Gay Erotic Stories

My First Love

by Joe Borgman

The first day I showed up at college, I didn’t arrive as a virgin, but I arrived as a young man who had never been in love. My sexual experience up until that period had been confined to my brother-in-law who was ten years older than me and had introduced me to the pleasures of man-to-man sex. I had mixed feelings about leaving home and going away to school. Part of me wanted to stay home and continue the sexual relationship I had started three years earlier and continued throughout high school, but another part of me wanted to go out into the world and experience new things and new places. Because I was a good student and had been offered several college opportunities, I could choose the college I would attend. I chose to attend an Ivy League college in the northeast. I was both excited and scared at the same time.... new part of the country and a new life experience was combined into both. As fate would have it for me, my roommate ended up being Steve. Steve was my opposite. He came from a wealthy old-money family and I came from common working stock. He was out-going and friendly.... "Mr. Party" and I was shy and had almost no friends. "Mr. Books". He would run around in our room and in the hallways of the dormitory in his boxers or occasionally butt-naked. I was always clothed and would go to the shower in a robe and return in one. He rushed a fraternity and enjoyed the heavy drinking and girls and I stayed in the room studying or was at the library. If I did anything but study, it would be to attend a free film on campus (some sort of artsy foreign film with subtitles). If there were ever two opposites, we were that. I thought Steve was the handsomest and sexiest guy on earth. I was tall and sort of thin. He was shorter than me and muscular. He had wonderful body hair and I was smooth as a baby's butt. I got plenty of opportunities to see him naked and several times got to see him hard in the mornings when he had the covers kicked off. I had my share of fantasies about him and adjusting to getting no sex for weeks while in high school, my brother-in-law and I always arranged some alone-time at least weekly had me horny but I had no one...just my fantasies about Steve. Steve was the type of guy who always had a girlfriend and would openly talk about his latest conquest. He would joke with me about setting me up with an ex or some girlfriend of his latest girl. I always begged off and explained that I needed to study and had no spare money. Part of my school expenses were paid by scholarship and part were paid by 'work-study"...sort of made-up jobs on campus for students like me without parental support. My job was cleaning laboratory glassware and such in the biology labs. Steve had plenty of money and a car and was easy and fun for him. I had to watch every penny and my brother-in-law would send me some cash occasionally as he could spare it. One night Steve staggered into our room after he had been out drinking at the frat house. I had already gone to bed and the lights were out. I knew his pattern and after he staggered down the hall to the toilets, he returned to our darkened room and I heard him fall into his bed and the usual pattern was he would soon be snoring lightly if he had been drinking. I usually pretended to be asleep because he would drunkenly tell me about the latest girl's tits or such and most of it bored me. Instead of beginning snoring, I heard the sounds of Steve jerking off. I got an instant boner and managed to get a little low-light peek at him stroking his meat. He had his boxers around his ankles and was giving his cock a good stroking. I heard him moan softly and then he shot off...pulled up his boxers, rolled over and went to sleep. The next morning after his shower, he began telling me about the girl at the party who had gotten him hot, but wouldn’t put out and had left him horny. Then he asked me if I ever jerked-off. I was totally embarrassed and mumbled something about ...not often and changed the subject before leaving for class. Yes...I did jerk-off but very discretely. I really don’t think Steve was openly flirting with me but he would rub his cock in his boxers as we talked and I had seen him do that when other guys were in our room so I never took it as any sort of invitation. Some guys just do that without knowing they are. Sometimes he would stand behind me at my desk and would put his hand on my shoulder. I never felt it was a come-on...just a friendly guy. Everybody liked Steve. He had lots of friends. In fact, he had so many friends, I had learned to escape to the library to study unless it was a big party night and nobody would be around our room. Over the weeks, I began to have strong feelings for Steve even though any chance of ever having any relationship with a straight guy was out of the question. I don’t think Steve suspected I liked men and he assumed I was just a bookworm and not social because he would offer to set me up with girls. The first physical contact with Steve was the night he came in drinking and asked me if I had any painkillers because his back was hurting. I didn’t have anything...rarely had any pain. He eased himself onto his bed tummy-down and asked me if I would mind rubbing his back for him. I said, "Sure, Steve" but was nervous as a cat. I sat on the edge of his bed and began at his shoulders. Feeling his warm skin and the muscles and having my leg touching his leg, I popped a throbbing boner. I worked my way down his back until I was massaging his lower back. He would mumble occasionally how great it felt and how soft my hands were. He lifted up his hips and told me to slide down his boxers and rub the lowest part. I obeyed and in less than three rubs, I messed up my shorts. I excused myself and told him I had to go to the toilet. When I got back, he had fallen asleep and the boxers were still mostly off his butt. I pulled his covers up over him and went to bed. I knew he had been drinking and probably would remember little if any of his backrub. The next morning, he commented, "Joe you give a great backrub and you have great hands." I turned beet red and left for class. Well, I wasn’t objecting at all but the requests for backrubs came more often after that. One night after the biggest and longest parties on campus at the frat houses, he requested a back rub and he ended up flipping over to his back and I got to see a nice big tent in his boxers. It was all I could do to not give it a rub also, but I resisted. I was really having strong feelings for him...not so much because I wanted to have sex with him but more because I liked him so much.... my opposite...guess he fascinated me. When plans for the Thanksgiving break started getting discussed, he asked me what I planned. I explained that I would probably just stay around school since coughing up the money for a bus ticket would be difficult. They made it available for students like me and the foreign students to stay around and get meals etc. That night, he was getting his now nightly backrub, which seemed to last at least an hour and the boxers were always down around his thighs. It had become sort of our nightly thing to do and we would talk while he got massaged. He said, "Joe, why don’t you come home with me over the holidays?" I begged off saying I had lots of studying to do and besides that he needed to be with his family and so on. He finally said, "Joe, I will miss you...please come home with me." He was so soft and tender in saying it and he was always sort of joking and playful about things...that was a switch. I finally agreed to think about it. I didn’t sleep well that night and I tossed it around. First, I didn’t have nice clothes like Steve and secondly, I knew his family was rich...he had come to the school after attending a private high school etc. And besides all that I was scared to death. The next evening I was sitting at my desk studying and he bounced into the room and came up behind me and said, "Well, Roomie (he always called me Roomie when he was playful)...what do ya think...gonna come home with me for the holidays?" I had my reply all thought out and rehearsed. I opened my mouth to say it and the words fell out of my mouth, "Sure Steve." He leaned over and hugged my shoulders from behind and said, "That's great." and left the room. I sat there dumbfounded..."Why did my mouth say, Yes." Riding along in his car to his house, I was mortified with fear. A million thoughts running through my head all at once. I met his parents and they had Steve's same outgoing, warm nature and his little sister who was also a very outgoing person. They made me feel at home. He had told them in advance about me and his Dad loved telling us about how his Dad had made him send himself through college even though he could have financed it easily and ended up telling me, "Son, you wont regret doing it yourself.... ought made Steve do it, also." Since we arrived late and dinner was late, we went upstairs to Steve's room. He went to his private bath and showered and came out butt-naked (his usual pattern) and turned the shower over to me. I undressed in the shower and came out in my towel (I had forgotten my robe in my nervousness) and when I walked back into Steve's room, he was still naked...propped up on the bed on pillows. I was really nervous about him seeing me almost naked. He looked at me and smiled and said, "Damn nice body, Roomie...ought to show it off occasionally." I turned beet red and he realized he had embarrassed me and apologized. He flipped the covers back on his bed and patted the vacant side and said, "Don’t be a cover hog." I had slipped on my underwear and crawled in when he turned out the light. I was hoping and dreading his saying the usual, "Wanna rub my back for me, Roomie?" I heard him say those words and realized there were no boxers on Steve and I was naked except for my underwear. I reached over in the almost darkness and began the massage. This time his legs was fully touching mine and my hands were roaming freely...more than usual and I heard him say, "Lemme do your back for a change." I lay on my tummy and he told me to raise my hips and in a heartbeat, my underwear was tossed onto the floor and I felt his hands massaging my back and then my butt and legs. He was concentrating on my butt and crack when I warned him nervously, "Steve, ya better stop." and he replied, "Why, don’t you like this?" I replied, "I am going to mess up your sheets." He said, "They'll wash, Roomie and it was then I felt him slide a finger inside me and I erupted almost immediately. I was very embarrassed. He moved up beside me and softly whispered, "Do what you have been wanting for a long time." I obeyed. No part of Steve was not kissed over and over again. He was very gentle as he pushed my legs up to my shoulders and entered me. It has been months and I didn’t last long before cumming. He didn’t last very long either. As we lay quietly in his bed, I explained about my two and half years having sex with my brother-in-law and told him he was the second guy I had had sex with. He revealed that he had been with several guys in private boarding school and that he had been wanting it to happen between us for a long time. I stayed in love with Steve for a long time. Steve went on to eventually get engaged to the "right kind of girl" our Senior year and married her that summer and I went through all the pain and such of learning about life. To Steve, I was his Roomie who had sex with him and to me I was in love. Joe Borgman


