Gay Erotic Stories

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 3

by Leather Gryphon

Chapter 4: Second Rule About an hour later after his clothes were dry we were dressed and almost ready to go I realized I was famished, probably from the emaciating effect the costume had had on me. I wanted breakfast desperately. He offered to cook something for me and set about the kitchen searching the cabinets and expertly started preparing a full morning meal. I wandered into the living room to read the paper which quickly bored and depressed me so I went to the bathroom to retrieve and pack up the costume. I shook the water off it as best I could, turned it right side out and shook it again. I draped the heavy suit over my arm and I took it into the bedroom to stuff it into the leather carry bag I'd gotten from the costume shop owner yesterday. It was too big for the bag so I laid it out on the unmade bed and found all the huge leather clothing that had been lent to me and stuffed it all into the bag. I spied the jar of tan colored cream that came with the costume and started re-opening the bag to stuff it in. Curiosity made me hesitate. The shop owner had said that it would make the suit more sensuous. I opened the jar and carefully smelled it. The rich smell of coconut oil quickly filled the room. I stuck my finger into it to test it's consistency. It was smooth and very slippery like silicon grease. Instantly my mind started to fill with images of sexy muscular bodies engaged in hot, penetrating, sloppy man-sex. The images were intoxicating. Without thinking, I reached in and grabbed a small amount of it with a couple of fingers. Immediately the images in my mind increased in intensity. I reached down with my other hand and unbuttoned my shirt. I pulled the shirt away from my chest and rubbed the cream onto my nipple. Exotic shudders of pleasure spread in waves from where the cream had been smoothed onto my skin. The cream disappeared almost magically, absorbed into the skin. This was incredible, I felt so fucking hot. I spread the remainder of the cream still on my fingers onto my entire chest muscle all around the tit. Oh, god. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ohh, yes. I was practically creaming my pants from the increasingly warmer waves of intense pleasure that were filling my mind and body. I was lost to the feelings. My dick was totally stiff and trying to burst through my pants. I yanked my shirt open bursting the last couple of undone buttons. I couldn't get out my clothes fast enough. When I was finally completely naked again I saw and felt that my cock was painfully stiff. I reached back into the jar and grabbed a huge handful of cream, immediately rubbing it all over my toolbox. The pain was eliminated instantly. When the erotic cream hit my balls I was out of control. Handful after handful moved from the jar onto my body all over, including my neck and face. I even found ways to get it all over my back. As fast as I could spread the stuff it absorbed into my skin making me feel more and more horny. My skin lost it's wrinkles as it filled with the absorbed cream. My cock and balls resumed their normal size and were aching to be relieved. When the jar was empty I looked at the costume laid out on the bed. Frantically I found the still open entry area and began pulling the suit of outrageous muscle over my legs and onto my body. I struggled momentarily to get the zipper up my back. When the zipper hit the top I exploded in violent spasms as long heavy streams of cum pulsed from the monster dick that was now MINE again. My shouts of ecstasy were heard in the kitchen and Billy came to see what was wrong. Chapter 5: Third Rule "Sir, what have you done? Take it off. Please take it off. I don't want you to lose any more weight. Let's take it back. Please!" I turned and saw my beautiful slave pleading with me. His words had little meaning to me. I wasn't interested in words. I wanted him. I was so horny, so full of sexual desire that no mere words were going to affect my sexual release. I grabbed him and threw him onto the bed. He was light as a feather and I had him in position instantly. A few quick yanks on his belt-less jeans ripped the buttons open. I pulled the pants down around his thighs and forced open his butt cheeks with my hands. Despite having been absorbed into my skin, the grease seemed to have migrated to the surface of the costume's skin and made it very slippery. I immediately forced my oversized tool into his ass. He screamed as the tool plunged deep into him. "Stop. Stop. No Sir, Please" he said over and over. "ENOUGH!" "ENOUGH! Please Sir, ENOUGH! The safe word "enough" was so strongly ingrained into my behavior that I did stop. I looked at him then with a noisy slurp pulled my long cock out of his slippery hole. I stood up and quickly ejaculated myself to satisfaction again spraying cum all over him. I reached down and picked him up like a rag doll, pulled him to me and kissed his body wildly. I couldn't help myself. I had to feel his body against mine. I had to keep playing with him. Somewhere in this process his fear melted and he joined willingly in the play. "Ohh, Sir, you feel so sexy, let me feel your huge muscles. I want you to love me. Squeeze me with your unbelievable arms. Let me lick your sweat from those beautiful muscles. You feel so unbelievably hot. I can feel your masculinity infect me. You're making me so horny I have to have you. Don't stop. Don't stop. Please Sir, don't stop! We accommodated each other all day long and well into the night. We finally collapsed in sound exhausted sleep. The morning light woke me and I felt incredible. Billy was still asleep next to me. I looked at him quietly. Damn, I was lucky to have such a hot lover. I knew he would be mine as long as I wanted. Forever. I thought. I want to hug him forever. He makes me feel so wonderful. I threw back the covers and saw my massive muscular thighs covered with bulging veins pulsing visibly with each heartbeat. This was something new. As real