Gay Erotic Stories

Naked At The Office

by Christopher Kelly

Marcus was always a closet "exhibitionist." Although he was too shy to ever be seen naked in public, he did enjoy disrobing and jerking off in some public places, while fantasizing about some hot guy. Usually, his escapades were tame, like getting completely naked in a department store dressing room and jerking off. Getting naked in his car while driving along a deserted road, usually stopping somewhere to run around naked. For some reason, the thought of making it with a cute guy turned him on, but the chance of jerking off in public always excited him too. One morning, while sitting behind his desk at the office, Marcus was introduced to Foy, the new editor in the office. Foy was beyond cute; he was Marcus' dream come true. Beautiful green eyes, a tall, athletic frame, and a body that Marcus could only imagine. Trying his best to remain cool, Marcus kept Foy in his office as long as possible, trying to see if there was a chance the god could be gay. Unfortunately, it appeared to Marcus that Foy was hopelessly straight. As Foy walked out of the office, Marcus couldn't help but to notice how nicely Foy's butt filled out the khakis he was wearing. "Slacking off again, huh Marcus," came the voice from the other side of the office. "If you actually stopped talking and did some work, we wouldn't be so far behind," clamored the voice. It was Ed, Marcus's office mate. Ed was the office cynic and always had something to complain about. Although the two had shared an office for more than six months, Ed was never more than anything but civil to Marcus. To Ed, Marcus seemed to always get the praise and attention from management. Marcus was the better looking of the two and always had the women flirting with him. Marcus was always the "Mr. Perfect" who could do no wrong. And you could bet that if Marcus ever did anything wrong, Ed was there to make sure the whole office found out about it. That's how the rumor that Marcus was gay began in the office. While no one was exactly sure, as Marcus was not public about his interest in men, the question was still at the back of everyone's mind. Several days had passed, with Marcus initiating more than his share of token conversations with Foy. As the noon hour approached, he decided to head out for lunch. As luck would have it, he spotted Foy getting on the elevator and Marcus decided to find out more about this god, and asked him to lunch. Foy was cordial on the way down the elevator, but couldn't go to lunch, because he was heading to the gym. He told Marcus that he liked to go every day at lunch, because this was the most convenient. The thought of seeing Foy strip down into his workout clothes caused more than a serious reaction in Marcus's boxers. Instead of going to lunch, Marcus decided to go into the deserted portion of the office parking deck. Making sure the coast was clear, Marcus slowly slipped down his Dockers and worked his cock into an eruption frenzy. Later that day, as the 5:30 hour approached, Marcus had put in a full days work and had even endured more than his fair share of snide remarks from Ed. He turned off his computer and headed out of the office. But today, he decided to take the long way out . . . the one that lead by Foy's office. Foy had already left for the day, but Marcus noticed Foy's gym bag resting on the floor on the other side of the office. As he was standing there, Ed walked by with another of his cynical comments about Marcus's "conjugal" visits to everyone in the office. Given that it was Ed, Marcus did not want to attract any suspicions about his desire for Foy, so he walked right by Foy's office and left for the day. Over the next few days, Marcus repeated his trips. Each day, he noticed that Foy left his gym bag in the office at night. Finally, Marcus became a little brave and decided to open Foy's bag. Because the bag was next to Foy's files, Marcus had a decent alibi in case someone walked in on him. He unzipped the bag and was immediately excited about the contents. Foy's damp clothes from that day's workout were left in one side pocket. Included in the pile were a couple of well-worn jock straps. As Marcus continued to rummage through the clothes, he could feel the restraint his own boxers were having on his growing cock. However, Marcus's fantasy was abruptly halted when he heard Ed's voice down the hall, and it was coming closer to Foy's office. Marcus quickly zipped the bag, but became a bit flustered as a tent AND the growing wet spot at the front of his pants was very noticeable and he knew Ed would have a field day if he spied his pants. Marcus grabbed a couple of folders to hide his pent-up eruption and tried to leave Foy's office without a scene. Unfortunately, Ed caught up with him. Although Ed couldn't see Marcus's still present erection (one that had, in fact, grown even larger), Marcus was very uncomfortable. To be caught was one thing, but to be caught by Ed would be disastrous. Marcus managed to escape, but not after having a few more tense moments. Although he had to settle for a quick jerk-off on the ride home, his mind began racing with anticipation. He