Gay Erotic Stories

Oh Father!

by Hall

I used to sit in the front row of church and watch the new priest give his sermon. He was absolutely striking. I had to turn away several times after mass so he would not shake my hand because I would be weak in the knees. The one time he was so close to me that I could feel his breath on my face. Father F. was written on his jacket. The one he put on after church. Well one day I was trying to escape from his sight when he caught my sleeve and said, "Joe how are you today?" I could not even speak, all I could do is shake and utter the word "find". Father F. asked me if I could help him carry some things over to the rectory, and as I stood shaking, I said, "yes I think I can do that." So we proceeded to go on to the rectory and once inside he pointed to where I should set the items down. Just then he was so close to me that I got a hardon. I tried to turn away but he noticed it and said, "Geez Joe, do you have to use the bathroom?" "I said no and said that I had to leave." Just then Father F. came closer to me and asked if I would go upstairs with him to help move a dresser that needed to be in a different place. I followed him all the time noticing his beautiful ass as it went upward. We arrived in the room with the dresser and I went to get on the other side of it, and with a bang the door closed. Father F. came over to me and put his arm around me and said you look frightened, so just sit down here, as he pointed to the bed. That was it I was really panicking, then without notice a hand reaches my crotch. It was Father F.'s hand and he began rubbing my cock. I was just about faint when he unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants and underwear down. My cock stood out and with one touch his hand was rubbing up and down. As he was doing this with his left hand, his right hand was unbuttoning his pants and they dropped to the floor, then his underwear. I saw one of the most beautiful cocks and thought what a waste. What a waste, not really as I grabbed for his cock and he groaned. He suddenly fell onto the bed next to me, and placed his lips on mine and gave me an incredible kiss. It was unreal. He pressed his body into mine and our cocks touched quickly. Father F. started to move quickly on my cock and then his mouth found the tip. He sucked so hard that my knee started to shake. As he was rubbing on his own cock he suddenly turned me over, spit on his hand and made way to my hole. I felt the tip of his cock push hard on my hole and with another push he was inside me. He pumped with all of his might and kept it up, groaning all the time and then I could feel his cock tighten and explode pumping all of his juices inside me. It felt so hot, but so good. After he pulled out slowly, he turned me over and began sucking on my cock until I gushed all of my juices into his mouth. We fell on the bed together in wild abandon and I said, "Thank you father for I have sinned."


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Hall

Father John

I met Father John a long time ago, in fact we worked together. He was young and deciding to go into the monastery. When he finally did I was surprised as he had attended a party and asked if he could come home with me to talk about his newfound vocation. As soon as we arrived at the apartment, he suddenly grabbed and held my backside to his front side. I felt some movement in his

Oh Father!

I used to sit in the front row of church and watch the new priest give his sermon. He was absolutely striking. I had to turn away several times after mass so he would not shake my hand because I would be weak in the knees. The one time he was so close to me that I could feel his breath on my face. Father F. was written on his jacket. The one he put on after church. Well one day I


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