Gay Erotic Stories

New Car Disaster


Finally, I had been able to afford to trade the old rust-bucket car in for a new one. I had been keeping that old bomb running far beyond the time it should have been hauled off to the junkyard. In my work, as a sales rep for a photography supply company, I traveled often so a car was in effect a home away from home. I was completely enjoying the new ride. Traveling along a rural road I had specifically taken because the scenery was stunning and the traffic was low, making the drive fun, I had rounded a bend in the road when without warning. a series of idiot lights popped onto the dashboard and my new ride became quickly--no ride. I was able to get it drifted to a wide opening along the highway and sat there stunned. Brand spanking new car and it was dead as yesterday's news. Repeated attempts to start it failed. "Well, I could walk but having driven this road before, there seemed to be little population around and absolutely no stores of any type. What the heck; why not relax and maybe somebody would come along to help. I fished around in the glovebox and got out a male magazine and relaxed checking out the hunky models and indulging myself in a few fantasies. The warmth of the sun and the relaxation and I fell asleep. The next thing, I remember was the sound of a male voice saying, " Are you all right, sir?" I startled awake and realized that through my open window I could see the mid-section of a uniformed officer. He stepped back and bent down and repeated his question. By then, I was awake enough to make sense and I replied, " Yeah, my brand new car quit running and I fell asleep." He did the usual thing of returning to his cruiser and using the radio checked out my license plate and registration and driver's license to make sure I was not the driver of a stolen car. While he was seated, I realized the male magazine was flopped onto my lap and had been in plain view to the officer. I quickly hid it in the glovebox—darn--silly me. He returned and offered to radio for help which I gladly accepted. We waited about half hour and finally the tow truck arrived, and hitched up my car. The driver told me to hop in the tow truck with him and he would take me into town. I had noticed that the young officer seemed to be around 30 something and quite the looker...pretty blue eyes..nice lips..tall. As we bumped along in the truck, I asked the driver, " Who was that kind officer?" He replied, " Oh that is Barry..he is the nicest guy on earth." "You bet, he stayed and made sure I was okay before he left." "Any motels in town?", I asked. "Nope, closest one is bout 30 miles away" "Oh, my..hmnnnnn." The driver was a cutie..not handsome, but average but had a great smile and a warm manner about him. After dismounting my poor car from the truck, he did some basic testing and said.."Looks like one of those modules in the computer system had gone bonkers on ya, Dave". "How can we get one?" "Gotta call the dealer and see if they have one." While he was calling, I saw the cruiser car pull up to the garage and Barry got out and asked about the car." "He says it is a module and has gone to call for one, Barry?" "Hey, how did ya know my name, Dave?" "He told me after I said you were kind and helpful?" "And how did you know my name, Barry?" He grinned a big grin and said, " I saw your driver's license and I know all there is to know about you." "Well, silly me..of course..I forgot about that I was so upset" The garage mechanic came back and said, "Dave, they can Fed-Ex one overnight arrive around noon tomorrow." "Oh my..guess, I had better start walking the 30 miles to the motel and laughed." Just then, Barry said, "Dave, if ya kill another hour, I get off duty and will drive ya to the motel." "Damn, Barry..that would be nice..I owe you my soul by now." Then he walked over and draped one of those big long arms over my shoulder and said, "Dave, we can’t have ya walking..ya might get run over by a drunk driver." far as I was concerned that arm could stay right where it felt great, but he pulled his arm away and back in an hour. The hour passed quickly because I hung around the mechanic and we chatted about local things and he told me that he and Barry were friends..had grown up together and even joined the Army at the same time and so on. Finally, I heard a vehicle outside and in popped, out of uniform..wearing a ragged set of cutoffs and a tee-shirt. Oh my....out of that uniform,,long muscular legs covered in thick downy reddish blond fur and a chest that was trying to fight its way out of the tee shirt and chest fur that was trying to creep up outta the neck of the shirt. "Dave, let's get your stuff outta your car and into my truck." I sorted through stuff found my luggage and my briefcase and was piling it into the bed of his truck. I noticed he and the mechanic chatting as I stood waiting at the truck. Barry walked over and said, "Hop in, Dave" and proceeded to get into the driver's side and fasten his seatbelt. On the ride, he had those great legs relaxed and the size of the lump in his cutoffs said, "Dave, this stud is hung like a gorilla." I would glance occasionally to feast on the leg show and the basket show as he drove." He told me more about the rural area..points of interest around the county and so on. In the course of the conversation, he mentioned he had a three day break and had actually worked longer than scheduled to help me get some assistance. I thanked him for that and mentioned, "If ya don't have to hurry home to the wife and kids, lemme buy ya dinner for being so kind to me." Barry laughed and said, "Dave, I was married for two years once and it was two years of hell..thank god no kids" "Same here, Barry , but I ended up with two adult on their own and me on my own." We found a motel and I checked in and he helped me carry my stuff up to the room. "What do ya wanna eat, Barry..treat is on me." He said that he was in the mood for pizza and knew a place where the pizza was great. He drove us to the little hole-in-the-wall place and