had to get hold of Foy's jock. The following week, Marcus decided to get to the office very early. Since most people did not come in until seven thirty in the morning, Marcus decided to get to the office very early for some early morning fun. Tuesday came and Marcus made it to the office around six. After taking a quick stroll through the building, to make sure no one was around, he made a beeline to Foy's office. Sure enough, the gym bag was there with a damp jock. Marcus took out the jock and began to smell. Instantly, his cock went into overdrive, zero to eight inches in 2.3 seconds! As he examined the moist garment, he noticed a couple of Foy's pubic hairs still inside. This was more than he could hope for and in a few seconds, Marcus, with cock in hand, exploded all over Foy's desk. After cleaning off the desk, Marcus looked up at the clock and noticed that it was approaching 7:00. He began to strip off his khakis when he heard someone entering the break room down the hall. Hastily, he organized himself, put the jock back in Foy's bag, and walked back to his office. All day, Marcus was on edge. Although he had had one orgasm, he needed to relieve himself again or he'd go nuts. He tried a couple of times to go into a stall in the men's room, but each time someone eventually entered the stall next to his, foiling his planned release. Even the deserted parking deck was unsafe, as the day's rainfall caused more folks to drive. The next morning, Marcus again arrived early. And again, he found Foy's back and enticing jock. This time, Marcus stripped completely naked, and before he knew it, he again was cuming all over Foy's desk. Morning after morning, Marcus repeated this process, sometimes cuming three times in one morning before getting dressed. Although he was very tired by the end of the week, it was well worth the excitement. With each passing day, the jerking off in Foy's office was getting a little duller. To add to the excitement, Marcus got a little bolder. He would put on Foy's jock and walk around the office, wearing nothing else. He eventually took his jerk-off session to the lobby, where he would be caught if someone came in to do early morning work. By the middle of the second week, Marcus was stripping naked in his own office before walking to Foy's. By week three, he'd leave the office lobby, go out into the hall, and jerk off in the elevator. Since he was the only one ever there this early, and since there was no security in the building, Marcus knew it was safe. Eventually, he was coming in around 4:45, would strip in the elevator coming up to the office suite, toss his clothes in his office, head down to Foy's office to get the jock, go back down the elevator, buck naked, and wind up jerking off in the parking deck or in the main building lobby. Many mornings, the parking lot orgasm was the second or third one of the morning for him. By this time, Marcus became rather confident (and careless), knowing that he wouldn't be caught. Since it was dark, the approaching headlights of the cars would serve as an early warning signal. As Marcus became bolder, his luck would soon run out. One morning, as luck would have it, Ed had to come to the office early to complete some last minute details on an important project. Ed never drove, but took the metro. Therefore, he always entered the building at the entrance away from the lobby and the parking deck. As he entered his and Marcus' office, he was somewhat dumbfounded to see Marcus' clothes lying on the desk. "What's going on," he thought? "Is Marcus having an affair with someone here?" Just about that time, Ed heard Marcus entering the front of the office suite. Ed quickly grabbed his briefcase and ran into the office next door. He hid behind the door and watched Marcus enter the building, stark naked, with a jock strap to his nose and a fading erection in his other hand. He watched Marcus go into their office, and in a few minutes, Marcus was fully clothed and headed down the hall. Ed watched Marcus go into Foy's office with the jock and leave empty-handed. Suddenly, everything became clear to Ed. This was why Marcus looked so tired by lunchtime. This was why he would call Foy on the phone so often. "This is too good to be true!" thought Ed. Instantly, he began plotting his revenge. Ed cautiously staked out the building the next morning, bringing his video camera and Polaroid in hand. He arrived around 5:30, but Marcus' car was already there. "Damn," he thought, as he knew he couldn't chance alerting Marcus. But to his surprise, Marcus walked out of the building, jock in one hand cock in the other, jerking off in the early morning hours. Ed turned on the video camera and began capturing the final moments of Marcus' morning ritual. The next morning, Ed arrived at 5:00, but again Marcus's car was there. He waited outside and again caught Marcus in all of his naked splendor. The next morning, Ed arrived shortly before Marcus. He positioned himself behind a slightly ajar office closet door, with video camera running. He rented a couple of other cameras and placed one in his and Marcus' office and the other in Foy's. He sat quietly, waiting patiently