boy. Richard was kissing him now while he twisted and pinched his nipple. Then Richard climbed up onto the couch and squatted over Taven's face. Richard's huge member started rising again. His eyes were closed. He seemed to be in ecstasy. Taven was darting his tongue in and out of Richard's hole. "Make him cum now!" Richard commanded between gasps. I started stroking Taven while I sucked on his balls. Richard was stroking himself. They both came onto Taven's stomach. It was starting to ooze between the hard muscles of his abdomen when Richard quickly scooped it up into both hands. He climbed off of the boy's face and started feeding it to him as Taven sat up to accept it. Richard smeared what was left all over the boy's face. "Can I rim him?" I asked eagerly. "Yes. Just be sure you don't insert your tongue." "Of course not," I assured him. I grabbed Taven's calves and held them up as I started flicking my tongue around his sweet hole. It wasn't long before I had to bury my face between his hard butt cheeks. I was licking the crevice now with long strokes but I was keeping my promise not to invade him. It was making Taven and me both hard again. Richard ordered Taven to stroke himself. It took him longer to cum this time, but that was fine with me. I was enjoying myself. Again, Richard fed him his own cum. Taven ate it as was expected of him, but he seemed less enthusiastic about it this time. His dick was completely flaccid for the first time. Richard looked down at my cock which was very hard now. "Can he handle being fucked again?" I asked. Richard looked down at Taven. I could tell from Taven's face that he didn't like this idea. After cumming several times, I could understand why. "I'll suck him again for you." he begged Richard. "Now Taven, that wouldn't be very fair to him, would it? That may be fine for me, but he can't cum in your mouth. He'd have to stroke himself off. If he fucks you he can cum into the condom." Taven looked distressed. He wanted to make Richard understand that he was too sensitive right now, but he didn't dare protest. I didn't want to make Taven uncomfortable. "Sucking is fine with me." I said sincerely. "No, it's not O.K." Richard sounded agitated. "You can suck him for a while, Taven, until you're a little more rested, but you're going to let him fuck you. He's my guest and he's to be treated with hospitality. Don't be selfish. You've had more orgasms than I normally allow you in a week, and Frank's only had one." "Yes Sir. I'm sorry for being so selfish." Taven answered. He sounded like a child who'd just been chastised. He seemed sincerely embarrassed for having even suggested not doing as I asked. This man had him truly conditioned for submission. He immediately dropped to his hands and knees again and started suckling me. His saliva was dripping from his tongue which he kept extended so that it brushed against my balls with each stroke. I think he wanted to bring me close so I wouldn't have to fuck him for long. I let him suck me for a while, knowing he needed some time before I fucked him again. I reached under him and felt his penis. It was not completely flaccid, but it still wasn't fully erect. "I'm ready now sir." he said with his head down. "Get him ready, Taven." Richard ordered as he handed Taven another condom which he had retrieved from his shirt. Taven bit open the package and spread the fresh condom onto me. He then lubed it up for me and started to reach for the towel. Richard stopped him. "No, Taven. Wipe the rest on your own dick and turn around for him." Taven did as he was asked. Richard lubed Taven's hole very thoroughly for me. "Don't rush, Frank. This is for your enjoyment. Taven, keep stroking yourself. Frank's going to make you cum again." Now I was excited about the idea of making the boy cum again. It would be no small feat, I thought. I started fucking him, testing out different angles and speeds to see what seemed to have the best effect. Taven seemed to be over his hyper-sensitivity already as we managed to get him aroused again. Richard was stroking the back of his neck as I fucked him. I touched Taven's penis briefly to find that he was erect again. Richard seemed surprised to find that he was getting erect again too. He moved around to Taven's face once again and started fucking it. "Taven, you mustn't cum until Frank is done." I took this as my que and increased my pace until my moans advertised that I was finally finished. Immediately after, Richard was showing signs of climax. He pulled out, grabbed Taven's hair with one hand, and pulled his head back so that he could cum all over Taven's face. Taven rose up so he was standing on his knees to finish stroking himself. Richard was holding the boy's face between his hands now and watching intently as Taven came. I wrapped my arms around Taven's waist and plunged my tongue into his ear. I was still inside him. This time Richard was far too distracted to catch Taven's cum and it spattered on his thighs. He wiped his own cum from Taven's face and fed it to him. Then he stood up and held Taven's face to his thighs so he could clean them. "I think Taven could go for a drink of water right now." I couldn't help saying. Richard ignored me. "We need to be cleaned up, Taven. Go put your clothes back on and run Frank a hot bath." I was dying to know more about this strange man and this even stranger relationship. "I have to ask, Richard. Why did you let me have sex with your lover, but not let me touch you? Your the one who went to such trouble to get me here." "I'm completely monogamous by choice. Taven is too, in a way. He had sex with you only to please me. It's hard to explain why I make him do it. It's just another way for me to manipulate him. Don't misunderstand. I chose you because you're very attractive and I knew Taven would think so too. I want him to enjoy it. Of course, I would never admit that to him. It's all part of the game. But all that is secondary to the fact that his primary focus throughout it all is to follow my wishes as obediently as possible." His eyes had glazed over like he was thinking on this intently. "That's what turns me on so much, and that's what turns him on so much. He is completely mine. I am constantly testing his obedience and he is constantly proving it to me." I was still curious. "You said you won him in a pool game. How did you manage that?" "It's late and that's a long story. We'll talk in the morning." When Taven returned, he was again dressed in the comfortable looking clothes as before. His face still had the dried cum on it, so he hadn't had a chance to clean up yet. "Your going to bathe our guest and make him as comfortable as you can." Richard told him. I followed Taven to a spacious restroom and a spacious steaming tub where he washed me. He dried me off and helped me put on a beautiful silk robe of oriental design. That night I slept with them. Taven was in the middle. Richard had the bed rigged with fasteners in several places so he could strap Taven's wrists and ankles wherever he wanted. The straps gave him some freedom of movement. He could turn over, but he couldn't put his hands down to his sides or pull his legs up far. Somehow, he seemed very comfortable. Watching Richard strap him to the bed was almost like watching a parent tuck in a child for the night. They kissed when it was done and Richard climbed in next to him and they fell quickly to sleep. I lay awake for a while after thinking about all that had happened that night. Before long I had my arm wrapped around Taven and my face buried in his hair and finally dozed off. The next morning I woke to find myself alone in the bed with Taven. He was awake on his back and my arm was still around him. My hand drifted slowly down to his penis. It began hardening in my hand. He tried to remain expressionless. I remembered that I wasn't allowed to make him cum, so I shouldn't be arousing him. I asked him if he wanted me to unstrap him. "Richard said to remain until you woke. I guess it's up to you, Sir." "Don't call me Sir. I'm not Richard." I kissed him deeply before unstrapping him. He permitted me, but there was no reaction. Without Richard here, I suppose he wasn't allowed pleasure. At least he wasn't allowed to show it. He got up and pulled out a pair of soft cotton shorts and another terrycloth cock ring and put them on. Then he waited for me to leave before following me out. Richard made him fix a breakfast of pancakes and sausage for us. Taven sat on the floor next to the table while Richard and I talked and ate. I began inquiring about their relationship. I wanted to know why Taven allowed Richard to treat him like he did. It seemed natural now to talk about Taven like he wasn't there. Richard told me again that he had won Taven in a pool game and it was therefore his obligation to serve him. Before long Richard promised to tell me more but he changed the subject. He made small talk until we were done eating. Then he told Taven to help me dress. As I was getting ready to go he stopped me at the door. "Taven, bring me your diaries." Taven suddenly looked very shocked. He went over to Richard and dropped to his knees. He held Richard's hand to his face and I saw his lips forming the word "please". He looked hurt. He was silently pleading with him. Richard wouldn't yield. He simply looked down at him sternly while Taven looked back up and planted kisses on his hand. Finally, he realized it was no use and he got up and walked to a back room. He came back with two books and gave them to Richard. Richard gave them to me. "These will answer all of your questions. I think you'll find them very entertaining also. Take your time. You can return them whenever you're done." Taven couldn't bare to look at me. He was staring down at the floor. I felt terrible for Taven. Richard was giving away Taven's private thoughts to practically a complete stranger. This almost seemed more intimate than what we had shared last night. "I doubt I'll have time to read them." I said after looking at Taven who seemed about to cry. Richard knew I was lying. "Make the time. It will be worth your while. If you really want to understand us better, this is the best way. Trust me." I gave in to my curiosity. I really did want to read them, but I couldn't help feeling pity for Taven. I went over to him and pushed his luxurious hair out of his eyes. "Your secrets will be safe with me."' I whispered. Then I leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek before leaving. To be continued in Poolshark, part 2


