Gay Erotic Stories

Not Just Skin Deep

by Leather Gryphon

WARNING: This story is sexually explicit fiction and describes Male to male sexual practices. If you are underage or are offended by, or are hostile to this type of material then don't read it INVITATION: If on the other hand you decide to read this story and have intelligent, adult, constructive (non-flaming) comments, compliments or even complaints you may reply to: (Leather Gryphon) I will reply to sincere, helpful correspondence. Enjoy! Keywords: muscles, leather, motorcycle, gay, sex, transformation, costumes, rubber This version (1998) has been re-edited to fix spelling and grammar but the story is identical with the original. - gryphon - (aka: Gryphon Tales, aka: LeatherGryphon) Copyright 1997 by Gryphon Tales July 1, 1997 Copyright 1998 by LeatherGryphon Aug 1, 1998 Chapter 1: The Costume Shop I'm always on the hunt for a better costume so the small rusty sign saying "Special Costumes" dangling from a single screw on the corner of the alley wall easily diverted me from my mundane destination. Close up I could see portions of a faded red arrow pointing straight up but it would have pointed into the cluttered dead-end alley if it had been mounted properly. The bright noon sun was eclipsed by the buildings lining the narrow passage so I cautiously made my way down the dark shadows. Approaching the blank wall at the end, I'd almost given up hope that the shop was still in business. Finally I saw another aged sign pointing down a steep narrow set of stone steps to an open basement door inviting entry with a simple "Open" sign. I knocked on the door frame to announce myself and walked on in. Soft strains of mysterious eerie music surrounded me. The walls of the entry room were covered with worn oriental carpets and the smell of incense reminded me of head-shops from the 60's. True to the image, a bead curtain covered a small door at the other end of the shop. The room was empty except for a counter with a gray marble top supporting an ornate bronze incense burner darkened from decades of use. There was also an old fashioned desk bell similarly tarnished, and a chipped glass ashtray containing the cold stub of a cigar. A stream of smoke rose in lazy chaotic swirls from the mouths of the daemons forming the top of the incense burner. The rising tendril of smoke dissolved into the gray haze it had already produced. I slapped the plunger on top of the bell and it produced a loud "ding". I kind of liked this place. It had an atmosphere of simple unhurried civility and a definite personality. The impatience of city living had been infecting me ever since I moved here. Thinking that the first ring of the bell had produced no results I was about to slap it again. At that moment an incredibly handsome man about twenty five, dressed only in faded, stripped bell bottoms pants a tattered dirty headband, and rose colored John Lennon glasses entered through the bead curtain. His loose sandals slapped quietly on the narrow Oriental rug that ran from door to door. His chest was firm and muscular and contradicted the image that his clothes invoked. The hippies I remember from the late 60's when I was just out of high school were usually undernourished and pale. This guy looked like an Olympic athlete who spent all his time in the sun. "Cool it man, I'm here. Don't ring it again, like the vibes clash with the music." He walked up a little too close to me forcing me to back up a half step to preserve my "personal space" then said. "Hmm, what have we here? You're a big man dude. Thrown a bit of iron in your time haven't you?" He looked me up and down and then looked straight into my eyes for a moment too long. I averted my eyes nervously by looking at his beautifully muscular chest and arms. As if he were reading my mind his hands crossed his chest and pet the soft hair around his nipples. Feeling himself erotically he continued on down over his rippling abs and ended by cupping his crotch teasingly. I followed his motions hypnotically and started to feel my dick stiffen. Suddenly he broke the spell by reaching up to stroke the large, heavy gold ring in his left earlobe in deep thought for a moment then turned around. "Come on in buddy. I've got just what you're after." I doubted that, but followed him through the door. We entered a short hallway. I could hear the music more clearly coming from another bead curtain on my right. At the end of the hall we turned left into a small room hung with typical Halloween costumes. I glanced around disappointed and said. "No, I don't see anything here, thanks anyway." "Yo, man. Chill. I know. This stuff is crap. You want a special costume. I've got what you're looking for back here in my closet". He inserted a key and unlocked a heavy old oak door. The smell escaping from the room reminded me of a scuba shop with lots of neoprene wet suits. He reached around and twisted an old style rotary wall