as the costume had been before it had never showed live veins. I pressed one of them firmly for a moment then released it. The blood could be seen traveling down the unblocked vein filling the branching passages below it with the backed up blood. Damn! I jumped out of bed and ran into the dining room to look at myself in the mirror wall. I was covered with writhing huge veins caressing my muscles. The veins on my hulk-like muscular arms looked like lines of long thin snakes copulating with an anaconda. I struck a most muscular pose and my entire torso swelled dramatically. My traps rose up around my neck in concert with the rest of the girdle of muscles around my shoulders. The veins popped out even more prominently and a red flush of hot pumping blood spread throughout my upper body. My cock thrust straight out showing it's enormous size and it too was surrounded by pulsing veins straining to keep these massive muscles fed. I stood there for at least a half-hour posing for myself. Each pose showed me to be the muscleman of my dreams. Perfect, absolutely perfect. This body looked even bigger than yesterday. It looked like it had gained at least twenty pounds of muscle. My face had filled out again and I think I even looked fifteen years younger. I felt incredibly powerful and masculine but the uncontrollable erotic feelings from yesterday were now under control and I knew what I was doing. Running into the bathroom I jumped on the scales which surprised me when it read only about thirty pounds above my normal weight. A little more than the total of my original weight and the heavy costume which was now looking at least an additional twenty pounds more massive. Scales must be broken I thought. I ran back into the bedroom and woke Billy. "Billy, come on, get up. You gott'a look at this. It's real. Hot damn, it's real!" He rolled over and opened his eyes. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bed standing him on his feet. "Here, feel these veins, they're real man. Blood, there never was blood before. Damn they gott'a be real, this is really my body now. It's not just skin deep. I don't think I ever want to even try to take this body off again." He was feeling my arms and experimenting with the veins the way I had, fascinated by the flow of blood through them. The phone rang several times before I reached over and picked it up. I said "Hello" and a calm masculine voice simply said "It's Sunday. You have to bring the costume back before noon. It's time to talk price." He hung up without waiting for me to respond. "Who was that?" Billy asked. I paused for a moment remembering the deal I had made with the costume shop owner. I didn't want to return the costume now. I had my dream. This incredible covering had transformed me into a massive bodybuilder. I'd keep this suit of muscles forever. Then I remembered that the shopkeeper had said the suit wouldn't work more than a few days unless I bought it. I did a quick mental check of my available cash and credit and decided that I had more money than he probably wanted. Hell, I'd sell the house if I had to. "Business. I said. I've got to go pay for this suit. Come on, get dressed we only have an hour. I don't want him to come and take it back. We dressed quickly. I put on the huge leather pants, the harness, the boots and grabbed the jacket. I stuffed my checkbook into my pocket. I'd transfer more money into the checking account later. We went out through the kitchen and saw the breakfast Billy had set on the table yesterday morning now cold and dry. I backed the bike out of the garage and we rushed back into the city. Chapter 6: The Price I found the dangling shop sign, drove down the alley and parked. Billy followed me down the steep stone steps into the incense filled room. I slapped the bell on the counter and the proprietor came through the bead curtain almost immediately. I recognized his face and those intense green eyes but he was no longer the athletic hippie I remembered from Friday. Now he looked like a swarthy barrel chested , hairy, bearish, dock worker. "You're late." He said sourly. Then he warmed a little. "Ah, I see you've brought a friend." He said smiling gleefully pulling his cigar out of his mouth and laying it in the ashtray. Without waiting for a reply he invited us both back into the special costume room. Billy was fascinated by the collection of detailed rubber suits. I saw him pause at the rack of muscle bodies, then he spent several minutes looking carefully at the entire wall of full head rubber masks. He asked where the body for the Minotaur head was, then checked it out carefully too. It held his attention for most of the time. I have to admit I kind of liked it also. It was even more muscular than my body and had a god-like genital endowment hanging past its' knees. Although I don't know how anybody could get their feet into the cloven hooves of the suit. Our host finally asked. "How'd you like the costume?" Proudly I ran my hands down my chest onto my hard rippling abs. "Incredible. I've gott'a keep this. Just one thing though. When I took it off Friday night I'd lost several pounds of weight. Is that normal?" "Didn't take the pills did you he said smugly" I told you to take one pill exactly one hour before taking it off. Didn't I?. You've damaged it. Price just went up but take the pills and you'll have no more problems." Sheepishly I admitted totally forgetting about the pills. Then relieved that I could continue to wear my beautiful muscles without problem I made up my mind. "You said we'd talk price?" He looked at me for a moment then reached over and touched one of the bulging blood veins. "Hmm, you touched the cream didn't you. Price just went up again. I told you not to touch the cream to your skin. Slept in it too, didn't you? I told you not to sleep in it. You've damaged it severely, I don't think you can afford it anymore." He said accusingly and with an evil knowing smile. "I don't care. Give me a price." I pulled out my checkbook and looked around for a pen. Calmly he said. "I want