Gay Erotic Stories

Penis Man Forever, Part 2

by JohnanymousDoe

Pro’Phallus awoke after entering the inter-dimensional portal to find himself in a strange chamber surrounded by men he’d never seen. “They must be the Guardians of Manhood!” he thought and wondered what may lie ahead. His powerful wrists had been skillfully lashed together as well as his shapely ankles. It was all he could do to keep his fabulously muscled and well-toned body from obeying the natural urge to attempt to break free by bucking and writhing on the table. He forced himself to lie quietly, regarding his captors with his piercing blue eyes. Pro’Phallus felt a stab of fear but called upon his Penis Strength to help him push the fear away. His mighty testes, the font of his power, generated the energy and vigor he needed to clear his mind. A drop of sweat glistened on the young man’s rippling chest and trickled slowly down the bronzed skin between his mountainous pectorals. One of the men stepped forward. “We are the Guardians of Manhood,” he boomed. “It is our task to test you to insure you’re deserving of the mantle you seek.” He moved directly to the table and placed his hot hand on the nubile youth’s right pec and began to slowly knead and massage the hardening bud. The man-nipple bloomed and swelled into a mountainous peak as the others stepped forward to evaluate the worthiness of his body. Hot, hungry hands expertly swarmed over his exquisite physique; pinching his great, raised nipples, tracing his rock hard stomach, his lithe, sinewy legs, his brawny chest and shoulders. His foot long rod of power lay at full staff upon his washboard abs; his rhythmic pulse beating patiently and noticeably in his bountiful genitals while they made their appraisal. “He is indeed an excellent specimen, but so was the last one.” “See how his sac of power swells and throbs as though it contains twin living entities.” “And that cock! By the Gods he has a mighty member! I could feel its aura from over there.” Pro’Phallus watched and listened as they decided his fate, never shrinking, never blinking in the face of possible disaster. He forced himself to think positively relying on his envisioned destiny as Penis Man to see him through. “How old are you, boy?” asked the Leader of the Guardians. “I have seen 19 years, Great One,” replied the prostrate Pro’Phallus. “You are indeed young. Tell me, have you experimented with your wellspring of strength or your root of power from whence your abilities flow?” Pro’Phallus blushed deeply but did not hesitate with his answer. “Indeed, mighty Guardians, I refresh my well of manhood once a week to keep its contents virile and robust.” “You have the audacity to tell us that you squander the milk of manhood by spilling your strength to the wind? How dare you waste your precious gift in such a careless manner?” “My juices are not wasted, as you suggest. I recycle my power by ingesting them myself through auto-fellatio. My spent seed refreshes my soul.” Excited murmurs echoed through the chamber. “Who taught you to do such a thing?” “No one, sir.” “Then where did you hear of this practice?” “I’ve never heard of it or read about it anywhere. It just seemed the right thing to do to protect myself against the weakening effects of cumming. I am fortified and strengthened by the powers contained in my own eruptions.” “We must speak among ourselves!” said the Leader as they adjourned to another room. Several of them turned to behold his mighty, pulsating, blue-veined organ one last time before exiting. A short time later the leader of the Guardians of Manhood re-entered the room. “Pro’Phallus of Virilus, we have determined that you are worthy to attempt the Twelve Trials of Penis Man. You must pass each challenge in order to obtain the noble mantle of Penis Man. I hereby advise you that failure mandates that you are stripped of your Virilon powers and sent to live the rest of your life as a sex-slave on the penal planet. Knowing the terms and the danger, what say you?” The virile young man was overcome by a wave of joy and excitement as the terms were put to him. He flexed his bronzed, mighty muscles, which were now coated and glowing with a layer of his sweet, musky man-sweat and freed himself easily from the bonds of the Guardians. He placed his large, powerful hands on his trim hips and tossed back his shoulder-length, honey-gold hair. He inhaled sharply causing his muscles to stand out in relief on his 6’2” frame. His manhood was bursting with youth and vigor as it swayed proudly above his prodigious ball sac. “Guardians of Manhood, I accept your challenge to undergo the Twelve Trials of Penis Man. My destiny demands this of me. Do as you will.” To be continued…


