Gay Erotic Stories

One Night

by Pen-is

As you slowly walk into the dark candle lit room, there he is, strewn across the rose-silk colored bed. His bronze chest gleams with beads of sweat from the long day’s work. Each bead rolls down his well-toned pecs to his washboard abs. He lies there in wait; tantalizing you to walk over to him and rip off his form-fitting blue jeans that barely contains the gift inside. Walking towards him you cannot but feel your dick crawling down your leg and the pulse of the veins in synchrony with your accelerating heart. He says in a seductively deep voice, “Come here, I’ve been waiting for you,” as he runs his hand through his luscious blonde hair. Like a black feline on the prowl, you gait across the cold tile floor to the smooth warm silk bed, barely holding back your anticipation for the desired action to come. You lay yourself next to him, feeling his deep breaths as you nervously tremble with desire. Then as you lay your hand on his hard pecs, the sweat on your hand melds with his Greek sculpted body. His body is smooth and erotically hot. In an act of passion, he rips off your shirt while you lie on his washboard stomach. He massages your pectoral muscles slowly and your nipples become erect from the strength of his powerful hands. All the while your rock-hard, bulging jeans rub against his rock-hard bulging jeans. Then you engulf him in a passionate kiss. Your hard warm bodies rub against each other in passion and rage. You tongues dance like a well-performed choreography. He then removes his mouth from yours and slowly kisses your chest, outlining every detail. As he slowly navigates down your muscles, he reaches your trail of pubic hair that leads down to your now ready to explode dick. After he explores your trail of manly pubes, he carefully uses his teeth to pull down your zipper. He takes your jeans off--- leaving you in your tight black boxer briefs. He grabs your ass and snuggles his nose against your bulging shorts. Then he begins to fervently lick your package and massage your ass at the same time. Before long, your underwear is drenched in his saliva. He gives your penis a quick rub with his nose before he undresses you completely. Seeing as you are totally nude, you quickly undress him, revealing his god-like body: well tanned and well sculpted with patches of blonde pubes. Then you take a moment to look into his sea blue Italian eyes, and you are completely enraptured by this moment. He then goes to his jeans and takes out two condoms. You and he unwrap them. In this moment, you can barely calm your hands as you unroll the latex on his well-endowed rod. As he too laces your dick, his nerves are as unsteady as yours--- it is like your first time ever. As you complete the task at hand, he reaches for lubricant and generously rubs it on both your dicks. The warmth from his hands makes you shiver. But then you bend over on the side of the bed and he examines your anus with his fingers, excavating every crevice of your body. After, he probes even further with his dick into your ass. Slowly he rocks in and out. In and out, like the wave ebbing ashore. With each push forward, he gains speed and you feel his heat penetrating your body. He grabs you by your strong shoulder for support and lets out a quick moan of pleasure. As he intrudes faster and faster, he is barely able to control himself, and his motions become possessed. He is getting closer and closer, then you feel his dick erupt. Spewing into your body rivers of his manhood all barely contained in the condom. Then he removes himself from you and throws you on the bed. He then takes your dick into his mouth, licking it like a lollypop…eating every morsel of your sugar. He rubs his nose against your pubic hair. You dick enjoys every moment he enwraps you- feeling the wet and warm mouth. As suckles on you like a newborn calf, you come ever closer to spewing yourself. Just before the moment you scream, “I’m cumming!” trying to warn him of the flood to come, but this only encourages him to suck more fervently… and then… you explode--- rivers upon rivers. After the last drop has exited from your body, you lay on top of him from exhaustion, feeling the cold breeze blow over your sweaty bodies before you drift off to sleep.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Pen-is

One Night

As you slowly walk into the dark candle lit room, there he is, strewn across the rose-silk colored bed. His bronze chest gleams with beads of sweat from the long day’s work. Each bead rolls down his well-toned pecs to his washboard abs. He lies there in wait; tantalizing you to walk over to him and rip off his form-fitting blue jeans that barely contains the gift inside. Walking


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