Gay Erotic Stories


by Motn007

Mark and I had been friends for years. But when he and his partner Michael started having problems, it was Michael who spent many hours online and on the phone with me talking. Although we never met face-to-face, after 2 or 3 long talks on the phone Michael and I became the best of friends. One morning Michael called me to say that Mark finally left him for good…for a different job in a different state. I dropped everything and went to be with him. By 8 p.m. that same night, there I was, standing in his doorway, hugging him tightly. “I am so glad you’re here,” Michael breathed into my ear. “Please, please stay here tonight.” “I’m not going anywhere, babe,” I replied, hugging him closer. It was obvious to me that Michael was in no shape to be left alone. After dinner and a game of cards, Michael excused himself to go and take a shower. When he came out of the bathroom, he had on gray sweats and white socks. No shirt. He walked toward me and grinned, “It’s all yours.” Really? I thought naughtily to myself, smiling. He really was a beautiful man. I looked at his arms, his stomach and god…his chest, lightly furred and muscular. “You’ve got something on your chest,” I said, pointing. “Where?” he asked frowning and looking down. I stood up to face him and used my finger to wipe it off. “Toothpaste,” I said. When I touched his chest he reached and grabbed my hand. For a brief second, I thought maybe I had gone too far. But he took my hand and placed it over his heart, pressing it there. I could feel it beating rapidly. I looked into his eyes. I could see the loneliness and the need that lived in those eyes. With Mark and he being “distant” for so long, I knew how lonely Michael truly was. I leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. A single tear ran down from his eye. I kissed that away as well. “Richard…” he whispered. “Shhh,” I answered, and kissed him again on the lips. This time, he kissed me back. His hands tentatively traveled up my arms. As he touched the back of my neck he kissed me deeply. His caresses were almost overwhelming. I brushed my palms gently over his nipples and ran trembling fingers through the hair on his chest. Again, he hugged tightly. Except this time, we pressed our bodies so closely together I could feel his heat. Using my hand I reached down and softly stroked him through his sweats. I could hear the breath catch in his throat as I touched him. “Richard, don’t stop,” Michael begged. “Never,” I responded. Slowly, I kissed a path along his ear, down his neck, down his chest, while working my fingers up underneath the waistband of his sweats. Slowly I pulled his sweats down, all the while kissing his stomach, his hips, and the front of his thighs. With his sweats down around his ankles, I helped him step out of them. Then without warning, I took his fully erect cock into my mouth, deep-throating him as much as possible. God he was hard, hard and thick and beautiful. How could Mark not want this? As I swirled my tongue slowly around that perfect head, I gently caressed his balls. Above me, I could hear Michael softly whispering my name. He threaded his fingers through my short, wavy hair, encouraging my ministrations. I continued licking and sucking not wanting to miss a single square millimeter of his beautiful body. Standing, I kissed him again and made him turn around and face away from me. I began to kiss his shoulder blades and follow his backbone slowly down to his perfect ass. Steadying himself, Michael bent slightly forward. I ran my tongue along the back of his balls, slowly along that area behind his sack. Before long, Michael was bent completely forward while I hungrily rimmed him using my tongue to gently fuck him. I could feel his body tremble as I smoothly slipped a finger inside. His gasps and moans were my reward. Michael finally pulled away and stood, turned, and faced me. “Follow me,” he said with a completely disheveled look on his face. He took me by the hand and led me back to his bedroom. Once inside, he softly closed the door. He turned to face me. Suddenly it was as if he were a mad man. He covered my face and neck with kisses while his hands worked frantically to release me from my jeans. Within seconds, he was on his knees before me giving me the most erotic blowjob I have ever experienced. As his mouth engulfed me in a hot moist grip, his fingers trailed up and down the backs of my thighs. I was almost insane with want. I frantically combed his hair with my fingers while he sucked on me, teasing me to the very brink. Finally, I stopped him and whispered, “Michael, stand up.” He stood and looked into my eyes. “Baby,” I whispered, “tell me what you want.” “I need you inside me NOW,” was Michael’s fevered reply. He stepped to the bed and laid down on it, pulling me down on top of him. As I kissed him, he reached over to the nearby drawer for lube and handed it to me. “Now,” he repeated. I must have looked like a ravenous animal because I certainly felt like one. As for Michael, he had a crazed lustful look in his eyes I will never forget. I spread lube over both of us and hovered over him teasing him with my cock. Lifting his legs and resting them on my shoulders, Michael pulled me down closer to him. I reached down between us and stroked him slowly and firmly as I looked into his intense eyes. “Richard…” he begged. Finally, I positioned my cock at his entrance and leaned into him. I could feel his body opening up to me. He pushed up, as if to beg for me to be inside. Slowly, I eased into him. He gasped and I entered him. I knew it had been a long time for him, but he showed no signs of pain as I sank completely inside of him. God, he was so tight. For a brief moment, I remained motionless inside of him, allowing him to adjust. He held me tight, slightly trembling. I kissed his eyes and smiled down at him. Michael reached up and touched my face. Slowly, I began to move. As I gently thrust inside of him I could feel his body tighten with the intense pleasure we shared. Again and again my hard cock plunged deep inside of him stroking his insides with an ever-increasing tempo. “Oh, God, Richard, I’m going to cum…” Michael hissed. “Let it go, baby,” I replied, my voice sounding a bit jagged. Almost as soon as these words escaped my mouth, I could feel the warm pulse of his cum against my stomach. I could feel his body spasm around my cock as I continued to pound inside of him. Michael’s orgasm seemed to linger and linger as he zealously thrusts his hips up to meet me, increasing my already deep penetration. “Shit..oh…Michael…yeah….” I stammered as could feel my climax approaching. When I finally met my own orgasm, I pushed deep inside of him. My whole body seemed electrified at this insane pinnacle. Michael’s legs were wrapped tight around me, his hips raised and I swear I was deeper inside of him than I have ever been with anyone EVER. I nearly wept with joy at this intense and intimate connection with my best friend. For several minutes we lay there in each other’s arms trying to catch our breaths and slow our frantically beating hearts. Finally, Michael spoke. “Richard, I’ve needed this for so long.” “I know,” I responded. After a bit of silence I added, “I’ve always wanted you, Michael.” Although not looking at his face, I could almost see him smile. So many words that needed to be spoken remained; but as we lay there together, intertwined and exhausted, our silence spoke volumes.