10 Gay Erotic Stories from JohnanymousDoe

Advances In Micro-Circuitry Electronics, Part 2: C

Part 3 The spring day was very sunny but sudden wind gusts blew up to twenty miles per hour. An excited crowd was gathering in the beautiful, spacious garden of the new Massitanian Embassy, which was to be dedicated that morning by the Crown Prince. All hoped he would make his appearance soon. Clark knew the schedule: The dedication was first, then his interview. He waited with the

Advances In Micro-Electronic Circuitry

Chapter One The evil robot dropped the woman as the Man of Steel pried its mechanical hands apart then knocked it off balance with a mighty blow. The robot recovered, catching Superman in a tight bear hug. The hero quickly broke loose but the large but speedy mechanical man was on him again; this time lifting him from behind by the waist and applying a vice-like chokehold. Steel

Penis Man Forever, Part 1

[Thanks to whomever it was that came up with this character. I salute you.] The planet Virilus was in deep despair having learned of yet another failure by its latest champion. The vulgar cretins of Earth had destroyed yet another Penis Man! The esteemed Council of Elders had sent the proudest and finest young men of their ancient race to Earth to act as her guardian against

Penis Man Forever, Part 2

Pro’Phallus awoke after entering the inter-dimensional portal to find himself in a strange chamber surrounded by men he’d never seen. “They must be the Guardians of Manhood!” he thought and wondered what may lie ahead. His powerful wrists had been skillfully lashed together as well as his shapely ankles. It was all he could do to keep his fabulously muscled and well-toned body from


PART ONE The last words the Dark Knight heard before the debilitating dart penetrated his gauntlet chilled his blood and caused both the hesitation and the opportunity. ”I’m baaaack!” a voice trilled in a raspy, unearthly, singsong voice. His legs buckled and he crashed heavily and helplessly to the ground. The sounds of raucous laughter rang in Batman’s ears. “Predator!” his

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 1

“He’s coming!” one of the men whispered, sweat stains covering his tight spandex leotard. “I hear him in the anteroom!” “I think I’m coming too!” said his similarly clad companion, barely managing to keep his pulsating cock from spilling its load as it strained at its spandex encased pouch. The anticipation was excruciating as they and their ten companions observed the large room of

Superman: Red, White And Blew, Part 2

The brawny dozen dragged their captive, led by his tightly grasped dick, to a nearby table marked “ONE”. The choking cape was removed from around his throat allowing him to breathe easier, even through the gag. The muscular men placed the Man of Steel in a seated, slightly reclining position at the center of a large cushioned table. His hands were secured to a wide bar above his head

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 3

Superman reluctantly opened his eyes. Jimmy laid across the room, moaning softly, his nose and mouth oozing dark red blood. A numbered form lay still beneath him. Luthor was nowhere to be seen. The rest of the men were speaking in hushed tones as they snacked or hosed off their spunky, costumed bodies at a wash station in the far corner. He heard one of the men say that Jimmy had

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 4

The Man of Steel had been cleansed thoroughly again with plenty of the aphrodisiac-laced soap and his glowing skin tingled gloriously from the fondling, groping caresses of his ten captors. His beautiful body pulsed with enhanced sensation, making him drunk with pleasure and full of longing for more stimulation. The desire for erotic pleasure now overpowered every other thought and

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 5: Conclusion

Hours later they awoke feeling slightly lightheaded and nauseous. As they untangled themselves from each other, they noticed that their skin was covered with a painful, red rash. Some had open, oozing sores on their penises and groins. They looked in horror at each other’s bodies and then noticed that the Man of Steel lay still and quiet. A deathly gray pallor had replaced the


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