for his prey to arrive. Trap set! Shortly after 4:45, Marcus got off the elevator, removing his boxers before entering the office suite. He tossed the clothes in his and Ed's office and headed down to Foy's office. In a few moments, he came back down the hall, carrying the jock strap. As Ed's luck would have it, Marcus reached his climax in the hall, right in view of the video camera. It took everything Ed had not to jump out of the closet in fits of laughter, but he had something better in mind for Marcus! After a couple of mornings, Ed got the drill down pat. He figured out Marcus' timing and put his master plan in place. That Wednesday, Ed arrived at the office a little early. He closed all of the doors of every empty office, except for the one to the big meeting room. Fortunately for Ed, all of the office doors locked when you closed them, so only the office owners could open them. He removed any excess coat or garment from the office closets and lobby and hid them in a vacant office down the hall. Stage one of his plan was set. Around 4:45, Marcus went about his usual regimen. He stripped in the elevator, tossed his clothes in his and Ed's office, and headed out to his adventurous jerk-off session. As the elevator closed with a naked Marcus in tow, Ed quickly grabbed all of Marcus's clothes. He his them inside his filing cabinet and locked the drawers. He then rushed to Foy's office and hid the gym bag so Marcus could not take refuge in Foy's clothing. As the 5:30 hour approached, Ed hid back inside the closet. When Marcus came back inside the office suite, carrying the jock and the last vestige of his de-hardening erection, Ed watched him enter their office. In a matter of seconds, Marcus was out of his office, hurrying down the hall to Foy's office, dropping Foy's jockstrap in the hall along the way. Once again, this was perfect for Ed. He scurried out of the closet, grabbed the jock, and rushed out of the office suite door. Marcus was in a panic. What had happened to his clothes? After seeing his empty office, Marcus almost lost it! "Oh my god!" he thought as he rushed down to Foy's. Maybe I left them in there. To his dismay, neither the clothes nor Foy's gym bag were anywhere in sight. It was 5:45 and he was naked! He had to react quickly. He knew he had time to leave before anyone made it to the office. He would grab one of those over-coats that always seemed to be in the front coat closet and rush home. NO problem! As he got to the front desk and opened the door, he was stunned to see nothing but empty hangers. "Well," he thought. "I'll slip on Foy's jockstrap and rush home. That will at least be modest protection in case I get caught." But as he made it back to his office, the jock was gone. "What the hell . . . " he thought to himself, as he instantly knew that someone was on to him. Panic time. He didn't care if someone in the street saw him! He had to leave the office. But as he was about to rush out of the front doors, he heard someone getting off the elevator. He recognized the voice. Of all the people to catch him, it would be Ed. Two choices immediately came to mind! Ask Ed to help him . . . or hide and try and leave without Ed noticing. Given Ed's personality, Marcus chose to hide. Unfortunately, there was no where in the lobby to hide. He couldn't go to his office, because Ed would head there first. He tried door after door, but the only one that would open was the door to the conference room. "Instant refuge" thought Marcus. As he hid inside the room, he heard Ed's voice continue. Lights were coming on inside the office. "Oh god!" thought Marcus. "I'm in deep shit!" Well time for plan B. He knew Ed didn't like him, but certainly Ed would help him out of this mess. As he was trying to decide what to tell Ed, he heard other voices. There was Carl. That one was Mark's. There was Susan, Beth, Tommy . . . Christ!--his whole department was there at the building at 6:00 AM! What was he going to do? Things went from bad to worse, as he heard the voices getting closer--they were heading for the conference room! "I think we should have it in here . . . the conference room" was the last thing he needed to hear. Fortunately for him, there was a protective closet where the video screen was housed. In the 18 months Marcus had been with the company, the screen had only been used twice. He scampered into the closet, pulling the door closed just before the light in the room was turned on. In walked his entire department with a banner saying "Congratulations Marcus." They were busying with refreshments, snacks etc, planning to celebrate the company's success with the Labrador account--the very big account Marcus had won for the company. Marcus looked around the tightly enclosed closet, but there was not a single thing to wrap around his naked body. And what was worse, his dick once again began to grow. To find him naked was one thing, but to find him naked with an erection was too much. His only hope was that no one would think to look for him in here. He could wait out the day and tomorrow if he had to, he could tell everyone he was sick. But as he looked between the slightly cracked door, he saw Ed. Ed