this boy." Pointing at Billy. "What! No, I can't give you Billy even if I wanted to. It's up to him. As much as I'd like to think he's really my slave, he can make up his own mind and he wants me." Irritated at my refusal, his voice took on an evil tone. "No he doesn't. He wants these muscles" He said grabbing my chest until it hurt. You just come along with them. I can also see he's had a taste of them and his lust for muscles like this is growing. If you can't pay for them, you'll never see me again and I'll offer them to him with the same conditions." I rubbed my sore pecs and swore under my breath as I wiped the sweat from my brow. "Look, just give me a price." "The boy." He repeated firmly. I looked at Billy. He was looking back at me and at my muscular body. I could see the hesitation in his eyes as he considered his position. Finally to my relief he said. "I love Mike. Even without his muscles and besides, I don't have any other place to live. I want to stay with my master. I love him more than those muscles. I always want to be near him." The anger subsided as the proprietor sighed and replied calmly. "Ah, true love. How I envy you. Yes, I believe you will always be with your muscular friend." He sighed again. "Well, all right then. Two million dollars, but I've got to inspect the suit first and repair the damage you've done. And don't think you can just walk out of here with the costume on. You've damaged it so much it will disintegrate by nightfall. In fact I can see that it's overheating already. I can fix it but you've got to take it off." He continued calmly. "In fact if you don't take it off soon it will burn up killing you too. These things don't come off an assembly line you know. Taking it off is the only way I can save the costume." Fuck, two million. There was no way I could come up with two million dollars. I tried to bargain him down but he wouldn't budge. My anger and frustration was rising. Damn I was getting hot. I wiped my sweat again and realized that he must be right about it overheating I was getting uncomfortably hot. Then I remembered that he said he would fix the suit and offer it to Billy. This was a way out. If I helped Billy buy the costume I might be able to get rid of him later and keep my outrageous muscles. I thought wickedly. The scheme took shape in my mind then with mock resignation I told the proprietor I couldn't pay and that he could offer it to Billy. I explained, however, that I wasn't sure it would come off now but he assured me it would. He opened a drawer pulled out a little bottle of liquid, wet a small piece of cloth and told me to remove my leathers. When I was stripped he dabbed the liquid down my back and the zipper flap popped open. With a quick motion he pulled the zipper down. My scream made sound for only a moment then abruptly stopped as I felt my body and mind absorb into the rubber costume still screaming silently. Pain dissolved into extreme pleasure, I knew what was happening to me and could sense that it had happened to many others before me. Thoughts dimmed then vanished but I was happy being pure muscle simply waiting to grow again. Billy watched in horror as a cloud of putrid smoke and hot steam rose dimming the light in the room as the suit collapsed into a large pile of steaming bulging rubber. The hollow head fell to the floor with a soft spongy thud and bounced around erratically until it came to rest under the shelves of rubber heads. The proprietor calmly walked over, picked it up and placed it in the one empty space on the carefully arranged shelves. Muttered something about having to build another shelf, then reached down and lifted the still steaming empty costume, shook it a few times and exclaimed gleefully how much weight it had gained this time. "It must be very happy." He said. He reached up and stroked his large gold earring, absorbed in thought for a moment. Turning, he held the massive suit of muscles by the shoulders to show it to best advantage. "Well Billy, now that I've repaired the damage to this costume, how would you like to take it home for a couple of days? There's just three conditions of which I'm sure you now fully understand." He paused while his mouth curled into a wry smile. "Oh, I forgot you don't have a home. Do you?" He said in mock sympathy. Handing the heavy costume to a stunned Billy he pulled open a drawer to grab one of dozens of clear plastic bags each with probably a hundred of the tiny blue pills in them and handed him the bag. His green eyes twinkled as he added. "If you need a place to stay, I have a spare room with its own private door into this closet. No charge." - gryphon -


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3 Gay Erotic Stories from Leather Gryphon

Not Just Skin Deep

WARNING: This story is sexually explicit fiction and describes Male to male sexual practices. If you are underage or are offended by, or are hostile to this type of material then don't read it INVITATION: If on the other hand you decide to read this story and have intelligent, adult, constructive (non-flaming) comments, compliments or even complaints you may reply to:

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 2

Not quite prepared for this blatant display of submission, it took me a moment to respond. Finally I reached down and put my hand on the back of his head and pulled it gently toward my crotch. He walked his knees closer to me on the hard tile floor and began to lick the still moist cock. Immediately it stiffened and started to rise toward his mouth. Without using his hands

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 3

Chapter 4: Second Rule About an hour later after his clothes were dry we were dressed and almost ready to go I realized I was famished, probably from the emaciating effect the costume had had on me. I wanted breakfast desperately. He offered to cook something for me and set about the kitchen searching the cabinets and expertly started preparing a full morning meal. I wandered


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