15 Gay Erotic Stories from Motn007

After The Game

After forty-five minutes of one-on-one basketball with my colleague, Andrew, we headed back to my place to shower and get ready for a late lunch. I poured us each an orange juice in the kitchen. While he drank his down, I stripped off my sweaty shirt and threw it into the nearby washer. Andrew stood there drinking his juice staring at me idly. He had a look on his face like he

Clean Up Day

Clean Up Day By motn007 There were five of us that were scheduled to meet backstage on Saturday. We were going to clean out the storage room behind the college's theatre stage, paint it, and organize it. It was no surprise to me when three didn't show. Michael, however, showed up on time. Looking puffy from just waking up, his curly dark hair stood up in places and his shirt was


I'd like to dedicate this to my new friend Raymond, for encouraging me to write this story and to William for letting me write this account of him honestly and frankly. … His name is William. From the instant we met back in October 2001 we became best friends. Countless evenings we went to movies, cooked each other dinner, bowled, and did whatever else best friends do. It wasn't

E-Mail To My Lover

While you are away on your trip I want you to know what is going on here. In the morning, I awake without you, missing you. I spend my day at work missing you. I come home to an empty home and eat my dinner alone, missing you. But when I go to bed you are there. As I lie in bed, thinking about you, I can feel you beside me. I can feel your smile as you kiss my neck. I reach down

Fellow Campers

Fellow Campers By motn007 It was the weekend after the July 4th holiday. A group of us guys met at the little breakfast shop just one mile from the St. Louis Airport like we did every year for the past 15 years. We have been buddies since college. Some of us have been married, divorced, and /or have had children. But despite these lifetime achievements, tragedies, whatever you want


Title: Grateful Author: motn007 I am a Lead Professor at a very well known school. My duties are numerous and ongoing. I provide counseling to the students and to the professors. I design the curriculum and provide tours. Even at dinnertime I must often stand and speak. It is only after dinner that I finally have a chance to be alone. Alone in my quarters, I sit behind my great

Ivy League Picnic

Ivy League Picnic By Motn007 My first week as Professor at the ivy-league school was stressful. I had finally gotten the opportunity to teach the theory of "True Theatrical Spirit”, as I like to call it. Despite my excitement at my first post, I was nervous as I introduced myself for the first time to my students. My appointed graduate assistant, much to my surprise, was 30 years


Mark and I had been friends for years. But when he and his partner Michael started having problems, it was Michael who spent many hours online and on the phone with me talking. Although we never met face-to-face, after 2 or 3 long talks on the phone Michael and I became the best of friends. One morning Michael called me to say that Mark finally left him for good…for a different

The Backrub

I walked through the front door later than usual that evening, set down my briefcase, slipped off my shoes and walked quietly into the living room. Seeing Michael’s car, I knew he had beaten me home. When I entered the living room, I found him sprawled out on the couch looking tired and stressed. He was watching the TV with a vacant look in his eyes. I knew that look all too well.

The Interruption

The Interruption By Motn007 What amazes me the most is that he has the nerve to interrupt my work. I was sitting in my office reviewing my notes for tomorrow's class. Sunday mornings are always quiet and normally uninterrupted…but not today. He doesn't even knock. He just walks in, turns a chair backwards and plops down in it, straddling it. He sticks his long legs out, perches

The Perfect Stage

The Perfect Stage By motn007 With theatre season starting, I had been looking for a good site to hold outdoor rehearsals for our feature play, "Macbeth". Although it had been done hundreds of times, I felt if it were rehearsed outdoors, in an appropriate setting, the rehearsals would mean more to the troupe. The college was surrounded by wooded areas and, after asking around, a

The Shower

[Dedicated to my good friend Thor, who spurs imagination, ignites creativity, gives hope and guidance, compassion and comfort. Thor, this one is for you.] .. Standing up from the recliner, Richard let his book and blanket drop and stretched. As he raised his arms above his head, his body seemed to double in length. ~Damn! Thought Jayson as he sat watching him. Richard stood

The Teachers

Brad and I stood facing one another, scowling at one another for the third time today. We had been working out a curriculum for a class we were co-teaching (or trying to work one out) and had hit numerous roadblocks. Our teaching styles were different and neither of us had any trouble voicing our opinions to the other. “Look Bradley, we’re both tired,” I said, the frustration showing

Walk at Dawn

It was 5 a.m. and I was walking in the woods with Michael. I shook my head in wonder as he bounced ahead of me. Michael, who had woken me out of a sound sleep, trudged through the woods ahead of me, looking back occasionally to see if I was keeping up. "I'm here, Michael," I said twice. I must be out of my mind for coming out here in these damned woods with him at 5 a.m. But his

Welcome Home

He trudged into the apartment hauling his duffle and his laptop. Dropping them noisily on the floor, I heard him sigh. "Welcome home," I called to him from the kitchen. "Mmmm," he responded. He disappeared into the back room and soon I heard the shower running. Michael had been gone on a business trip. After four long days, he had finally returned. I missed him. While he

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