switch and the dim naked light bulbs in the ceiling barely lit the large room. Instantly I could see I was going to like this collection. I didn't wait to be invited and followed him in. This room was very big, it must have been part of the old warehouse next door. The place was filled with beautifully detailed full body rubber costumes. There was an entire fifty foot wall of shelves holding full head rubber masks to match the bodies. All sorts of things in here interested me. Scary creatures, mythical beasts, beautiful women, ugly women, beautiful men, and yes, just exactly what I was looking for. "These." I said, walking over to a collection of headless rubber costumes that were obviously muscular bodybuilders of several skin tones and various levels of muscular development. I reached for one of the bigger ones and felt the thick bulges that formed, the chest shoulders, and arms. The suit was one piece with an odd looking zipper down the back. It was completely naked and anatomically correct. Lord, was it anatomically correct. A thick heavy rubber cock hung nearly ten inches and was framed by a set of balls the size of small apples hanging nearly as long in a wonderful hairy scrotum. After surviving my own hippie period I had gotten into bodybuilding and I still keep myself in good condition and have much of my contest winning muscles from twenty five years ago. I pride myself at weighing almost two hundred pounds of middle-aged hard muscle, but this suit was as big or bigger as the modern pros. I lifted it briefly off the rack to check its' length but quickly put it back, surprised by its' weight. It must have weighed thirty pounds. From my brief view it had looked a little short but I was still fascinated by it. "See, man. I told you I had what you wanted. Way cool aren't they? Wann'a try one on?" I looked around to see him grinning wryly. His green eyes gleamed brightly as if he know something I didn't. I jumped at the chance and said. "Yea, this one." Indicating the one I had in my hands. "Think it will fit?" "No problem. They always fit." His comment went right over my head. I was too excited about slipping into that muscular rubber suit. I looked around for a place to go change. He chuckled. "You wann'a try on a suit with a cock and balls like that, and you're modest about undressing? Hey, man drop your pants and just do it." His remark embarrassed me even more for a moment, then I grinned back at him letting the blush drain from my face and started unbuckling my belt. He watched me intently and I could see his interest grow between his legs as I stripped completely. My interest in him was keeping pace with his expanding crotch. He brushed past me to pull the muscleman costume off the rack. While removing the hanger he grabbed a chair and indicated I should sit. He shook the costume a bit to straighten out the legs and lowered the open back down to my ankles. I put my hand on his shoulder and inserted first one leg then the other and pulled the heavy costume onto my legs. It felt cold and clammy and slightly slimy. The attached feet had individual compartments for my toes and I fiddled with them a minute until they slid into place. The inner surface was not nylon lined like a modern wetsuit and I'd expected it to be difficult to pull on. However, it slid on easily as if greased with a micro-thin layer of something very slippery like silicon grease or better. It glided snugly around my thighs. With his eager help we fit my dick into the thick hollow dildo that was the costume's cock and he pushed my balls into the suit's scrotum. A quick squeeze with his fingers around the base of the suit's balls compressed the rubber material above my own balls. The compression didn't expand when he released it. My balls were now firmly locked in place. My cock in the dildo expanded quickly and my erection caused the huge cock on the outside to stiffen also. I tried to imagine what sort of mechanism was inside. He brazenly stroked the big rubber cock a couple of times and I swear I could feel it as if he were playing with me directly. I put my arms into the massively muscled costume arms and worked the attached hands over my own. The material here like the feet was extremely thin but showed no danger of tearing. Once my arms were fully covered we worked the remainder over my shoulders and I felt it snap into place around my chest and back. He fiddled with the collar area briefly then pulled the zipper up the back in one swift effortless motion and smoothed the flap of rubber that covered it completely. The suit readjusted itself quickly then stopped moving as it settled onto my naked body. It quickly warmed and was very comfortable. The feeling was incredible. It seemed as if the suit had been specifically molded to match my body. As short as it had seemed on the rack it didn't feel uncomfortably tight. The thing fit me perfectly everywhere. Looking down I could barely see over the