was wearing his discarded shirt and looking at the door with a shit-eating grin on his face. Instantly, Marcus knew it was a setup. That son-of-a-bitch Ed had set him up. But what does he have in mind? With a heavy sigh, Marcus gave in to the inevitable. If Ed went this far, Marcus knew that his whole department would see him naked--and soon! The best he could do was to make up a story. And he knew what to say. . That he was called to come to the office early, and as he was leaving his car, someone came up to him, made him enter the building, robbed him and made him strip. Since Ed had called the meeting, he could blame the whole thing on Ed. No problem, except for his nakedness and the throbbing erection he now had. Marcus listened very carefully through the doors, trying to figure out what Ed was up to. He heard Ed make some sort of comment about waiting a few more minutes for the others to arrive, and of course, waiting for the guest of honor. Marcus figured this would give him enough time to take care of the erection problem and began to jerk his eight-inch dick. As he moved his hand up and down his throbbing dick, Marcus was not feeling embarrassment . . . but pure pleasure! Even though he was possibly about to experience the most humiliating time of his life, the hand job he was giving himself was all that he concentrated on. The faster he jerked--the greater the pleasure. Because he had shot his load three times during his morning escapade, a fourth orgasm was slow in coming. No matter how fast he jerked, Marcus remained on the edge of ejaculation. He lost track of time and all conversation outside of the office door. Just as he was about to explode, whoosh, the door to the cabinet was opened. There, to Marcus' discomfort, were 15 to 20 of his office mates, including Foy, watching him explode. Marcus tried to hide his erection, but eight inches is a tough thing to hide! As his co-workers gasped in surprise, Marcus made it to the banner, yanked it off the wall, and wrapped it around himself. Maybe he was lucky. This orgasm was small, so maybe folks didn't see the cum shooting from his poorly hidden cock. For a moment, Marcus thought he could salvage a little dignity with his quickly concocted story and Ed would look like the bad guy,--closet. But as he opened his mouth to explain, the split video screen crackled into life with three different VCR's showing the details of Marcus' morning escapades. Marcus was ruined! Office mates fled the conference room in disgust, gasping at his shameful antics. Marcus didn't even notice that the banner had once again slipped from his waist and he was now giving the remaining onlookers a full shot of his ass and only barely covering the shaft of his softened dick. He grabbed the tapes from the VCRs and rushed out of the room in haste. He made it to his car, jumped in, and drove in panic and despair back to his house. He sat in the dark for the rest of the afternoon, wondering about his future and what would happen at the office. Marcus knew he would never have the respect of his office peers, would probably loose his job, and would either get the shit kicked out of him by Foy or, even worse, never see him again. Maybe he could transfer to another department or to another office in the company. Maybe something could be salvaged. Marcus went to the office that night, timing the evening when everyone else would be gone for the day. To his further dismay, he found that Ed had E-Mailed copies of the Polaroid's to everyone in the office, from Marcus's PC-- of course! He had photo copied several of the frames from the video and posted them throughout the office neighborhood, and even left a reference to all the gay internet sites he had sent the movie to. In his mailbox was a letter from his boss, requesting an urgent meeting to discuss some alleged actions and rumors. For Marcus, he knew he could never work at the office again. He walked to the copy room and grabbed a box to put his stuff in. Again, he saw several copies of his naked body on discarded copies in the copy room trash. Marcus went back to his office and began to pack. Nothing could make him feel better and nothing could shock him more than the events of the day. His life was ruined. He slowly grabbed the last of his belongings; finally opening the bottom drawer of his seldom used storage cabinet. To his shock, there was a damp jock strap with a note from Foy. "We need to meet and at least talk, . . but until then, I hope this gets you through this rough period . . ." This is a true story. If you've had similar experiences of "getting caught with your pants down," so to speak, drop me a line


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Christopher Kelly

Naked At The Office

Marcus was always a closet "exhibitionist." Although he was too shy to ever be seen naked in public, he did enjoy disrobing and jerking off in some public places, while fantasizing about some hot guy. Usually, his escapades were tame, like getting completely naked in a department store dressing room and jerking off. Getting naked in his car while driving along a deserted road,


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