sure enough it was great. We had a great pizza and shared a pitcher of beer and then he drove me back to the motel and when I got out, he got out also and followed me to my room. I invited him in and he reached into his back pocket and handed me the male magazine that I had stashed in my glovebox. "Thought ya might need this tonight, Dave." "Oh shit, he must have gotten it out of my glovebox when he was talking inside with the mechanic". I thanked him and said, "Sure makes sleeping better to have a little entertainment before bedtime." He said, "Yeh, thumbed through some hot studs in it." " Oh my, here is a hot stud and I am his age and half-again.....there is no way, he would be interested in me" I thought. "Then, Barry said, "Mind if I hang around a while..I live alone and going home to the empty place can get boring?" "No problem, Barry..would love the company." I asked him if he minded if I caught a quick shower because I was sweaty and it would relax me." As I showered, I thought to myself, "Wonder if I should make a move on him..naw..he is just a nice guy and lonely..he wouldnt want a guy your age, Dave and you would make a fool of yourself and he would be very nice and excuse himself and go home." I came out of the shower drying my hair with a towel and wearing boxers and he was seated on the edge of the bed fiddling with the remote control on the TV. "Hey, Dave..found an adult channel..wanna watch a fuck film?" "Sure, Barry..sounds great to me." It was then that he he got up and said, "Mind if I shower..I was hurrying to come pick you up and didn’t take one at the headquarters like I usually do." He walked toward the shower and stripped out of the tee shirt and cutt wonder that basket looked so good. He had a wonderful back and butt..firm and shapely. The he turned around and I saw a nice big soft cock nestled in soft thick reddish fur. He got into the shower and I finished up and plopped on the bed with a pillow leaning against the headboard. He came out asked to use my brush and finished up his hair then walked over and flopped down beside me and propped up on a pillow. Then he caught me completely off-guard when he said, "Which one of us is going to move his leg over so the the other one can rub it and get this going?"..then laughed loudly. " I was totally shocked and said, " I did it first last time, your turn" and we both laughed. With that, he moved his leg over and flopped it across my leg and I thought, "Slap yourself, Dave..this wet dream and gotta end soon." I placed my hand softly on his thigh and began massaging it and he said, " How bad did ya wanna do this in my truck?" I gulped and said, " I would given head to the gearshift lever to get a feel of these legs." He laughed and said.."Saw ya looking at my legs and crotch..shifted a little to give ya better show." By then, the thick soft cock had grown to a size guaranteed to get a few gags outta me when I get I decided that my hand around that slab and my lips on it would be great idea and his hand softly holding the back of my head and helping me practice the occasional gag with a deep thrust from his hips. I, of course, was letting my hand stray to his balls and below and was occasionally brushing his pucker with a finger and by the way he was progressively spreading his thighs..I figured it would be okay to take a finger dive into his honey pit and from the humps and little diver had found his prostate gland and was circling the globe in search of a landing site. From the internal contractions, I sensed that Barry was about three circles from giving me a milk back in my I slowed down and decided that nursing those pecs and nipples would be a wonderful way to pass some time. Then Barry said, "Dave am I going to have to ask you to fuck me or are ya gonna do it on your own." "My reply was.."Twist my arm." He put his big hand softly on my arm and pretended to twist. Then he said, "Is that hard enough?" and I replied," Not near as hard my aching dick." He got out of bed and reached into his cutoffs and fished out a condom and asked if I had any lube. I told him to look in my suitcase and he brought over the lube and the condom and applied both to my aching dick and some to his pucker and then lay back..put a pillow under his butt. I crawled between those great legs and he put them over my shoulders and I felt him take my rain-coated dick and direct it to the right place. A couple of quick pushes and I was able to let my dickhead bump his prostate gland softly and rhythmically and quickly he began internal contractions and would move his head first to one side then the other with his eyes closed. He wasn’t an official moaner but he was more of a sigher--little soft sighs as his climax neared. I was kissing the insides of his knees as he was getting close and soon I felt him clamp down hard inside and he let out a good load onto his tummy between us and my load got to erupt inside the condom deep within him. We both fell back exhausted and after a rest period we chatted. Barry revealed that he and the mechanic were secret lovers and had been so since they were teenagers and that the mechanic was married with three kids. He said they had done the fishing and hunting thing for years..anytime they could get some alone time and that some days he would get so horny, he would go to the shop after hours and they would fuck in car seats or on the floor or wherever they could before the mechanic had to go home. Barry stayed the night and in the we hours of the morning, I discovered the joys of playing "ride em cowboy" as I moaned astride Barry. The next day, we drove over to the garage and the mechanic had my car repaired. I was very thankful and told him so. He looked at Barry and Barry looked at him then said to me, "Dave, your car part could be delayed another day and you might have to invite me and Larry to your room tonight." I grinned and said, "Damned car computers..hard to get parts delivered on time these days." Oh my aching butt--horny bastards!


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