massive pecs. The thighs were huge bundles of deeply striated rubber muscle. I reached down to feel them and my ham-like arms came into view. Phenomenal! My hands wandered up and down the thick bi's and tri's. I could cover only a small portion of those huge biceps with my hand. I examined everything I could reach. I could feel my hands running across the surface as if the rubber costume were my own skin. The feeling was intensely erotic. The cock stiffened completely and was sticking straight out about fifteen inches. I grabbed the middle of the enormous shaft but couldn't get my hand all the way around it. Instinctively I began stroking the incredible tool and shuddered with the waves of pleasure it produced. I was unconscious of anyone or anything else. All I wanted to do was jerk myself to satisfaction. Moments later my toes curled, I arched my back and grunted violently as my cock spewed forth a heavy stream of thick cum that globbed into a puddle on the floor. After several minutes the erotic feelings abated and I remembered where I was. Embarrassed again, I turned to see the handsome hippie with his pants around his ankles jerking himself off. He grabbed the back of the chair and ejaculated copious amounts of cum which joined the puddle I'd just made. Watching in fascination I waited until his bright green glinting eyes opened again. We looked at each other in silence, then as if a switch had been turned he broke the trance and grabbed a couple of tissues from a box nearby and handed me one. "Happens a lot in here." He chuckled. He pulled his pants back up looked me over again and said. "Out'a sight, man, that looks so groovy on you. Wann'a keep it for a couple of days? No charge." Fascinated by the costume and still thinking about the candid behavior in which we'd both engaged and of his free offer. I just stood there speechless. "Yo Dude, you in there?" He said waving his hand in front of my eyes, smiling broadly. I blinked and regained my voice. "No cost? Really?" "Well, nothin's ever really free, but yea, dude, take it home, break it in for two days but you gott'a bring it back Sunday before noon before you damage it. Then we'll talk about the price after I make sure it's all right. Why don't you wear it home?" The thought sent my cock rising again. Yes, that's just what I wanted to do. I looked into his deep emerald eyes and enthusiastically said. "OK." I hesitated for a moment then swore. "Shit. What am I going to wear? I could never get my pants over these legs." I ran my hands over the thick thighs, and around the bulging hard bubble butt. Absentmindedly I forced the long stiff cock up against my rippled abs to see how high it went. The head of that unbelievable cock fit just below the heavy shelf of the pecs. I was sure I could bend enough to suck myself off if that was possible through the thick rubber. Yes, I wanted to keep this suit on but how was I going to get home. "No problem dude. I've got everything you want. Come on." He exited through the big oak door and I followed him through the outer room of tacky disguises into the hall. The heavy cock had relaxed and I could hear and feel it thudding heavily against the huge thighs of the costume. The legs were so big I actually had to walk like the muscle bound creature I now resembled. The balls flopped back and forth sensuously keeping in harmonic synchronization with the cock. The feeling was so damn real I could swear that they were hitting my own legs. We went up a set of stairs into a large room filled with stacks of leather hides, racks of finished leather clothing and machines for working with leather. This was great though because none of my own leather could possibly fit this body. If he had stuff that would fit me now so much the better. He went directly over to a rack sagging with hundreds of pounds of leather pants and quickly found a pair of huge black leather jeans which he handed to me. I sat on a stool at one of the old leather sewing machines and pulled the pants over my massive new legs. The huge cock and balls gave me a little trouble getting them tucked away. The pants were cut quite full, but once I'd zipped them up, they were snug around the hips and thighs and the great bulge of my new genitals showed very prominently. The knees and lower legs though were obviously tailored to permit generous bending like for riding motorcycle. This guy knew leather for sure. There was a mirror stall on one of the walls and I eagerly examined myself. I was incredible. I was the epitome of a leather muscle stud. All I needed now was some armbands and a harness. I asked if he had any. He nodded and opened a glass case. "Take your pick." I chose a simple black leather arm band and a plain wide wrist band, both of which I promptly fit onto my left arm. I looked around the racks of leather in the room and found a sturdy leather harness. A glance at my host confirmed that I could take it too. I unbuckled