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Deland Vincent

Gender Gap

Written by Deland Vincent ( Constructive criticism welcomed. Once the pirates had us disarmed and cuffed, they started marching us rapidly through their ship. This vessel was enormous, especially for a pirate ship. It had certainly made short work of our ship. At first I assumed they wanted to hold us for ransom until I saw a number of workers that were obviously

Incubus, Part 1, author of Poolshark Constructive feedback welcomed "Mr. Bartlet." If the farmer had not been numbed by a long day in the fields, the shrill voice might have severely startled him. Still, he had not heard anyone approach as his head was under a stream of cold well water. His head whipped around, his shoulder length hair splattering a trail of

Incubus, Part 2, author of Poolshark, Constructive feedback welcomed The farmer heard that wet crunching sound as of a limb being removed and saw the creature's own disembodied organ laid on the bed in front of his face. He then felt his own organ anchored against the creature. It had replaced its' own organ with the farmer's and was fucking him with it! He still felt

Pool Shark, Part 1

POOLSHARK Part I Written: Feb 20, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. This stranger was becoming more and more fascinating by the moment. It was a beautiful house. That practically goes without saying in the neighborhood we were in. I had only recently moved to Atlanta, but I knew that this was a very nice area. He had said that he

Pool Shark, Part 2

Written: April 15, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. When I started reading Taven's diaries, I was sitting on the living room couch. The television was providing background noise to give me a vague feeling of company. The windows were open to let in the fresh air. It was a beautiful sunny day out. However, soon I found that I was going to need

Pool Shark, Part 3

Written: April 27, 1994 Written by: Deland Vincent (a.k.a. I finished Taven's first diary. I was excited about starting on the other one, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I felt like a voyeur, getting such pleasure from the ramblings of this boys bizarre sex-life. I couldn't stop myself though. Richard was right when he said I'd get a lot of pleasure from


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