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Joe Borgman

My Brother-in Law

There is ten years difference between my age and my older sister's age. She got married when she was 25 and I was only 15. I always looked up to my brother-in-law, Ray. I really liked him and tried to imitate him in many ways. He is a very masculine man...likes the usual man-type things and would include me in as many of the thing as he could. He was the first adult male I ever saw

My First Love

The first day I showed up at college, I didn’t arrive as a virgin, but I arrived as a young man who had never been in love. My sexual experience up until that period had been confined to my brother-in-law who was ten years older than me and had introduced me to the pleasures of man-to-man sex. I had mixed feelings about leaving home and going away to school. Part of me wanted to

The Brother

One summer, my roommate’s brother came for a visit. I had placed an ad on a bulletin board earlier looking for a roommate. A guy knocked on my door and he was basically a slob but I was desperate for the rent money, so I let him move in. He was an "okay" roommate, the usual boring straight guy who talked about fags and cocksuckers and such. I let him alone and basically ignored

The Man In the Restaurant

I rarely go out to eat, and on those rare occasions, it is always at the request of a friend or for some business purpose. It was a combination of things: I was not in the mood to cook; I didn’t feel like getting a take-out; I wanted a hot meal. I went to a restaurant and was seated. After a length of time of adjusting to the lighting and getting settled, I noticed a group of

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