the straps, unzipped my pants and worked my way into the harness, fitting the crotch strap under my butt crack and worked the huge ring around my new cock and balls. All this stuff fit perfectly as if it had been made for this monster body. I re-zipped the pants, adjusted the straps over the hard protruding pecs and took another look at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe the bulging leather muscle stud looking back was me. This was absolutely incredible I couldn't help caressing the erotic butt of the tight leather pants and cupping the huge basket with my hands. Before I'd even thought of it, the shopkeeper had brought over a pair of motorcycle boots and some long red and gray wool socks. Like everything else these fit perfectly, even over the fake feet and phenomenal calves of the costume. I was complete now except for a cycle jacket but that would have been asking too much, especially this time of year. These would do. To my surprise there was a huge leather cycle jacket laying on the counter when I turned around. He said. "You don't really need this right now, but it might get cool if you ride your bide without one so take this too." I didn't think I'd mentioned that I rode bike but he was right. The mass of that much thick leather made the jacket very heavy. I hefted it clumsily at first. However, once I got one arm in, it slipped on easily over my massive chest. I got a double "thumbs up" approval from my host and another broad grin. We returned to "his closet" to retrieve my clothes and wallet. I tried to leave a deposit with the him but he wouldn't accept anything, saying simply. "I know you'll be back, more than willing to pay the price." He even gave me a black leather carry bag to put my clothes, the coat and my shoes into. "You're a hot dude man. Can't have you walking the streets with nothing that don't match your new image, now can we? Most un-cool!" I was just about to leave when he stopped me. "Remember you have to bring it back by Sunday noon, It only works for a couple of days unless I inspect it and make it work permanent. And just three more things man. Like, this is really super important. First of all." He said, handing me three extremely small blue pills. "Take one of these exactly one hour before removing the costume to permit the suit to come off without you sticking to it. "Second, I'm sure you noticed, like, that it feels real groovy and sexy. Right?" I nodded again and he continued. "If you want it to feel even better, rub just a little of this cream onto the outside of the suit in the areas you want to feel erotic. Know what I mean man? Works great, but don't over do it, it's pretty powerful stuff, and for sure don't touch it or put it directly on your skin." He handed me a clear jar of a tan colored cream. The jar was a common type used for canning and seemed like an awful lot for being so "powerful". There must have been nearly a pint of the cream in that jar. A handwritten label on the glass repeated what he had said. "Third. Don't sleep in it. Like that really does the most un-cool damage to it. Damage it and I gott'a up the price. For sure, take if off each night, OK?" I wanted to ask what kind of damage but simply nodded. "OK. Seems easy enough. I promise. Oh, how do I care for this thing? How do I wash it?" "Just shower in it then take it off under the spray, wash out the inside with a mild soap, rinse it thoroughly and hang it inside- out on this. He handed me one of the large thick wooden hangers I'd seen on all the suits in the display. "Only thing I've found that'll hold 'em without breaking." I thanked him, stuffed the hanger into my new leather carry bag and strode boldly back up into the alley. He yelled after me "Have a nice day." Chapter 2: Billy I felt on top of the world. This costume was so fucking real. I watched my arms swing and expected to see creases in the rubber when I bent my arms. The surface stayed smooth though. It would stretch and contract without effort and never bunched up. Out here in the sun I could see the beautiful tan color it had. I had a gotten a good tan already this summer and when I passed a reflecting window I could see that the color of the torso had darkened to be exactly the same color as my face. The neck area that he had worked on so carefully fit snugly high up my neck and showed thick, well defined muscles. I was gorgeous. The heavy thighs made me walk like a big bodybuilder, and my arms seemed to take on a new life swinging boldly to counter balance my new mass. Their position was somewhat wider than normal because of the powerfully wide lats pushing them away from my body. I strutted proudly and confidently down the streets. The attention I was attracting pleased me to no end. I stopped into a corner store squeezing my huge new body through the narrow isles to buy a snack and a comb. Continuing down the street I flamboyantly used the comb several times while watching my admirers and my reflection in a store window to show off the massive arms. I'd started out to get lunch this afternoon but the shop and this costume made me forget about work. When I remembered where I was supposed to be, half the afternoon was gone. Since it was Friday I decided to blow away the rest of the day there was some partying to get ready for. I headed for the nearest Metro stop to go home to drop off this heavy carry bag. On the way, an old- fashioned barbershop caught my eye. I had a flash of insight and entered the shop. I've been blessed with genes that had left most of my hair graying but still intact. There was nobody waiting and the one barber was reading the newspaper. He looked up at me and just stared nervously. I smiled to relieve the tension and told him I wanted a Mohawk haircut like from the 50's. His attitude changed and he said enthusiastically. "Really? I haven't done one of those in oh ... 40 years young man. You want it short, flat, and about two and a half inches wide, right?" "Just about right. Make it an inch high all down the length, slightly flat across the top and trim the tail straight across just above the nape of the neck." He nodded. "Yup, that's what I remember. None of that spiky punk stuff they go in for now days. OK, young man, that's just the right haircut for someone like you." I got into the chair and he pulled the cloth around my neck. I expected that working that close to me he would notice that I was wearing a costume, especially around the neck, but he never said anything. He did ask if I was a professional bodybuilder. I lied a little and said. "Used to be". I changed the topic and got him talking about himself. The time passed quickly as he talked about the "old days". He worked quickly and proudly showed me the results. I was very pleased but had him lather up the sides and shave down to the skin instead of leaving clipper stubble. I paid his modest fee and added a decent tip. "Good luck, young man. Come on back when you need that trimmed again." The south end of the Metro was just around the corner. I bought my passcard and entered the platform. Rush hour was just beginning, so even though I'd missed the first train, there was another in less than five minutes. While I waited I caught lots of stares from people all over the platform, both on this side and across the tracks. Funny the way they would look up and down between my huge chest and my bulging crotch. I was loving it. Most of the stares were from suited men. Though I especially liked it when I got a double take from guys walking with their wife or girl friend. I could almost feel the envy from the men. Muscles in leather with lots of skin showing, yea, they were wishing they had the balls to look like me. Literally. Yes sir! I was having a one hell of an afternoon. I was home in twenty minutes. I went in to the bathroom to pee and worried a little bit about how that would work. Then thought about how I was going to shit. Damn, I didn't want to have to take this costume off for such mundane necessities. I was surprised to discover that peeing was as normal as ever except for the size and weight of the hose I was aiming. I decided to see if there was any way to crap without taking off the costume. I pulled down my leather pants and unbuckled the lower sections of the harness. Squatting on the toilet I felt for my asshole. Finding an entry I worked a finger into it. It was amazing how sensitive the outside of the opening was, almost like it was my own tissue. I penetrated further and could feel the soft warm tissue of the inside of my own hole. I never did find the actual edge of the costume but satisfied that everything at least lined up properly I decided that if I had to go, it could be done. Semi-naked again I took the opportunity to carefully examine the costume. It was more incredible the closer I looked. I could find no seam around my neck which except for the dick and butt openings was the only other possible edge. The costume seemed to merge with my skin high up my neck. He must have glued it to my skin because I couldn't even peel an edge away with my fingernails. I wasn't even sure where the edge was. I could easily feel my hands caress the surface which was no longer cool to the touch but now felt like warm skin. The texture was even more like skin than rubber. The spongy nature of rubber had been replaced by the fluid redistribution of pressure like real flesh. I had expected to get really hot in this all enclosing costume but I hadn't even sweated while walking in the sun. To all appearances this was my body now. I was really pleased. This thing must be incredibly expensive. I'd never be able to buy it but at least I had it till noon on Sunday and I was going to get the most out of it. The next few hours were spent puttering around the house naked and glancing at myself in every mirror I passed. I felt very horny and jerked off several times. The experience was intense. Great bursts of cum rocketed out of the huge dick. The scrotum would even contract pulling those great balls tight against the base of the cock just before I came. The sensations sent me into ecstasy for several minutes afterward. Finally it was late enough to put on my new leathers again. I picked out a few other small accessories and a couple of colored handkerchiefs to match my mood then grabbed my helmet and pulled my bike off the center stand and nearly ran it into the wall of the garage. It seemed incredibly light. I put the kick stand down then went over to Olympic bar set up for bench pressing to test my new strength. I already had all my weights on it but was able to do three sets of twenty reps without even trying. Switching position I stood and grabbed it underhand. I was able to curl it easily. Excited about my apparent new strength I wanted to continue working out but I had plans for tonight, so maybe tomorrow... I backed the bike out of the garage and swung my huge thigh over it and settled into position. Damn what a picture I must have been. The big bike seemed smaller now. These extra muscles, if they were real, would probably put forty or fifty pounds on my body and I felt like a leather monster on my black monster bike. The narrow twisty back roads through the country into the inner suburbs of the city was my favorite route. Eventually I had to take the Interstate and opened the throttle up to about ninety five a couple of times. Not safe but a hell of a lot of fun whenever I had the nerve to try to get away with it. I pulled into the city across the bridge and leaned deep around the curves of the expressway to where it dumps you right into the middle of the downtown. City traffic brought me back to my normal cautious driving. The short trip past the Government buildings and to the leather bar ten blocks beyond through the convoluted streets and circles of the city took almost as long as the ride in from the suburbs. This early in the evening there were plenty of parking places near the bar. I pulled in right in front where the "Reserved for Motorcycles" sign was. It usually didn't work and nine times out of ten there were two cars where you could easily park seven or eight bikes. I pulled around and backed the bike into just the right place so no car could get in. The old three story brick building was dark inside but this early I knew it would be nearly empty. Just a few local regulars at the bar. I strode to the restroom at the far end giving a quick nod to the downstairs bartender as I passed him. I could see him watching me from the moment I entered. Yea, I thought, this was going to be a fun night. The light in the restroom was always way too bright. I checked myself out again in the mirror. Shit I was huge. I moved to the urinal, unzipped my leather jeans and pulled out the enormous cock to relieve myself again. One of the men who had been sitting at the bar came through the door and was obviously cruising me while I peed. I'd seen him before but never paid much attention because he was always with someone else. I could see in the reflection of the chrome plumbing that he was glancing back and forth from my monster cock to my massive chest muscles exposed by the unzipped jacket. I started to shake my tool to remove the last couple of drops when he dropped to his knees, bowed his head and asked quietly but clearly. "Sir. May I wash that for you Sir?" Not quite prepared for this blatant display of submission, it took me a moment to respond. Finally I reached down and put my hand on the back of his head


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Leather Gryphon

Not Just Skin Deep

WARNING: This story is sexually explicit fiction and describes Male to male sexual practices. If you are underage or are offended by, or are hostile to this type of material then don't read it INVITATION: If on the other hand you decide to read this story and have intelligent, adult, constructive (non-flaming) comments, compliments or even complaints you may reply to:

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 2

Not quite prepared for this blatant display of submission, it took me a moment to respond. Finally I reached down and put my hand on the back of his head and pulled it gently toward my crotch. He walked his knees closer to me on the hard tile floor and began to lick the still moist cock. Immediately it stiffened and started to rise toward his mouth. Without using his hands

Not Just Skin Deep, Part 3

Chapter 4: Second Rule About an hour later after his clothes were dry we were dressed and almost ready to go I realized I was famished, probably from the emaciating effect the costume had had on me. I wanted breakfast desperately. He offered to cook something for me and set about the kitchen searching the cabinets and expertly started preparing a full morning meal. I wandered


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